760 research outputs found

    Mineralization of olive mill wastewater over DSA

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    Bioenergy recovery from olive mill wastewater (OMW) has been effectively accomplished by anaerobic digestion [1]. Nevertheless, a post treatment is required to attain the discharge limit values. After the anaerobic treatment of OMW, the main issues are related to the remaining organic matter (COD), recalcitrant phenolic compounds (40-50%) and effluent dark-brown colour. The electrochemical treatment is proposed in this work as a final step to mineralise the OMW non-biodegradable fraction. The electrochemical oxidation of OMW anaerobically digested was investigated over DSAs. The performance of RuO2 and IrO2 based DSAs was studied by cyclic voltammetry and bulk electrolysis. The experiments were carried out with alkaline samples from the anaerobic reactor comprising 1 to 10 g COD/L, depending to the digester operational conditions. KNO3 was used as electrolyte, alternatively to the preferred NaCl [2], to avoid obtaining an effluent with higher toxicity than the initial one. It was found that RuO2 based anode was significantly more efficient than IrO2, mainly for the COD removal (Figure 1). With an electrolysis charge of Q=1517 C it was obtained COD removals of 9 and 52%, phenols removals of 72 and 98% and colour removal of 61 and 98%, for IrO2 and RuO2 type DSAs, respectively. The exclusion of the centrifugation/filtration step before the electrochemical treatment was considered, since the anaerobic treatment step reduces considerably the solids fraction. It is concluded that the electrochemical oxidation over DSAs is a suitable second step treatment for OMW disposal after the recovery of its energetic potential. The outcome energy from biogas production can balance or reduce the costs of the electrochemical treatment

    Os novos públicos no ensino superior: vivências académicas dos maiores de 23 anos na Universidade do Minho

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    Legislação recente em Portugal, promovendo o acesso de maiores de 23 anos ao Ensino Superior e incentivando as instituições na criação de cursos em horário pós-laboral, fez aumentar substancialmente os “novos públicos” entre os estudantes universitários. Falamos dos alunos que entram no Ensino Superior já não na sequência da conclusão do ensino secundário, são mais velhos, por vezes com família constituída e com uma actividade profissional. Como “novos públicos” importa conhecer as suas expectativas e vivências académicas, pois um grande desfasamento entre as suas características e aspirações e aquilo que são as exigências e as práticas instituídas nas universidades pode levar ao abandono e insucesso. Nesta comunicação pretendemos analisar as expectativas dos estudantes universitários em relação ao ES, tomando com particular atenção os estudantes adultos maiores de 23 anos, avançando na construção e validação de uma escala de expectativas académicas.Grupo de Investigación en Psicoloxia do Desenvolvemento e da Aprendizaxe Escolar (GIPDAE)CERXunta de Galicia - Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (Secretaria Xeral)Ministerio de Educación y CienciaBase de Datos - ISOCFundación Universidade da CoruñaAyuntamiento de La Coruña - Concello de A CoruñaUniversidade do Minh

    Incorporation of dual-stimuli responsive microgels in nanofibrous membranes for cancer treatment by magnetic hyperthermia

