559 research outputs found

    Employment of graduates is a key Indicator of the attractiveness and quality of ongoing educational programs at M. Kh. Dulaty Taraz State University.

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    This paper shows what is the key indicator of Educational programs at Taraz State University, considering some data generated by the Director of Center of Career and Professional Development. It was shown that for some kind of Speciality the employment rate is quite high (100%) and for others it can reach an employment by 62 %

    Algoritmo AMMI ponderado para dados não replicados

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    The objective of this work was to propose a weighting scheme for the additive main effects and multiplicative interactions (AMMI) model, as well as to assess the usefulness of this W-AMMI model in the study of genotype x environment interaction (GxE) and quantitative trait locus x environment interaction (QxE) for nonreplicated data. Data from the 'Harrington' x TR306 barley (Hordeum vulgare) mapping population, with 141 genotypes evaluated in 25 environments, were used to compare the results from the AMMI model with those of two proposed versions of the W-AMMI model: equal weights per row and equal weights per column. The proposed W-AMMI columns algorithm is viable to analyze data with heterogeneous variance, when there are no replicates available. The use of the AMMI and W-AMMI models, in the indicated cases, improves QTL detection, besides providing a sound interpretation of GxE and a better understanding of QxE, which allows obtaining valuable information on increasing productivities in different environments. O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um esquema de ponderação para o modelo de efeitos principais aditivos e interação multiplicativa (AMMI), bem como avaliar a utilidade deste modelo W-AMMI no estudo da interação genótipo x ambiente (GxA) e da interação de locos associados a caracteres quantitativos x ambiente (QxA) para dados não replicados. Utilizou-se a população de cevada (Hordeum vulgare) 'Harrington' x TR306, com 141 genótipos avaliados em 25 ambientes, para comparar os resultados do modelo AMMI com os de duas versões propostas do modelo W-AMMI: pesos iguais por linha e pesos iguais por coluna. O algoritmo W-AMMI de colunas proposto é viável para analisar informação com heterogeneidade de variâncias, quando não há repetições disponíveis. O uso dos modelos AMMI e W-AMMI, nos casos indicados, melhora a detecção de QTLs, além de propiciar uma intepretação adequada da GxA e um melhor entendimento da QxA, o que possibilita a obtenção de informações importantes para o aumento da produtividade em diferentes ambientes

    Artificial neural networks to prediction fuel rate in the blast furnace operation.

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    This paper proposes the use of artificial neural networks for the prediction of fuel consumption in the blast furnace. For this purpose, a dataset of 270 records, with 19 input variables were considered, based on the historical data of operation from the years 2014 to 2017 of a blast furnace of a Brazilian steel mill, and it was verified that model presented good results with correlation coefficient of 0.837, consisting of an input layer with 19 neurons, intermediate layer with 19 neurons and output layer with 1 neuron


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    Esta entrevista foi pensada a partir da necessidade urgente e contemporânea de pensar os impactos da pandemia do novo coronavírus junto aos povos indígenas no Brasil. Para isso, foi convidado o professor José Augusto Laranjeiras Sampaio, mais conhecido como Guga, professor da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB) que vem atuando  acadêmica e politicamente em defesa dos direitos dos povos indígenas. Foi solicitado que ele apresentasse suas observações e perspectivas sobre o tema POVOS INDÍGENAS E PANDEMIA DE COVID-19 conforme pode ser identificado nas questões propostas e respostas obtidas

    Concepções de professores de História da rede municipal de ensino de Belo Horizonte acerca da informática educacional

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    This article is resulted of the master’s degree research that involved, on a side, the contributions of the Education Computer science (IE) for the process of teaching-learning of History and, of other, the relationship that the teachers of that discipline establish with IE and their difficulties in if they adapt of that technology. The questionnaire, correspondent the all teachers of History of the RME/BH, the most appropriate instrument were shown for this research. In the analysis of the data, we used the statistical package SPSS, for counting with resources as the crossing of multiple answers and correlation of variables. The study lifted some information about the teachers’ of History conceptions concerning IE, in order to contribute for the development of that area and for the elaboration and implementation of more efficient proposals gone back to the improvement of the teaching of History starting from the use of IE.Este artigo é resultado da pesquisa de mestrado1 que envolveu, de um lado, as contribuições da Informática Educacional (IE) para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de História e, de outro, a relação que os professores dessa disciplina estabelecem com a IE e suas dificuldades em se apropriarem dessa tecnologia. O questionário, enviado a todos professores de História da Rede Municipal de Belo Horizonte, mostrou-se o instrumento mais adequado para esta pesquisa. Na análise dos dados, utilizamos o pacote estatístico SPSS, por contar com recursos como o cruzamento de respostas múltiplas e correlação de variáveis. O estudo levantou algumas informações sobre as concepções dos professores de História acerca da IE, a fim de contribuir para o desenvolvimento dessa área e para a elaboração e implementação de propostas mais eficientes voltadas para a melhoria do ensino de História a partir do uso da IE. Palavras-chave: Ensino de História. Informática Educacional. Concepções de Professores. Ensino de História

