7,649 research outputs found

    Altérités intimes, altérités éloignées : la greffe du multiculturalisme en Amérique latine

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    Siège des Nations unies, New York, 13 septembre 2007. L’assemblée générale des Nations unies émet une résolution par laquelle elle adopte une Déclaration sur les droits des peuples autochtones qui, sans définir ce qu’est un peuple autochtone et sans être contraignante pour les États, établit deux principes novateurs : les différentes manifestations de la culture des peuples autochtones sont un patrimoine enrichissant pour les États et pour l’humanité entière ; une des fonctions de l’État est de garantir leur développement et leur respect. Cette résolution reconnaît aussi aux autochtones le droit à l’autodétermination et à l’autonomie territoriale, politique et administrative au sein des États-nations contemporains. Elle défend également leur « droit de ne pas subir d’assimilation forcée » (Article 8). [Premier paragraphe de l'article]This article examines the most common accounts of multicultural reform in Latin America as well as the principal analyses of the Indian movement in this same region. The positions adopted by three generations of native informants regarding official assimilation (1920-1980) and diversity (2000-2010) policies are described on the basis of an historical and ethnographic survey carried out in a rural area of Mexico, Milpa Alta, where the population has been identified as descended from pre-Columbian inhabitants. The article argues that multicultural policies, international human rights legislation and, often, native political discourse are in tension with national systems of alterity. In the case studied here, multicultural policies are grafted on to a configuration which situates native populations in an archetypal position of alterity. It is, however, an endogenous alterity since it is imagined to be a constitutive part of a larger national 'us' conceived of as uniformly mestizo. Its specificity notwithstanding, the Mexican example allows us to consider the importance of the exogenous or endogenous character of alterity in discussing the consensus today enjoyed by the multicultural model

    Le nationalisme ordinaire, un régime de vérité pragmatique ?:Anthropologie des symboles nationaux au Mexique

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    Cet article propose d'appréhender le nationalisme ordinaire en adoptant une perspective anthropologique qui décentre l'Etat de son propre discours. Une telle approche permet de comprendre le phénomène national dans sa résonance sociale, en mettant au premier plan la participation active des individus dans le façonnement et la reproduction du corpus de valeurs nationales. A partir de l'exemple de Milpa Alta, un arrondissement de Mexico, on constate que, plus qu'un ensemble consolidé et rigide qui s'impose « par le haut », le nationalisme peut être compris comme une orthodoxie pragmatique qui ne prend du sens que dans l'usage quotidien que les acteurs en font.The aim of this article is to explore "banal nationalism" from an anthropological perspective which de-centers the State from its own prose. This perspective enables to grasp the nation in its social dimension by putting at the forefront of the analysis the active participation of individuals in the shaping and reproduction of national values. Our case study, an Indian community in Milpa Alta, a Mexico City district, shows that more than a consolidated and rigid whole imposed through a "top down" phenomenon, nationalism can be understood as a pragmatic orthodoxy which meaning is produced throughout the everyday accomplishments of social actors

    Le nationalisme ordinaire, un régime de vérité pragmatique ?:Anthropologie des symboles nationaux au Mexique

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    Cet article propose d'appréhender le nationalisme ordinaire en adoptant une perspective anthropologique qui décentre l'Etat de son propre discours. Une telle approche permet de comprendre le phénomène national dans sa résonance sociale, en mettant au premier plan la participation active des individus dans le façonnement et la reproduction du corpus de valeurs nationales. A partir de l'exemple de Milpa Alta, un arrondissement de Mexico, on constate que, plus qu'un ensemble consolidé et rigide qui s'impose « par le haut », le nationalisme peut être compris comme une orthodoxie pragmatique qui ne prend du sens que dans l'usage quotidien que les acteurs en font.The aim of this article is to explore "banal nationalism" from an anthropological perspective which de-centers the State from its own prose. This perspective enables to grasp the nation in its social dimension by putting at the forefront of the analysis the active participation of individuals in the shaping and reproduction of national values. Our case study, an Indian community in Milpa Alta, a Mexico City district, shows that more than a consolidated and rigid whole imposed through a "top down" phenomenon, nationalism can be understood as a pragmatic orthodoxy which meaning is produced throughout the everyday accomplishments of social actors

    The Potential of Epigenetic Methods to Provide Evidence of Torture

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    Introduction: The last five decades have wit- nessed a transition from brutal forms of physi- cal torture to other physical and psychological methods that do not leave marks on the body. Providing evidence of these types of torture is often a challenge. Finding biological markers of torture would potentially contribute to solve this problem. Methods: Scientific literature review. Results: Methods to analyse certain biological marks present in the genetic material (the DNA), called epigenetic marks, have been developed in recent years. These marks can change in response to environmental factors, but these changes do not alter the genetic information contained in the DNA. Changes in epigenetic marks have been correlated with traumatic stress. Given that torture is an extreme form of trauma, this article argues that torture may also be associated with epigenetic changes. Discussion: Epigenetic methods offer a new tool that might be useful for the medico-legal documentation of cases of torture. Given that these methods have not been used for this purpose yet, they should be tested. Whether they have potential to contribute to determine the severity of suffering, establish a severity threshold or design strategies for the rehabilitation of torture survivors is discussed. The advantages and limitations of these methods, as well as ethical implications, must be taken into account

