46 research outputs found

    Cancer cells resist antibody-mediated destruction by neutrophils through activation of the exocyst complex

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    Cytotoxicity; Immunity; ImmunotherapyCitotoxicidad; Inmunidad; InmunoterapiaCitotoxicitat; Immunitat; ImmunoteràpiaBackground Neutrophils kill antibody-opsonized tumor cells using trogocytosis, a unique mechanism of destruction of the target plasma. This previously unknown cytotoxic process of neutrophils is dependent on antibody opsonization, Fcγ receptors and CD11b/CD18 integrins. Here, we demonstrate that tumor cells can escape neutrophil-mediated cytotoxicity by calcium (Ca2+)-dependent and exocyst complex-dependent plasma membrane repair. Methods We knocked down EXOC7 or EXOC4, two exocyst components, to evaluate their involvement in tumor cell membrane repair after neutrophil-induced trogocytosis. We used live cell microscopy and flow cytometry for visualization of the host and tumor cell interaction and tumor cell membrane repair. Last, we reported the mRNA levels of exocyst in breast cancer tumors in correlation to the response in trastuzumab-treated patients. Results We found that tumor cells can evade neutrophil antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) by Ca2+-dependent cell membrane repair, a process induced upon neutrophil trogocytosis. Absence of exocyst components EXOC7 or EXOC4 rendered tumor cells vulnerable to neutrophil-mediated ADCC (but not natural killer cell-mediated killing), while neutrophil trogocytosis remained unaltered. Finally, mRNA levels of exocyst components in trastuzumab-treated patients were inversely correlated to complete response to therapy. Conclusions Our results support that neutrophil attack towards antibody-opsonized cancer cells by trogocytosis induces an active repair process by the exocyst complex in vitro. Our findings provide insight to the possible contribution of neutrophils in current antibody therapies and the tolerance mechanism of tumor cells and support further studies for potential use of the exocyst components as clinical biomarkers.This work was supported by the Dutch Cancer Society (grant numbers 10300 and 11537, awarded to TKvdB and HLM, respectively)

    SBDS Expression and Localization at the Mitotic Spindle in Human Myeloid Progenitors

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    BACKGROUND: Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome (SDS) is a hereditary disease caused by mutations in the SBDS gene. SDS is clinically characterized by pancreatic insufficiency, skeletal abnormalities and bone marrow dysfunction. The hematologic abnormalities include neutropenia, neutrophil chemotaxis defects, and an increased risk of developing Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). Although several studies have suggested that SBDS as a protein plays a role in ribosome processing/maturation, its impact on human neutrophil development and function remains to be clarified. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We observed that SBDS RNA and protein are expressed in the human myeloid leukemia PLB-985 cell line and in human hematopoietic progenitor cells by quantitative RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. SBDS expression is downregulated during neutrophil differentiation. Additionally, we observed that the differentiation and proliferation capacity of SDS-patient bone marrow hematopoietic progenitor cells in a liquid differentiation system was reduced as compared to control cultures. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that SBDS co-localizes with the mitotic spindle and in vitro binding studies reveal a direct interaction of SBDS with microtubules. In interphase cells a perinuclear enrichment of SBDS protein which co-localized with the microtubule organizing center (MTOC) was observed. Also, we observed that transiently expressed SDS patient-derived SBDS-K62 or SBDS-C84 mutant proteins could co-localize with the MTOC and mitotic spindle. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: SBDS co-localizes with the mitotic spindle, suggesting a role for SBDS in the cell division process, which corresponds to the decreased proliferation capacity of SDS-patient bone marrow CD34(+) hematopoietic progenitor cells in our culture system and also to the neutropenia in SDS patients. A role in chromosome missegregation has not been clarified, since similar spatial and time-dependent localization is observed when patient-derived SBDS mutant proteins are studied. Thus, the increased risk of myeloid malignancy in SDS remains unexplained

    Sodium stibogluconate and CD47-SIRPa blockade overcome resistance of anti-CD20–opsonized B cells to neutrophil killing

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    Anti-CD20 antibodies such as rituximab are broadly used to treat B-cell malignancies. These antibodies can induce various effector functions, including immune cell-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Neutrophils can induce ADCC toward solid cancer cells by trogoptosis, a cytotoxic mechanism known to be dependent on trogocytosis. However, neutrophils seem to be incapable of killing rituximab-opsonized B-cell lymphoma cells. Nevertheless, neutrophils do trogocytose rituximab-opsonized B-cell lymphoma cells, but this only reduces CD20 surface expression and is thought to render tumor cells therapeutically resistant to further rituximab-dependent destruction. Here, we demonstrate that resistance of B-cell lymphoma cells toward neutrophil killing can be overcome by a combination of CD47-SIRPa checkpoint blockade and sodium stibogluconate (SSG), an anti-leishmaniasis drug and documented inhibitor of the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1. SSG enhanced neutrophil-mediated ADCC of solid tumor cells but enabled trogoptotic killing of B-cell lymphoma cells by turning trogocytosis from a mechanism that contributes to resistance into a cytotoxic anti-cancer mechanism. Tumor cell killing in the presence of SSG required both antibody opsonization of the target cells and disruption of CD47-SIRPa interactions. These results provide a more detailed understanding of the role of neutrophil trogocytosis in antibody-mediated destruction of B cells and clues on how to further optimize antibody therapy of B-cell malignancies

