276 research outputs found

    Children and Adolescents after the Flight: Living situations among refugee families in Germany

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    Die BAMF-Kurzanalyse 5|2019 beschäftigt sich mit der Lebenswelt von Kindern und Jugendlichen sowie ihren Familien nach der Flucht. Anhand der Daten der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten werden verschiedene Dimensionen des Alltags und der Teilhabe von minderjährigen Geflüchteten betrachtet, um so beispielsweise einen Einblick zu gewinnen, mit wem und wie geflüchtete Kinder und ihre Familien in Deutschland leben, mit wem Jugendliche ihre Freizeit verbringen, wie gut sie die deutsche Sprache beherrschen und ob sie sich in Deutschland willkommen fühlen.BAMF Brief Analysis 5|2019 is concerned with the everyday lives of refugee children, adolescents and their families in Germany. By reference to the IAB-BAMF-SOEP survey of refugees, various aspects of minor refugees' everyday lives and integration are examined. This provides insights into matters such as how and with whom minor refugees and their families are living in Germany, with whom adolescents spend their free time, how good their command of German is and whether they feel welcome in Germany

    Skill Development on the Shop Floor - Heading to a Digital Divide?

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    In recent years, there has been a huge debate on how modern sensor technology and the increasing connectivity of production systems have changed industrial production processes and working conditions. This article contributes to the discussion on the effects of digitalization on skill development under different working conditions with the following question: How has learning in the work-process changed with the introduction of data-based technologies? To examine the interaction between digital assistance systems and organizational parameters on informal learning, we analyzed the implementation of digital assistant systems in two different groups: low-skilled assembly workers and high-skilled shop floor managers. Our findings suggest that a lack of autonomy in workplaces has negative impacts on informal learning and thus skill development. When the design of assistance systems perpetuates preexisting inequalities in the working conditions, their use can contribute to a polarization of qualifications and a digital divide of the workforce

    Kinder und Jugendliche nach der Flucht: Lebenswelten von geflüchteten Familien in Deutschland

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    Die BAMF-Kurzanalyse 5|2019 beschäftigt sich mit der Lebenswelt von Kindern und Jugendlichen sowie ihren Familien nach der Flucht. Anhand der Daten der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten werden verschiedene Dimensionen des Alltags und der Teilhabe von minderjährigen Geflüchteten betrachtet, um so beispielsweise einen Einblick zu gewinnen, mit wem und wie geflüchtete Kinder und ihre Familien in Deutschland leben, mit wem Jugendliche ihre Freizeit verbringen, wie gut sie die deutsche Sprache beherrschen und ob sie sich in Deutschland willkommen fühlen.BAMF Brief Analysis 5|2019 is concerned with the everyday lives of refugee children, adolescents and their families in Germany. By reference to the IAB-BAMF-SOEP survey of refugees, various aspects of minor refugees' everyday lives and integration are examined. This provides insights into matters such as how and with whom minor refugees and their families are living in Germany, with whom adolescents spend their free time, how good their command of German is and whether they feel welcome in Germany

    Ankommen im deutschen Bildungssystem: Bildungsbeteiligung von geflüchteten Kindern und Jugendlichen

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    Die BAMF-Kurzanalyse 2|2019 beschäftigt sich mit dem Ankommen von geflüchteten Kindern und Jugendlichen im deutschen Bildungssystem. Anhand der Daten der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten, des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) sowie der integrierten IAB-SOEP-Migrationsstichprobe wurde die Bildungsbeteiligung von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Fluchthintergrund mit jener von Gleichaltrigen mit oder ohne Migrationshintergrund in der zweiten Hälfte des Jahres 2016 verglichen.The BAMF’s Brief analysis 2|2019 addresses the arrival of refugee children and juveniles in the German education system. Using data from the IAB-BAMF-SOEP refugee survey, the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and the integrated IAB-SOEP migration sample, the educational participation of children and juveniles with a refugee background was compared with that of peers with or without a migration background in the second half of 2016

    Geflüchtete Frauen in Deutschland: Freizeitverhalten und soziale Kontakte

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    Die BAMF-Kurzanalyse 2|2021 beschäftigt sich mit dem Alltagsleben geflüchteter Frauen und ihrer sozialen Integration. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung steht die Frage, wie sich das Alltagsleben und die soziale Partizipation von geflüchteten Frauen im Vergleich zu männlichen Geflüchteten sowie Frauen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund gestalten. Die Untersuchung basiert auf Daten der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten aus 2018 und den Vorjahren

