33 research outputs found

    Modern Approach to E-shop

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem modelu pro zvýšení konverzního poměru v elektronickém obchodě minicams.cz a implementací jeho jednotlivých částí. A to za využití moderních technologií a metod, aby byl výsledný návrh dlouhodobě funkční, nízkonákladový a efektivní.This thesis describes the design model improving the conversion ratio in e-commerce minicams.cz and the implementation of its individual parts. This is done by using modern technologies and methods to maintain long-term funcionality, low-cost and efficiency of the result.

    COOPERAÇÃO SINO-AFRICANA: os casos de Angola e Botswana

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Relações Internacionais.Este trabalho consiste em uma análise da cooperação sino-africana, tendo como objeto de estudo as relações entre China-Angola e China-Botswana ao longo do período 2000 a 2012. A análise foi conduzida com o objetivo de investigar, sob a ótica da economia política internacional, se, ao estabelecer a cooperação sino-africana, a China estaria se tornando um parceiro do desenvolvimento africano. Para a execução do trabalho, foram selecionados dois países africanos, quais sejam Angola e Botswana, considerando-se que um país (Angola) possui petróleo e que o outro país (Botswana) não possui petróleo. Essa seleção foi feita com o objetivo de verificar os impactos da cooperação sino-africana nesses dois países. A análise foi feita com base nos dados estatísticos de comércio exterior, IDH, projetos financiados pela China em Angola e em Botswana. Em relação às observações dos dados, foram identificados indícios de que a cooperação sino-africana está diretamente relacionada com o fator dos recursos energéticos, especificamente o petrolífero, ou seja, os países, como Angola, obtêm prioridade e mais privilégios na cooperação com a China do que os países, como Botswana, que não possuem petróleo em seus territórios. Por fim, observa-se, com base na análise dos dados, que a China estaria se tornando um parceiro para o desenvolvimento africano ao manter relações comerciais, diplomáticas e de cooperação com países sem petróleo, entretanto, ainda é uma relação recente que está sendo construíd

    Whose Business is Your Pancreas?: Potential Privacy Problems in New York City\u27s Mandatory Diabetes Registry (with N. Gingo et al.)

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    New York City authorities in 2006 formulated a policy requiring that medical data from all diabetics in the City be stored in a centralized registry. This diabetic registry is the first in the nation to require collection of personal testing data for the purpose of monitoring treatments for a noninfectious disease. The registry represents an important step on the path toward better understanding and managing of the disease. Nonetheless, establishment of the registry threatens privacy in a number of ways. Many individuals are open about their diabetes, but others prefer to keep that information to themselves, whether because of concerns for discrimination in the workplace or for ramifications in custody disputes. Although New York City’s regulation includes a confidentiality provision, privately identifiable information may be divulged through the notification process set up by the City, under which both physicians and patients are notified when their hemoglobin tests are dangerously high; through subpoenas in criminal and family court actions, and through use of the information by public health researchers to conduct epidemiological research. Regulators have already indicated that, despite the confidentiality provision, they intend to use the registry to conduct public health research that can only be attained by combining registry information with other statistics about the individuals covered. Moreover, there is no confidentiality provision at all for physicians, and operation of the registry may intrude upon the sanctity of the physician/patient relationship by providing physicians with troubling incentives either to circumvent the reporting requirements or to ensure that their patients appear healthier than they are. After considering the ways in which implementation of the registry potentially compromises privacy, the article concludes with a list of specific recommendations for both the NYC and future registries targeted at noninfectious diseases. In short, we recommend making the confidentiality provision more explicit, limiting secondary uses of the information obtained, protecting diabetics from adverse insurance consequences due to operation of the registry, and protecting the privacy of physicians

    Whose Business is Your Pancreas?: Potential Privacy Problems in New York City\u27s Mandatory Diabetes Registry (with N. Gingo et al.)

