57 research outputs found
Are YouTube Portuguese videos useful as a source of information on diabetes foot care? / Os vídeos em português do YouTube são úteis como fonte de informações sobre cuidados com o pé diabético?
Studies have been assessed the importance of YouTube as a source of information for some health conditions, diseases or procedures. However, this platform provides an ever-growing, unregulated source, and some of their information may cause health risks to patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of Brazilian YouTube videos as a source of useful information about diabetes foot care. The website www.youtube.com was searched for the term “diabetes foot care” in Brazilian Portuguese to assess their usefulness as an information source. The videos were categorized as very useful, moderately useful, somewhat useful, and not useful, and categorized as organizational, professional, personal and advertisement. The search resulted in 8.080 videos, of which 200 were reviewed, and 159 videos uploaded on YouTube were analysed. Videos were categorized as very useful (6.29%), moderately useful (16.35%), somewhat useful (24.35%), and not useful (52.83%). The video source revealed the following classification: organizational, n = 76; professional, n = 11; personal, n= 46; and advertisement, n = 26. In conclusion, YouTube's Brazilian videos on diabetic foot care are popular, with varied sources and content. However, most of their content is not useful. Therefore, YouTube videos in Portuguese cannot be considered a good source of information about diabetes foot care
Severe hypoxemia during veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: exploring the limits of extracorporeal respiratory support
OBJECTIVE: Veno-venous extracorporeal oxygenation for respiratory support has emerged as a rescue alternative for patients with hypoxemia. However, in some patients with more severe lung injury, extracorporeal support fails to restore arterial oxygenation. Based on four clinical vignettes, the aims of this article were to describe the pathophysiology of this concerning problem and to discuss possibilities for hypoxemia resolution. METHODS: Considering the main reasons and rationale for hypoxemia during veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, some possible bedside solutions must be considered: 1) optimization of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation blood flow; 2) identification of recirculation and cannula repositioning if necessary; 3) optimization of residual lung function and consideration of blood transfusion; 4) diagnosis of oxygenator dysfunction and consideration of its replacement; and finally 5) optimization of the ratio of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation blood flow to cardiac output, based on the reduction of cardiac output. CONCLUSION: Therefore, based on the pathophysiology of hypoxemia during veno-venous extracorporeal oxygenation support, we propose a stepwise approach to help guide specific interventions
Improvement and Selection of Honeybees Assisted by Molecular Markers
Royal jelly is an important apiarian product for honeybees and has been used as an important ingredient to human health and healthy life style. Because of its wide use, there is great demand in their production. As royal jelly is a secretion of the cephalic glands of bees and it is produced at a certain age of the workers, it is necessary to perform the selection of producing queens to increase the amount produced. The employment of molecular markers is a tool that can be used to identify the genotypes of the best producers. Among the molecular markers, one of them called MRJP3 (Major Royal Jelly Protein 3) has been used in the Program of Improvement of Apis mellifera Royal Jelly Producing (PIAMRJP), State University of Maringá, Brazil. This molecular marker has been efficient in genotyping queens’ royal jelly producers. Combined with classical breeding studies, the selection of queens assisted by MRJP3 marker has allowed to keep the selected genotypes for royal jelly production since 2006 (10 years). In this chapter, we present the main aspects of royal jelly, the hypopharyngeal glands, the major proteins of royal jelly and how it can be used as molecular markers
Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) flour modulates the intestinal microbiota in Wistar rats fed a high-fat and high-fructose diet
Multimorbidity and complex multimorbidity in Brazilians with severe obesity
To investigate the prevalence of multimorbidity and complex multimorbidity and their association with sociodemographic and health variables in individuals with severe obesity. This is a baseline data analysis of 150 individuals with severe obesity (body mass index ≥ 35.0 kg/m2) aged 18-65 years. The outcomes were multimorbidity and complex multimorbidity. Sociodemographic, lifestyle, anthropometric and self-perceived health data were collected. Poisson multiple regression was conducted to identify multimorbidity risk factors. The frequency of two or more morbidities was 90.7%, three or more morbidities was 76.7%, and complex multimorbidity was 72.0%. Living with four or more household residents was associated with ≥ 3 morbidities and complex multimorbidity. Fair and very poor self-perceived health was associated with ≥ 2 morbidities, ≥ 3 morbidities and complex multimorbidity. A higher BMI range (45.0-65.0 kg/m2) was associated with ≥ 2 morbidities and ≥ 3 morbidities. Anxiety (82.7%), varicose veins of lower limbs (58.7%), hypertension (56.0%) were the most frequent morbidities, as well as the pairs and triads including them. The prevalence of multimorbidity and complex multimorbidity in individuals with severe obesity was higher and the risk for multimorbidity and complex multimorbidity increased in individuals living in households of four or more residents, with fair or poor/very poor self-perceived health and with a higher BMI
