27 research outputs found

    Creative landscapes : events at sites of encounter

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    In this dissertation, I study the concept of creative landscape by exploring the concept of landscape and event philosophy side by side. I have conceptualized creative landscape as part of my dissertation process. By way of the concept, I contemplate the changes that occur in multisensory seeing. Landscape is a premise for understanding multisensory seeing, that is, a way of seeing from a certain point or as a seeing with the materialities of the environment. I write about change through the event philosophies of two contemporaries, Alain Badiou and Gilles Deleuze. Subsequently, two different notions about events afford an opportunity to approach the creative landscape through changes which occur 1) when a rupture introduces something previously unthought-of or 2) in small alterations in our bodies. In my dissertation, the sites of encounter I refer to are situations which have sparked reflection about creativity as change. The sites of encounter range from the theatre and research cooperation, to installation art, glass architecture, and urban photography. The methodological work is experimental and art is intrinsic to the process. Firstly, I have looked at the relation between art, geography, and landscape. The many ways in which land, people, and processes have been framed in geography and related disciplines can be seen as the art of framing. Furthermore, art has been crucial for landscape since its early days, and still is. However, the role of art in the concept of landscape varies. Geographers have created art works and studied the works of others for the purpose of conceptual creation. The relationship between art, landscape, and geography begins with Strabo’s and Ptolemy’s writings, and extends to von Humboldt’s and Granö’s creative landscape practices at the very edge of landscape science, and to humanistic landscape autobiographies, studies in the ruling ways of seeing found in landscape paintings, contemporary interest in various forms of art, and the creative explorations of philosophy into writing with the landscape. My work continues these critical and creative studies with the landscape concept. Secondly, I have participated in both artistic processes and art work. Keiller’s installation art is a site where it is possible to question the way in which some landscapes seem to be more restrictive by ordering our seeing by the use of a predetermined path. To understand radical ruptures when thinking about our ordinary worlds, I have turned to Badiou’s two theatres. With this methodological framework, I was able to detach myself from the categorical way of seeing as it appears in the representational politics of multiculturalism. Subsequently, I move beyond categorical thinking per se with Deleuze’s surface event of sense. Chimeric point clouds and glass architecture function as sites to understand how the body is affected by sensations near and far, and how the present is mobile - oriented simultaneously to the past and future. Furthermore, I claim that through the sensuous urban photography project my body became artist like. My work is eccentric for its way of combining geographical thinking, art, and philosophy. It restores the relationship between art, landscape, and philosophy. The landscape concept has a long-term relationship with art: it reaches from the classical period to the present day. This remarkable relationship can be extended with ideas from event philosophies. If art brings nuances to geographical research, philosophy leads us to consider what it is “to be in exception, in the sense of event, to keep one’s distance from power” (Badiou 2005/2009, 13). With this work, I have moved beyond landscapes as phenomena and expanded the discussion about our uncertain and unfinished terrains of seeing to the chance encounters which rupture our worlds and immanently alter our worlds to come.Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkin luovan maiseman käsitettä tarkastelemalla maiseman käsitettä ja tapahtuman filosofiaa rinnakkain. Luovan maiseman käsite on syntynyt osana väitöskirjaprosessiani. Käsitteen avulla pohdin moniaistisessa näkemisessä tapahtuvaa muutosta. Maisema tarjoaa lähtökohdat ymmärtää moniaistista näkemistä tietystä pisteestä avautuvana näkemisen tapana tai ympäristön materiaalisuuksien kanssanäkemisenä. Kirjoitan muutoksesta kahden aikalaisen, Alain Badioun ja Gilles Deleuzen, tapahtumanfilosofioiden kautta. Kaksi eri ymmärrystä tapahtumasta avaa mahdollisuuden lähestyä luovaa maisemaa muutoksena, joka 1) katkoksen kautta esittelee jotain aikaisemmin ajattelematonta tai 2) saa aikaan pieniä muutoksia kehossa. Väitöskirjatyössäni kutsun kohtaamisen paikoiksi tilanteita, jotka ovat antaneet sysäyksen luovuuden pohtimiseen muutoksena. Kohtaamisen paikat ulottuvat teatterin ja tutkimuksen yhteistyöstä installaatiotaiteeseen, lasiarkkitehtuuriin ja kaupunkivalokuvaukseen. Tämä metodologinen työ on kokeellinen. Taide on ollut luontainen osa väitöskirjatyöprosessia. Aluksi olen tarkastellut taiteen, maantieteen ja maiseman suhdetta toisiinsa. Maantieteen ja lähitieteiden tavat rajata maata, ihmisiä ja tapahtumasarjoja voidaan ymmärtää kehystämisen taiteena. Taide on ollut kytköksissä maiseman käsitteeseen tutkimuksen alusta lähtien ja on yhä. Taiteen merkitys maiseman käsitteelle kuitenkin vaihtelee. Maantieteilijät ovat luoneet taidetta ja käsitteistön kehittämistyötään varten tutkineet muiden taiteellista tuotantoa. Taiteen, maiseman ja maantieteen suhde alkoi Strabon ja Ptolemaioksen kirjoituksilla ja yltää von Humboldtin ja Granön luoviin maisemakäytäntöihin aina maisematutkimuksen tieteellistymiseen saakka. Suhdetta ovat myöhemmin jatkaneet humanistiset autobiografiat ja tutkimukset maisemamaalauksien maisemasta vallitsevana näkemisen tapana. Tämänhetkinen kiinnostus yltää eri taidemuotoihin ja luoviin filosofiasta ammentaviin tutkimuksiin maiseman kanssakirjoittamisena. Työni jatkaa tätä kriittistä ja luovaa maiseman käsitteellistä tutkimusta. Toiseksi olen osallistunut taiteellisiin prosesseihin ja taideteoksiin. Keillerin installaatiotaide on kohtaamisen paikka, joka herätti kyseenalaistamaan ne maisemat, jotka näyttäytyvät rajattuina ohjaamalla näkemistämme ennalta määrätylle reitille. Badioun kahden teatterin soveltaminen metodologisena kehyksenä mahdollisti tavanomaisia todellisuuksia rikkovien radikaalien murtumien tarkastelun. Metodologisen kehyksen avulla irrottauduin kategorisesta tavasta ymmärtää representationaalista monikulttuurisuuden politiikkaa. Tämän murtuman jälkeen siirryin Deleuzen tapahtuman kanssa representationaalisen tuolle puolen tarkastelemaan muutosta toistossa tapahtuvana erilaistumisena. Kimeeriset pistepilvet ja lasiarkkitehtuuri ovat kohtaamisen paikkoja, joiden avulla voidaan ymmärtää, miten läheiset ja kaukaiset aistimukset vaikuttavat kehoon ja miten nykyhetki on aina liikkuva; suuntautunut samanaikaisesti menneeseen ja tulevaan. Lisäksi väitän, että osallistumalla kaupunkivalokuvauksen aistilliseen tapahtumaan kehostani tuli taitelijan kaltainen. Väitöskirjassani yhdistän maantieteellistä ajattelua, taidetta ja filosofiaa omintakeisella tavalla. Kokonaisuudessa taiteen, maiseman ja filosofian välinen yhteys kiteytyy uudelleen. Maiseman pitkä suhde taiteeseen yltää antiikista nykypäivään. Tätä yhteyttä voidaan täydentää tapahtuman filosofian ajatuksilla. Jos taide sävyttää maantieteellistä tutkimusta, niin tapahtumanfilosofia johdattaa pohtimaan, mitä tarkoittaa “olla poikkeus, tapahtuman merkityksessä, ja säilyttää etäisyytensä valtaan” (Badiou 2005/2009, 13). Työni suuntaa maisemafenomenologiasta postfenomenologiseen maisematutkimukseen ja syventää keskustelua näkemisen epävarmoista ja keskeneräisistä maastoista kohti sattumanvaraisia kohtaamisia, jotka murtavat todellisuuttamme ja muuntavat mahdollisia maailmoja

