28 research outputs found

    Photosynthesis, water relations and growth of young coffee plants according to phosphorus availability

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar de que maneira a alta disponibilidade de fósforo no solo afeta a fotossíntese e o crescimento de mudas de cafeeiro arábica (Coffea arabica). Mudas da cultivar Ouro Verde com aproximadamente quatro meses de idade, cultivadas com boa disponibilidade hídrica, foram submetidas a três tratamentos quanto à disponibilidade de fósforo: quantidade recomendada de P, na literatura (PA); duas vezes a dosagem utilizada em PA (P+); e sem adição de P ao solo (P-). Após 70 dias da aplicação dos tratamentos, foram avaliados: as trocas gasosas, a atividade fotoquímica, o potencial de água da folha, a condutância hidráulica da planta (KL), a partição de matéria seca na planta, os teores de pigmentos e carboidratos, e a composição química das folhas. O tratamento P- influenciou negativamente a fotossíntese, e levou à restrição do crescimento das plantas. As plantas do tratamento P+ apresentaram maior teor foliar de P (~1,9 g kg-1), com incrementos na assimilação de CO2, na eficiência instantânea de carboxilação e na atividade fotoquímica – maior eficiência do fotossistema II e maior transporte aparente de elétrons – em relação às plantas do tratamento PA. Houve aumento em KL, maior teor de carboidratos foliares e maior teor de clorofila nas plantas que receberam o dobro da dose recomendada de P, as quais apresentaram maior produção de matéria seca em relação às de PA e P-.The objective of this work was to evaluate how high soil phosphorus (P) availability affects the photosynthesis and growth of young coffee arabica plants (Coffea arabica). Four months old coffee seedlings of the Ouro Verde cultivar, cultivated in good hydric conditions, were exposed to three P availability treatments: P dosage recommended in the literature (RP); two times the recommended dosage (P+); and without P (P-). Seventy days after treatment application, evaluations of leaf gas exchange, photochemical activity, leaf water potential, plant hydraulic conductance (KL), dry matter partitioning, leaf contents of pigments and carbohydrates, and leaf chemical composition were done. The treatment without P caused reduction in photosynthesis, leading to lower plant growth. The plants of the P+ treatment showed the highest leaf P concentrations (~1.9 g kg-1), with increasing leaf CO2 assimilation and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency, and higher photochemical activity – higher effective quantum efficiency of photosystem II and apparent electron transport rate – when compared to plants exposed to RP treatment. Plants exposed to the double P recommended dosage exhibited higher KL, higher leaf carbohydrate content and higher chlorophyll content, resulting in higher dry matter production as compared to RP and P-

    Low night temperature and water deficit on photosynthesis of sugarcane

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as respostas fotossintéticas da cana‑de‑açúcar aos efeitos simultâneos e isolados de baixa temperatura noturna (TN) e deficiência hídrica (DH). Após 128 dias do plantio, as plantas da cultivar IACSP94-2094 foram submetidas aos tratamentos: controle, sem DH e com TN de 20°C (TN20); com DH e TN de 20°C (DH/TN20); sem DH e com TN de 12°C (TN12); e com DH e TN de 12°C (DH/TN12) por cinco dias. Após o período de tratamento, as plantas foram irrigadas e submetidas à TN de 20°C por mais quatro dias, para recuperação. Houve decréscimos na assimilação de CO2 em todos os tratamentos. A recuperação total da assimilação de CO2 foi observada apenas nas plantas do tratamento TN12. A ocorrência simultânea da baixa temperatura noturna e da deficiência hídrica causou dano acentuado e persistente na condutância estomática, na capacidade máxima da ribulose‑1,5‑bisfosfato carboxilase, no transporte aparente de elétrons, no fator de eficiência e na eficiência operacional do fotossistema II, o que resultou em limitações difusivas, bioquímicas e fotoquímicas da fotossíntese das plantas de cana‑de‑açúcar.The objective of this work was to evaluate the photosynthetic responses of sugarcane to the simultaneous and isolated effects of low night temperature (TN) and water deficit (DH). After 128 days of planting, plants of the cultivar IACSP94-2094 were subjected to the following treatments: control, without DH and with TN of 20°C (TN20); with DH and TN of 20°C (DH/TN20); without DH and with TN of 12°C (TN12); and with DH and TN of 12°C (DH/TN12). After the period of treatment, plants were irrigated and subjected to TN of 20°C for four more days, for recovery. There were decreases in CO2 assimilation in all treatments. Total recovery of CO2 assimilation was observed only in plants from the treatment TN12. The simultaneous occurrence of low night temperature and water deficit caused a accentuated and persistent effect on stomatal conductance, on the maximum capacity of ribulose‑1,5‑bisphosphate carboxylase, on the electron transport rate, on the efficiency factor, and on the operational efficiency of photosystem II, which resulted in diffusive, biochemical, and photochemical limitations of photosynthesis of sugarcane plants