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    New York City authorities in 2006 formulated a policy requiring that medical data from all diabetics in the City be stored in a centralized registry. This diabetic registry is the first in the nation to require collection of personal testing data for the purpose of monitoring treatments for a noninfectious disease. The registry represents an important step on the path toward better understanding and managing of the disease. Nonetheless, establishment of the registry threatens privacy in a number of ways. Many individuals are open about their diabetes, but others prefer to keep that information to themselves, whether because of concerns for discrimination in the workplace or for ramifications in custody disputes. Although New York City’s regulation includes a confidentiality provision, privately identifiable information may be divulged through the notification process set up by the City, under which both physicians and patients are notified when their hemoglobin tests are dangerously high; through subpoenas in criminal and family court actions, and through use of the information by public health researchers to conduct epidemiological research. Regulators have already indicated that, despite the confidentiality provision, they intend to use the registry to conduct public health research that can only be attained by combining registry information with other statistics about the individuals covered. Moreover, there is no confidentiality provision at all for physicians, and operation of the registry may intrude upon the sanctity of the physician/patient relationship by providing physicians with troubling incentives either to circumvent the reporting requirements or to ensure that their patients appear healthier than they are. After considering the ways in which implementation of the registry potentially compromises privacy, the article concludes with a list of specific recommendations for both the NYC and future registries targeted at noninfectious diseases. In short, we recommend making the confidentiality provision more explicit, limiting secondary uses of the information obtained, protecting diabetics from adverse insurance consequences due to operation of the registry, and protecting the privacy of physicians

    Implementace modelové analýzy průmyslových rizik do informačního systému pro vytváření havarijních a krizových plánů

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Institut geoinformatiky (548

    Vytvoření informačního systému pro sledování jímacího území Doubrava - Špluchov

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Institut ekonomiky a systémů řízení (545

    As vozes de uma política de ensino de língua estrangeira moderna na educação básica no Estado do Paraná

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    Analysis examines the manner political aspects in foreign language teaching policies in the final years in government primary teaching in the State of Paraná were planned as from the principles suggested by the official document, namely, Primary School Curriculum Guidelines - Modern Foreign Language, that monitors teachers' practice and students' knowledge appropriation. Bakhtin's theories were employed to foreground current analysis. Reflections on Bakhtinian concepts on enunciation, dialogism and polyphony ensued. Methodology consists of case study since analysis deals with a specific pedagogical event. The literature employed in current investigation and the teacher's voices that articulate the elaboration process of Curriculum Guidelines - Modern Foreign Language favors the conclusion that the document is an educational proposal that apparently reveals the collective participation of Foreign Language teachers during its construction. This fact may be surmised by the manner the State Education Secretariat administered the policy activities in the construction process of the above mentioned document.  Os objetivos maiores deste estudo são estudar e examinar o modo como se configuram os aspectos políticos da política de ensino de línguas estrangeiras (LE) no ensino fundamental dos anos finais da rede pública de ensino do Estado do Paraná, a partir dos princípios propostos por um documento oficial que norteia a prática dos professores e a apropriação do conhecimento pelos alunos - Diretrizes Curriculares da Educação Básica - Língua Estrangeira Moderna (DCE-LEM). Como fundamentação teórica para a construção deste trabalho, apoiamo-nos nas teorias de Mikhail Bakhtin para fundamentar nossas reflexões sobre os conceitos bakhtinianos de enunciado, dialogismo e polifonia. Quanto à metodologia utilizada no trabalho recorremos ao estudo de caso por se tratar de um trabalho que enfoca determinado evento pedagógico. Concluímos, assim, por meio da literatura utilizada na confecção deste trabalho e das vozes dos professores que articularam todo o processo de elaboração das DCE-LEM, que este documento é uma proposta educacional que revela aparentemente uma participação coletiva dos professores de LE durante a sua construção. Isso é perceptível na forma como a Secretaria de Estado de Educação conduziu as ações políticas no processo de construção do documento supracitado.