    Evolving Coagency between Artists and AI in the Spatial Cocreative Process of Artmaking

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    This article applies theoretical and empirical discussions of emerging human and digital technology relations to our interest in collaborative artist–artificial intelligence (AI) artmaking processes. Thus far, the theoretical focus has largely been on mediating (code) and merged (cyborg) human–technology relations, with mutual (coagency) relations yet to be adequately explored. To address this, we nuance the theoretical discussion and extend the empirical research, analyzing the spatial cocreative artmaking process through video interviews with eighteen Finnish artists using AI. Drawing on the work of Barad, we regard humans and AI as fundamentally entwined, receiving their agencies through intra-action. Building on this, we demonstrate how the agencies of artists and AI emerge and mutually evolve across three stages of the creative process: (1) coding and data, (2) learning and training, and (3) curating the outcome. Thus, through our empirical research on how artist and AI create new material and meaningful artworlds, we are able to nuance understanding of coagency as a spatial process.本文将新兴的人类和数字技术关系的理论和实证讨论, 应用于艺术家-人工智能(AI)的合作艺术创作过程。迄今为止, 理论研究的主要重点是调节(代码)和融合(电子人)人与技术关系, 没有对相互(协作)关系进行充分讨论。为此, 我们开展了详尽的理论研究, 扩展了实证研究。基于对使用人工智能的18位芬兰艺术家的视频采访, 分析了艺术的空间合作创作过程。根据巴拉德的研究, 我们认为, 人类和人工智能本质上是交织在一起的, 并产生内作用。在此基础上, 我们展示了艺术家和人工智能的作用如何出现于并相互演化于创作的三个阶段: (1)编程和数据, (2)学习和训练, (3)策划结果。通过对艺术家和人工智能如何创造新材料和艺术世界的实证研究, 我们得以详尽理解协作的空间过程。Este artículo aplica las discusiones teóricas y empíricas de las relaciones emergentes entre los humanos y la tecnología digital a nuestro interés en los procesos colaborativos de producción estética entre el artista y la inteligencia artificial (IA). Hasta este momento, el foco teórico en gran medida se ha centrado en las relaciones humano-tecnológicas mediadoras (código) y ligadas (cíborg), con las relaciones mutuas (coagencia), todavía sin exploración adecuada. Para abordar este asunto, matizamos la discusión teórica y extendemos la investigación empírica, analizando el proceso espacial de producción artística cocreativa por medio de entrevistas en vídeo con dieciocho artistas finlandeses que usan IA. Basándonos en el trabajo de Barad, consideramos que los humanos y la IA están fundamentalmente entrelazados, recibiendo los efectos de sus agencias a través de la intra-acción. A partir de lo anterior, demostramos cómo las agencias de los artistas y la IA emergen y evolucionan mutuamente a través de tres etapas del procesos creativo: (1) codificación y datos, (2) aprendizaje y entrenamiento y (3) curaduría del resultado. Así, por medio de nuestra investigación empírica sobre cómo el artista y la IA crean nuevos materiales y mundos de arte significativos, nos habilitamos para matizar el entendimiento de la coagencia como un proceso espacial.©2023 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Creative city, mobility, and creativity: Finnish artists in Berlin

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    Creative city, creativity, and mobility are interconnected. The creative city research focuses on long-term mobility of the creative class members: they ‘move in’ to a creative city. ‘Once in’ the creative city, the city is seen to (automatically) support the creativity of the individuals. However, artists and other creative class members constantly visit and work temporarily in creative cities. Moreover, the creation processes of individuals in the creative cities are less known. We focus on mobilities along the process of creation from ‘creative moments’ to ‘creative outcomes’. We investigate Finnish artists in Berlin to analyse how the artists use mobilities (‘move in’, ‘once in’ and ‘once out’) to support their creative process. We apply interviews of 16 Finnish artists in 2014 − 2015 and a survey one year later. The results demonstrate visitor, transnational, and migrant mobilities, each with particular support for the creation process and with different geographies of mobilities. We contribute to the research on creative cities by elaborating the interrelatedness of creativity, mobility, and a creative city. According to the results, creative cities are not the only important sites for creation processes. Creative moments experienced in creative cities may be turned into creative outcomes elsewhere

