417 research outputs found

    Does Energy Consumption Respond to Price Shocks? Evidence from a Regression-Discontinuity Design

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    This paper exploits unique features of a recently introduced tariff schedule for natural gas in Buenos Aires to estimate the short-run impact of price shocks on residential energy utilization. The schedule induces a non-linear and nonmonotonic relationship between households’ accumulated consumption and unit prices, thus generating an exogenous source of variation in perceived prices, which is exploited in a regression-discontinuity design. The estimates reveal that a price increase in the utility bill received by consumers causes a substantial and prompt decline in gas consumption. Hence they suggest that policy interventions via the price mechanism, such as price caps and subsidies, are powerful instruments to influence residential energy utilization patterns, even within a short time span.Energy consumption, Elasticity of demand, Regulation of public utilities, Regression discontinuity design, Public policy

    Understanding Geological Data Distribution and

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    Insufficient field test results and a sufficiently large degree of spatial disorder exhibited by melt flow properties on sheared migmatites leads us to use stochastic methods to describe the distribution and orientation of leucogranitoid veins in sheared continental crust. Qualitative data present challenges to evaluators seeking to analyse visual information from spatial observations. In this manuscript, we work through a structured approach to analyse qualitative data based on an interactive process of considering the objective of the analysis, reviewing suitable options, and working through interpretation. Techniques include grouping, summarizing, finding patterns, discovering relationships, and developing and testing relationships. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the methodological contribution in multidimensional categorical data analysis based on correspondence analysis, which enables the analysis of a contingency table when the behaviour of one variable is supposed to be dependent on the other cross-classified variable. The analytical procedures gave statistically valid and significantly similar results for the geometrical relationships between different attributes observed in the Almansor migmatites (Évora High-Grade Metamorphic Terrains, Portugal)—leucogranitoid veins, boudins/rock fragments, folds, shear planes, and host rock/diatexite layering. The interpretation of the obtained results allowed the definition of two main geological implications. First, the association of the host rock/diatexite with the leucogranitoids I defines the compositional layering of these migmatites (with 290°–310°-trending). Secondly, the shearing is responsible for the observed structural complexity. Here leucogranitoids tend to occur associated with local perturbations of the main 290°–310°-trending of the compositional layering. They tend to occur discordant to the compositional layering (foliation) strike filling 260°–270°-trending c′-type extensional shear planes, filling dilatant structures in between or/and surrounding boudins/rock fragments and affected by folding. The applied stochastic analysis was a useful approach to properly examine and quantify the structural variability of this complex natural phenomenon

    Os tufos calcários das áreas de Estói, Loulé e ribeira das Mercês (Algarve, Portugal): caracterização e significado paleoambiental

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    Nesta comunicação tentaremos estabelecer os principais tipos de fácies apresentadas pelos tufos desta área do Algarve Central, articulando os mesmos com os potenciais paleoambientes de formação. Os principais tipos de fácies identificadas correspondem a fácies detríticas (conglomerado e tufos pulverulentos) e de optimum de acumulação (tufo biohérmico), sendo que os primeiros podem corresponder às fases iniciais e erosivas do afloramento e os segundos a períodos construtivos dos tufos calcários

    Análise comparativa entre arquitetura monolítica e de microsserviços

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Sistemas de Informação.Com o intuito de agregar os exemplos didáticos existentes, enriquecer a fonte de pesquisa para o domínio de arquiteturas de software e apresentar testes reais mais expressivos entre a arquitetura de microsserviços e monolítica, este trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar uma análise comparativa entre duas arquiteturas de software através de uma avaliação comparativa entre o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação monolítica de um sistema gerenciador de cinemas, escrito utilizando a linguagem Javascript, e uma aplicação idêntica utilizando a arquitetura orientada à microsserviços. Novas arquiteturas de desenvolvimento como microsserviços ganham cada vez mais destaque nos campos de desenvolvimento, pesquisa e mercado tecnológico, e por isso, torna-se interessante traçar um comparativo entre os prós e contras encontrados entre as duas arquiteturas de desenvolvimento. A fim de estabelecer um comparativo fiel e didático, foram analisados dois protótipos idênticos em termos de funcionalidades sendo um orientado ao desenvolvimento monolítico e o outro, uma aplicação orientada à microsserviços, ambas escritas em Javascript sobre a plataforma NodeJs e utilizando banco de dados não-relacional. A construção do protótipo monolítico baseando-se em um projeto pré existente em microsserviços, evidencia características quantitativas, qualitativas e particularidades sobre o desenvolvimento em cada metodologia. Ambas aplicações foram submetidas à critérios de performance, quantidade de código escrito e análise estrutural e, à partir dos resultados obtidos, foram apresentados e comentados seus comparativos para facilitar a compreenção dos resultados obtidos e esperados. Considerando a singularidade das características de cada aplicação, as tecnologias envolvidas ou os aspectos de gestão mencionados, este trabalho, ao fazer um estudo comparativo entre estas duas arquiteturas pode auxiliar, seja uma organização em sue processo de tomada de decisão sobre a arquitetura a ser adotada em um projeto, seja profissionais da área de desenvolvimento de software, estudantes e entusiastas para terem um melhor entendimento de sua aplicabilidade. Como resultado obtido à partir dos testes realizados neste trabalho, foi observado que a arquitetura monolítica pode sim desempenhar uma melhor performance comparado ao microsserviço

