2,448 research outputs found

    Akivis Superalgebras and speciality

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    In this paper we define Akivis superalgebra and study enveloping superalgebras for this class of algebras, proving an analogous of the PBW Theorem. Lie and Malcev superalgebras are examples of Akivis superalgebras. For these particular superalgebras, we describe the connection between the classical enveloping superalgebras and the corresponding generalized concept defined in this work

    Stratifying ideals and twisted products

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    We study stratifying ideals for rings in the context of relative homological algebra. Using LU-decompositions, which are a special type of twisted products, we give a sufficient condition for an idempotent ideal to be (relative) stratifying.Comment: 14 page

    Ageing in Portugal: regional iniquities in health and health care

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    The health of the Portuguese has improved considerably in the last twenty years. Economic and social transformations that have contributed to the progressive amelioration of problems of feeding, sanitation, hygiene, housing and social conditions in general, as well as health services, have had decisive effect on this phenomenon. The spectacular regression of the indicators related to transmitted diseases, infant, perinatal (more than 50% between 1985 and 1994) and maternal mortality, and the mortality of children 1 to 4 yr old, also reflects this impact. The positive changes that took place in health indicators were reflected in the growth of life expectancy at birth (2.2 yr more for male and 2.3 more for women between 1985 and 1994) in spite of the fact that the difference in life expectancy in relation to EU countries has grown. Improvement in life expectancy, especially in the older age groups, is not normally associated with significant reductions in morbidity. In fact, increased longevity has become more generally associated with chronic illness or other disabilities requiring more medical services and other forms of personal care.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VBF-3YDG0NP-B/1/eda636aeb89edd8a97ec87d0cf8662b

    Alternative method for the learning of a foreign language in a clil school

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    Este trabajo ha surgido de mi experiencia personal como maestra en Lenguas Extranjeras en un colegio bilingüe donde se lleva a cabo una metodología para la enseñanza de las lenguas, en este caso el inglés, nada habitual. El hecho de, por un lado, ver unos resultados magníficos a nivel lingüístico en los niños del centro al terminar la Educación Primaria; y, por otro lado, el nivel de estrés y, a veces, contradicción que yo he vivido como especialista del área de Inglés en el Primer Ciclo de esta etapa han hecho de este trabajo de análisis e investigación algo revelador y enriquecedor. La intención principal ha sido verificar si el método se atiene a la normativa vigente y si realmente ayuda o perjudica al desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa, máximo fin en el área de Lengua Extranjera.This research comes from my personal experience as a Foreign Language teacher in a bilingual school where a not common methodology for the language learning is carried out. The fact that learners have magnific linguistic results when finishing Primary Education; and, on the other hand, the level of estress and contradiction that I have experimented as English teacher in the First Cycle of this stage, make this work to be something revealing and rewarding. The main intention has been to verify if such method sets its roots on the current normative and if it really help or damage the development of the communicative competence, main aim of the Foreign Language Area.Grado en Educación Primari

    Nova School of Business & Economics: Sustainability report

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThis work project consists of a sustainability report proposal for NovaSBE, consolidating its strategic goals of preparing students for sustainable development challenges of today’s organizations and communication towards stakeholders. This proposal arouses from the partnership with the Consultancy firm for Sustainable Development Sair da Casca. The first assignment given by the company consisted of building a sustainability observatorium that included the top 25 Portuguese companies’ sustainability practices. However, during the process, the company realized such a benchmarking tool already existed so that it did not make sense to develop it. It was then that from the alignment of interests between the company and the Field Lab purpose emerged the idea of a sustainability report for the school. To conduct a Sustainability Report Proposal for NovaSBE, the previous experience of collecting data on the top 25 companies’ sustainability practices allowed for a deeper knowledge on sustainability reporting.The Global Reporting Initiative sustainability reporting standards were chosen to carry this project out considering that its wider acceptance applies for NovaSBE’s internationalization ambitions. Nonetheless, the standard framework was adjusted to NovaSBE’s specificities in what sustainability is concerned. Overall, the results from this report’s proposal show that although NovaSBE has already taken several sustainability related measures they lack on strategic orientation and coordination, so that their full potential is not being achieved. Taking into consideration the conclusions, several recommendations for future sustainability reports are presented

    Moral emotions and physiological markers in prosocial decision-making

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    The present study aimed to investigate the effects of prototypical moral emotions on prosocial behavior in an economic task, in interaction with physiological markers of arousal, measured through Electrodermal Response and Heart Rate, and of parasympathetic response, measured through Heart Rate Variability. 40 undergraduate and postgraduate students performed an experimental version of the Ultimatum Game with moral vignettes describing the responders. We found that participants’ mean offer in the elevation block was higher than in the outrage block. The physiological measures did not differ significantly between both emotional blocks. The results suggested that information people receive about third-parties influence their behavior towards them, through moral judgment. Therefore, the results are in line with the assumption that emotions elicited by a disinterested elicitor can influence one’s decision to help or not a third-part

    Putting Health at the Heart of Local Planning Through an Integrated Municipal Health Strategy

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    As a cross-sectoral issue, the promotion of health needs to be addressed across all policies. In Portugal, as more competencies are being transferred to local governments, the integration of health considerations into municipal plans remains a challenge and guidance on how to develop an integrated municipal health strategy is absent. The aim of this study is to describe the conceptual and methodological approach that informed the development of an integrated and multisectoral municipal health strategy in the City of Coimbra. Its design followed a population health approach with a geographic lens, looking at how the population's health outcomes and health determinants were geographically distributed across the municipality, as well as the extent to which policies from multiple sectors can address them. The planning cycle followed an iterative workflow of five actions: assessing, prioritizing, planning, implementing, and monitoring. Following a participatory planning approach, several participatory processes were conducted involving local stakeholders and citizens (e.g., population-based surveys, workshops, Delphi, collaborative sessions) to identify problems, establish priorities, and define measures and actions. The strategic framework for action integrates 94 actions across multisectoral domains of municipal intervention: sustainable mobility and public places, safe and adequate housing, accessible healthcare, social cohesion and participation, education and health literacy, and intersectoral and collaborative leadership. Findings shed light on important aspects that can inform other municipal strategies, such as the adoption of a place-based approach, focused on geographic inequalities, health determinants and stakeholder participation, and the application of a health in all policies framework

    Relationship of Force Variables to Vertical Jumps Performance

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    The isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP) has been cited often in the scientific literature; however, there is still a lack of agreement as to the ideal body position used during this test, and how body position impacts the relationship between IMTP performance and dynamic performance. Thus, one aim of this dissertation was to compare two different IMTP positions and correlate the kinetic outputs from each position to vertical jump (VJ) performance. Another purpose of this dissertation was analyze which method of data normalization for IMTP force variables best correlates to squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ) performance. In the first study, subjects presented higher force outputs for an upright position (hip angles 145°, knee 125°) when compared to a bent position (hip angles 125°, knee 125°). However, there were no statistical differences among correlations from the two positions when correlating to VJ performance. Thus, we suggest that the upright position should be the one used for research and monitoring due to higher force values presented. The second part of this study was to compare correlations from non-normalized and normalized data from the IMTP to SJ and CMJ. Besides non-normalized data, five common methods of normalization were used – subtracting the body mass force, dividing the forces per body mass, allometric scale, scaling by height (Ford’s scale) and scaling by Sinclair coefficient value. In general, higher value correlations were presented with the non-normalized methods for both jumps – SJ and CMJ. Therefore, when using IMTP data to correlate with VJ performance, there is no need to normalize the data
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