222 research outputs found

    Economia ambiental, ecológica e valoração dos serviços ambientais: uma revisão mais que necessária

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    Estudos capazes de explicar, mesmo que de forma resumida, o surgimento histórico das correntesteóricas que dialogam com o meio ambiente dentro das Ciências Econômicas, assim como as principais técnicasde valoração dos serviços ambientais sempre são importantes, principalmente no momento atual em que essatemática está nas manchetes de jornais e revistas. Pensando nisso, propôs-se esse artigo, que objetiva caracterizare explanar, de maneira didática, o surgimento das duas principais áreas das Ciências Econômicas que estudam asrelações com a natureza sob um viés conservacionista: a Economia Ecológica e a Economia Ambiental. Ametodologia escolhida foi o estudo teórico e bibliográfico. Como resultado, além da explanação histórica deambas, foram apresentados os métodos e técnicas de cálculo das externalidades da natureza, as chamadasmetodologias de valoração ambiental, com destaque para as mais popularmente utilizadas: Método do Custo deViagem; Método dos Preços Hedônicos; Valor de Propriedade (com maior ênfase para a Metodologia deCostanza et al. (1997); Disposição a Aceitar pela Perda de Funções Ambientais e o Método de AvaliaçãoContingencial (MAC). Como conclusão, é possível afirmar que trabalhos teóricos de valoração ambiental sãoainda recentes na área acadêmica. Tendo em vista o seu baixo custo de aplicação prática e a capacidade deproduzir resultados aceitáveis, essas técnicas podem apresentar vantagens monetárias significativas em relação aoutras metodologias. Portanto, popularizar seu uso como ferramenta científica confiável pode ser umaimportante contribuição para a conservação da natureza

    The perspective of trade union leaders from the Brazilian metallurgical sector on Industry 4.0

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    Abstract: The aim of this paper is to investigate trade unionists leaders' perspective on Industry 4.0. Questionnaires and interviews were carried out. Two conclusions were pointed out: a fragmented understanding of the concept and the low participation of workers in the implementation process. Looking forward to a just transition, the improvement of either the conceptual grasp and the workers' participation are necessary

    Comparison of the nutritional status in children aged 5 to 10 years old on the Conditional Cash Transfer Programme in the States of Acre and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Introduction: In recent years, there has been a reduction in cases of malnutrition in Brazil but this has been accompanied with an increase in the overweight and obesity rates. These changes, together with others, such as changes in eating patterns and lifestyle, characterise the process of nutritional transition. Objective: We aimed to compare the prevalence of nutritional status of beneficiary children of the Bolsa Família Program (PBF) in the states of Acre and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and to analyse the changes in the anthropometric profile of these children during 5 years. Methods: This is an ecological study using secondary data from the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (SISVAN) and Bolsa Família Department of SUS (DATASUS), which assessed the nutritional status of children over 5 years and under 10 years benefiting from the PBF in the years 2011 to 2015 in the states of Acre and Rio Grande do Sul. The sample consisted of 94,865 children from Acre and 342,462 children from Rio Grande do Sul. The Body Mass Index was used to classify the nutritional status. Results: The mean prevalence of eutrophic children aged 5 to 10 years in Acre was 70.42% and was 61.28% in Rio Grande do Sul. Overweight was 13.06% in Acre and 19.48% in Rio Grande do Sul. Obesity was 5.08% in Acre and 9.36% in Rio Grande do Sul. Severe obesity was 4.02% in Acre and 6.92% in Rio Grande do Sul. Conclusion: Overweight and obesity in children benefiting from the PBF has been growing in the last 5 years, notably in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. This is possibly due to the fact that the nutritional transition is at a more advanced stage here than in Acre State. 

    Towards a Taxonomy for the Development of Older Adults Healthcare Applications

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    The world population is aging and this motivates the development of diferent software solutions focused on the older adults\u27 health. In the literature, however, there is a lack of a organization of the information used by these software. To address this gap, we present in this paper a taxonomy to support the development of software applications dealing with the older adults\u27 health. This taxonomy is composed by 87 characteristics and 21 categories that organize the information that should be handled by this kind of application. The assessment of our taxonomy was performed with a group of five TIC experts with experience in digital healthcare and two healthcare professionals that work with older adutls. From this evaluation, we improve the taxonomy according to the inter-rater agreement among the experts. As a result, our taxonomy may be used to guide the development of healthcare applications for older adults

    Fontes de contaminação microbiana da castanha-do-pará

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    A amêndoa da castanha-do-pará ou castanha-do-brasil (Bertholletia excelsa) é excelente fonte de nutrientes, em especial proteínas e selênio, destacando-se como produto nobre de exportação. As exigências sanitárias do comércio internacional tem imposto prejuízos econômicos aos extrativistas, produtores e atravessadores do produto. Com especial ênfase, por seus efeitos cancerígenos, a aflatoxina, toxina produzida principalmente por Aspergiillus flavus, tem sido nestes últimos anos, investigada com intensidade nas amêndoas da castanha-do-pará e, a detecção desta toxina, tem restringido a exportação deste produto. No entanto, vários procedimentos vêm sendo aplicados no controle da contaminação fúngica dos seus produtos. No bojo dos trabalhos conduzidos para avaliar a contaminação microbiana, detectou-se, também, bactérias de diferentes famílias, permitindo identificar as fontes de contaminação por estes microorganismos e interações que possam ter algum significado biológico até então desconhecidos, tal como o papel dos metabólitos bacterianos no controle sobre os fungos aflatoxigênicos