Gemelos univitelinos con el Síndrome de Asperger: sociabilidad, cognición e inclusión educativa
Traducción del manual "Enseñando a los niños con autismo a leer la mente" para enseñanza de Habilidades Sociales y Cognitivas a gemelos univitelinos con Síndrome de Asperger:El interés surgió del cuidado de los niños en la Santa Casa de Misericordia de Río de Janeiro.Objetivos: evaluar la efectividad del manual en la enseñanza de estas habilidades; comprobar si la reducción de los signos y síntomas del Síndrome favorece la adaptación; aplicar curso para padres y maestros, ayudando en el manejo de estos niños; ver cómo los padres, maestros y compañeros perciben estas habilidades antes y ver qué cambios ocurren después de la intervención; comparar el rendimiento de los sujetos.Problemas: manual puede ser una herramienta confiable para enseñanza de estas habilidades? ¿Cuál es la percepción de los padres y maestros sobre el Síndrome de Asperger? ¿Qué cambios se produjeron en las Habilidades Sociales y Cognitivas?Metodología: aplicación del Cuestionario de Percepción Síndrome de Asperger (AQ - El Cociente Adolescente del Espectro del Autismo - 12/15 años) y el Inventario de Habilidades Sociales Multimedia de la Infancia antes de la intervención y tres meses después. Utilizaremos el Delineamiento Experimental Intra-Sujeto de línea de base múltiple tipo A-B. Los sujetos son dos gemelos monozigóticos con Síndrome de Asperger, viviendo en Río de Janeiro, estudiando en el 6 º grado.Resultados esperados: aumento de la aptitud de los estudiantes al contexto educativo como consecuencia del desarrollo de Habilidades Sociales y Cognitivas promovido por el manual
Composição corporal, atividade física e consumo alimentar de alunos do ensino fundamental e médio
The current study purpose is to evaluate the level of physical activity, the quality of school’s snack and the composition of students body’s from elementary and high school. In the studied 441 students were evaluate (219 male and 222 female), and average age 11,6+/-3 years. It was applied International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), that determines the time spent in minutes per week doing physical activities, classifying the students as sedentary, insufficiently active and very active. It was measured weight and heigh for the BMI calculation. Triciptal skinfold (TSF) and the arm’s circumference was measureds between acromium and olecranum, used to calculate the muscular area of the arm’s (MAA). The circumference of the waist was classified according to percentis. The intake of the school snack was evaluated by a frequency questionnaire and dietary recalls, it was calculated by software NutWin v.1.5. Excess of weight (>P85) was observed in 31% of the students (28% female e 33% male), with physical inactivity present in 60% (n=265) of the students. About 58% (n=235) had presented abdominal hiperadiposity (>P75, 59% female, 41% male) and the MAA was presented below of the P5 in 27% (n=118) of the pupils. The school snack contains 31±17% of lipids, 62±21% of carbohydrate and 8±6% of protein. The school snack is rich in sodium (410±348mg) and poor in fibers (2±2g), with lipidic distribution below of recommendation for poliinsaturated (5±5%) and in accordance with the recommendation for saturated and monoinsaturated (8±7% and 12±9%, respectively). Therefore, the excess of adiposity, sedentary lifestyle serve of alert schools provide programs of physical exercise and alimentary education.O presente estudo objetiva avaliar o nível de atividade física, qualidade alimentar do lanche escolar e composição corporal de estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio. Foram estudados 441 indivíduos (219 masculino e 222 feminino), média de idade 11,6+/-3 anos. O diagnóstico do nível de atividade física foi feito pela aplicação do Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAQ), que determina em minutos por semana o tempo gasto realizando atividades físicas, classificando os indivíduos como sedentários, insuficientemente ativos, ativos e muito ativos. Aferiu-se peso e estatura para cálculo do índice de massa corporal (IMC). Foram realizadas dobra cutânea triciptal (DCT) e circunferência do braço (CB), aferidas no ponto médio entre o acrômio e o olecrano, utilizadas no cálculo da área muscular do braço (AMB). A classificação da CC foi feita utilizando pontos de corte: P 85) em 33% (n=144) dos alunos, com inatividade física presente em 60% (n=265) destes. Cerca de 58% (n=235) apresentaram hiperadiposidade abdominal (>P 75) e a AMB apresentou-se abaixo do P5 em 27% (n=118) dos alunos. O lanche escolar contém 31±17% de lipídios, 62±21% de carboidrato e 8±6% de proteína. É rico em sódio (410±348mg) e pobre em fibras (2±2g), com distribuição lipídica abaixo da recomendação para poliinsaturada (5±5%) e dentro da recomendação para saturada e monoinsaturada (8±7% e 12±9%, respectivamente). Portanto, a elevada prevalência de sedentarismo e obesidade entre os alunos, serve de alerta para as escolas proporcionarem programas de exercício físico e educação alimentar
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