51 research outputs found

    Two essays on urban sprawl and the provision of public goods by local governments

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    Texto em inglêsOrientador : Prof. Dr. Alexandre Alves PorsseDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Econômico. Defesa : Curitiba, 26/03/2017Inclui referências : f. 48-50Resumo: Esta dissertação é composta por dois ensaios sobre o fenômeno urban sprawl nas cidades brasileiras. O primeiro ensaio tem como objetivo investigar o fenômeno urban sprawl em grandes e médias cidades no Brasil. A investigação emprega dois índices para medir o urban sprawl, o coeficiente de variação e o índice gravitacional. Para avaliar a relação entre desigualdade de renda e pobreza e urban sprawl, o índice gravitacional é calculado com base em dados da população geral classificada em três classes de renda. Os resultados revelam que o urban sprawl é um fenômeno comum nas maiores cidades do Brasil e afeta principalmente as pessoas com maior vulnerabilidade social. O segundo ensaio examina os efeitos do urban sprawl sobre o custo da prestação de serviços públicos nas cidades brasileiras. A análise se baseia nas cidades pertencentes a médias e altas concentrações urbanas e utiliza modelos econométricos espaciais para avaliar o gasto municipal agregado e nove itens de gastos municipais desagregados (administração, saneamento básico, cultura, gestão ambiental, habitação, polícia local, assistência social, esportes e lazer e infraestrutura urbana). Os resultados fornecem evidências de que a expansão urbana afeta positivamente o custo per capita de prestação de serviços públicos locais de cidades de alta concentração urbana. Palavras-chave: Urban sprawl. Brasil. Finanças públicas municipais.Abstarct: This dissertation consists of two essays about the phenomenon of urban sprawl in Brazilian cities. The first essay aims to investigate the phenomenon of urban sprawl in big and medium cities in Brazil. The investigation employs two indexes to measure urban sprawl, the coefficient of variation and the gravitational index. In order to evaluate the relation between income inequality and poverty and urban sprawl, the gravitational index is calculated by using data from the overall population classified into three income classes. The results reveal that urban sprawl is a common phenomenon in the biggest cities in Brazil and it affects mainly the more disadvantaged people. The second essay examines the effects of urban sprawl on the cost of providing public services in Brazilian cities. The analysis is based on the cities belonging to medium and high urban concentrations and uses spatial econometric models do evaluate one aggregate and nine disaggregate items of local spending (administration, basic sanitation, culture, environmental management, housing, local police, social assistance, sports and leisure, and urban infrastructure). The results provide evidences that the urban sprawl positively affects the per capita cost of provision of local public services of cities from high urban concentration. Key-words: Urban sprawl. Brazil. Local public finance

    O corpo da infância : relações entre educação infantil e educação física no Brasil

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    Orientador: Msdo. Ricardo Marinelli MartinsMonografia (licenciatura) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Educação Físic

    Effect of Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz.) with Takra in Dandruff

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    Dandruff is a common scalp disorder affecting almost half of the population. According to Ayurveda, Dandruff may be correlated to Darunaka. Ayurveda classics dealt different procedures and medications to treat the disease Darunaka (dandruff). The present study is based on the reference from Cikitsamanjary by Sreeman Nambootiri, an authentic Ayurveda book. Haritaki mixed with Takra (buttermilk) as Sirolepa (application of paste over the scalp region) is used to reduce Darunaka. Darunaka is a Kapha Vata predominant disease having the symptoms like Kandu (Itching), Kesha Chyuthi (Hair fall), Twak sphutana (Scaling) and Rukshata (Dryness). Haritaki is having Lavanavarjitha Pancha Rasa, Laghu Ruksha Guna, Ushna Virya, Madhura Vipaka and Tridoshahara property (Pharmacological properties). Takra is having Laghu Ruksha Guna, Kasaya, Amla rasa; Ushna Virya and Madhura Vipaka with Kapha Vatahara property. In the clinical study, 30 patients of Darunaka were selected as per inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study was effective in reducing the symptoms of Darunaka

    Low cost redesign of coil assemblies for ergonomic improvements / Loo Huck-Soo, Paul H.P. Yeow and Vimala Balakrishnan

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    This paper investigated into an alternative approach to solving cooling problems in two typical shopping complexes in Malaysia. For each case, an investigation was initially conducted to capture a general idea of poor indoor cooling suffered by the business operators and patrons. Ergonomics methods such as unstructured interviews and direct observations (DOs) were applied to obtain information on the major complaints. Visual inspections into the air handlers and the air ducts were also conducted. Subjective assessments (SAs) were utilized to test the response of the business operators. Cost accounting figures, both current and archival data pertaining to air handler maintenance service were retrieved and analysed. Ergonomic interventions were implemented by incorporating applied basic sciences into the rectification work. The original design specifications were modified to produce those for the new make. After new installations were in place, follow-up studies using similar methods (i.e. DOs, SAs, current and archival data) were conducted to assess the effectiveness of the interventions. It was found that the installations were cost effective. The new designs improved human comfort through effective heat removal from the air conditioned space. There were also cost savings in the maintenance of the new coil assemblie

    Cu based Metal Organic Framework (Cu-MOF) for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction

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    Hydrogen production using novel catalysts is regarded as one of the most needed technology for the future economic needs and water splitting to give H2 gas, which is a challenging task for large-scale production. This work reports the synthesis of Meso-Cu-BTC metal organic framework and further used for understanding its role in electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in 1 M NaOH solution. Meso-Cu-BTC electrocatalyst showed a less overpotential of 89.32 mV and an onset potential of 25 mV with an appreciable current density. Results show a low Tafel slope of 33.41 mVdec−1 and long-term durability. Thus, the overall results show that Meso-Cu-BTC acted as a good candidate for electrocatalysis towards hydrogen evolution

    Physical losses could partially explain modest carotenoid retention in dried food products from biofortified cassava

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    Gari, a fermented and dried semolina made from cassava, is one of the most common foods in West Africa. Recently introduced biofortified yellow cassava containing provitamin A carotenoids could help tackle vitamin A deficiency prevalent in those areas. However there are concerns because of the low retention of carotenoids during gari processing compared to other processes (e.g. boiling). The aim of the study was to assess the levels of true retention in trans–β-carotene during gari processing and investigate the causes of low retention. Influence of processing step, processor (3 commercial processors) and variety (TMS 01/ 1371; 01/1368 and 01/1412) were assessed. It was shown that low true retention (46% on average) during gari processing may be explained by not only chemical losses (i.e. due to roasting temperature) but also by physical losses (i.e. due to leaching of carotenoids in discarded liquids): true retention in the liquid lost from grating negatively correlated with true retention retained in the mash (R = -0.914). Moreover, true retention followed the same pattern as lost water at the different processing steps (i.e. for the commercial processors). Variety had a significant influence on true retention, carotenoid content, and trans-cis isomerisation but the processor type had little effect. It is the first time that the importance of physical carotenoid losses was demonstrated during processing of biofortified crops

    Job's Children ("Os Filhos de Job") by Vimala Devi. Translated by Paul Melo e Castro

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    The cure

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