673 research outputs found

    Psicodrama: raiz moreniana e centrado na pessoa

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    Com este trabalho pretendemos efectuar uma reflexão sobre as semelhanças e diferenças entre o Modelo de Psicodrama Moreniano e o Psicodrama Centrado na Pessoa desenvolvido por Hipólito (2000). Esta justifica-se pela pertinência que este instrumento comporta quer pelo seu valor como meio psicoterapêutico, quer como modo de formar mais eficazmente profissionais em várias áreas de actividade. Revisitaremos as influências históricas e filosóficas, as bases teóricas e o desenvolvimento na prática destas duas abordagens ao psicodrama. Para o efeito, foram efectuadas leituras da bibliografia pertinente e uma entrevista com Hipólito (comunicação pessoal, Março, 2010

    Gold loaded textile fibres as substrates for SERS detection

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    Spectroscopic methods based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) are among the analytical tools most exploited in recent years for the detection of vestigial amounts of compounds with environmental and health relevance. In the last decades, SERS methods have been largely improved with the unprecedented progress in instrumentation and materials development in the scope of nanoscale science. The current developments in Raman instruments, in particular for Raman imaging, brought a new look on composites and its applications. The use of confocal microscopes allows high resolution Raman mapping with short measurement times, creating strongly improved Raman images in two and three dimensions. In this manuscript, we will present an overview of our own research on the development of malleable and easy-handled SERS substrates based on textile fibres for analytical detection. The strategies employed for the coating of the textile fibres with gold nanoparticles (NPs) will be described in detail. A final section will focus on the combination of Raman imaging and SERS for the development of substrates based on textile fibres and their application on the detection of water pollutants and biomolecules. A case study on the development of cotton swab fibres coated with Au NPs for SERS detection of L-lactate will be illustrated in more detail.publishe

    A experiência de Grupos de Encontro auto-estima e bem-estar subjectivo

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    SELF-ESTEEM It implies two actions on the person itself: measuring and valuing his way of being. Tap (2006) • Plays a fundamental part on the variables that alow the person to affirm his identity, to develop stress coping strategies, social integration competences and to elaborate a meaningfull existential project. •Depends on the way the person mobilize different strategies and efforts with the goal of obtaining a good personal, professional and social integratio

    An integrated approach for trace detection of pollutants in water using polyelectrolyte functionalized magneto-plasmonic nanosorbents

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    Resistance of pathogenic micro-organisms to conventional antibiotics is an essential issue for public health. The presence of such pharmaceuticals in aquatic ecosystems has been of major concern for which remediation and ultra-sensitive monitoring methods have been proposed. A less explored strategy involves the application of multifunctional nanosorbents for the uptake and subsequent detection of vestigial contaminants. In this study, colloidal nanoparticles (NPs) of iron oxide and gold were encapsulated in multi-layers of a charged polyelectrolyte (PEI: polyethyleneimine), envisaging the effective capture of tetracycline (TC) and its subsequent detection by Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS). Adsorption studies were performed by varying operational parameters, such as the solution pH and contact time, in order to evaluate the performance of the nanosorbents for the uptake of TC from water. While the magnetic nanosorbents with an external PEI layer (Fe3O4@PEI and Fe3O4@PEI-Au@PEI particles) have shown better uptake efficiency for TC, these materials showed less SERS sensitivity than the Fe3O4@PEI- Au nanosorbents, whose SERS sensitivity for TC in water has reached the limit of detection of 10 nM. Thus, this study highlights the potential of such magneto-plasmonic nanosorbents as multi-functional platforms for targeting specific contaminants in water, by taking into consideration both functionalities investigated: the removal by adsorption and the SERS detection across the nanosorbents' surfaces.publishe

    Psicodrama: raiz moreniana e centrado na pessoa

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    Com este trabalho pretendemos efectuar uma reflexão sobre as semelhanças e diferenças entre o Modelo de Psicodrama Moreniano e o Psicodrama Centrado na Pessoa desenvolvido por Hipólito (2000). Esta justifica-se pela pertinência que este instrumento comporta quer pelo seu valor como meio psicoterapêutico, quer como modo de formar mais eficazmente profissionais em várias áreas de actividade. Revisitaremos as influências históricas e filosóficas, as bases teóricas e o desenvolvimento na prática destas duas abordagens ao psicodrama. Para o efeito, foram efectuadas leituras da bibliografia pertinente e uma entrevista com Hipólito (comunicação pessoal, Março, 2010

    Análise da Taxa de Câmbio a Partir do Índice de Pressão Cambial: A Experiência Brasileira de 1994 a 1999

