2,654 research outputs found

    Quantum revival for elastic waves in thin plate

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    Quantum revival is described as the time-periodic reconstruction of a wave packet initially localized in space and time. This effect is expected in finite-size systems which exhibits commensurable discrete spectrum such as the infinite quantum well. Here, we report on the experimental observation of full and fractional quantum revival for classical waves in a two dimensional cavity. We consider flexural waves propagating in thin plates, as their quadratic dispersion at low frequencies mimics the dispersion relation of quantum systems governed by Schr\"{o}dinger equation. Time-dependent excitation and measurement are performed at ultrasonic frequencies and reveal a periodic reconstruction of the initial elastic wave packet.Comment: submitted to the special issue of EPJ ST in honor of scientific legacy of Roger Maynar

    Maps, Travel and Exploration in the Middle Ages: Some Reflections about Anachronism

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    Abstract: How were maps conceived in the Middle Ages? Using the words “map”, “travel” and “exploration”, historians must be wary of anachronism. Medieval maps, like ours maps, are always materialized thought-objects and are thus interpretations of the world, inevitably variable and subject to criticism; in this respect, “modernity” has neither invented nor changed anything. The article addresses some anachronisms about the role of mappae mundi in mental journeys, their function in maritime travels and their role during the great “discoveries”; it claims that no other pre-modern civilization, except perhaps the Chinese, was ever so imbuedwith cartographic culture

    Maps, Travel and Exploration in the Middle Ages: Some Reflections about Anachronism

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    Abstract: How were maps conceived in the Middle Ages? Using the words “map”, “travel” and “exploration”, historians must be wary of anachronism. Medieval maps, like ours maps, are always materialized thought-objects and are thus interpretations of the world, inevitably variable and subject to criticism; in this respect, “modernity” has neither invented nor changed anything. The article addresses some anachronisms about the role of mappae mundi in mental journeys, their function in maritime travels and their role during the great “discoveries”; it claims that no other pre-modern civilization, except perhaps the Chinese, was ever so imbuedwith cartographic culture

    Extracting (good) discourse examples from an oral specialised corpus of wine tasting interactions

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    International audienceThis article outlines the semi-automated extraction of dictionary examples used in the compilation of a professional online dictionary of wine tasting. Named OenoLex Bourgogne, this dictionary was started to respond to the demand for a lexicographic information tool from the French wine industry of Burgundy, the Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne

    Ag2.54Tl2Mo12Se15: a new structure type containing Mo6 and Mo9 clusters

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    wosInternational audienceThe novel structure-type Ag2.54Tl2Mo12Se15 (silver thallium molybdenum selenide) is built up of Mo6Sei8Sea6 and Mo9Sei11Sea6 cluster units in a 1:2 ratio, which are three-dimensionally connected to form the Mo-Se network. The Ag and Tl cations are distributed in several voids within the cluster network. Three of the seven independent Se atoms and one Tl atom lie on sites with 3.. symmetry (Wyckoff sites 2c or 2d)

    RĂŽle de CD47 dans l’induction de la tolĂ©rance in vivo

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    La tolĂ©rance orale permet la modulation de la rĂ©ponse immunitaire Ă  l’égard des antigĂšnes exogĂšnes prĂ©sents dans la lumiĂšre intestinale. Essentiels Ă  l’établissement d’une relation symbiotique entre le systĂšme immunitaire et la flore intestinale, l’induction et le maintien de la tolĂ©rance orale reposent sur diffĂ©rents mĂ©canismes immunologiques. Parmi eux, l’induction de cellules T rĂ©gulatrices par les cellules dendritiques et de mĂ©canismes apoptotiques. Or, la glycoprotĂ©ine membranaire CD47 est impliquĂ©e, en pĂ©riphĂ©rie, dans ces mĂ©canismes. Cependant, le rĂŽle de CD47 dans la tolĂ©rance orale n’est pas connu. À l’aide d’un modĂšle murin dĂ©ficient en CD47, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© principalement, que l’absence de CD47 est associĂ©e Ă  une diminution de 50 % de la proportion de cellules dendrites myĂ©loĂŻdes CD11b+CD103- retrouvĂ©es dans les ganglions mĂ©sentĂ©riques. Suite au transfert adoptif de cellules T antigĂšnes spĂ©cifiques dans nos diffĂ©rents modĂšles expĂ©rimentaux, on a, aussi, observĂ© une diminution de 45 % de leur niveau d’activation dans les ganglions mĂ©sentĂ©riques. MalgrĂ© les effets observĂ©s, le CD47 n’est pas impliquĂ© dans l’induction d’une rĂ©action de tolĂ©rance orale secondaire Ă  l’administration intragastrique de fortes doses d’ovalbumine. Cependant, nous avons dĂ©montrĂ© que CD47 est impliquĂ©e au niveau de la migration des cellules dendritiques de la peau et de certaines sous-populations retrouvĂ©es dans les ganglions mĂ©sentĂ©riques.Oral tolerance allows the modulation of the immune response against exogenous antigens present in the intestinal lumen. Essential to establish a symbiotic relationship between the immune system and intestinal flora, the induction and maintenance of oral tolerance rests on different immunological mechanisms. Among them, induction of regulatory T cells by dendritic cells and apoptotic mechanisms. However, the membrane glycoprotein CD47 is involved in the periphery of these mechanisms. However, the role of CD47 in oral tolerance is unknown. With a mouse model deficient in CD47, we showed mainly that the absence of CD47 is associated with a decrease of 50% in the proportion of myeloid dendritic cells CD11b+ CD103- found in the mesenteric lymph nodes. Following the adoptive transfer of antigen specific T cells in our experimental models, we also observed a decrease of 45% of their level of activation in mesenteric lymph nodes. Despite the observed effects, CD47 is not involved in the induction of oral tolerance response secondary to intragastric administration of high doses of ovalbumin. However, we have shown that CD47 is involved in the migration of dendritic cells of the skin and some sub-populations found in mesenteric lymph nodes

    Les reprĂ©sentations de l’espace en Occident de l’AntiquitĂ© tardive au xvie siĂšcle

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    Programme de l’annĂ©e 2010-2011 : I. ReprĂ©sentations de l’espace et souverainetĂ© au Moyen Âge. — II. Cartographie Ă  grande Ă©chelle en France (Moyen Âge – dĂ©but xvie siĂšcle)

    À propos de la mappemonde d’Ebstorf

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    La mappemonde du monastĂšre fĂ©minin d’Ebstorf en Saxe, diversement datĂ©e dans le courant du xiiie ou du xive siĂšcle, n’est plus connue que par des fac-similĂ©s antĂ©rieurs Ă  sa destruction lors de la seconde guerre mondiale. Par ses dimensions (une trentaine de feuilles de parchemin cousues ensemble mesurant au total 3,58 x 3,56 m et couvrant 12,74 mÂČ), c’était la plus grande et la plus riche des mappae mundi monumentales du Moyen Âge. Outre des textes Ă©crits dans les parties extĂ©rieures, elle c..