    In the Face of Fear, Rebellion (Liv., IV 49, 7-50)

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    This work aims to show that the Livian text of the patrician M Postumius Regillensis was created as an exemplary tale with the intention of offering a moral lesson on the political concept of moderation moderatio Through the configuration of the bad ruler who acts based on emotions such as anger the author illustrates the fatal consequences for the ruler himself as well as for those ruled by him who let themselves be dragged by similar emotion


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    Survey data is often collected using complex sampling designs so that the probability of being included in the study is related to the outcome of interest (i.e. informative sample). Recently, a novel fully-Bayesian method has been developed for modeling data under informative sampling. Initial results indicate that this novel construction reduces bias in variance estimates compared to other pseudo-Bayesian techniques. The performance of this method has yet to be compared to traditional Frequentist approaches, which typically rely on Taylor series linearization (TSL) or resampling techniques for standard error (SE) estimation. Here, we modeled the relationship between depression and inflammation using data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey using both a the fully-Bayesian method and a Frequentist method, specifically weighted least squares regression with TSL variance estimation. Although fully-Bayesian and the standard Frequentist approach generated similar parameter estimates, the fully-Bayesian model tended to produce smaller SEs than the Frequentist method. These findings suggest that the fully-Bayesian method performs equivalently to traditional Frequentist methods and may even provide better variance estimates than those computed by TSL. The current findings also replicate previous findings that the relationship between inflammation and depression is likely influenced by alcohol use, smoking, and Body Mass Index (BMI), but must be interpreted cautiously due to the high level of missing data

    L'État, l'« Indien » et l'anthropologue

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    Le soulèvement zapatiste de 1994 au Chiapas est probablement la dernière couche du mille-feuilles d’images qu’en Europe on appelle « Mexique ». D’après Mauricio Tenorio, l’« idée Mexique » est constituée par un ensemble de lieux communs que le marché international des images continue de réclamer : ses ruines, ses artisanats, sa Révolution, la mort, la fête, la couleur, la Vierge de Guadalupe, Frida Kahlo, les muralistes... [Premières ligne de l'article]

    Influencia de Las Estrategias Promocionales en el Comportamiento del Consumidor en la Distribuidora El Éxito, año 2016

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    El presente trabajo investigativo tiene como Tema General la influencia de las estrategias promocionales en el comportamiento del consumidor en las empresas de Matagalpa en el año 2016, siendo nuestro tema específico la influencia de las estrategias promocionales en el comportamiento del consumidor en la Distribuidora el Éxito en el año 2016. El propósito de nuestra investigación es el conocer que tan consciente está siendo la Distribuidora acerca de la implementación de estrategias promocionales y si se están implementando que tan eficientes están siendo para captar la atención de los clientes, una mayor fidelidad. Una estrategia promocional es el arte de planificar y seleccionar la estrategia más idónea, esto es importante ya que influirá en la toma de decisión del consumidor, así como su fidelidad hacia la Distribuidora. Entre los principales hallazgos encontrados de la empresa la filosofía no está visible tanto para los trabajadores y clientes lo cual es importante para un mayor conocimiento de hacia dónde se dirige la empresa, su razón de ser, y los valores que esta posee. La empresa no utiliza correctamente las estrategias promocionales que implementa, lo cual provoca que los clientes no se interesen por adquirir los productos en la Distribuidora El Éxito. La publicidad de la empresa no es la idónea, ya que ella se da a conocer a través de la radio y no es un medio potencial. Que los factores que intervienen en el comportamiento del consumidor son los precios y las promociones que se ofrece

    Curating Time, Contingency, Anachronism, Flirtation

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    This thesis is about curating and temporal paradoxes, resistances and perversions in relation to contingency, anachronism and flirtation. It is a theoretical and practical investigation, which considers the poetic and political potential of these three temporalities, incorporating them as mode of curatorial research. Contingency in institutional management processes, anachronism in curatorial narratives, flirtation in encounters in exhibitions, are regularly perceived as accidents to be evaded, outdated premises, or trivial and insignificant social behaviours. They are disregarded by dominant orders because they detach from control procedures, normativity and systems of power. Nevertheless, they remain in the domain of power even as their opposites. My project investigates the conceptual counter-power of these temporalities to intervene with time-scales and agendas that frame and define the concept of temporality in curating. It explores critical and creative strategies to suspend, anachronize and pervert material and symbolic orders inscribed in curatorial chronological apparatuses. The proposal is to re-create the suspended state of Being and not-Being of contingency, to reenact the ontological out-of-jointness of anachronism, to re-stage the oscillation of flirtatious encounters, thus to materialise places of encounter between theory, art, and people. It intends to transfer the discursive significations of these temporalities from avoided, reproved and diminished domains into intensified and embellished written and exhibited embodied metaphors of time. The intention is to flirt with the possibility of giving life to them for short moments, blinks or disjunctures of chronological time
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