    Perceptions of Cultural Ecosystem Services: spatial differences in urban and rural areas of Kokemäenjoki, Finland

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    This study aims to identify and evaluate the spatial distribution of Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) benefits perceived by people in both urban and rural areas. A public participation GIS (PPGIS) approach was applied with local people who responded to an online survey and mapped their important places related to CES benefits in the Kokemäenjoki area. We explore the perceived ecosystem services of the community using different infrastructure types (green, grey, yellow and blue) based on the Corine Land Cover (CLC) classes. We identified spatial patterns of mapped important places using kernel dens ity estimation and related CES benefit associations with the infrastructures using chi-square residuals. We found that CES in urban areas are provided more often when there is more than one type of infrastructure (e.g., grey and green; grey and blue), but grey infrastructures are preferred in urban areas, while blue infrastructures produce more CES benefits in rural areas.</p

    Appendiceal neoplasm risk associated with complicated acute appendicitisa population based study

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    PurposeAppendiceal tumors are rare, but high neoplasm rates have been reported at interval appendectomy after periappendicular abscess. Non-operative management of uncomplicated acute appendicitis has shown promising results. The data on appendiceal tumor incidence and presentation among acute appendicitis patients is limited, especially in patient cohorts differentiating between uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis. Objective was to assess appendiceal tumor incidence and tumor association to appendicitis in patients with uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis.MethodsThis nationwide population-based registry study was conducted from 2007 to 2013. The Finnish Cancer Registry and the National Institute for Health Registry were used to combine data on all appendiceal tumors and acute appendicitis diagnosis with medical reports evaluated at eight study hospitals.ResultsAltogether, 840 appendiceal tumors were identified, and out of these, 504 patient reports were reviewed, including 472 patients in this study. Tumor was diagnosed at appendectomy for suspected acute appendicitis in 276 patients (58%). In the whole study, histologically acute appendicitis and tumor were both present in 53% (n=250), and out of these, 41% (n=102) were complicated and 59% (n=148) uncomplicated acute appendicitis. The associated tumor risk was significantly higher in complicated acute appendicitis compared with uncomplicated cases (3.24% vs. 0.87%, pPeer reviewe

    The association between appendicitis severity and patient age with appendiceal neoplasm histology-a population-based study

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    Purpose Recent studies have reported alarming appendiceal tumor rates associated with complicated acute appendicitis, especially in patients presenting with a periappendicular abscess. However, the data on histology of appendiceal tumors among acute appendicitis patients is limited, especially in patient cohorts differentiating between uncomplicated and complicated acute appendicitis. We have previously reported the association of increased appendiceal tumor prevalence with complicated acute appendicitis in this population-based study. The objective of this secondary analysis was to evaluate the association of both appendicitis severity and patient age with appendiceal tumor histology. Methods This nationwide population-based registry study (The Finnish Cancer Registry) was conducted from 2007 to 2013. All appendiceal tumors (n = 840) and available medical reports (n = 504) of these patients at eight study hospitals were previously evaluated, identifying altogether 250 patients with both acute appendicitis and appendiceal tumor. Results The severity of acute appendicitis was significantly associated with more malignant tumor histology. The risk of adenocarcinoma or pseudomyxoma was significantly higher among patients with periappendicular abscess (OR 15.05, CI 95% 6.98-32.49, p < 0.001) and patients presenting with perforated acute appendicitis (OR 4.09, CI 95% 1.69-9.90, p = 0.0018) compared to patients with uncomplicated acute appendicitis. Similarly, patient age over 40 years was significantly associated with the risk of adenocarcinoma and pseudomyxoma (OR 26.46, Cl 95% 7.95-88.09, p < 0.001). Patient sex was not associated with a more malignant appendiceal tumor histology (p = 0.67). Conclusion More malignant appendiceal tumor histology of adenocarcinoma or pseudomyxoma was significantly associated with patient age over 40 years and complicated acute appendicitis, especially periappendicular abscess.Peer reviewe