    Eficácia da nitazoxanida contra Toxocara canis: recuperação larvária e resposta imune humoral em camundongos experimentalmente infectados

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    Foi investigada a eficácia da nitazoxanida (NTZ) na toxocaríase murina experimental e os resultados comparados com os obtidos usando mebendazol (MBZ). Sessenta camundongos BALB/c machos, com idade entre seis e oito semanas foram divididos em grupos de 10 cada, 50 foram infectados oralmente com 300 ovos larvados de T. canise agrupados a seguir: GI: camundongos infectados não tratados; GII: camundongos infectados tratados com MBZ (15 mg/kg/dia) 10 dias pós-infecção (dpi); GIII: camundongos infectados tratados com NTZ (20 mg/kg/dia) 10 dpi, GIV: camundongos infectados tratados com MBZ 60 dpi; GV: camundongos infectados tratados com NTZ 60 dpi; GVI: controle não infectado. Os camundongos foram sangrados via plexo retro orbitário em quatro ocasiões entre o 30º e 120º dpi. Os soros foram processados pela técnica de ELISA para detecção de anticorpos IgG anti- Toxocara.Aos 120 dpi, os animais foram sacrificados para a recuperação larvária do SNC, fígado, pulmões, rins, olhos e carcaça. Os resultados mostraram níveis similares de anticorpos IgG anti- Toxocaraentre os camundongos infectados mas não submetidos a tratamento e os grupos infectados e tratados com MBZ ou NTZ, aos 10 e 60 dpi. Os valores da recuperação larval foram similares nos grupos tratados com NTZ e MBZ 10 dpi. MBZ mostrou melhor eficácia aos 60 dpi, com redução de 72,6% da carga parasitária comparada com NTZ, que mostrou redução somente de 46,5%. Concluímos que a administração destes anti-helmínticos não modificou a resposta humoral na infecção experimental por T. canis. Não foi observada cura parasitológica com nenhuma das drogas; porém maior redução na carga parasitária foi obtida após o tratamento com MBZ.The efficacy of nitazoxanide (NTZ) against toxocariasis was investigated in an experimental murine model and results were compared to those obtained using mebendazole. Sixty male BALB/c mice, aged six to eight weeks-old, were divided into groups of 10 each; fifty were orally infected with 300 larvaed eggs of T. canisand grouped as follows, G I: infected untreated mice; G II: infected mice treated with MBZ (15 mg/kg/day) 10 days postinfection (dpi); G III: infected mice treated with NTZ (20 mg/kg/day) 10 dpi; G IV: infected mice treated with MBZ 60 dpi; G V: infected mice treated with NTZ 60 dpi; GVI: control group comprising uninfected mice. Mice were bled via retro-orbital plexus on four occasions between 30 and 120 dpi. Sera were processed using the ELISA technique to detect IgG anti- Toxocaraantibodies. At 120 dpi, mice were sacrificed for larval recovery in the CNS, liver, lungs, kidneys, eyes and carcass. Results showed similar levels of anti- ToxocaraIgG antibodies among mice infected but not submitted to treatment and groups treated with MBZ or NTZ, 10 and 60 dpi. Larval recovery showed similar values in groups treated with NTZ and MBZ 10 dpi. MBZ showed better efficacy 60 dpi, with a 72.6% reduction in the parasite load compared with NTZ, which showed only 46.5% reduction. We conclude that administration of these anthelmintics did not modify the humoral response in experimental infection by T. canis. No parasitological cure was observed with either drug; however, a greater reduction in parasite load was achieved following treatment with MBZ

    Spatio-Temporal Variations of Microphytobenthos in the Botafogo and Siri estuaries (norteast - Brazil)

