1,754 research outputs found
A checklist of the bryophytes of Distrito Federal (BrasÃlia, Brazil)
The Distrito Federal, one of the most important centers of plant endemism in central Brazil, is located in the center of Brazil, with an area of 5,814 km2 at coordinates 15o30’ S, 16o03’W. Cerrado vegetation covers the region. The main city in the Distrito Federal is BrasÃlia, the capital of Brazil with a population of 2.5 million. In the last two decades the anthropogenic action has reduced the original plant cover drastically. In this paper a checklist of the bryophytes (Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta and Anthocerotophyta) is presented. A total of 176 species are listed, 114 among Bryophyta, 61 among Marchantiophyta and 1 in the Anthocerotophyta. The families best represented are the Bryaceae and Sematophyllaceae (Bryophyta), and the Jubulaceae and Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophya).O Distrito Federal, reconhecido com um dos principais centros de diversidade e endemismo de espécies vegetais do Brasil Central, está localizado no centro do pais, com uma área de 5.814 Km2, entre as coordenadas 15°30’ S, 16°03’O. A região é coberta pela vegetação de cerrado. A principal cidade do Distrito Federal é Brasilia, com uma população de 2,5 milhões de habitantes. Nas últimas duas décadas ação do homem tem reduzido draticamente a cobertura vegetal original. Neste trabalho é apresentado um cheklist das briófitas (Marchantiophyta, Bryophyta e Anthocerotophyta). Um total de 176 especies são listadas, 114 entre a Divisão Bryophyta, 61 na Divisão Marchantiophya e um entre Anthocerotophyta. As familias melhor representadas são: Bryaceae e Sematophyllaceae (Bryophyta) e Jubulaceae e Lejeuneaceae (Marchantiophyta)
A consciência como rede de narrativas : uma perspectiva evolucionista
Este artigo procura expor as ideias de Dennett acerca da consciência, mostrando que ela é resultado de um processo evolutivo e, no caso humano, constituÃda por uma rede de narrativas acerca do sujeito. Ele
argumenta que os processos ocorrendo na evolução biológica humana, na
evolução da cultura e na construção da identidade pessoal têm em comum
o fato de serem exemplos de aplicação do mesmo algoritmo. No artigo, a
abordagem de Dennett se apresentará em diálogo com a de outros autores. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis paper attempts to expose Dennett's ideas on consciousness, arguing that it is the result of an evolutionary process and, in the human case, construed by a net of narratives about the Self. He argues that the processes taking place in human biological evolution, in the evolution of
culture and in the construction of the personal identity have in common the
fact that they are examples of the application of the same algorithm. In the
paper, Dennett's approach will be presented in an exchange with approaches adopted by other authors
A cultura visual como método de análise e produção de imagem para alunos do 5º ano da Escola SESC
Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de BrasÃlia, Universidade Aberta do Brasil, Instituto de Artes, Departamento de Artes Visuais, 2014.O objetivo do projeto era desenvolver a leitura de imagem, através da reflexão e contextualização da cultura visual. Ele foi desenvolvido em três etapas, sendo a primeira uma aula sobre cultura visual; a segunda, a leitura de imagens; e a terceira e última etapa, a divisão de grupos para leitura e debate das imagens
Efeito dos nÃveis de cortisol no desempenho da memória operacional de idosos com doença de Alzheimer
BACKGROUND: Subjects with Alzheimer's disease (AD) have elevated cortisol levels as a result of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysfunction. Acute administration of hydrocortisone has been associated with working memory (WM) performance in young adults. OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether cortisol levels are associated with WM performance in subjects with AD. METHOD: Eighty subjects were included, comprising 40 patients with mild AD and 40 healthy elderly controls. WM was assessed using the Digit Span Backward test (DSB). Saliva samples were collected to determine cortisol levels. RESULTS: AD subjects had poorer performance on the DSB than controls (p=0.002) and also presented higher levels of cortisol than control group (p=0.04). No significant correlation was observed between the DSB and cortisol levels in both groups (r= -0.29). CONCLUSION: In this study, elevated cortisol levels were not associated with poorer WM performance