    Data integration and participatory process in developing integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) in the northern Baltic Sea

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    The Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) Directive was ratifed (2014/89/EU) along the Strategy of the European Union (EU) on the Blue Economy to contribute to the efective management of maritime activities and resources and incorporate the principal elements of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) (2002/413/EC) into planning at the land-sea interface. There is a need to develop the ICZM approach throughout Europe to realise the potential for both socio-economic and environmental targets set by the EU and national legislations. In this study, we co-developed diferent approaches for land-sea interactions in four case areas in Estonia and Finland based on the defned characteristics and key interests derived from local or regional challenges by integrating spatial data on human activities and ecology. Furthermore, four ICZM drafts were co-evaluated by stakeholders and the public using online map-based assessment tools (public participatory GIS). The ICZM approaches of the Estonian cases ranged from the diversifcation of land use to the enhancement of community-based entrepreneurship. The Finnish cases aimed to defne the trends for sustainable marine and coastal tourism and introduce the ecosystem service concept in land use planning. During the project activities, we found that increased communication and exchange of local and regional views and values on the prevailing land-sea interactions were important for the entire process. Thereafter, the ICZM plans were applied to the MSP processes nationally, and they support the sustainable development of coastal areas in Estonia and Finland.</p

    Data integration and participatory process in developing integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) in the northern Baltic Sea

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    The Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) Directive was ratified (2014/89/EU) along the Strategy of the European Union (EU) on the Blue Economy to contribute to the effective management of maritime activities and resources and incorporate the principal elements of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) (2002/413/EC) into planning at the land-sea interface. There is a need to develop the ICZM approach throughout Europe to realise the potential for both socio-economic and environmental targets set by the EU and national legislations. In this study, we co-developed different approaches for land-sea interactions in four case areas in Estonia and Finland based on the defined characteristics and key interests derived from local or regional challenges by integrating spatial data on human activities and ecology. Furthermore, four ICZM drafts were co-evaluated by stakeholders and the public using online map-based assessment tools (public participatory GIS). The ICZM approaches of the Estonian cases ranged from the diversification of land use to the enhancement of community-based entrepreneurship. The Finnish cases aimed to define the trends for sustainable marine and coastal tourism and introduce the ecosystem service concept in land use planning. During the project activities, we found that increased communication and exchange of local and regional views and values on the prevailing land-sea interactions were important for the entire process. Thereafter, the ICZM plans were applied to the MSP processes nationally, and they support the sustainable development of coastal areas in Estonia and Finland

    Cost analysis of antibiotic therapy versus appendectomy for treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis: 5-year results of the APPAC randomized clinical trial

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    BackgroundThe efficacy and safety of antibiotic treatment for uncomplicated acute appendicitis hasbeen established at long-term follow-up with the majority of recurrences shown to occurwithin the first year. Overall costs of antibiotics are significantly lower compared with appendectomyat short-term follow-up, but long-term durability of these cost savings is unclear.The study objective was to compare the long-term overall costs of antibiotic therapy versusappendectomy in the treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis in the APPAC (APPendicitisACuta) trial at 5 years.Methods and findingsThis multicentre, non-inferiority randomized clinical trial randomly assigned 530 adultpatients with CT-confirmed uncomplicated acute appendicitis to appendectomy or antibiotictreatment at six Finnish hospitals. All major costs during the 5-year follow-up were recorded,whether generated by the initial visit and subsequent treatment or possible recurrent appendicitis.Between November 2009 and June 2012, 273 patients were randomized to appendectomyand 257 to antibiotics. The overall costs of appendectomy were 1.4 times higher(pCI: €3879 to €4463) resulting in cost savings of €1545 per patient (95% CI: €1193 to €1899;ppatients did not undergo appendectomy.ConclusionsAt 5-year follow-up antibiotic treatment resulted in significantly lower overall costs comparedwith appendectomy. As the majority of appendicitis recurrences occur within the first yearafter the initial antibiotic treatment, these results suggest that treating uncomplicated acuteappendicitis with antibiotics instead of appendectomy results in lower overall costs even atlonger-term follow-up.</p