11 research outputs found

    Assessment of self-perceived knowledge of key clinical pharmacology concepts and educational needs among European Paediatric Intensive Care Units: an ESPNIC survey

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    Background: Knowledge of clinical pharmacology concepts is essential to improve patients’ outcomes. Scarce data is available on the utilisation of these concepts in the paediatric intensive care unit (PICU). We aimed to investigate the self-perceived knowledge of clinical pharmacology concepts, educational needs and identify priorities for pharmacological research across European PICUs. Methods: From July to November 2022 an online survey was distributed to evaluate i) the self-reported knowledge, and ii) application of key pharmacology concepts in clinical practice (using a likert scale from 1 = never apply to 10 = always apply); iii) need for additional education on them; and iv) key areas for future pharmacological research. The survey was distributed to European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC) members and other European national PICUs societies members. Results: Two-hundred-thirty-seven responses from 149 PICUs were collected. 54% of PICUs reported to have a clinical pharmacologist available for consultation during drug prescription and 65% of them regularly contact them during the prescribing process. Among clinical pharmacology concepts the parameter with the highest self-reported knowledge was half-life (99%) and the lowest were pharmacodynamics and volume-of-distribution (92%). The reported median application of these concepts in clinical practice ranged between 5/10 and 7/10. Most of the respondents reported the need for additional education on specific pharmacology concepts. Reported priorities for drug research mostly involved analgesics/sedatives (87%), antimicrobials (86%), and cardiovascular medications (55%). Conclusions: Self-reported knowledge on clinical pharmacology concepts seems good, but self-perceived clinical application may improve and most of the respondents report a need for additional education. These findings call for concerted multidisciplinary efforts to streamline education and guidelines to fill this gap

    Pharmacokinetic considerations for pediatric patients receiving analgesia in the intensive care unit; targeting postoperative, ECMO and hypothermia patients

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    Adequate postoperative analgesia in pediatric patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) matters, since untreated pain is associated with negative outcomes. Compared to routine postoperative patients, children undergoing hypothermia (HT) or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), or recovering after cardiac surgery likely display non-maturational differences in pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD). These differences warrant additional dosing recommendations to optimize pain treatment. Areas covered: Specific populations within the ICU will be discussed with respect to expected variations in PK and PD for various analgesics. We hereby move beyond maturational changes and focus on why PK/PD may be different in children undergoing HT, ECMO or cardiac surgery. We provide a stepwise manner to develop PK-based dosing regimens using population PK approaches in these populations. Expert opinion: A one-dose to size-fits-all for analgesia is suboptimal, but for several commonly used analgesics the impact of HT, ECMO or cardiac surgery on average PK parameters in children is not yet sufficiently known. Parameters considering both maturational and non-maturational covariates are important to develop population PK-based dosing advices as part of a strategy to optimize pain treatment.status: accepte

    Pain and sedation management and monitoring in pediatric intensive care units across Europe: an ESPNIC survey

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    Background: Management and monitoring of pain and sedation to reduce discomfort as well as side effects, such as over- and under-sedation, withdrawal syndrome and delirium, is an integral part of pediatric intensive care practice. However, the current state of management and monitoring of analgosedation across European pediatric intensive care units (PICUs) remains unknown. The aim of this survey was to describe current practices across European PICUs regarding the management and monitoring of pain and sedation. Methods: An online survey was distributed among 357 European PICUs assessing demographic features, drug choices and dosing, as well as usage of instruments for monitoring pain and sedation. We also compared low- and high-volume PICUs practices. Responses were collected from January to April 2021. Results: A total of 215 (60% response rate) PICUs from 27 European countries responded. Seventy-one percent of PICUs stated to use protocols for analgosedation management, more frequently in high-volume PICUs (77% vs 63%, p = 0.028). First-choice drug combination was an opioid with a benzodiazepine, namely fentanyl (51%) and midazolam (71%) being the preferred drugs. The starting doses differed between PICUs from 0.1 to 5 mcg/kg/h for fentanyl, and 0.01 to 0.5 mg/kg/h for midazolam. Daily assessment and documentation for pain (81%) and sedation (87%) was reported by most of the PICUs, using the preferred validated FLACC scale (54%) and the COMFORT Behavioural scale (48%), respectively. Both analgesia and sedation were mainly monitored by nurses (92% and 84%, respectively). Eighty-six percent of the responding PICUs stated to use neuromuscular blocking agents in some scenarios. Monitoring of paralysed patients was preferably done by observation of vital signs with electronic devices support. Conclusions: This survey provides an overview of current analgosedation practices among European PICUs. Drugs of choice, dosing and assessment strategies were shown to differ widely. Further research and development of evidence-based guidelines for optimal drug dosing and analgosedation assessment are needed

    Current knowledge, challenges and innovations in developmental pharmacology: A combined conect4children Expert Group and European Society for Developmental, Perinatal and Paediatric Pharmacology White Paper

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    Developmental pharmacology describes the impact of maturation on drug disposition (pharmacokinetics, PK) and drug effects (pharmacodynamics, PD) throughout the paediatric age range. This paper, written by a multidisciplinary group of experts, summarizes current knowledge, and provides suggestions to pharmaceutical companies, regulatory agencies and academicians on how to incorporate the latest knowledge regarding developmental pharmacology and innovative techniques into neonatal and paediatric drug development. Biological aspects of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion throughout development are summarized. Although this area made enormous progress during the last two decades, remaining knowledge gaps were identified. Minimal risk and burden designs allow for optimally informative but minimally invasive PK sampling, while concomitant profiling of drug metabolites may provide additional insight in the unique PK behaviour in children. Furthermore, developmental PD needs to be considered during drug development, which is illustrated by disease- and/or target organ-specific examples. Identifying and testing PD targets and effects in special populations, and application of age- and/or population-specific assessment tools are discussed. Drug development plans also need to incorporate innovative techniques such as preclinical models to study therapeutic strategies, and shift from sequential enrolment of subgroups, to more rational designs. To stimulate appropriate research plans, illustrations of specific PK/PD-related as well as drug safety-related challenges during drug development are provided. The suggestions made in this joint paper of the Innovative Medicines Initiative conect4children Expert group on Developmental Pharmacology and the European Society for Developmental, Perinatal and Paediatric Pharmacology, should facilitate all those involved in drug development