23 research outputs found

    Snakebites in the Pampa biome, southwest of Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil

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    The records of accidents with venomous animals are the main sources of information to establish prevention strategies of ophidian accidents in Brazil. We conducted an epidemiological study of snakebites in Pampa region named “Campanha Gaúcha”, located in southwest Rio Grande do Sul state, southern Brazil. We use data from seven years of snakebite. In total, 241 records of accidents caused by snakes were analyzed and used to discuss variables related to the causative agent of the accident, the site of the accident, the characteristics of the victims and the treatment applied. The majority of reported cases corresponded to accidents with snakes of the genus Bothrops (80%). The location with the highest incidence was São Gabriel city (23%). Most of the accidents occurred in rural area (75%), with rural male workers (32%) aged between 15 and 45 years (50%). The lower limbs were the most affected (59%). The highest occurrence of cases was observed in January and March. The anti-venom used (7.13 ampoules/patient) was not compatible with the fact that most cases are considered mild accidents (47%). All accidents were cured without major complications. The records require greater precision, especially regarding the species that cause the accidents and the place of incident. The imprecision or lack of such information may compromise understanding of the epidemiology of these events, hindering possible preventive actions.(Acidentes ofídicos no bioma Pampa, sudoeste do estado Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil). O registro de informações sobre acidentes com animais peçonhentos é a principal fonte de informação para estabelecer estratégias de prevenção de acidentes ofídicos. Foi realizado um estudo epidemiológico de acidentes ofídicos na região de Pampa denominada “Campanha Gaúcha”, no sudoeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram utilizados sete anos de dados sobre os acidentes ofídicos. No total, 241 registros de acidentes causados por serpentes foram analisados e utilizados para discutir as variáveis relacionadas com o agente causador do acidente, o local do acidente, as características das vítimas e do tratamento aplicado. A maioria dos casos relatados corresponderam a acidentes com serpentes do gênero Bothrops (80%). O local com maior incidência de acidentes foi o município de São Gabriel (23%). A maioria dos acidentes ocorreu na área rural (75%), com trabalhadores rurais do sexo masculino (32%), com idade entre 15 e 45 anos (20%). Os membros inferiores foram os mais afetados (59%). A quantidade de ampolas do antiveneno utilizadas (média de 7,13 ampolas/paciente) não foi compatível com o índice de gravidade dos acidentes. Todos os acidentes evoluíram para cura. Os registros carecem de maior precisão, especialmente referente a identificação das espécies e local de ocorrência do acidente. A falta de informações pode comprometer o entendimento das características dos eventos, dificultando o estabelecimento de ações preventivas efetivas


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    ABSTRACT ∙ Birds are highly susceptible to habitat fragmentation, traffic noise, roadkills, and other disturbances generated by the presence of roads. These impacts are manifested in the structure of bird communities and are mainly noticed near road edges. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of a road on a savannah bird community in southern Brazil. The study was carried out within the Espinilho State Park (ESP), Rio Grande do Sul state. The ESP is divided by a road and we quantified bird abundance and richness along three transects, parallel to the road at different distances from it (T1: 10 m, T2: 250 m, T3: 500 m). To estimate bird richness and abundance we sampled five point counts along each transect. Sampling took place throughout the month of January 2015, during the summer. Bird species were categorized according to their feeding habits and habitat use. Richness and abundance increased with greater distance from the road. Transects closer to the roads were less similar than those more distant from the road. Insectivore species and species that use grassland and Espinilho habitat were less common in transects nearest the road. Our data indicate that road edges alter the species composition and structure of the bird community in the ESP, although our limited temporal sampling means that our results should be treated as preliminary. This effect is due to some species being attracted by the road whereas others avoid it or decline. Based on our findings, we rein‐ force the recommendation that roads should be avoided near or within areas destined for conservation. If roads must be built within or around protected areas, studies on the impact of these roads and possible mitigation measures are essential and urgent.Resumo ∙ Efeitos de uma rodovia numa comunidade de aves de savana no sul do Brasil Aves são altamente suscetíveis a fragmentação do habitat, barulho de tráfego, atropelamentos e outros distúrbios gerados pela presença de rodovias. Estes impactos são manifestados principalmente na estrutura das comunidades de aves que ocupam as bordas de rodovias. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de uma rodovia sobre uma comunidade de aves de savana no sul do Brasil. O estudo foi desenvolvido no Parque estadual do Espinilho (PEA), estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O PEA é cortado pela rodovia BR472 e nós quantificamos a abundância e riqueza de aves em três transectos em diferentes distâncias e paralelos a rodovia (T1: 10 m, T2: 250 m, T3: 500 m). Para amostragem de riqueza e abundância das aves em cada ponto amostral e em cada transecto foi utilizado o método de “Point cont”. A amostragem ocorreu no mês de janeiro de 2015, durante o verão. As espécies de aves registradas foram categorizadas de acordo com o hábito alimentar e uso do ambiente.  A abundância e riqueza de aves aumentou com maior distância da rodovia. Os transectos mais próximos da rodovia mostraram menos similaridade que aqueles mais distantes. Espécies insetívoras e espécies que usam preferencialmente ambientes de campo e espinilho foram menos comuns nos transectos mais próximos da rodovia. Nossos dados indicam que os o efeito de borda gerado pela rodovia altera a composição e estrutura da comunidade de aves no PEA, embora nossa amostragem seja imitada ao período de verão. Isto ocorre em função da atração de algumas espécies para próximo da rodovia e exclusão ou redução populacional de outras. Com base nos nossos resultados, reforçamos a recomendação que rodovias devem ser evitadas próximas ou dentro de áreas destinadas a conservação. Em áreas protegidas onde as rodovias estão presentes faz‐se necessário estudos sobre os impactos das rodovias e possíveis medidas mitigadoras

    Atropelamentos de vertebrados em uma área de Pampa no sul do BrasilRoadkills of vertebrate species in the Pampa Region, South Brazil

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    Atividades antrópicas, tais como a construção e uso de rodovias, interferem na dinâmica ecológica da fauna silvestre. A presença de estradas condiciona três principais efeitos sobre os vertebrados silvestres: barreira, evitação e o atropelamento, sendo o último o mais perceptível. Nesse sentido, identificar os impactos das estradas sobre a fauna pode contribuir para o estabelecimento de ações que promovam a conservação. Este estudo teve por objetivo estimar a perda de fauna de vertebrados terrestres por atropelamentos em uma rodovia (BR-290) no município de São Gabriel-RS, no Pampa brasileiro; e identificar as características ecológicas das espécies mais frequentemente atropeladas. O estudo foi realizado num trecho de 12 km da rodovia BR-290, município de São Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A rodovia amostrada está situada nos domínios do bioma Pampa. As amostragens duraram seis meses, duas vezes por semana, de setembro de 2009 a fevereiro de 2010. A equipe percorreu o trecho de carro, com velocidade média de 50 km/hora. Embora 39 espécies tenham sido registradas no nosso estudo, os atropelamentos foram concentrados em poucas espécies dentro de cada grupo taxonômico. Aparentemente, as espécies ocorrentes no Pampa estão acostumadas a deslocar-se por áreas com cobertura vegetal rasteira, onde a estrada pode não representar um obstáculo. Se por um lado esta condição reduz o efeito barreira da estrada, por outro, aumenta a exposição dos indivíduos aos atropelamentos. Nossos resultados indicam que espécies de répteis e mamíferos com características como maior mobilidade e terrícolas estão mais sujeitas aos atropelamentos. Para aves, o principal fator parece ser a altura de voo, associado à busca de recursos alimentares nas rodovias.Abstract Human activities such as the construction and use of highways interfere with the ecological dynamics of wildlife. The presence of roads affects three main effects on wild vertebrates: barrier, avoidance and roadkills, which the last is definitely the most noticeable. In this sense, the identification of the impacts of roads on wildlife can contribute to the establishment of actions that promote wildlife conservation. This study aimed to estimate the loss of fauna of terrestrial vertebrates by roadkills on a highway (BR-290) in São Gabriel, in Rio Grande do Sul, in the Brazilian Pampa; and to identify the ecological characteristics of the species most frequently run over. The study was conducted in a 12 km stretch of the BR-290 highway in the municipality of São Gabriel. The sampled highway is located in the Pampa biome domains. The sampling lasted six months, twice a week, from September 2009 to February 2010. The research group covered the stretch of road by car, with an average speed of 50 km/hour. Although 39 species have been recorded in our study, roadkills were concentrated in a few species within each taxonomic group. Apparently, the Pampa biome species are accustomed to move through areas with undergrowth vegetation, where the road cannot represent an obstacle for displacement. If, on the one hand, this condition reduces the road barrier effect, on the other hand, it increases the exposure of species to road mortality. Our results indicate that terriculous species and highly mobile species of reptiles and mammals are more susceptible to collisions in the study area. For birds, the main factor seems to be the low flight altitude associated with the search for prey on the highways

    Uso do hábitat e alimentação em juvenis de Bothrops jararaca (Serpentes, Viperidae) na Mata Atlântica do sudeste do Brasil