    Особливості сучасних форм вчинення шахрайств та їх криміналістичне значення

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    Заяць, К. Особливості сучасних форм вчинення шахрайств та їх криміналістичне значення / Костянтин Заяць // Підприємництво, господарство і право. - 2017. - № 11. - С. 207-210.У статті аналізуються особливості форм вчинення шахрайства та їх криміналістичне значення. Викладено думку про необхідність перегляду визначення предмета сучасного шахрайства. Автором запропоновано розширити коло об’єктів власності, що можуть виступати предметом сучасних розкрадань. У представленій статті досліджено особливості шахрайства, що вчиняється у формі заволодіння майном і у формі придбання права на майно. Акцентовано увагу на відмінностях цих двох форм та їх криміналістичному значенні.The features of forms of feasance of swindle, and their criminalistics value, are analysed in the scientific article. Opinion opens up in relation to the necessity of revision of category of the article of modern thefts. An author suggests to extend the circle of property objects that can come forward the article of mercenary crimes. In the article features are investigational swindles that is accomplished in form laying hands on property, and in form acquisition of right on property. Attention on the differences of these two forms of crimes is accented, and their criminalistics value.В статье анализируются особенности форм совершения мошенничества и их криминалистическое значение. Излагается мнение о необходимости пересмотра категории предмета современных хищений. Автор предлагает расширить круг объектов собственности, которые могут выступать предметом корыстных преступлений. В статье исследованы особенности мошенничества, совершаемого в форме завладения имуществом и в форме приобретения права на имущество. Акцентировано внимание на отличиях этих двух форм преступления и их криминалистическом значении

    Robust Contract Evolution in a TypeSafe MicroServices Architecture

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    Microservices architectures allow for short deployment cycles and immediate effects but offer no safety mechanisms when service contracts need to be changed. Maintaining the soundness of microservice architectures is an error-prone task that is only accessible to the most disciplined development teams. We present a microservice management system that statically verifies service interfaces and supports the seamless evolution of compatible interfaces. We define a compatibility relation that captures real evolution patterns and embodies known good practices on the evolution of interfaces. Namely, we allow for the addition, removal, and renaming of data fields of a producer module without breaking or needing to upgrade consumer services. The evolution of interfaces is supported by runtime generated proxy components that dynamically adapt data exchanged between services to match with the statically checked service code.The model was instantiated in a core language whose semantics is defined by a labeled transition system and a type system that prevents breaking changes from being deployed. Standard soundness results for the core language entail the existence of adapters, hence the absence of adaptation errors and the correctness of the management model. This adaptive approach allows for gradual deployment of modules, without halting the whole system and avoiding losing or misinterpreting data exchanged between system nodes. Experimental data shows that an average of 69% of deployments that would require adaptation and recompilation are safe under our approach

    Relationship between martensitic plate size and austenitic grain size in martensitic transformations

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    A systematic experimental analysis based on an assessment of the mean martensite plate size (hplate) in sub-grain domains was implemented to characterize the martensite morphology in polycrystalline Cu-based shape memory alloys. In the grain size range below 100μm, a linear relationship between the average width of the martensite plates and the mean grain size was obtained for a thermal-induced martensitic transformation. This evaluation allows us to perform an analysis of how microstructural length scales affect the martensitic transformation.Fil: la Roca, Paulo Matías. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Isola, Lucio Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Vermaut, Ph.. Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. Université Pierre et Marie Curie; FranciaFil: Malarria, Jorge Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Instituto de Física de Rosario; Argentin