    Literature Review: Studies on Spirituality in Moral Development for Teacher Practice

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    This research aims to review the literature on spirituality morals and education It sought studies that related these three fields and proposed a reflection on spirituality in moral development specifically in the teaching practice The studies found demonstrate an etymological relationship between the researched fields as well as correlations with the teacher s practice in the search for integral and humanized education in the understanding of values and human rights and as a resource to find professional and personal meaning and purpose and religious education is linked to values such as respect fraternity solidarity well-being and the moral development of the school communit


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    Objective: To verify the quality of life related to post-menopausal breast cancer in women using HT, through a systematic review. Methods: For the selection of studies, the combination [(Hormone Replacement Therapy) AND (use) AND (breast cancer) AND (menopausal women) AND (quality of life) AND (randomized controlled trial)) was used]. The search was performed in the Medline, LILACS, Bireme, SciELO, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar databases as a gray search. Randomized articles were included, without language restriction, published between January 2010 and March 2020, which obtained a minimum score of 10 on the modified scale of the literature. Articles that did not have a title, abstract or body of the article related to the research objective were excluded. Result: 1217 articles were retrieved, however two articles met the inclusion criteria, being classified as high quality. It has been observed that HT increases the risk of developing breast cancer during post-menopause. Conclusion: HT combined with different progestogens improves symptoms caused by postmenopause. However, one should evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of use among women, especially when they present some risk factor for developing the disease. Lower rates of breast cancer risk were observed when HT administered with estrogen alone.Objetivo: Verificar la calidad de vida relacionada con el cáncer de mama en mujeres posmenopáusicas que utilizan TH, a través de una revisión sistemática. Métodos: Para la selección del estudio, se utilizó la combinación [(terapia de reemplazo hormonal) Y (uso) Y (cáncer de mama) Y (mujeres menopáusicas) Y (calidad de vida) Y (ensayo clínico aleatorizado)]. La búsqueda se realizó en las bases de datos Medline, LILACS, Bireme, SciELO, ScienceDirect y Google Scholar en el formulario de búsqueda gris. Se incluyeron artículos aleatorizados sin restricción de idioma, publicados entre enero de 2010 y marzo de 2020, con una puntuación mínima de 10 en la escala modificada de la literatura. Se excluyeron los artículos que no contenían el título, resumen o cuerpo del artículo relacionado con el objetivo de la investigación. Resultado: se recuperaron 1217 artículos, pero dos artículos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y se clasificaron como de alta calidad. Se ha demostrado que la TH aumenta el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de mama durante las mujeres posmenopáusicas. Conclusión: la TH combinada con diferentes progestágenos mejora los síntomas post menopáusicos. Sin embargo, se deben evaluar las ventajas y desventajas de su uso entre las mujeres, especialmente cuando presentan algún factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de la enfermedad. Se observaron tasas de riesgo de cáncer de mama más bajas cuando se administró TH solo con estrógeno.Objetivo: Verificar a qualidade de vida relacionada ao câncer de mama na pós-menopausa em mulheres usuárias de TH, por meio de revisão sistemática. Métodos: Para a seleção do estudo, a combinação [(terapia de reposição hormonal) AND (uso) AND (câncer de mama) AND (mulheres na menopausa) AND (qualidade de vida) AND (ensaio clínico randomizado)] foi usada. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados Medline, LILACS, Bireme, SciELO, ScienceDirect e Google Scholar na forma de busca cinza. Foram incluídos artigos randomizados, sem restrição de idioma, publicados entre janeiro de 2010 e março de 2020, com pontuação mínima de 10 na escala modificada da literatura. Foram excluídos os artigos que não continham título, resumo ou corpo do artigo relacionado ao objetivo da pesquisa. Resultado: Foram recuperados 1217 artigos, porém dois artigos atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e foram classificados como de alta qualidade. Foi demonstrado que a TH aumenta o risco de desenvolver câncer de mama durante a pós-menopausa. Conclusão: A TH combinada com diferentes progestagênios melhora os sintomas causados ​​pela pós-menopausa. Porém, deve-se avaliar as vantagens e desvantagens do uso entre as mulheres, principalmente quando estas apresentam algum fator de risco para o desenvolvimento da doença. Taxas mais baixas de risco de câncer de mama foram observadas quando o HT foi administrado apenas com estrogêni