in patients with AD or in healthy elderly subjects.INTRODUÇÃO: Idosos com doença de Alzheimer (DA) apresentam elevados nÃveis de cortisol como resultado de uma disfunção no eixo hipotálamo-pituitária-adrenal (HPA). A administração aguda de hidrocortisona tem sido associada ao desempenho da memória operacional (WM) em adultos jovens. OBJETIVO: Investigar se os nÃveis de cortisol estão associados com o desempenho na WM em pacientes com DA. MÉTODO: Oitenta indivÃduos foram incluÃdos, sendo 40 pacientes com DA leve e 40 idosos saudáveis controles. WM foi avaliada a partir do teste de Extensão de DÃgitos na ordem direta (DSB). Amostras de saliva foram coletadas para determinar os nÃveis de cortisol. RESULTADOS: IndivÃduos com DA apresentaram pior desempenho no DSB (p=0,002) e maiores nÃveis de cortisol (p=0,04) do que os controles. Não foi observada correlação significativa entre DSB e nÃveis de cortisol em nenhum dos grupos (r= -0,29). CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo, nÃveis de cortisol elevados não estão associados com pior desempenho da WM em pacientes com DA ou em idosos cognitivamente saudáveis
Self-Assessment Survey: A Tool for Data Mining in the Virtual Learning Environment
The Open University of the Unified Health System, of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNA-SU/UERJ), focusses on meeting the training needs and ongoing education of health professionals. The object of study was to analyse the student's route in the virtual learning environment (VLE) and measure their degree of satisfaction in the completion of the self-instructional course "Approach of Violence in Home Care" using a self-evaluation survey. Data were collected from 63 participants between 4 August 2016 and 10 October 2016. Results: 89.0% of the students followed the course in the order of the units of each book, 85.7% reported that they did not stop studying any subject to move to another unit, 66.7% did not have difficulty in accessing the didactic materials in VLE, 98.4% indicated that the content was presented with clarity and was easy to understand. In addition, 73.0% reported that the content of the course met their expectation of teaching and learning, and that 81.0% of teaching materials were useful for learning. Students were satisfied with the course, and its design which aided access to content and navigation in the VLE. The metrics collected in the VLE will be used to guide the development of new projects, and will help in the planning and development of new courses
Sintomas de estresse e estratégias de coping em idosos saudáveis
Idosos podem manifestar sintomas de estresse em decorrência das mudanças biopsicossociais do envelhecimento. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar sintomas de estresse em idosos e o estilo de coping utilizado por eles, verificando a relação entre estas variáveis. Foram aplicados a Lista de Sintomas de Stress (LSS) e o Inventário de Coping de Jalowiec, em 41 idosos saudáveis. Os idosos apresentaram sintomas de estresse, com intensidade média de 42.8 pontos. Observou-se predomÃnio do coping focado no problema, porém não houve diferença significativa entre as médias dos escores do LSS entre os indivÃduos que utilizaram coping focado no problema ou na emoção (p=0.737). Neste estudo, embora os idosos tendessem a eleger o coping focado no problema, a intensidade dos sintomas de estresse independeu do tipo de coping utilizado, evidenciando que tanto o coping focado no problema como o focado na emoção estão associados a nÃveis semelhantes de estresse.Elderly subjects may present stress symptoms due to physical, psychological and social changes during aging process. The aim of this study was to identify stress symptoms in elderly subjects and the coping strategies they used, verifying the relationship between these variables. The Stress Symptoms List (SSL) and the Jalowiec Coping Scale were administered to 41 healthy elderly subjects. Elderly subjects presented stress symptoms with a mean score of 42.8. Although problem-focused coping was predominantly observed, no significant difference was observed between mean SSL scores among elderly subjects who used problem-focused or emotion-focused coping. Although elderly subjects mainly elected problem-focused coping, stress intensity was independent of the coping style, showing that both problem- and emotion-focused coping are associated with similar stress levels.Los ancianos pueden manifestar sÃntomas de estrés como consecuencia de los cambios biopsicosociales del envejecimiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar sÃntomas de estrés en ancianos y el estilo de coping utilizado por ellos, verificando la relación entre estas variables. Fueron aplicados la Lista de SÃntomas de Estrés (LSS) y el Inventario de Coping de Jalowiec, en 41 ancianos saludables. Los ancianos presentaron sÃntomas de estrés, con intensidad promedio de 42.8 pontos. Se observó el predominio del coping enfocado en el problema, sin embargo no hubo diferencia significativa entre los promedios de los puntajes del LSS entre los individuos que utilizaron el coping enfocado en el problema o en la emoción (p = 0.737). En este estudio, a pesar de que los ancianos tendieron a escoger el coping enfocado en el problema, la intensidad de los sÃntomas de estrés fue independiente del tipo de coping utilizado, evidenciando que tanto el coping enfocado en el problema como el enfocado en la emoción están asociados a niveles semejantes de estrés
Geosystemic impacts of the extreme rainfall linked to the El Niño 2015/2016 event in Northern Paraná, Brazil
The El Niño episode between September 2015 and February 2016 caused abundant rainfall in the state of Paraná in southern Brazil. In this study, we map the greatest magnitude of this climatic event and the respective geosystem responses in the landscape. For this purpose, 32 precipitation series were analyzed (1981–2016). The parameter most indicative of extreme rainfall events during the El Niño period was the six-month accumulated precipitation. The return period (RP) of this parameter was calculated and spatialized using kriging. The results show that a longitudinal strip of 450 km by 140 km had rainfall with RP > 30 years, reaching maximums greater than 150 years. Surveys performed in the field, with aerial images, official sources and media news show a great diversity of effects caused by rainfall, such as road blockages, interruption of water and power supply, and erosion in urban and rural areas. It is concluded that the stability of regional geosystems was disrupted because of extreme rainfall values, so that the northwest region of Paraná had less resilience compared to the north-central and Pioneer North regions, due to the differences between the lithologies and soils of these regions.(undefined
Liquid crystal phase and waterlike anomalies in a core-softened shoulder-dumbbells system
Using molecular dynamics we investigate the thermodynamics, dynamics and
structure of 250 diatomic molecules interacting by a core-softened potential.
This system exhibits thermodynamics, dynamics and structural anomalies: a
maximum in density-temperature plane at constante pressure and maximum and
minimum points in the diffusivity and translational order parameter against
density at constant temperature. Starting with very dense systems and
decreasing density the mobility at low temperatures first increases, reach a
maximum, then decreases, reach a minimum and finally increases. In the
pressure-temperature phase diagram the line of maximum translational order
parameter is located outside the line of diffusivity extrema that is enclosing
the temperature of maximum density line. We compare our results with the
monomeric system showing that the anisotropy due to the dumbbell leads to a
much larger solid phase and to the appearance of a liquid crystal phase. the
double ranged thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure
Mesiodens surgery at deciduous and permanent dentition
Introduction and Objective: To report a rare case of a patient who presented two mesiodens and the treatment performed at two moments. Case report: A 7 year-old male patient reported a supernumerary tooth extracted at age 4. The dental clinical exam revealed giroversion of permanent maxillary right central incisor. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBTC) revealed a presence of a mesiodens located at the buccal surface mesially to the permanent maxillary left central incisor and also indicated that the mesiodens was located close tothe f loor of the nasal cavity. The surgery was performed with a conservative intervention and osteotomy by preserving the adjacent structure. The one-year following-up post-operative x-ray indicated new bone deposition and a more favorable eruption position of the right permanent maxillary lateral incisor. Conclusion: It can be concluded that an early diagnosis by CBTC allowed an adequate treatment planning, which avoid the formation of cysts and a prolonged retention of permanent tooth
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