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    Herein we describe habitat use, diet, and subjugation behavior of prey in juveniles of Bothrops jararaca that occur in streams in the Atlantic Forest, north coast of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Additional information on juveniles of B. jararacussu found in similar situations to those of B. jararaca are also discussed. Individuals of B. jararaca were observed mainly on the ground during the day, and on the ground and also on the vegetation at night. The majority of prey were diurnal anurans that inhabit the marginal rocks of streams. Juveniles of B. jararaca hold the prey after the bite, and use parts of the body to subjugate it. The frequent use of streams seems to be related to prey availability, and the use of vegetation at night may protect juveniles from terrestrial predators. Considering that some individuals were resting on the vegetation at night we can infer that juveniles of B. jararaca forage mainly on the ground during the day at the study site. Juveniles of B. jararacussu also use stream margins during the day to search for prey and apparently, similar to juveniles of B. jararaca, forage at times and places where frogs are active

    In situ works on ecotoxicology in amphibians: current state of the art

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    Amphibians play a fundamental role in the functioning of ecosystems, mainly in the nutrient cycle, energy flow, and pest control. This group has a massive population decline, with approximately 41% of all species at risk, highlighting pesticide pollution as one of the main threats to the loss of anuran biodiversity. This occurs since amphibians have an epidermis with high permeability and a biphasic life cycle, where they use both the aquatic and terrestrial environments, allowing exposure and making them susceptible to chemical agents released into the environment. This makes amphibians a model group in ecotoxicological studies. However, due to the greater control of experimental conditions, the vast majority of studies are carried out in the laboratory, thus maintaining a gap in knowledge about the effects of pesticides on amphibians in natural environments. Under natural conditions, where environmental variables are not controlled, experiments must relate all the dynamics of the interaction of substances existing in the environment, and their influences on organisms. To evaluate the studies already performed under natural conditions, a bibliographic survey was carried out through a search with the Web of Science and SCOPUS databases, considering articles published in the last twenty years, using the terms 'field experimentation' or 'in situ study', associated with 'tadpole' and 'agrochemical' or 'pesticide', using a descriptive methodology. Twenty-one abstracts were pre-selected, they were further evaluated and the methodologies were checked to ensure only the analysis of experiments conducted in the field conditions. Thus, ten works were selected for the construction of the review. The works selected used native amphibian species, considered generalists, present in the study region, and were carried out in environments intended for agricultural cultivation with control groups in preserved locations. In these works, different methodologies were used, such as intentional spraying of water bodies, quantification of pesticides in the study sites, and verification of changes caused by the environment on tadpoles. The main evaluations were based on the survival and morphological changes of the tadpoles and, in some cases, on cytological and biochemical assays

    Diversidade de Aves, Mamíferos e Répteis Atropelados em Região de Floresta Subtropical no Sul do Brasil

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a diversidade de espécies de aves, mamíferos e répteis atropelados em região de floresta subtropical e discutir quais fatores podem estar influenciando nos atropelamentos. Dados sobres os atropelamentos foram obtidos em dois trechos de 12 km, percorridos de carro em velocidade de 50 km/h. Foram realizados 10 dias de amostragens por mês, de setembro de 2014 a fevereiro de 2015. Foi calculada a taxa de atropelamentos e a curva de acumulação de espécies. Estimou-se a riqueza de espécies e determinou-se as espécies mais atropeladas. Foram encontrados 209 indivíduos atropelados de 45 espécies. A taxa de atropelamento foi de 0,14 ind./km/dia. Cinco espécies constam entre as mais atropeladas. As espécies com maior número de atropelamentos coincidem em grande parte com as espécies classificadas como Constantes ou Acessórias. A taxa de atropelamento indica que ao longo do período de um ano podem ser encontrados ao menos 50 animais atropelados por quilômetro nas rodovias avaliadas. A similaridade baixa e as diferenças na diversidade entre os dois trechos indicam a forte influência da paisagem do entorno da rodovia. Rodovias que cortam áreas preservadas tendem a gerar impactos sobre espécies mais exigentes em relação ao uso de habitat.

    Can proximity to roads influence forest fragmentation? A case study in northern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    The establishment and use of roads interfere with the atmosphere, soil, vegetation, fauna, and human communities surrounding them. One of the main effects caused by the implementation and operation of a road is fragmentation of natural landscapes, which consequently generates edge effects and isolation of populations. Thus, this study aimed to quantify and compare the distribution of vegetation cover in areas with and without ecological influence of roads in the Alto Uruguai region, northern Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. To do this, a geo-relational database was created, where satellite images taken by Landsat V and CBERS 2b were entered. The size and amount of forest fragments were estimated in areas with and without influence of roads. The area with ecological influence of roads had less and smaller sized forest fragments when compared to the area without ecological influence. High forest fragmentation seems to be enhanced by proximity to roads in northern Rio Grande do Sul, contributing to isolate and reduce the size of native populations that occupy these areas