2,070 research outputs found

    Giving Out But Not Giving Up: The Port of Lisbon Authority (1907-2005)

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    This article explores the way government has been managing the antagonism between institutional forces towards efficiency and those towards control in the international seaport of Lisbon. We conclude that the antagonism emerges in the presence of certain institutional forces, like economic downturns and political changes, that stimulate the adoption of new adequate templates. Governments have come to manage this antagonism through the separation between the strategic and operational structures, and by controlling strategic issues while giving operational autonomy. As such, organizational transformations have reflected this way to manage the antagonism. Given the emergence of new institutional templates (e.g. corporate governance) we also identify major challenges governments will face to integrate contradictory institutional forces

    Training for happiness: the impacts of different positive exercises on hedonism and eudaemonia

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    Theoretical conceptions on happiness have generally considered two broad perspectives: hedonic enjoyment and eudaemonia. However, most research on how to improve people’s happiness has focused primarily on the enhance‑ ment of hedonic happiness. In this longitudinal experimental study we test the differential impact of two positive exercises—Best Possible Selves and the Lottery Question—on hedonic and eudaemonic happiness. The hypothesis that the practice of the Best Possible Selves exercise would increase hedonic happiness was confirmed. This effect was immediate and maintained a week after the exercise. Furthermore, this exercise also increased eudaemonic happiness. However, its effect decreased after a week. Contrary to what was expected the Lottery Question exercise decreased both eudaemonic happiness and hedonic happiness over time. We discuss implications of this study for the literature on positive psychological and behavioral interventions to increase happiness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Mudanças ocorridas na economia mundial, como liberalização de mercados e formação de blocos, têm exigido que países em desenvolvimento, como no caso do Brasil, acompanhem tais transformações principalmente no que se refere à busca por produtos diferenciados e de maior qualidade. Diante disso, o setor açúcar iniciou um processo de reestruturação produtiva, visando estimular a modernização e, com isso, ampliar sua competitividade no comércio internacional. Considerando a importância desse setor para a economia brasileira, no que se refere à participação no PIB e na geração de divisas, objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a competitividade das exportações brasileiras de açúcar, no período de 1990 a 2004. O modelo teórico utilizado esta fundamentado na Teoria da competitividade e do Comércio Internacional. O procedimento de análise baseou-se nos indicadores de desempenho, eficiência e capacitação. Os dados usados foram obtidos em diversas instituições, tais como a Secretaria de Comércio Exterior (SECEX), da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Agricultura (FAO), a FNP Consultoria e o Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT). Os indicadores de competitividade apresentados indicaram que o açúcar brasileiro é altamente competitivo no comércio internacional, visto que as exportações foram crescentes e as importações decrescentes, chegando, em alguns períodos, a zero. Constatou-se, também, a representatividade do açúcar no PIB agrícola e na geração de divisas para o país. Os indicadores de eficiência e capacitação mostraram que o Brasil vem aumentando a sua competitividade por meio de maiores rendimentos com o produto e maiores gastos em ciência e tecnologia, respectivamente. Conclui-se que o setor de açúcar tem ampliado a sua competitividade com relação aos principais países produtores.----------------------------------------------Changes happened in the world economy, such as liberalization of markets and formation of blocks any they have been demanding that developing countries, Brazil’s case, accompany such transformations mainly in what refers to the search for differentiated products of larger quality. Before that, the sugar sector began a process of productive restructuring, seeking to stimulate the modernization and, with that, to enlarge competitiveness in international trade. Considering the importance of that sector for Brazilian economy, regaling the participation in GDP and in generation dollar, the objective of this paper is evaluate the competitiveness of Brazilian sugar exports, in the period from 1990 to 2004. The theoretical model was Theory of the competitiveness and of the International Trade. The analysis was based on the acting indicators, efficiency and capacity. Data were obtained in several institutions; such as the Ministry of the development of agriculture and trade (SECEX), of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, the Organization of the United Nations for the Agriculture (FAO), FNP Consultoria and the Ministry of the Science and Technology (MCT). The indicators of competitiveness indicated that Brazilian sugar is highly competitive in international scene, because exports were growing and decreasing imports, arriving, in some periods, to zero. It was verified, also, the representativeness of sugar in agricultural GDP and in the generation of dollar to the country. Efficiency indicators and capacity showed that Brazil is increasing competitiveness through larger incomes and larger expenses in science and technology, respectively. Therefore the sugar sector has been enlarging competitiveness company the main producing countries.Competitividade, Mercado internacional, Açúcar, Competitiveness, international Market, Sugar, Agribusiness, International Relations/Trade,

    Genetic parameters and predicted gains with selection of interspecific hybrids of Paspalum for seed production