    Altered Intracellular Localization and Mobility of SBDS Protein upon Mutation in Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome

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    Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome (SDS) is a rare inherited disease caused by mutations in the SBDS gene. Hematopoietic defects, exocrine pancreas dysfunction and short stature are the most prominent clinical features. To gain understanding of the molecular properties of the ubiquitously expressed SBDS protein, we examined its intracellular localization and mobility by live cell imaging techniques. We observed that SBDS full-length protein was localized in both the nucleus and cytoplasm, whereas patient-related truncated SBDS protein isoforms localize predominantly to the nucleus. Also the nucleo-cytoplasmic trafficking of these patient-related SBDS proteins was disturbed. Further studies with a series of SBDS mutant proteins revealed that three distinct motifs determine the intracellular mobility of SBDS protein. A sumoylation motif in the C-terminal domain, that is lacking in patient SBDS proteins, was found to play a pivotal role in intracellular motility. Our structure-function analyses provide new insight into localization and motility of the SBDS protein, and show that patient-related mutant proteins are altered in their molecular properties, which may contribute to the clinical features observed in SDS patients

    Membrane Dynamics and Organization of the Phagocyte NADPH Oxidase in PLB-985 Cells

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    Publisher: FrontiersNeutrophils are the first cells recruited at the site of infections, where they phagocytose the pathogens. Inside the phagosome, pathogens are killed by proteolytic enzymes that are delivered to the phagosome following granule fusion, and by reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by the NADPH oxidase. The NADPH oxidase complex comprises membrane proteins (NOX2 and p22phox), cytoplasmic subunits (p67phox, p47phox, p40phox) and the small GTPase Rac. These subunits assemble at the phagosomal membrane upon phagocytosis. In resting neutrophils the catalytic subunit NOX2 is mainly present at the plasma membrane and in the specific granules. We show here that NOX2 is also present in early and recycling endosomes in human neutrophils and in the neutrophil-like cell line PLB-985 expressing GFP-NOX2. In the latter cells, an increase in NOX2 at the phagosomal membrane was detected by live-imaging after phagosome closure, probably due to fusion of endosomes with the phagosome. Using super-resolution microscopy in PLB-985 WT cells, we observed that NOX2 forms discrete clusters in the plasma membrane. The number of clusters increased during frustrated phagocytosis. In PLB-985NCF1GT cells that lack p47phox and do not assemble a functional NADPH oxidase, the number of clusters remained stable during phagocytosis. Our data suggest a role for p47phox and possibly ROS production in NOX2 recruitment at the phagosome

    Aberrant Epstein-Barr virus persistence in HIV carriers is characterized by anti-Epstein-Barr virus IgA and high cellular viral loads with restricted transcription

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    OBJECTIVE: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-positive lymphomas in HIV carriers are paralleled by elevated EBV-DNA loads in the circulation. Approximately 20% of asymptomatic HIV carriers also show elevated circulating EBV-DNA loads. We aimed to characterize the nature of this EBV DNA and to determine the transcriptional phenotype of EBV in blood, in relation to serological parameters. DESIGN: A total of 197 random asymptomatic HIV carriers, representing 2% of the Dutch HIV-positive population, were sampled for blood, peripheral blood mononuclear cells and plasma. In addition, 39 EBV-DNA carriers were sampled twice, with a 5-year interval. METHODS: EBV-DNA loads were determined by LightCycler-based real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). EBV transcription was studied by nucleic acid sequence-based amplification and reverse transcriptase PCR. IgA and IgG antibodies to EBV antigens EBNA1 and VCA-p18 were quantified by synthetic peptide-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: : Elevated EBV-DNA loads were found in whole blood of 19.3% of the tested HIV population, which were persistent in 82%. Plasma samples were EBV-DNA negative and circulating EBV DNA could be attributed to the B-cell compartment. Transcription of only LMP2 and (non-translated) transcripts from the BamHI-A region of the EBV genome was found, whereas EBNA1, LMP1 and lytic EBV transcripts were absent despite high cellular EBV-DNA loads. IgA-reactivity to VCA-p18 was seen in 69%. IgG to VCA-p18 was significantly higher in high EBV-DNA load carriers. CONCLUSION: Asymptomatic HIV carriers show aberrant EBV persistence in the circulation, characterized by elevated, B-cell-associated EBV-DNA loads. EBV transcription is restricted, arguing for EBV gene shutdown in circulating EBV-carrying B cells. Increased IgA and IgG reactive to VCA-p18 is indicative of increased lytic EBV replication, possibly occurring at mucosal lymphoid sites but not in the circulation

