291 research outputs found

    T on the Cray X/MP

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    This research was aimed at porting the T programming language, a dialect of LISP, to the Cray X/MP computer. The effort involved research into systems engineering and software engineering problems related not only to compiler design and implementation, but also to parallel computation, the X/MP being a shared-memory multiprocessor. Porting also involved the sub-tasks of retargeting the assembler, code-generator, and run-time system. A reasonably effective porting methodology that is relatively straight forward, although more difficult than table-driven approaches, has been developed. The run-time system was not ported, and thus the T programs cannot be run without explicit linking of the required run-time support. The run-time performance gain achieved in generated code was found to be disappointing. Recommendations for the achievement of higher performance are given

    Warm air leads to hazardous ground temperatures when walking dogs in built and natural environments

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    Two case studies in Texas, one in a built environment and another in a natural se8ing, illustrate potential ground heat hazards when walking dogs on warm days. In the first case, temperatures of four different ground surfaces—concrete, grass, chip seal, and tar—were measured along a street in a suburban neighborhood. The study involved two morning and two a6ernoon surveys of 30 sampling locations where all four materials were present. Air temperatures, typical of the study area in summer, ranged from 78.0 oF (25.6 oC) in the morning to 96.1 oF (35.6 oC) in the a6ernoon. Ground surfaces reached much higher temperatures, exceeding 150 oF (65.6 oC), in the a6ernoon surveys. Median temperatures were highest in tar, followed by chip seal, concrete, and grass. The second case involved shallow lake water and various types of mud, sand, cobbles, rock fragments, and grass along a nature trail. Air temperatures ranged from 74.7 oF (23.7 oC) at 8:00 a.m. to 92.5 oF (33.6 oC) at 6:00 p.m. Ground temperatures varied considerably with material and time of day, ranging from 76.4 oF (24.7 oC) at gray cobbles and beige rock at 8:00 a.m. to 125.7 oF (52.1 oC) at brown sand at 4:00 p.m. Over the day, temperatures were highest at brown sand and lowest in water and moist sand

    Visualizing Ground-Water-Flow Fields and Contaminant Plumes in an Undergraduate Hydrogeology Course

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    This article discusses the use of three-dimensional visualization methods to augment traditional contouring methods in an undergraduate ground-water course

    Creased-Plastic Rock Permeameter for Hydrogeology Students

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    This article discusses the use of creased-plastic permeameters as an inexpensive way for students to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of local rock aquifers

    Programmer avec des tuiles musicales: le T-calcul en Euterpea

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    International audienceEuterpea est un langage de programmation dédié à la création et à la manipulation de contenus media temporisés - son, musique, animations, vidéo, etc... Il est enchassé dans un langage de programmation fonctionnelle avec typage polymorphe: Haskell. Il hérite ainsi de toute la souplesse et la robustesse d'un langage de programmation moderne. Le T-calcul est une proposition abstraite de modélisation temporelle qui, à travers une seule opération de composition: le produit tuilé, permet tout à la fois la composition séquentielle et la composition parallèle de contenus temporisés. En présentant ici une intégration du T-calcul dans le language Euterpea, nous réalisons un outil qui devrait permettre d'évaluer la puissance métaphorique du tuilage temporel combinée avec la puissance programmatique du langage Euterpea

    From out-of-time design to in-time production of temporal media

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    The design a temporal media, a sequence of temporal media values such as notes, sounds, images, etc., is an out-of-time task. Fairly general out-of-time program constructs are available for such a purpose. For example , when writing a musical piece, a composer can traverse back and forth his creation. On the contrary, rendering a temporal media is an in-time task. The production of notes in a musical performance is bound to be coherent with the unceasing onward flow of time. It follows that some of the out-of-time programming constructs used for the creation of that pieces must have been reordered in order to produce the right media events in the right order and at the right time. In this paper, we propose a formal study of the interplay between these in-time and these out-of-time programing constructs. With an explicitly out-of-time design approach, we eventually show that simpler and more abstract declarative programming features become available, leaving to computers the tedious task of synchronizing and scheduling the media events to be produced in-time, upon demand
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