    Dritte Welle der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten: Geflüchtete verbessern ihre Deutschkenntnisse und fühlen sich in Deutschland weiterhin willkommen

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    Die BAMF-Kurzanalyse 1|2020 beschäftigt sich damit, wie Geflüchtete 2018 ihre eigene aktuelle Lebenssituation und ihre Deutschkenntnisse beurteilen. Anhand der Daten der 3. Welle der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung von Geflüchteten aus dem Jahr 2018 wird untersucht, wie sich der Spracherwerb der Geflüchteten in den letzten drei Jahren entwickelt hat. Darüber hinaus wird auf die allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit der Geflüchteten eingegangen und gezeigt, wie sie ihre wirtschaftliche Situation sowie ihr Verhältnis zur Mehrheitsgesellschaft bewerten.BAMF Brief Analysis 1|2020 addresses the question of how refugees assessed their own current living situation in Germany and their German language skills in 2018. The analysis uses the data from the third wave of the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees from 2018 to examine how refugees' language acquisition has developed over the past three years. It then goes on to examine refugees' general satisfaction with life, and to show how they assess their economic situation and their relationship with the host society

    O peridotito cromitífero de Santa Luz e diques máficos associados, Bahia-Brasil: remanescentes de um ofiolito transicional relacionado ao greenstone belt paleoproterozóico (>2.1Ga) do rio Itapicuru?

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    The Santa Luz chromite rich peridotite complex crops out in the Serrinha Block, NE Sao Francisco Craton, aproximately between grey gneisses of the Archean basament and supracrustal rocks of Palaeoproterozoic rocks of the Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt. It comprise serpentinites, serpentinized harzburgites, massive chromitites, gabbroic lenses and amphibolite dykes/veins with epidote rich margins this rocks association is interpreted as melt percolation of mantle peridotites followed by ocean floor metasomatism. Massive chromitites show major elements chemistry and platinum group elements signature similar than ophiolite chromitites.Aplites and pegmatitic dikes intrude the peridotite complex. The complex is older than 2085 Ma and younger than 2983 Ma based on U-Pb ages obtained respectively on a pegmatite dyke and a host banded gneiss. The Santa Luz peridotite complex and associated mafic dykes may have its origin related to rifting of a magma-poor continental margin that later evolved into an ocean and eventually formed the Palaeoproterozoic Rio Itapicuru Greenstone belt.O complexo peridotítico de Santa Luz ocorre no Bloco Serrinha (NE do Cráton do São Francisco), aproximadamente entre gnaisses do embasamento arqueano e rochas supracrustais do greenstone belt do Rio Itapicuru. Ele contém serpentinitos, harzburgitos serpentinizados, cromititos maciços, faixas gabróicas e diques/veios de anfibolitos. Todo o conjunto é cortado por pegmatitos e aplitos. A associação máfica e ultramáfica é interpretada como percolação de magma basáltico em peridotitos do manto. Os cromititos maciços apresentam química mineral e padrões de elementos do grupo da platina semelhantes aos de cromititos de ofiolitos. O complexo é mais antigo que 2085 ± 12 Ma e mais novo que 2983 ± 8 Ma, idades obtidas respectivamente em dique aplítico e gnaisse bandado encaixante. O complexo peridotítico de Santa Luz e os diques máficos associados podem ser relacionados à fase rifte de uma margem continental pobre em magma, a qual evoluiu para a abertura de um oceano e posteriormente se fechou para finalmente formar o greenstone belt do Rio Itapicuru durante colisão continental no Paleoproterozóico.Fil: Olivera, Elson Paiva. Instituto de Geociências, UNICAMP; BrasilFil: Escayola, Monica Patricia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber". Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Andinos "Don Pablo Groeber"; ArgentinaFil: Souza, Zorano Sergio. Depart. de Geologia e Pós-Graduação em Geodinâmica e Geofísica, UFRN; BrasilFil: Finoto Bueno, Juliana. Instituto de Geociências, UNICAMP; BrasilFil: de Souza Araújo, Marcelus Glaucus. Instituto de Geociências, UNICAMP; BrasilFil: Mcnaughton, Neal. Department of Geology and Geophysics, UWA; Australi