    Refractive Index Sensing of Green Fluorescent Proteins in Living Cells Using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy

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    We show that fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) of green fluorescent protein (GFP) molecules in cells can be used to report on the local refractive index of intracellular GFP. We expressed GFP fusion constructs of Rac2 and gp91phox, which are both subunits of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase enzyme, in human myeloid PLB-985 cells and showed by high-resolution confocal fluorescence microscopy that GFP-Rac2 and GFP-gp91phox are targeted to the cytosol and to membranes, respectively. Frequency-domain FLIM experiments on these PLB-985 cells resulted in average fluorescence lifetimes of 2.70 ns for cytosolic GFP-Rac2 and 2.31 ns for membrane-bound GFP-gp91phox. By comparing these lifetimes with a calibration curve obtained by measuring GFP lifetimes in PBS/glycerol mixtures of known refractive index, we found that the local refractive indices of cytosolic GFP-Rac2 and membrane-targeted GFP-gp91phox are ∼1.38 and ∼1.46, respectively, which is in good correspondence with reported values for the cytosol and plasma membrane measured by other techniques. The ability to measure the local refractive index of proteins in living cells by FLIM may be important in revealing intracellular spatial heterogeneities within organelles such as the plasma and phagosomal membrane

    Cd47-sirpα checkpoint inhibition enhances neutrophil-mediated killing of dinutuximab-opsonized neuroblastoma cells

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    High-risk neuroblastoma, especially after recurrence, still has a very low survival rate. Immune checkpoint inhibitors targeting T cells have shown remarkable clinical efficacy in adult solid tumors, but their effects in pediatric cancers have been limited so far. On the other hand, targeting myeloid immune checkpoints, such as CD47-SIPRα, provide the opportunity to enhance antitumor effects of myeloid cells, including that of neutrophils, especially in the presence of cancer-opsonizing antibodies. Disialoganglioside (GD2)-expressing neuroblastoma cells targeted with anti-GD2 antibody dinutuximab are in part eradicated by neutrophils, as they recognize and bind the antibody targeted tumor cells through their Fc receptors. Therapeutic targeting of the innate immune checkpoint CD47-SIRPα has been shown to promote the potential of neutrophils as cytotoxic cells in different solid tumor indications using different cancer-targeting antibodies. Here, we demonstrate that the capacity of neutrophils to kill dinutuximab-opsonized neuroblastoma cells is also controlled by the CD47-SIRPα axis and can be further enhanced by antagonizing CD47-SIRPα interactions. In particular, CD47-SIRPa checkpoint inhibition enhanced neutrophil-mediated ADCC of dinutuximab-opsonized adrenergic neuroblastoma cells, whereas mesenchymal neuroblastoma cells may evade immune recognition by a reduction of GD2 expression. These findings provide a rational basis for targeting CD47-SIRPα interactions to potentiate dinutuximab responsiveness in neuroblastomas with adrenergic phenotype

    The Gardos effect drives erythrocyte senescence and leads to Lu/BCAM and CD44 adhesion molecule activation

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    Senescence of erythrocytes is characterized by a series of changes that precede their removal from the circulation, including loss of red cell hydration, membrane shedding, loss of deformability, phosphatidyl serine exposure, reduced membrane sialic acid content, and adhesion molecule activation. Little is known about the mechanisms that initiate these changes nor is it known whether they are interrelated. In this study, we show that Ca2+-dependent K+ efflux (the Gardos effect) drives erythrocyte senescence. We found that increased intracellular Ca2+ activates the Gardos channel, leading to shedding of glycophorin-C (GPC)-containing vesicles. This results in a loss of erythrocyte deformability but also in a marked loss of membrane sialic acid content. We found that GPC-derived sialic acid residues suppress activity of both Lutheran/basal cell adhesion molecule (Lu/BCAM) and CD44 by the formation of a complex on the erythrocyte membrane, and Gardos channel-mediated shedding of GPC results in Lu/BCAM and CD44 activation. This phenomenon was observed as erythrocytes aged and on erythrocytes that were otherwise prone to clearance from the circulation, such as sickle erythrocytes, erythrocytes stored for transfusion, or artificially dehydrated erythrocytes. These novel findings provide a unifying concept on erythrocyte senescence in health and disease through initiation of the Gardos effect