    Biometric and physiological responses to water deficit in sugarcane at different phenological stages

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as respostas biométricas e fisiológicas de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) ao deficit hídrico (DH), em diferentes fases fenológicas. Os genótipos IACSP 94-2094 e IACSP 96-2042 foram submetidos a DH nas fases de crescimento inicial, crescimento máximo e de acúmulo de sacarose no colmo. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado. A suscetibilidade ao DH foi determinada pela redução de matéria seca do colmo e do conteúdo de sólidos solúveis no caldo. O deficit hídrico causou redução nas trocas gasosas, nas três fases fenológicas, em ambos os genótipos. Foi observada menor altura das plantas, menor acúmulo de matéria seca do colmo e de sólidos solúveis, e redução no número e comprimento de entrenós, apenas na fase de crescimento inicial, no clone IACSP 96-2042. Na fase de crescimento inicial, observou-se tolerância ao DH no genótipo IACSP 94-2094, com evidências de aclimatação fisiológica, e redução na produção de fitomassa e de sólidos solúveis no genótipo IACSP 96-2042, como resposta à menor condutância estomática e à menor eficiência aparente de carboxilação da fotossíntese. Independentemente da fase fenológica, o genótipo IACSP 94-2094 foi tolerante ao deficit hídrico, pois manteve a produção de fitomassa mesmo com redução das trocas gasosas.The aim of this work was to evaluate the biometric and physiological responses of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) to water deficit (WD), during different phenological phases. Genotypes IACSP 94-2094 and IACSP 96-2042 were subjected to WD conditions during the initial, maximum and sucrose accumulation phases. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design. Susceptibility to WD was established by reduction in stalk dry matter and soluble solids. Water deficit reduced leaf gas exchange in all phenological phases of both genotypes. Lower plant height, less stalk dry matter and soluble solids, and reduction in number and length of internodes were only observed during the initial growth phase of the IACSP 96-2042 clone. In the initial growth phase, tolerance to WD was observed for IACSP 94-2094, with evidence of physiological acclimation, and for IACSP 96-2042 in reduction phytomass production and its soluble solid content, caused by lower stomatal conductance and lower apparent carboxylation efficiency which limit photosynthesis. Regardless of the phenological phase, genotype IACSP 94-2094 was tolerant to WD, since its phytomass production was maintained even with impairment of leaf gas exchange

    Low night temperature and water deficit on photosynthesis of sugarcane

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the photosynthetic responses of sugarcane to the simultaneous and isolated effects of low night temperature (TN) and water deficit (DH). After 128 days of planting, plants of the cultivar IACSP94-2094 were subjected to the following treatments: control, without DH and with TN of 20°C (TN20); with DH and TN of 20°C (DH/TN20); without DH and with TN of 12°C (TN12); and with DH and TN of 12°C (DH/TN12). After the period of treatment, plants were irrigated and subjected to TN of 20°C for four more days, for recovery. There were decreases in CO2 assimilation in all treatments. Total recovery of CO2 assimilation was observed only in plants from the treatment TN12. The simultaneous occurrence of low night temperature and water deficit caused a accentuated and persistent effect on stomatal conductance, on the maximum capacity of ribulose‑1,5‑bisphosphate carboxylase, on the electron transport rate, on the efficiency factor, and on the operational efficiency of photosystem II, which resulted in diffusive, biochemical, and photochemical limitations of photosynthesis of sugarcane plants.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as respostas fotossintéticas da cana‑de‑açúcar aos efeitos simultâneos e isolados de baixa temperatura noturna (TN) e deficiência hídrica (DH). Após 128 dias do plantio, as plantas da cultivar IACSP94-2094 foram submetidas aos tratamentos: controle, sem DH e com TN de 20°C (TN20); com DH e TN de 20°C (DH/TN20); sem DH e com TN de 12°C (TN12); e com DH e TN de 12°C (DH/TN12) por cinco dias. Após o período de tratamento, as plantas foram irrigadas e submetidas à TN de 20°C por mais quatro dias, para recuperação. Houve decréscimos na assimilação de CO2 em todos os tratamentos. A recuperação total da assimilação de CO2 foi observada apenas nas plantas do tratamento TN12. A ocorrência simultânea da baixa temperatura noturna e da deficiência hídrica causou dano acentuado e persistente na condutância estomática, na capacidade máxima da ribulose‑1,5‑bisfosfato carboxilase, no transporte aparente de elétrons, no fator de eficiência e na eficiência operacional do fotossistema II, o que resultou em limitações difusivas, bioquímicas e fotoquímicas da fotossíntese das plantas de cana‑de‑açúcar.487495Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Flexibility of C 4 decarboxylation and photosynthetic plasticity in sugarcane plants under shading