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    Este artigo analisa a evolução da taxa de câmbio brasileira a partir da adoção da âncora cambial no Plano Real. Para tanto, construiu-se um índice de pressão cambial com base na metodologia de Eichengreen et alii (1995, 1996) que detecta não só mudanças nas variações da taxa de câmbio, mas também ataques especulativos nos quais as autoridades monetárias foram bem sucedidas em defender o Real. Foram elaboradas diversas versões do índice com diferentes variáveis constitutivas, periodicidade e pesos de ponderação. Os vários resultados obtidos capturaram os ataques especulativos sofridos pela moeda brasileira de 1995 a 1999, em especial os ataques derivados das crises mexicana, asiática, russa e, finalmente, da própria crise cambial brasileira. Além disso, a decomposição do índice de pressão cambial possibilitou detectar o quão foram utilizadas as reservas internacionais e a política monetária, via taxa de juros, para defender o regime de câmbio administrado.Índice de Pressão Cambial, Administração da Taxa de Câmbio, Âncora Cambial, Ataques Especulativos

    Crises gêmeas nos mercados emergentes: América Latina x Leste Asiático [Twin crises in emergent markets: Latin America and Eastern Asia]

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    This article uses a crisis index based on an average of the variations in currency and financial crises indicators, referred to as "twin crises", adjusting them to the same volatility. Thus, the objective is to measure the degree of vulnerability to twin crises within a group of 19 countries in the context of the East Asian crisis. Based on the crisis index regarding data from 1996, the most vulnerable countries of the twin crises can be ordered and identified a year before the onset of the crises. East Asian countries, in contrast with Latin American countries, were identified as the most vulnerable to twin crises.Latin America, East Asian crisis, twin crises, currency and financial crises

    Tetrabutylammonium 2,6-dihydroxybenzoate 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid solvate

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    The title compound, C16H36N+ C7H5O4 ÿ C7H6O4 or (nBu4N)+ (2,6-dhb) ÿ (2,6±Hdhb) [where (nBu4N) is tetrabutylammonium, (2,6-dhb) ÿ is 2,6-dihydroxybenzoate and (2,6-Hdhb) is 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid], crystallizes in the space group P1. The crystal structure involves alternate layers, in the c direction, of cationic [nBu4N]n n+ and anionic [(2,6- dhb)(2,6-Hdhb)]n nÿ . Hydrogen bonds within the anionic layers form bridges between 2,6-Hdhb and 2,6-dhb ÿ residues


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    We are pleased to announce another issue of Embornal, with the dossier Clio on Divã: On Theory of History and Historiography. In Brazil, discussions around the theory of history and the history of historiography have received numerous contributions over the past few years, which has enabled, among other issues, more substantial and in-depth theoretical and methodological elaborations of problems essential to the historian's profession, in addition to greater historiographical awareness. There is an increasing emphasis on the discussion, understanding and operationalization of concepts; likewise, the theoretical and methodological devices used in the construction of historical knowledge have been renewed and analyzed with more care. All of this is reflected in a certain autonomy both in theory and in the history of historiography, which requires specifying space in Clio's research for reflective exercise relevant to the aforementioned issues.Temos o grato prazer de anunciar mais um número da Embornal, com o dossiê Clio no Divã: Sobre Teoria da História e Historiografia. No Brasil, as discussões em torno da teoria da história e da história da historiografia têm recebido inúmeras contribuições ao longo dos últimos, o que vem possibilitando, dentre outras questões, elaborações teórico-metodológicas mais substanciais e aprofundadas de problemas essenciais ao ofício do historiador, além de maior consciência historiográfica. Verifica-se ênfase cada vez maior em torno da discussão, do entendimento e da operacionalização de conceitos; da mesma forma os aparatos teórico-metodológicos usados na construção do saber histórico vêm sendo renovados e analisados com mais cuidado. Tudo isto se reflete numa certa autonomia tanto da teoria quanto da história da historiografia, o que demanda especificação de espaço nas pesquisas de Clio para exercício reflexivo pertinente às citadas questões

    Dermatan sulfate in tunicate phylogeny: Order-specific sulfation pattern and the effect of [→4IdoA(2-Sulfate)β-1→3GalNAc(4-Sulfate)β-1→] motifs in dermatan sulfate on heparin cofactor II activity

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    After the publication of the work entitled "Dermatan sulfate in tunicate phylogeny: Order-specific sulfation pattern and the effect of [→4IdoA(2-Sulfate)β-1→3GalNAc(4-Sulfate)β-1→] motifs in dermatan sulfate on heparin cofactor II activity", by Kozlowski et al., BMC Biochemistry 2011, 12:29, we found that the legends to Figures 2 to 5 contain serious mistakes that compromise the comprehension of the work. This correction article contains the correct text of the legends to Figures 2 to 5