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    Funding Information: This work is funded by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Program and National Funds through FCT?Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project POCI?01-0145-FEDER-007688 (Reference UID/CTM/50025) and PTDC/CTMCTM/30623/2017 (DREaMM).The delivery of multiple anti-cancer agents holds great promise for better treatments. The present work focuses on developing multifunctional materials for simultaneous and local combi-natory treatment: Chemotherapy and hyperthermia. We first produced hybrid microgels (MG), synthesized by surfactant-free emulsion polymerization, consisting of Poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide) (PNIPAAm), chitosan (40 wt.%), and iron oxide nanoparticles (NPs) (5 wt.%) as the inorganic compo-nent. PNIPAAm MGs with a hydrodynamic diameter of about 1 µm (in their swollen state) were successfully synthesized. With the incorporation of chitosan and NPs in PNIPAAm MG, a decrease in MG diameter and swelling capacity was observed, without affecting their thermosensitivity. We then sought to produce biocompatible and mechanically robust membranes containing these dual-responsive MG. To achieve this, MG were incorporated in poly (vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) fibers through colloidal electrospinning. The presence of NPs in MG decreases the membrane swelling ratio from 10 to values between 6 and 7, and increases the material stiffness, raising its Young modulus from 20 to 35 MPa. Furthermore, magnetic hyperthermia assay shows that PVP-MG-NP composites perform better than any other formulation, with a temperature variation of about 1◦C. The present work demonstrates the potential of using multifunctional colloidal membranes for magnetic hyperthermia and may in the future be used as an alternative treatment for cancer.publishersversionpublishe

    Preparation of biodegradable functionalized polyesters aimed to be used as surgical adhesives

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    The study and development of new biocompatible materials to be applied as UV-curable adhesives is extremely important to grant the preparation of matrices with suitable mechanical, biological and thermal properties with a fast curing rate. Herein, photocrosslinkable biodegradable copolymers composed of unsaturated polyesters (UP) and lactic acid oligomers functionalized with 2-isocyanatoethyl methacrylate (IEMA) were produced. Henceforth, three different stoichiometric proportions were tested, which, after the addition of a biocompatible photoinitiator (Irgacure® 2959), resulted in flexible, resistant and uniform matrices after 2 minutes and 30 seconds of crosslinking. The synthesized materials were then further characterized in terms of chemical composition and thermal/mechanical behaviour. The gel content, dynamic contact angles, water sorption capacity and hydrolytic degradation were also assessed. The biocompatibility and antibacterial activity of the produced materials was also evaluated. Taking into account all the data obtained, it may be concluded that the new synthesized biodegradable bioadhesives present promising properties to be used as surgical adhesives.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Integrated biomimetic carbon nanotube composites for in vivo systems

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    CESAMAs interest in using carbon nanotubes for developing biologically compatible systems continues to grow, biological inspiration is stimulating new directions for in vivo approaches. The ability to integrate nanotechnology-based systems in the body will provide greater successes if the implanted material is made to mimic elements of the biological milieu especially through tuning physical and chemical characteristics. Here, we demonstrate the highly successful capacity for in vivo implantation of a new carbon nanotube-based composite that is, itself, integrated with a hydroxyapatite-polymethyl methacrylate to create a nanocomposite. The success of this approach is grounded in finely tailoring the physical and chemical properties of this composite for the critical demands of biological integration. This is accomplished through controlling the surface modification scheme, which affects the interactions between carbon nanotubes and the hydroxyapatite-polymethyl methacrylate. Furthermore, we carefully examine cellular response with respect to adhesion and proliferation to examine in vitro compatibility capacity. Our results indicate that this new composite accelerates cell maturation through providing a mechanically competent bone matrix; this likely facilitates osteointegration in vivo. We believe that these results will have applications in a diversity of areas including carbon nanotube, regeneration, chemistry, and engineering research.NANO/NMed-AT/0115/2007SFRH/BPD/14677/2003FC

    Rheological and structural characterization of gels from whey protein hydrolysates/locust bean gum mixed systems

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    The gelling ability of whey proteins can be changed by limited hydrolysis and by the addition of other components such as polysaccharides. In this work the effect of the concentration of locust bean gum (LBG) on the heat-set gelation of aqueous whey protein hydrolysates (10% w/w) from pepsin and trypsin was assessed at pH 7.0. Whey protein concentrate (WPC) mild hydrolysis (up to 2.5% in the case of pepsin and 1.0% in the case of trypsin) ameliorates the gelling ability. The WPC synergism with LBG is affected by the protein hydrolysis. For a WPC concentration of 10% (w/w), no maximum value was found in the G′ dependence on LBG content in the case of the hydrolysates, unlike the intact WPC. However, for higher protein concentrations, the behaviour of gels from whey proteins or whey protein hydrolysates towards the presence of LBG becomes very similar. In this case, a small amount of LBG in the presence of salt leads to a big enhancement in the gel strength. Further increases in the LBG concentration led to a decrease in the gel strength