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    The flexibility between C4 photosynthetic sub-types NADP-malic enzyme (NADP-ME) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), recently identified in some C4 species, confers high photosynthetic efficiency under varying light conditions. Theoretically, PEPCK decarboxylation uses less quanta per CO2 fixed than NADP-ME, suggesting an increase in PEPCK activity could be advantageous under shading, as CO2 leakiness increases under low light. Thus, we hypothesize that sugarcane plants have flexibility among the decarboxylation pathways, i.e., more than one decarboxylation route occurs independent of the environmental condition; furthermore, low light availability induces biochemical and anatomical adjustments resulting in increased PEPCK activity, which could contribute to maintaining or even increasing quantum efficiency of CO2 assimilation under limiting light. Two sugarcane varieties were evaluated and both presented activities of the three decarboxylases, either under full sunlight or shading. In vitro PEPCK activity increased in plants grown under low light, suggesting an upregulation of this decarboxylation pathway. Accordingly, changes in chloroplast arrangement of bundle sheath cells from centrifugal to evenly distributed were found. Our data suggest that such biochemical and anatomical adjustments found in sugarcane grown under shading were important to maintain the maximum quantum efficiency of CO2 assimilation. Finally, we propose a model highlighting the integration between the decarboxylation pathways under shading, considering carboxylation and decarboxylation pathways in sugarcane plants

    Biomass Accumulation and Cell Wall Structure of Rice Plants Overexpressing a Dirigent-Jacalin of Sugarcane (ShDJ) Under Varying Conditions of Water Availability

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    A sugarcane gene encoding a dirigent-jacalin, ShDJ, was induced under drought stress. To elucidate its biological function, we integrated a ShDJ-overexpression construction into the rice Nipponbare genome via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Two transgenic lines with a single copy gene in T0 were selected and evaluated in both the T1 and T4 generations. Transgenic lines had drastically improved survival rate under water deficit conditions, at rates close to 100%, while WT did not survive. Besides, transgenic lines had improved biomass production and higher tillering under water deficit conditions compared with WT plants. Reduced pectin and hemicellulose contents were observed in transgenic lines compared with wild-type plants under both well-watered and water deficit conditions, whereas cellulose content was unchanged in line #17 and reduced in line #29 under conditions of low water availability. Changes in lignin content under water deficit were only observed in line #17. However, improvements in saccharification were found in both transgenic lines along with changes in the expression of OsNTS1/2 and OsMYB58/63 secondary cell wall biosynthesis genes. ShDJ-overexpression up-regulated the expression of the OsbZIP23, OsGRAS23, OsP5CS, and OsLea3 genes in rice stems under well-watered conditions. Taken together, our data suggest that ShDJ has the potential for improving drought tolerance, plant biomass accumulation, and saccharification efficiency

    Physiological and transcriptional analyses of developmental stages along sugarcane leaf

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Sugarcane is one of the major crops worldwide. It is cultivated in over 100 countries on 22 million ha. The complex genetic architecture and the lack of a complete genomic sequence in sugarcane hamper the adoption of molecular approaches to study its physiology and to develop new varieties. Investments on the development of new sugarcane varieties have been made to maximize sucrose yield, a trait dependent on photosynthetic capacity. However, detailed studies on sugarcane leaves are scarce. In this work, we report the first molecular and physiological characterization of events taking place along a leaf developmental gradient in sugarcane.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Photosynthetic response to CO2 indicated divergence in photosynthetic capacity based on PEPcase activity, corroborated by activity quantification (both in vivo and in vitro) and distinct levels of carbon discrimination on different segments along leaf length. Additionally, leaf segments had contrasting amount of chlorophyll, nitrogen and sugars. RNA-Seq data indicated a plethora of biochemical pathways differentially expressed along the leaf. Some transcription factors families were enriched on each segment and their putative functions corroborate with the distinct developmental stages. Several genes with higher expression in the middle segment, the one with the highest photosynthetic rates, were identified and their role in sugarcane productivity is discussed. Interestingly, sugarcane leaf segments had a different transcriptional behavior compared to previously published data from maize.\ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud This is the first report of leaf developmental analysis in sugarcane. Our data on sugarcane is another source of information for further studies aiming to understand and/or improve C4 photosynthesis. The segments used in this work were distinct in their physiological status allowing deeper molecular analysis. Although limited in some aspects, the comparison to maize indicates that all data acquired on one C4 species cannot always be easily extrapolated to other species. However, our data indicates that some transcriptional factors were segment-specific and the sugarcane leaf undergoes through the process of suberizarion, photosynthesis establishment and senescence.We thank Lucia Daniela Wolf for excellent technical support in HPAEC-PAD analysis. We thank Cristina Rodrigues G. Sales for the support during RubisCO and PEPcase activity assays. We thank Tom Brutnell’s group for kindly providing the read counts and gene lengths used in the analysis of leaf development in maize. RVR is a research fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil). This work was supported by FAPESP as a Regular Research Grant (2012/23345-0)

    In-hospital outcomes and predictors of mortality in acute myocardial infarction with cardiogenic shock treated by primary angioplasty: data from the InCor registry

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    INTRODUÇÃO: O choque cardiogênico é a maior causa de morte em pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento do segmento de ST (IAMCSST). O presente estudo avaliou pacientes com IAMCSST e choque cardiogênico submetidos a intervenção coronária percutânea primária com o objetivo de estabelecer seu perfil e os preditores de mortalidade hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Registro unicêntrico, incluindo 100 pacientes avaliados no período de 2001 a 2009 quanto a características clínicas, angiográficas e do procedimento, e a desfechos intra-hospitalares. Por análise multivariada foram determinados preditores independentes da mortalidade hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Com relação às características clínicas, foi observada alta prevalência de fatores de risco, sendo a taxa de sucesso angiográfico de 92%, apesar da complexidade das lesões (83,1% do tipo B2/C). A artéria mais acometida foi a descendente anterior (45%), tendo o padrão multiarterial ocorrido em 73% dos casos. A taxa de mortalidade foi de 45%, sendo seus preditores independentes o padrão multiarterial [odds ratio (OR) 2,62; intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%) 1,16-5,90] e o fluxo coronário TIMI < 3 ao final do procedimento (OR 2,11, IC 95% 1,48-3,02). CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes com IAMCSST complicado por choque cardiogênico apresentaram características clínicas e angiográficas de alto risco e, apesar do alto sucesso angiográfico do procedimento, altas taxas de mortalidade. Foram preditores independentes de mortalidade o padrão multiarterial e fluxo TIMI < 3 ao final do procedimento

    Fotossíntese, relações hídricas e crescimento de cafeeiros jovens em relação à disponibilidade de fósforo

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar de que maneira a alta disponibilidade de fósforo no solo afeta a fotossíntese e o crescimento de mudas de cafeeiro arábica (Coffea arabica). Mudas da cultivar Ouro Verde com aproximadamente quatro meses de idade, cultivadas com boa disponibilidade hídrica, foram submetidas a três tratamentos quanto à disponibilidade de fósforo: quantidade recomendada de P, na literatura (PA); duas vezes a dosagem utilizada em PA (P+); e sem adição de P ao solo (P-). Após 70 dias da aplicação dos tratamentos, foram avaliados: as trocas gasosas, a atividade fotoquímica, o potencial de água da folha, a condutância hidráulica da planta (K L), a partição de matéria seca na planta, os teores de pigmentos e carboidratos, e a composição química das folhas. O tratamento P- influenciou negativamente a fotossíntese, e levou à restrição do crescimento das plantas. As plantas do tratamento P+ apresentaram maior teor foliar de P (~1,9 g kg-1), com incrementos na assimilação de CO2, na eficiência instantânea de carboxilação e na atividade fotoquímica - maior eficiência do fotossistema II e maior transporte aparente de elétrons - em relação às plantas do tratamento PA. Houve aumento em K L, maior teor de carboidratos foliares e maior teor de clorofila nas plantas que receberam o dobro da dose recomendada de P, as quais apresentaram maior produção de matéria seca em relação às de PA e P-