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters and predicted gains with selection of interspecific hybrids of Paspalum in relation to seed production traits Data were analyzed in randomized block design, with 23 genotypes arranged into ten blocks, according to the methodology of mixed models by the REML/BLUP procedure. The traits considered in the study were: number of total tillers/plant, number of reproductive tillers/plant, number of racemes/inflorescence, number of seeds/inflorescence, weight of a thousand seeds and seed production. Variability among genotypes, high heritability (>0.50), except total tillers (0.44) and number of racemes (0.36), and high accuracy (>0.90) were identified for all traits. The hybrids 10E5052, 10E4026, 10E507, 10E4025 and 10E40104 are among the top ten because they have high genetic values in three or more traits, indicating that these genotypes should be recommended for direct use in planting or potential parents to be used in new crosses

    Desempenho do comércio exterior em Minas Gerais: estrutura, vantagem comparativa e comércio intraindústria

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    The globalization, an international process evidenced in the 80's decade, has requested the government and economic agents an orientation to reach international levels of competitiveness by the various sectors of the economy. Besides this fact, Minas Gerais state is the second state exporter in Brazil. It emphasizes the importance of the analysis of the structure and behavior of the export sector, as well as their effects on different economic sectors in the period 1996 to 2008. The objective of this paper is to identify and analyze groups of products that Minas Gerais state has revealed comparative advantages, degree of concentration of products and destinations of exports, and intra-industry or inter-industry trade. The theoretical model is based on the Theory of International Trade and Competitiveness. The analysis procedure utilizes indexes of revealed comparative advantages, contribution to trade balance ratio, Gini-Hischaman and trade intra-industry indexes. The data were generated by the Brazilian Department of Commerce. The results showed high concentration in a few products, such as (09) Coffee, tea, and spices, etc. (26) mining industry, (71) natural or cultured pearls, and (72) iron and steel, and destination markets, such as EU, NAFTA and Asia. Finally, the paper indicates that international trade in Minas Gerais state is basically inter-industrial, therefore a trade type Herckscher - Olhin.Revealed comparative advantage, Trade intra-industry, Exports, International Relations/Trade,

    Competitividade do sistema produtivo de cana-de-açúcar em Minas Gerais: abordagem Matriz de Análise Política

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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency and the competitiveness of the sugarcane production in Minas Gerais, based on different production systems. The applied theory is based on the Theory of the Firm and of the International Trade. The analytical method is the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The results suggest that the production systems are competitive and efficient and that the irrigated production system presented the greatest competitiveness.Competitiveness, Policy Analysis Matrix, Sugarcane, Crop Production/Industries,

    Colonização nasal por Staphylococcus aureus em indivíduos com HIV/Aids atendidos em um hospital-escola brasileiro

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    OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the prevalence of nasal colonization with Staphylococcus aureus in individuals with HIV/AIDS under inpatient treatment in a teaching hospital in the state of São Paulo (Brazil). METHOD: a cross-sectional study undertaken in two units specialized in attending people living with HIV/AIDS, in the period August 2011 - July 2012. Socio-demographic and clinical data was collected through individual interviews and from the medical records; samples of nasal secretion were collected with Stuart swabs on the first day of inpatient treatment. Ethical aspects were respected. RESULT: of the 229 individuals with HIV/AIDS hospitalized in this period, 169 participated in the study, with Staphylococcus aureus being identified in the culture tests of 46 (27.2%) of the individuals, resistance to oxacillin being evidenced in 10 (21.8%) participants. CONCLUSION: the results of the research indicate that the prevalence of colonization with Staphylococcus aureus in individuals with HIV/AIDS in the specialized units was considered relevant, possibly contributing to future investigations and, moreover, to the implementation of measures to prevent and control this pathogen in this population.OBJETIVO: evaluar la prevalencia de la colonización nasal por Staphylococcus aureus en individuos con VIH/sida internados en un hospital escuela del Estado de São Paulo (Brasil). MÉTODO: estudio trasversal, desarrollado en dos unidades especializadas en la atención a personas que viven con VIH/ sida, en el período de agosto del 2011 a julio del 2012. Fueron recolectados datos sociodemográficos y clínicos, mediante entrevista individual y archivo; las muestras de secreción nasal fueron recolectadas mediante Swab Stuart en el primer día de internación. Los aspectos éticos fueron contemplados. RESULTADOS: de los 229 individuos con VIH/sida internados en el período, 169 participaron del estudio, siendo identificado Staphylococcus aureus en las pruebas de cultura de 46 (27,2%) de los individuos, evidenciándose resistencia a la oxacilina en 10 (21,8%) participantes. CONCLUSIÓN: los resultados de la investigación indican que la prevalencia de la colonización por Staphylococcus aureus en individuos con VIH/sida internados en las unidades especializadas fue considerada relevante y puede contribuir a otras investigaciones y, además, para implementar medidas de prevención y de control de ese patógeno en esa población.OBJETIVO: avaliar a prevalência da colonização nasal por Staphylococcus aureus em indivíduos com HIV/Aids internados em um hospital-escola do Estado de São Paulo (Brasil). MÉTODO: estudo de corte transversal, realizado em duas unidades especializadas no atendimento a pessoas que vivem com HIV/ Aids, no período de agosto 2011 a julho 2012. Foram coletados dados sociodemográficos e clínicos, por entrevista individual e prontuário; as amostras de secreção nasal foram coletadas por meio de swab Stuart no primeiro dia de internação. Os aspectos éticos foram contemplados. RESULTADOS: dos 229 indivíduos com HIV/Aids internados no período, 169 participaram do estudo, sendo identificado Staphylococcus aureus nos exames de cultura de 46 (27,2%) dos indivíduos, evidenciando-se resistência à oxacilina em 10 (21,8%) participantes. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados da pesquisa apontam que a prevalência da colonização por Staphylococcus aureus em indivíduos com HIV/Aids internados nas unidades especializadas foi considerada relevante, podendo contribuir para novas investigações e, ainda, para implementar medidas de prevenção e de controle desse patógeno nessa população


