173 research outputs found

    Exciton polaritons in two-dimensional photonic crystals

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    Experimental evidence of strong coupling between excitons confined in a quantum well and the photonic modes of a two-dimensional dielectric lattice is reported. Both resonant scattering and photoluminescence spectra at low temperature show the anticrossing of the polariton branches, fingerprint of strong coupling regime. The experiments are successfully interpreted in terms of a quantum theory of exciton-photon coupling in the investigated structure. These results show that the polariton dispersion can be tailored by properly varying the photonic crystal lattice parameter, which opens the possibility to obtain the generation of entangled photon pairs through polariton stimulated scattering.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The role of surgical resection in Unicentric Castleman’s disease: a systematic review

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    Introduction: Castleman’s disease is a rare benign lymphoproliferative disorder of unknown etiology. The disease occurs in twoclinical forms with different prognoses, treatments and symptoms: a unicentric form (UCD), which is solitary, localized, and a multicentricform characterized by generalized lymphadenopathy and systemic symptoms. This article aims to review the currentliterature to consolidate the evidence surrounding the curative potential of surgical treatment to the unicentric type.Material and methods: A systematic review of English-language literature was performed and databases (Medline, Pubmed,the Cochrane Database and grey literature) were searched to identify articles pertaining to the treatment of unicentric form ofCastleman’s disease. Each article was critiqued by two authors using a structured appraisal tool, and stratified according to thelevel of evidence.Results: After application of inclusion criteria, 14 studies were included. There were no prospective randomized control studiesidentified. One meta-analysis including 278 patients with UCD reported that resective surgery is safe and should be consideredthe gold standard for treatment. Seven retrospective studies enhance this standpoint. Radiotherapy (RT) has been used in sixstudies with controversial results.Conclusions: We conclude that surgical resection appears to be the most effective treatment for Unicentric Castleman’s Diseaseof the thoracic cavity. Radiotherapy can also achieve clinical response and cure in selected patients

    High-Frequency Light Rectification by Nanoscale Plasmonic Conical Antenna in Point-Contact-Insulator-Metal Architecture

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    Numerous efforts have been undertaken to develop rectifying antennas operating at high frequencies, especially dedicated to light harvesting and photodetection applications. However, the development of efficient high frequency rectifying antennas has been a major technological challenge both due to a lack of comprehension of the underlying physics and limitations in the fabrication techniques. Various rectification strategies have been implemented, including metal-insulator-metal traveling-wave diodes, plasmonic nanogap optical antennas, and whisker diodes, although all show limited high-frequency operation and modest conversion efficiencies. Here a new type of rectifying antenna based on plasmonic carrier generation is demonstrated. The proposed structure consists of a resonant metallic conical nano-antenna tip in contact with the oxide surface of an oxide/metal bilayer. The conical shape allows for an improved current generation based on plasmon-mediated electromagnetic-to-electron conversion, an effect exploiting the nanoscale-tip contact of the rectifying antenna, and proportional to the antenna resonance and to the surface-electron scattering. Importantly, this solution provides rectification operation at 280 THz (1064 nm) with a 100-fold increase in efficiency compared to previously reported results. Finally, the conical rectifying antenna is also demonstrated to operate at 384 THz (780 nm), hence paving a way toward efficient rectennas toward the visible range

    Luminescent solar concentrators: boosted optical efficiency by polymer dielectric mirrors

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    We report on the optical efficiency enhancement of luminescent solar concentrators based on a push\u2013 pull fluorophore realized using high dielectric contrast polymer distributed Bragg reflectors as back mirrors. The Bragg stacks are obtained by alternating layers of cellulose acetate and thin films of a new stable and solution processable hydrated titania\u2013poly(vinyl alcohol) nanocomposite (HyTiPVA) with a refractive index greater than 1.9 over a broad spectral range. The results obtained with these systems are compared with enhancements provided by standard Bragg reflectors made of commercial polymers. We demonstrate that the application of the Bragg stacks with photonic band-gap tuned to the low energy side of the dye emission spectrum induces a 10% enhancement of optical efficiency. This enhancement is the result of a photon recycling mechanism and is retained even in a scaled-up device where the Bragg mirrors are used in a mosaic configuratio

    Rola resekcji chirurgicznej w leczeniu zlokalizowanej postaci choroby Castlemana — przegląd systematyczny