    Morpho-physiological responses of Bos indicus, Bos taurus and crossbred weaned heifers to seasonal variations

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    Animals kept in extensive production systems are constantly exposed to the effects of climatic aspects, which could favour thermal discomfort, decreasing productive and reproductive performances. Utilisation of Bos taurus crosses with Bos indicus animals is increasing in the tropics aimed at improving production and it is now well known how these animals respond in such environment. The objective was to characterize the morpho-physiological thermoregulation responses of weaned heifers from four different genetic groups to infer regarding the different degrees of adaptation to heat under tropical conditions Forty-eight, pasture-kept, 6-month-old, weaned heifers from four distinct genetic groups: (1) Nellore; (2) Senepol; (3) Angus x Nellore; and, (4) ¼ Brahman x ¼ Nellore x ½ Senepol (Tri-cross) were evaluated. Skin, hair coat and rectal temperatures; sweating rate; respiratory and heart rates; visual analysis of hair and hair coat colour; hair coat temperature and thickness; and length, diameter, density and number of hairs were evaluated. In addition, the temperature-humidity index, black-globe temperature and humidity index, and radiant thermal load were determined. Angus x Nellore animals presented the lowest (P=0.008) respiratory rate. Rectal temperature did differ (P=0.001) between seasons. Angus x Nellore heifers showed the greatest (P=0.001) values for the morphological measures in the evaluated months, coinciding with thermal comfort indexes above those considered comfortable for cattle.  Nellore (Bos indicus), Brahman x Nellore x Senepol, and Senepol (B. taurus) present the best adaptive traits in savanna. The utilisation of B. indicus animals or adapted breed confers desirable morphological characteristics for the tropical environment. Beef cattle kept in extensive systems are constantly exposed to the effects of the climate. In tropical and intertropical regions, the reproductive management of Bos taurus animals with B. indicus animals is an alternative for zootechnical improvement. The objective was to evaluate morphophysiological characteristics of heat adaptation of beef heifers on pasture. For this, fifty-four animals from four distinct genetic groups: (1) Nellore, (2) Senepol, (3) Angus x Nellore and (4) ¼ Brahman x ¼ Nellore x ½ Senepol (Tri-cross), with six months-old, were evaluated during the summer and autumn seasons of 2016. The morphological characteristics of the coat (length, diameter, thickness, density and number of hairs and coat color) and physiological (skin, hair and rectal temperature; sweat rate; respiratory and heart rate) were evaluated. The environment was evaluated using the temperature and humidity index, black globe temperature, humidity index and radiation thermal load. We observed that the production environment presented thermal discomfort for the animals. Thus, the animals’ rectal temperature differed between seasons. All groups studied showed some adaptive characteristic to the tropical environment. Angus x Nellore heifers had the highest values for the morphological measures in the months evaluated, coinciding with thermal comfort indexes above those considered comfortable for cattle and the lowest value of respiratory rate when compared between the crossing. In conclusion, all genetic groups have at least three adaptive characteristics to the tropical environment when analyzing the physiological responses

    Assessment of the Body Composition and the Loss of Fat-Free Mass through Bioelectric Impedance Analysis in Patients Who Underwent Open Gastric Bypass

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    Background. Bariatric surgery is considered an effective option for the management of morbid obesity. The incidence of obesity has been gradually increasing all over the world reaching epidemic proportions in some regions of the world. Obesity can cause a reduction of up to 22% in the life expectancy of morbidly obese patients. Objective. The objective of this paper is to assess the weight loss associated with the first 6 months after bariatric surgery using bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA) for the evaluation of fat mass and fat-free mass. Method. A total of 36 morbidly obese patients were subjected to open gastric bypass surgery. The patients weight was monitored before and after the procedure using the bioelectric impedance analysis. Results. Bariatric surgery resulted in an average percentage of weight loss of 28.6% (40 kg) as determined 6 months after the procedure was performed. Analysis of the different components of body weight indicated an undesirable loss of fat-free mass along with the reduction of total body weight. Conclusion. Open gastric bypass induced a significant loss of total weight and loss of fat-free mass in patients six months after the surgery. The use of bioelectric impedance analysis resulted in an appropriate estimation of the total weight components in individuals subjected to bariatric surgery allowing a more real analysis of the variation of weight after the surgery

    Soil Management and Water-Use Efficiency in Brazilian Coffee Crops

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    Brazil is a world leader in coffee production. However, currently, it coexists with recurrent and severe droughts, accompanied by intense heat, strong insolation and low relative humidity. As the cultivation is carried out primarily in the rainy season, these world climate variations have affected crops yields and fruits quality, requiring innovative actions that promote efficient use of water stored in the soil. Among several soil management practices that promote a more rational use of water, deep tillage combined with liming, gypsum and fertilizer amendments lead to an increase in effective depth of coffee roots, therefore reducing water stress. Moreover, intercropping with Urochloa sp. is highly efficient in enhancing soil structure, water infiltration and plant available water capacity. Additionally, other innovative techniques and practices are also introduced in this chapter