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    This report describes an unprecedented case of a gastric carcinoma with osseous metaplasia in a 8-year-old male standard poodle. An exploratory laparotomy revealed a firm yellowish nodular mass in the pyloric region. The lesion was surgically removed and submitted for current histological examination. Immunohistochemistry was performed employing monoclonal antibodies for pan-cytokeratin, vimentin, smooth muscular a-actin and BMP-2/4. The mass consisted in neoplastic proliferation of epithelial cells, arranged in a tubular or acinar pattern and supported by scirrhous stroma, with mucin production and multiple foci of heterotopic ossification. Neoplastic epithelial cells showed strong positive immunostaining for AE1/AE3 and BMP-2/4, although they were negative for both vimentin and a-actin. Histopathological findings suggested that the bone tissue may be primarily originated from neoplastic epithelial cells which directly circumscribe the osseous metaplasia foci

    La visión de los enfermeros frente a la influencia de la auditoría en salud como instrumento en el proceso del cuidado

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    Objetivo: Conocer la visión de los enfermeros frente a la influencia de la auditoría en salud como instrumento en el proceso del cuidado. Metodología: Se trata de una pesquisa cualitativa, descriptiva y exploratoria, que fue desarrolada en una institución hospitalaria de gran porte en un municipio del interior del estado, fue aproblado por El comitê de ética de La instituición em virtud Del protocolo n°048/2008 ; para la recolección de los datos fueron usadas entrevistas semiestructuradas con preguntas abiertas, participaron de éstas, siete enfermeros asistenciales; los datos fueron recogidos entre los meses de octubre y noviembre de 2008. El análisis y discusión de los datos fueron realizados a través del tema: Visión de los enfermeros frente a la influencia de la auditoría en salud como instrumento en el proceso del cuidado. Resultado: Se ve que a partir del momento en que es conocida la actuación del Enfermero Auditor, él dispone de una importante influencia sobre el equipo, ese profesional acentúa la calidad de la educación en Enfermería, actuando junto con el enfermero y su equipo, con el propósito de instrumentalizarlos, certificándose que el cliente dispondrá de una asistencia cualificada. Conclusión: En ese contexto sería necesario un mirar crítico de las acciones desarrolladas por los profesionales del área de la salud, teniendo el enfermero auditor como colaborador para aperfeccionamiento de los cuidados de Enfermería

    Antifungal susceptibility of the endophytic fungus Rhinocladiella similis (URM 7800) isolated from the Caatinga dry forest in Brazil

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    The present study reports a new occurrence of Rhinocladiella similis isolated as an endophytic fungus in the Caatinga dry tropical forest in Brazil and describes its antifungal susceptibility. The isolate R. similis URM 7800 was obtained from leaves of the medicinal plant Myracrodruon urundeuva. Its morphological characterization was performed on potato dextrose agar medium and molecular analysis using the ITS rDNA sequence. The antifungal susceptibility profile was defined using the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) protocol M38-A2. The colony of isolate URM 7800 showed slow growth, with an olivaceous-gray color and powdery mycelium; in microculture, it showed the typical features of R. similis. In the antifungal susceptibility test, isolate URM 7800 showed high minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values for amphotericin B (>16 μg/mL), voriconazole (16 μg/mL), terbinafine (>0.5 μg/mL), and caspofungin (>8 μg/mL), among other antifungal drugs. Pathogenic melanized fungi are frequently isolated in environments where humans may be exposed, and these data show that it is essential to know if these isolates possess antifungal resistance