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    Choroba Castlemana jest rzadką, łagodną chorobą limfoproliferacyjną o nieznanej etiologii. Schorzenie występuje w dwóch postaciach klinicznych o różnym rokowaniu, sposobie leczenia i objawach: postaci zlokalizowanej (UCD) oraz wieloogniskowej, charakteryzującej się powiększeniem węzłów chłonnych oraz objawami ogólnymi. Celem pracy był przegląd piśmiennictwa, a także analiza dowodów na skuteczność resekcji chirurgicznej w zlokalizowanej postaci choroby. Przeprowadzono przegląd systematyczny piśmiennictwa angielskojęzycznego oraz baz danych (Medline, Pubmed, Cochrane i źródeł dodatkowych) w poszukiwaniu artykułów dotyczących leczenia zlokalizowanej postaci choroby Castlemana. Każdy artykuł oceniony był przez dwóch autorów przy użyciu ustrukturyzowanego narzędzia oceny, a następnie skategoryzowany zgodnie z siłą dowodu. Zgodnie z kryteriami włączenia, do badania zakwalifikowano 14 badań. Nie znaleziono prospektywnych, randomizowanych badań z grupą kontrolną. W jednej metaanalizie, obejmującej 278 chorych na UCD, stwierdzono, że resekcja chirurgiczna jest bezpieczna i powinna być traktowana jako „złoty standard” w leczeniu. Wnioski zawarte w siedmiu badaniach retrospektywnych potwierdzały ten punkt widzenia. Radioterapia (RT) była stosowana w sześciu badaniach, z różnym efektem. W leczeniu choroby Castlemana zlokalizowanej w klatce piersiowej resekcja chirurgiczna wydaje się metodą o najwyższej skuteczności. Ponadto, pozytywną odpowiedź kliniczną można w niektórych przypadkach osiągnąć przy zastosowaniu radioterapii.Choroba Castlemana jest rzadką, łagodną chorobą limfoproliferacyjną o nieznanej etiologii. Schorzenie występuje w dwóch postaciach klinicznych o różnym rokowaniu, sposobie leczenia i objawach: postaci zlokalizowanej (UCD) oraz wieloogniskowej, charakteryzującej się powiększeniem węzłów chłonnych oraz objawami ogólnymi. Celem pracy był przegląd piśmiennictwa, a także analiza dowodów na skuteczność resekcji chirurgicznej w zlokalizowanej postaci choroby. Przeprowadzono przegląd systematyczny piśmiennictwa angielskojęzycznego oraz baz danych (Medline, Pubmed, Cochrane i źródeł dodatkowych) w poszukiwaniu artykułów dotyczących leczenia zlokalizowanej postaci choroby Castlemana. Każdy artykuł oceniony był przez dwóch autorów przy użyciu ustrukturyzowanego narzędzia oceny, a następnie skategoryzowany zgodnie z siłą dowodu. Zgodnie z kryteriami włączenia, do badania zakwalifikowano 14 badań. Nie znaleziono prospektywnych, randomizowanych badań z grupą kontrolną. W jednej metaanalizie, obejmującej 278 chorych na UCD, stwierdzono, że resekcja chirurgiczna jest bezpieczna i powinna być traktowana jako „złoty standard” w leczeniu. Wnioski zawarte w siedmiu badaniach retrospektywnych potwierdzały ten punkt widzenia. Radioterapia (RT) była stosowana w sześciu badaniach, z różnym efektem. W leczeniu choroby Castlemana zlokalizowanej w klatce piersiowej resekcja chirurgiczna wydaje się metodą o najwyższej skuteczności. Ponadto, pozytywną odpowiedź kliniczną można w niektórych przypadkach osiągnąć przy zastosowaniu radioterapii

    Pattern of ancient goat migration revealed by AFLP molecular markers

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    I marcatori AFLP ricostruiscono gli spostamenti di Capra hircus al seguito delle antiche migrazioni umane. Capra hircus \ue8 adattabile a condizioni ambientali molto differenti e possiede un areale di distribuzione estremamente ampio. Studi recenti suggeriscono che la capra abbia giocato un ruolo chiave nel sostentamento delle popolazioni umane durante le migrazioni demiche verso ovest, successive alla rivoluzione agricola del Neolitico. Lo studio della variabilit\ue0 genetica di questa specie pu\uf2 quindi essere un utile strumento sia per ricostruire le antiche migrazioni umane, sia per preservare la diversit\ue0 biologica di razze storiche e localmente adattate. L\u2019analisi statistica dei marcatori AFLP effettuata su 44 razze autoctone (campionate in Europa, Medio Oriente, Anatolia) e 2 cosmopolite, affiancata da metodi di interpolazione geografica, ha permesso di evidenziare: - la peculiare composizione genetica delle razze Orobica e Tauernshecken (entrambe di origine incerta) rispetto ai popolamenti europeo e medio-orientale; - un significativo gradiente di distribuzione delle distanze genetiche tra razze che da sud-est procede verso nord-ovest, sovrapponibile al modello di variazione genetica umana, probabile traccia di almeno due differenti eventi di migrazioni umane lungo la via di espansione neolitica dell\u2019agricoltura.Domestic goat (Capra hircus) is a very adaptable and geographically spread livestock species. Recent studies on mitochondrial DNA diversity suggest that goats have been the most widely transported and traded livestock species. For this reason it is thought to have played a central role in the demic spread of agriculture during the Neolithic agricultural revolution (Luikart et al. 2001). The investigation of the evolutionary and demographic history of C. hircus may indeed shed light on human past history and migrations and contribute to explain human populations biological diversity as we observe it nowadays. Knowledge on the level and distribution of diversity within a species has also immediate importance for the management and conservation of locally adapted populations. The sustainable conservation and management of small ruminant genetic resources are addressed in the EU ECONOGENE project, that combines molecular genetics, socio-economics and geostatistics to accomplish these tasks. One of the major objectives of the project is to investigate geographic patterns of genetic variation at the individual, farm and population level. Here we present preliminary results of the analysis of the AFLP goat dataset comprising 44 autochthonous and 2 cosmopolite breeds sampled across Europe and Middle East

    Psychosocial care for adult cancer patients: guidelines of the Italian Medical Oncology Association

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: People with cancer often experience psychological and social needs, related to their disease and treatments, that can negatively impact quality of life. Various social interventions can be helpful but are not always offered to patients who would benefit from them. This guideline aims to help oncology professionals address the psychosocial aspects of their adult patients and of those who care for them. It was compiled by a multidisciplinary panel, including patients, using rigorous methodology. Topics include patient information and communication, screening and management of psychosocial needs, and caregiver support. In particular, evidence emphasizes that nurses play a central role in providing psychosocial care and information for cancer patients, and that Physician communication skills must be improved with specific evidence-based training. In addition, psychosocial needs must be promptly detected and managed, especially with appropriate non-pharmacological interventions. ABSTRACT: Psychosocial morbidity can have negative consequences for cancer patients, including maladaptive coping, poor treatment adherence, and lower quality of life. Evidence shows that psychosocial interventions can positively impact quality of life, as well as symptoms and side effects; however, they are not always offered to patients who might benefit from them. These guidelines were produced by a multidisciplinary panel of 16 experts, including patients, following GRADE methodology. The panel framed clinical questions and voted on outcomes to investigate. Studies identified by rigorous search strategies were assessed to rate certainty of evidence, and recommendations were formulated by the panel. Although the quality of the evidence found was generally moderate, interventions could be recommended aimed at improving patient information, communication with healthcare professionals and involvement in decision-making; detecting and managing patient psychosocial needs, particularly with non-pharmacological therapy; and supporting families of patients with advanced cancer. The role of nurses as providers of information and psychosocial care is stressed. Most recommended interventions do not appear to necessitate new services or infrastructures, and therefore do not require allocation of additional resources, but predominantly involve changes in clinical staff behavior and/or ward organization. Patients should be made aware of psychosocial care standards so that they can expect to receive them

    Cochrane rehabilitation: 2020 Annual report

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    during its fourth year of existence, cochrane rehabilitation went on to promote evidence-informed health decision-making in rehabilitation. in 2020, the outbreak of the coVid-19 pandemic has made it necessary to alter priorities. in these challenging times, cochrane rehabilitation has firstly changed its internal organisation and established a new relevant project in line with pandemic needs: the REH-COVER (Rehabilitation – coVid-19 evidence-based response) action. the aim was to focus on the timely collection, review and dissemination of summarised and synthesised evidence relating to COVID-19 and rehabilitation. Cochrane Rehabilitation REH-COVER action has included in 2020 five main initiatives: 1) rapid living systematic reviews on rehabilitation and coVid-19; 2) interactive living evidence map on rehabilitation and coVid-19; 3) definition of the research topics on “rehabilitation and COVID-19” in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) rehabilitation programme; 4) Cochrane Library special collection on Coronavirus (COVID-19) rehabilitation; and 5) collaboration with COVID-END for the topics “rehabilitation” and “disability.” Furthermore, we are still carrying on five different special projects: Be4rehab; RCTRACK; definition of rehabilitation for research purposes; ebook project; and a prioritization exercise for Cochrane Reviews production. The Review Working Area continued to identify and “tag” the rehabilitation-relevant reviews published in the cochrane library; the publication Working area went on to publish Cochrane Corners, working more closely with the Cochrane Review Groups (CRGs) and Cochrane Networks, particularly with Cochrane Musculoskeletal, oral, skin and sensory Network; the Education Working area, the most damaged in 2020, tried to continue performing educational activities such as workshops in different online meetings; the Methodology Working area organized the third and fourth cochrane Rehabilitation Methodological (CRM) meetings respectively in Milan and Orlando; the Communication Working Area spread rehabilitation evidences through different channels and translated the contents in different languages

    Modular approach for bimodal antibacterial surfaces combining photo-switchable activity and sustained biocidal release

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    Photo-responsive antibacterial surfaces combining both on-demand photo-switchable activity and sustained biocidal release were prepared using sequential chemical grafting of nano-objects with different geometries and functions. The multi-layered coating developed incorporates a monolayer of near-infrared active silica-coated gold nanostars (GNS) decorated by silver nanoparticles (AgNP). This modular approach also enables us to unravel static and photo-activated contributions to the overall antibacterial performance of the surfaces, demonstrating a remarkable synergy between these two mechanisms. Complementary microbiological and imaging evaluations on both planktonic and surface-attached bacteria provided new insights on these distinct but cooperative effects