587 research outputs found


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    Menurut Survei Ekonomi Nasional (SUSENAS) 2005, kematian neonatus di Indonesia yang disebabkan oleh BBLR sebesar 38,85% (Depkes RI, 2008). Metode Kanguru mampu memenuhi kebutuhan asasi BBLR dengan menyediakan situasi dan kondisi yang mirip dengan rahim sehingga memberi peluang BBLR untuk beradaptasi dengan baik di dunia luar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rerata (mean) berat badan lahir dan rerata hari ke-10 serta pengaruh PMK Intermitten terhadap kenaikan berat badan BBLR. Metode yang digunakan adalah analitik dengan menggunakan Quasi-Eksperiment dengan rancangan Desain Sebelum dan Sesudah Satu Kelompok (One Group Before and After Design) dengan Dependen T-Test sebagai uji korelasinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di RSUD Curup dari bulan Juli-September 2017. Penelitian dilakukan selama 10 hari, tiga hari di RS dan 6 hari  di rumah. Teknik sampel menggunakan purposive sampling yang berjumlah 32 responden. Data yang diambil adalah data primer yang diperoleh secara langsung dari tempat penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata sebelum dibeikan intervensi metode kanguru BB 2264 dan setelah diberikan intervensi BB 2575. Hasil uji statistik menunjukan bahwa BBLR (p=0,000) yaitu p value< 0,05 dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% yang berarti ada pengaruh metode kanguru terhadap BBLR. Disarankan bagi RS/Klinik agar mempunyai program dan sarana yang menunjang untuk program PMK. Bagi tenaga kesehatan dapat meng-edukasi program PMK kepada keluarga yang memiliki bayi BBLR

    Austerity and its Aftermath: Neoliberalism and Labour in Argentina

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    The crisis Argentina faced in the late 1980s legitimized a diagnosis that linked the country’s poor economic performance to an inward-looking economy, excessive fiscal spending, unwarranted state regulations, a misguided set of incentives that failed to boost competitiveness and the “economic populism” that privileged political goals over economic efficiency. Alternatively, the solution was sought in policies that privileged deregulation, the free flow of commodities and capital, privatization and a selective intervention of the state in the economy. In this article we will account for the shape of neoliberal restructuring in Argentina by drawing attention to the heavy costs stabilization imposed on the country as the decade progressed. We will emphasize the costs the workers were called on to bear and the responses that emerged from them to challenge neoliberalism. La crise qui a frappé l’Argentine à la fin des années 1980 a justifié un diagnostic qui liait la faible performance économique à plusieurs facteurs : le caractère endogène de son économie, les dépenses excessives de l’État, les réglementations mal avisées, les stimulants mal ciblés qui ne sont pas parvenus à soutenir la compétitivité et le « populisme économique » qui privilégiait les finalités politiques plutôt que l’efficacité économique. En réponse à ce diagnostic, les solutions privilégiées visaient la déréglementation, la libre circulation des marchandises et du capital, les privatisations et l’intervention ciblée de l’État dans l’économie. Cet article présente la configuration des réformes néolibérales en Argentine en insistant sur les coûts élevés que la stabilisation a entraînés au cours de la décennie. Nous soulignons l’importance du fardeau imposé aux travailleurs et travailleuses ainsi que leurs réactions pour contrer le néolibéralisme

    Do retailers leverage consumer social media content for innovation? An exploratory study

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    The rise of social media has opened new pathways for organizations to innovate, in particular because innovation impetus may now be harvested from outside the organization. In our research-in-progress we examine the case of a global retail organization that has recently adopted social media strategies with the view to foster consumer-driven innovation. We focus on why social media content generated by consumers under some circumstances facilitates consumer-driven innovation and why under some conditions it doesn’t. We report on the research methods, data collection, data analysis strategies and emergent findings, and conclude with a brief overview of our future research

    How Does Enterprise Social Media Help Retail Employees Innovate?

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    An increasing number of organizations have installed enterprise social media (ESM) platforms to allow employees to collaborate, work independently, and to innovate more easily. While research has started to explain how such technologies can lead to improved collaboration and productivity, their role in assisting employees in innovation processes remains unclear. In our research-in-progress we examine the case of a global retail organization that adopted ESM for all employees with the view to foster employee-driven innovation. We report on our on-going data collection and analysis, in which we focus on the salient mechanisms and contingency factors why ESM under some conditions facilitates employee-driven innovation and why under some conditions it does not. We report on on-going data collection, data analysis strategies and emergent findings, and conclude with a brief outlook on our future research strategies. \ \ Keywords: Enterprise Social Media, social networks, employee-driven innovation, case study.

    Proposta de um modelo de infra-estrutura para um sistema on line - gerenciamento de Escolas de idiomas

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.Este trabalho trata da elaboração de um modelo de infra-estrutura para um Sistema de Gerenciamento de Empresa e do acesso aos seus usuários, on line, criado através da seleção de ferramentas e de softwares gratuitos e ou de baixo custo, que permite a execução deste sistema de informação on line, satisfazendo-os quanto a sua operacionabilidade, além de ser possível a sua execução em hardwares de baixa performance - computadores pessoais (personal computer - PC). Para que o desempenho da infra-estrutura tivesse impacto direto no e-commerce, fez-se necessário a sua elaboração em quatro fases, a saber: 1) Pesquisa da empresa; 2) Escolha e teste das ferramentas para a criação do sistema; 3) Elaboração da infra-estrutura e do modelo de arquitetura do sistema e 4) Correção de possíveis erros, Dosagem da satisfação do cliente e a validação do Sistema. Desta forma, após a substituição do sistema de gerenciamento tradicional pelo sistema de gerenciamento on line, a empresa escolhida, no caso uma escola de idiomas, obteve como vantagem a diminuição nos custos de implantação e manuseio do sistema, além da economia na contratação de pessoal especializado para a implantação e treinamento na utilização do sistema