    Theory vs practice: synthesis of red lead following ancient recipes

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    The synthesis of red lead pigment (chemically lead oxide, Pb3O4) was carried out considering different starting lead compounds. The experimental procedure followed was established according to some recipes of ancient painting treatises and the knowledge of the phase transformation of lead oxides. The samples transformation was monitored by X-ray powder diffraction and selected samples were also characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The pure Pb3O4 phase was obtained for the transformation of PbO2 and 2PbCO3·Pb(OH)2. Morphological studies revealed that the material obtained from PbO2 presented the more homogeneous grain size distribution. The transformation of white lead Kremer Pigment resulted in a mixture of Pbr3O4 (major phase) and cerussite (PbCO3), leading to a sample with low crystallinity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antioxidant potential and relation with chemical composition of wild edible mushrooms cap and stipe

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    A comparative study of the organic acids and phenolics composition and of the total alkaloids content of entire wild edible mushrooms (Russula cyanoxantha, Amanita rubescens, Suillus granulatus and [Boletus edulis) and correspondent cap and stipe was performed. All species presented oxalic, citric, malic and fumaric acids. Phenolic compounds were present in all of the analyzed species, beingp-hydroxybenzoic acid identified in A. rubescens and S. granulatus species. It seems that this compound may have a propensity to accumulate in the cap of A. rubescens. B. edulis was the species that presented the highest total alkaloids amounts. All species revealed DPPH radical scavenging activity, being B. edulis the most effective one

    High affinity of 3D spongin scaffold towards Hg(II) in real waters

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    This study focuses on the ability of commercial natural bath sponges, which are made from the skeletons of marine sponges, to sorb Hg from natural waters. The main component of these bath sponges is spongin, which is a protein-based material, closely related to collagen, offering a plenitude of reactive sites from the great variety of amino acids in the protein chains, where the Hg ions can sorb. For a dose of 40 mg L-1 and initial concentration of 50 μg L-1 of Hg(II), marine spongin (MS) removed ~90% of Hg from 3 water matrixes (ultrapure, bottled, and seawater), corresponding to a residual concentration of ~5 μg L-1, which tends to the recommend value for drinking water of 1 μg L-1. This value was maintained even by increasing the MS dosage, suggesting the existence of a gradient concentration threshold below which the Hg sorption mechanism halts. Kinetic modelling showed that the Pseudo Second-Order equation was the best fit for all the water matrixes, which indicates that the sorption mechanism relies most probably on chemical interactions between the functional groups of spongin and the Hg ions. This material can also be regenerated in HNO3 and reused for Hg sorption, with marginal losses in efficiency, at least for 3 consecutive cycles.publishe

    Functionalized polyester-based materials as UV curable adhesives

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    UV curable adhesives offer major advantages in comparison to other polymeric based adhesive systems, such as fast-curing rate and control of the polymerization heat evolution, being ideal for application on damaged tissues. Herein, functionalized polymers were prepared by modifying polycaprolactone diol (PCL) with an isocyanate-functional unsaturated acrylic ester, Laromer® 9000, using two different proportions. These functionalized materials were chemically/physically characterized and, after the addition of a biocompatible photoinitiator (Irgacure® 2959), were crosslinked by UV light irradiation. Such procedure allows the obtention of flexible transparent films. Films’ properties such as swelling, hydrolytic degradation, thermal stability, surface energy and adhesive capacity were evaluated. Furthermore, to assess the applicability of the films in biomedical applications, their haemocompatibility and biocompatibility were determined using human dermal fibroblasts as model.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio