482 research outputs found

    An annotated bibliography of the research on marine organisms and environments at Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands

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    Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands represent a unique marine biodiversity hotspot because of the overlap between two major biogeographic provinces (Indian and Pacific Ocean) and the high proportion of endemic species. In this paper, we compile existing scientific literature pertaining to marine organisms and environments at these islands to determine the current state of knowledge and identify major knowledge gaps. In total, 1066 studies have been published, including 582 peer-reviewed journal articles (55% of all publications), 332 reports, 141 books or book chapters, and 11 theses. These studies extend back to 1697, but most (83%) are post-1970. Seabirds have been the most studied group (43% of all publications), followed by land crabs (13%). There has been very little research on plankton (<0.3% of all studies), despite the diversity of marine species that have larval stages (including land crabs) and the importance of plankton to ecosystem function. Most invertebrate groups have received little attention or have not been studied. The taxonomic bias in marine research at these islands means that most of the invertebrates are yet to be documented. Some of these groups (e.g., Polychaeta, Copepoda, and anchialine fauna) are known for their high degree of endemism and are likely to contain new species, thereby increasing the biodiversity value of the islands. That whole families (even phyla) are yet to be studied highlights the infancy in some areas of marine research and adding to species lists for unstudied or understudied groups is one priority that would increase the conservation importance of these islands. Without this knowledge, the ability to monitor, detect or predict anthropogenic impacts on marine species is severely restricted, and therefore limits the development of management strategies aimed at conserving the unique marine biodiversity of these islands. Further studies on functional processes and research related directly to impacts are also needed. Increasing studies that directly relate to management questions will provide guidance to managers charged with protecting the environment. Improved decision making in conservation management will occur through increased directed research and monitoring

    Accelerating tropicalization and the transformation of temperate seagrass meadows

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    Climate-driven changes are altering production and functioning of biotic assemblages in terrestrial and aquatic environments. In temperate coastal waters, rising sea temperatures, warm water anomalies and poleward shifts in the distribution of tropical herbivores have had a detrimental effect on algal forests. We develop generalized scenarios of this form of tropicalization and its potential effects on the structure and functioning of globally significant and threatened seagrass ecosystems, through poleward shifts in tropical seagrasses and herbivores. Initially, we expect tropical herbivorous fishes to establish in temperate seagrass meadows, followed later by megafauna. Tropical seagrasses are likely to establish later, delayed by more limited dispersal abilities. Ultimately, food webs are likely to shift from primarily seagrass-detritus to more directconsumption- based systems, thereby affecting a range of important ecosystem services that seagrasses provide, including their nursery habitat role for fishery species, carbon sequestration, and the provision of organic matter to other ecosystems in temperate regions

    Prototype tasks: Improving crowdsourcing results through rapid, iterative task design

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    Low-quality results have been a long-standing problem on microtask crowdsourcing platforms, driving away requesters and justifying low wages for workers. To date, workers have been blamed for low-quality results: they are said to make as little effort as possible, do not pay attention to detail, and lack expertise. In this paper, we hypothesize that requesters may also be responsible for low-quality work: they launch unclear task designs that confuse even earnest workers, under-specify edge cases, and neglect to include examples. We introduce prototype tasks, a crowdsourcing strategy requiring all new task designs to launch a small number of sample tasks. Workers attempt these tasks and leave feedback, enabling the requester to iterate on the design before publishing it. We report a field experiment in which tasks that underwent prototype task iteration produced higher-quality work results than the original task designs. With this research, we suggest that a simple and rapid iteration cycle can improve crowd work, and we provide empirical evidence that requester “quality” directly impacts result quality

    Intercontinental genomic parallelism in multiple three-spined stickleback adaptive radiations

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    © 2020, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited. Parallelism, the evolution of similar traits in populations diversifying in similar conditions, provides strong evidence of adaptation by natural selection. Many studies of parallelism focus on comparisons of different ecotypes or contrasting environments, defined a priori, which could upwardly bias the apparent prevalence of parallelism. Here, we estimated genomic parallelism associated with components of environmental and phenotypic variation at an intercontinental scale across four freshwater adaptive radiations (Alaska, British Columbia, Iceland and Scotland) of the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). We combined large-scale biological sampling and phenotyping with restriction site associated DNA sequencing (RAD-Seq) data from 73 freshwater lake populations and four marine ones (1,380 fish) to associate genome-wide allele frequencies with continuous distributions of environmental and phenotypic variation. Our three main findings demonstrate that (1) quantitative variation in phenotypes and environments can predict genomic parallelism; (2) genomic parallelism at the early stages of adaptive radiations, even at large geographic scales, is founded on standing variation; and (3) similar environments are a better predictor of genome-wide parallelism than similar phenotypes. Overall, this study validates the importance and predictive power of major phenotypic and environmental factors likely to influence the emergence of common patterns of genomic divergence, providing a clearer picture than analyses of dichotomous phenotypes and environments

    A pilot survey for transients and variables with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder

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    We present a pilot search for variable and transient sources at 1.4 GHz with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP). The search was performed in a 30 deg2 area centred on the NGC 7232 galaxy group over eight epochs and observed with a near-daily cadence. The search yielded nine potential variable sources, rejecting the null hypothesis that the flux densities of these sources do not change with 99.9 per cent confidence. These nine sources displayed flux density variations with modulation indices m = 0.1 above our flux density limit of ~1.5mJy. They are identified to be compact active galactic nucleus (AGN)/quasars or galaxies hosting an AGN, whose variability is consistent with refractive interstellar scintillation.We also detect a highly variable source with modulation index m > 0.5 over a time interval of a decade between the SydneyUniversity Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS) and our latest ASKAP observations. We find the source to be consistent with the properties of long-term variability of a quasar. No transients were detected on time-scales of days and we place an upper limit ?t < 0.01 deg-2 with 95 per cent confidence for non-detections on near-daily time-scales. The future VAST-Wide survey with 36-ASKAP dishes will probe the transient phase space with similar cadence to our pilot survey, but better sensitivity, and will detect and monitor rarer brighter events

    Review: Transport Losses in Market Weight Pigs: I. A Review of Definitions, Incidence, and Economic Impact

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    Transport losses (dead and nonambulatory pigs) present animal welfare, legal, and economic challenges to the US swine industry. The objectives of this review are to explore 1) the historical perspective of transport losses; 2) the incidence and economic implications of transport losses; and 3) the symptoms and metabolic characteristics of fatigued pigs. In 1933 and 1934, the incidence of dead and nonambulatory pigs was reported to be 0.08 and 0.16%, respectively. More recently, 23 commercial field trials (n = 6,660,569 pigs) were summarized and the frequency of dead pigs, nonambulatory pigs, and total transport losses at the processing plant were 0.25, 0.44, and 0.69% respectively. In 2006, total economic losses associated with these transport losses were estimated to cost the US pork industry approximately $46 million. Furthermore, 0.37 and 0.05% of the nonambulatory pigs were classified as either fatigued (nonambulatory, noninjured) or injured, respectively, in 18 of these trials (n = 4,966,419 pigs). Fatigued pigs display signs of acute stress (open-mouth breathing, skin discoloration, muscle tremors) and are in a metabolic state of acidosis, characterized by low blood pH and high blood lactate concentrations; however, the majority of fatigued pigs will recover with rest. Transport losses are a multifactorial problem consisting of people, pig, facility design, management, transportation, processing plant, and environmental factors, and, because of these multiple factors, continued research efforts are needed to understand how each of the factors and the relationships among factors affect the well-being of the pig during the marketing process

    Searching for a Stochastic Background of Gravitational Waves with LIGO

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    The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) has performed the fourth science run, S4, with significantly improved interferometer sensitivities with respect to previous runs. Using data acquired during this science run, we place a limit on the amplitude of a stochastic background of gravitational waves. For a frequency independent spectrum, the new limit is ΩGW<6.5×105\Omega_{\rm GW} < 6.5 \times 10^{-5}. This is currently the most sensitive result in the frequency range 51-150 Hz, with a factor of 13 improvement over the previous LIGO result. We discuss complementarity of the new result with other constraints on a stochastic background of gravitational waves, and we investigate implications of the new result for different models of this background.Comment: 37 pages, 16 figure

    Preferred reporting items for journal and conference abstracts of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of diagnostic test accuracy studies (PRISMA-DTA for Abstracts):checklist, explanation, and elaboration

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    For many users of the biomedical literature, abstracts may be the only source of information about a study. Hence, abstracts should allow readers to evaluate the objectives, key design features, and main results of the study. Several evaluations have shown deficiencies in the reporting of journal and conference abstracts across study designs and research fields, including systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy studies. Incomplete reporting compromises the value of research to key stakeholders. The authors of this article have developed a 12 item checklist of preferred reporting items for journal and conference abstracts of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of diagnostic test accuracy studies (PRISMA-DTA for Abstracts). This article presents the checklist, examples of complete reporting, and explanations for each item of PRISMA-DTA for Abstracts