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    Variações espaço-temporais da biomassa do microfitobentos foram investigadas nos estuários dos rios Botafogo e Siri em Pernambuco, Brasil. As amostragens foram realizadas em baixa-mar (bimestralmente) de fevereiro a dezembro de 2003. Em cada estuário foram determinadas três estações de amostragem no médio- e no infralitoral. Fortes variações espaciais e temporais foram verificadas nas concentrações tanto de clorofila-a como de feopigmentos. No estuário do Botafogo, a clorofila-a teve 34% do total da sua variação explicada pela análise de regressão múltipla (MRA) baseada nas concentrações de nitrogênio e de fósforo, enquanto no estuário do Siri somente 16% dessa variação foi explicada pela MRA baseada na concentração de nitrogênio. Feopigmentos apresentou 39% de sua variação total explicada pela MRA baseada na concentração de nitrogênio e na salinidade no estuário do Botafogo; enquanto no Siri a MRA explicou 58% da variação total baseada somente na concentração de nitrogênio. Nitrogênio foi discriminado como o fator mais importante para explicar as variações do microfitobentos no estuário do rio Botafogo. Os resultados do presente trabalho ressaltam o papel dos nutrientes e sugerem que ambos estuários apresentam evidências de eutrofização.Spatio-temporal variations of microphytobenthic biomass were investigated in the Botafogo and Siri estuaries, Pernambuco - Brazil. Samples were taken during low water (bi-monthly) from February to December, 2003. Three sampling stations were located in each estuary, in both midlittoral and sublittoral areas. Clear spatial and temporal variations were found for both chlorophyll-a and phaeopigment concentrations. In Botafogo, chlorophyll-a had 34% of total variation explained by MRA from nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, while only 16% of total variation was thus explained from nitrogen concentration in the Siri estuary. Phaeopigments had 39% of total variation explained by MRA from nitrogen concentration and salinity in the Botafogo estuary and 58% of total variation was similarly explained from nitrogen concentration in the Siri estuary. Nitrogen was discriminated by the b coefficients as the most important factor in the explanation of the microphytobenthic pigments variations in the Botafogo estuary. The data of this study emphasize the role of nutrients and suggest that both estuaries show evidence of eutrophication

    Characterization of coal briquettes using tar as a binding material for use in a coke oven.

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    In order to increase competitiveness in the steel industry through reduction of the cost of coal mixtures and increase in the quality productivity of coke in the oven, this research was developed with the aim of increasing the bulk density through briquetting of low power coking coal using tar as a binding material. Initially an industrial scale double roller press was used to manufacture briquettes in the ellipsoid format. The physical properties of the briquettes were analyzed in relation to variation of the amount of tar and the curing time of briquettes. Through the process of coal briquetting using low amounts of tar, it is possible to obtain a fuel of greater density, greater use of soft coals, uniform granulometry and easy handling. The increase in the apparent density of coal through briquetting may reach 42.5%. The success achieved in these tests, through these briquettes, with good chemical and physical characteristics represents ease of production as well as economic gain and low investment when compared to other processes of charge densification in coke ovens

    Tomographic imaging of ionospheric plasma bubbles based on GNSS and radio occultation measurements

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    Total electron content measurements given by the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) have successfully presented results to capture the signatures of equatorial plasma bubbles. In contrast, the correct reproduction of plasma depletions at electron density level is still a relevant challenge for ionospheric tomographic imaging. In this regard, this work shows the first results of a new tomographic reconstruction technique based on GNSS and radio-occultation data to map the vertical and horizontal distributions of ionospheric plasma bubbles in one of the most challenging conditions of the equatorial region. Twenty-three days from 2013 and 2014 with clear evidence of plasma bubble structures propagating through the Brazilian region were analyzed and compared with simultaneous observations of all-sky images in the 630.0 nm emission line of the atomic oxygen. The mean rate of success of the tomographic method was 37.1%, being more efficient near the magnetic equator, where the dimensions of the structures are larger. Despite some shortcomings of the reconstruction technique, mainly associated with ionospheric scintillations and the weak geometry of the ground-based GNSS receivers, both vertical and horizontal distributions were mapped over more than 30° in latitude, and have been detected in instances where the meteorological conditions disrupted the possibility of analyzing the OI 630 nm emissions. Therefore, the results revealed the proposed tomographic reconstruction as an efficient tool for mapping characteristics of the plasma bubble structures, which may have a special interest in Space Weather, Spatial Geodesy, and Telecommunications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Artificial neural network-based committee machine for predicting fuel rate and sulfur contents of a coke blast furnace.

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    Being developed over the centuries, it currently occupies a prominent role in the world production scenario, being the stage of the process related to the obtaining of hot metal an element of great importance to establish the competitiveness of national steel. From this perspective, the control of the process of obtaining hot metal is relevant to ensure competitive prices and a sustainable process. Considering the presented situation, this research developed a committee machine, being three networks to predict each of the study variables, namely: i) fuel rate; ii) sulfur content in hot metal. The committee machine was developed to model the hot metal during the operation of a coke blast furnace, according to the input parameters provided. The results obtained by the committee machine were lower than those of the neural networks acting alone, and the following RMSE values were verified: i) fuel rate: 4.88 (network 1), 4.74 (network 2), 6.14 (network 3) and 4.67 (committee); ii) sulfur content: 0.00915 (network 1), 0.00917 (network 2), 0.00974 (network 3) and 0.00726 (committee). Considering the results obtained, the model can be used to provide important support in monitoring and decision making during the operation