30 research outputs found

    Linking individual physiological indicators to the productivity of fish populations: a case study of Atlantic herring

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    Physiological measures can help to identify environmental thresholds that constrain organismal-level performance. Relating these thresholds, in a cause-and-effect manner, to long-term changes in the vital rates (e.g. growth, survival, reproduction) of wild populations has the potential to generate robust science advice needed to support conservation efforts. Here we investigate the hypothesis that the decreasing annual productivity (i.e. larval and juvenile abundances) of Western Baltic Spring-Spawning (WBSS) herring over the last decade is linked to warmer springs exceeding the physiological optimum of early life stages. First, we used laboratory experiments to identify the optimal and arrhythmia-inducing temperatures for cardiac function in herring larvae (approx. 16 °C and 21 °C, respectively), which were not significantly influenced by rearing temperature (7, 11 or 15 °C). These laboratory results matched well the decreased growth rates determined in the wild for larvae at temperatures beyond 17 °C. Second, we calculated a thermal threshold index based on the number of days above the optimal 16 °C threshold during the herring spawning time (March-June), which significantly increased from 1992 to 2017 for a major spawning ground of WBSS herring. Over the same time period, the thermal threshold index was significantly correlated to decreased annual productivity of WBSS herring. This finding suggests that warming is at least partially responsible for the steady decline in annual productivity of this population over the past decade. This study adds to the growing body of evidence that physiological measurements can be used as indicators of population resilience, and that the knowledge gained from laboratory experiments can be translated into advice for effective single-species (and eventually ecosystem-based) conservation and management

    A subset of HLA-I peptides are not genomically templated: evidence for cis- and trans-spliced peptide ligands

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    The diversity of peptides displayed by class I human leukocyte antigen (HLA) plays an essential role in T cell immunity. The peptide repertoire is extended by various posttranslational modifications, including proteasomal splicing of peptide fragments from distinct regions of an antigen to form nongenomically templated cis-spliced sequences. Previously, it has been suggested that a fraction of the immunopeptidome constitutes such cis-spliced peptides; however, because of computational limitations, it has not been possible to assess whether trans-spliced peptides (i.e., the fusion of peptide segments from distinct antigens) are also bound and presented by HLA molecules, and if so, in what proportion. Here, we have developed and applied a bioinformatic workflow and demonstrated that trans-spliced peptides are presented by HLA-I, and their abundance challenges current models of proteasomal splicing that predict cis-splicing as the most probable outcome. These trans-spliced peptides display canonical HLA-binding sequence features and are as frequently identified as cis-spliced peptides found bound to a number of different HLA-A and HLA-B allotypes. Structural analysis reveals that the junction between spliced peptides is highly solvent exposed and likely to participate in T cell receptor interactions. These results highlight the unanticipated diversity of the immunopeptidome and have important implications for autoimmunity, vaccine design, and immunotherapy

    The molecular basis for peptide repertoire selection in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) C*06:02 molecule

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    Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-C*06:02 is identified as the allele associated with the highest risk for the development of the autoimmune skin disease psoriasis. However, the diversity and mode of peptide presentation by the HLA-C*06:02 molecule remains unclear. Here, we describe the endogenous peptide repertoire of ∌3,000 sequences for HLA-C*06:02 that defines the peptide-binding motif for this HLA allomorph. We found that HLA-C*06:02 predominantly presents nonamer peptides with dominant arginine anchors at the P2 and P7 positions and a preference for small hydrophobic residues at the C terminus (PΩ). To determine the structural basis of this selectivity, we determined crystal structures of HLA-C*06:02 in complex with two self-peptides (ARTELYRSL and ARFNDLRFV) and an analogue of a melanocyte autoantigen (ADAMTSL5, VRSRR-abu-LRL) implicated in psoriasis. These structures revealed that HLA-C*06:02 possesses a deep peptide-binding groove comprising two electronegative B- and E-pockets that coincide with the preference for P2 and P7 arginine anchors. The ADAMTSL5 autoantigen possessed a P7-Leu instead of the P7-Arg residue, but nevertheless was accommodated within the HLA-C*06:02 antigen-binding cleft. Collectively, our results provide the structural basis for understanding peptide repertoire selection in HLA-C*06:02

    The allopurinol metabolite, oxypurinol, drives oligoclonal expansions of drug‐reactive T cells in resolved hypersensitivity cases and drug‐naïve healthy donors

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    Allopurinol (ALP) is a successful drug used in the treatment of gout. However, this drug has been implicated in hypersensitivity reactions that can cause severe to life‐threatening reactions such as Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). Individuals who carry the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)‐B*58:01 allotype are at higher risk of experiencing a hypersensitivity reaction (odds ratios ranging from 5.62 to 580.3 for mild to severe reactions, respectively). In addition to the parent drug, the metabolite oxypurinol (OXP) is implicated in triggering T cell‐mediated immunopathology via a labile interaction with HLA‐B*58:01. To date, there has been limited information regarding the T‐cell receptor (TCR) repertoire usage of reactive T cells in patients with ALP‐induced SJS or TEN and, in particular, there are no reports examining paired αÎČTCRs. Here, using in vitro drug‐treated PBMCs isolated from both resolved ALP‐induced SJS/TEN cases and drug‐naĂŻve healthy donors, we show that OXP is the driver of CD8+ T cell‐mediated responses and that drug‐exposed memory T cells can exhibit a proinflammatory immunophenotype similar to T cells described during active disease. Furthermore, this response supported the pharmacological interaction with immune receptors (p‐i) concept by showcasing (i) the labile metabolite interaction with peptide/HLA complexes, (ii) immunogenic complex formation at the cell surface, and (iii) lack of requirement for antigen processing to elicit drug‐induced T cell responsiveness. Examination of paired OXP‐induced αÎČTCR repertoires highlighted an oligoclonal and private clonotypic profile in both resolved ALP‐induced SJS/TEN cases and drug‐naĂŻve healthy donors

    A natural product compound inhibits coronaviral replication in vitro by binding to the conserved Nsp9 SARS-CoV-2 protein

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    The Nsp9 replicase is a conserved coronaviral protein that acts as an essential accessory component of the multi-subunit viral replication/transcription complex. Nsp9 is the predominant substrate for the essential nucleotidylation activity of Nsp12. Compounds specifically interfering with this viral activity would facilitate its study. Using a native mass-spectrometry-based approach to screen a natural product library for Nsp9 binders, we identified an ent-kaurane natural product, oridonin, capable of binding to purified SARS-CoV-2 Nsp9 with micromolar affinities. By determining the crystal structure of the Nsp9-oridonin complex, we showed that oridonin binds through a conserved site near Nsp9’s C-terminal GxxxG-helix. In enzymatic assays, oridonin’s binding to Nsp9 reduces its potential to act as substrate for Nsp12’s Nidovirus RdRp-Associated Nucleotidyl transferase (NiRAN) domain. We also showed using in vitro cellular assays oridonin, while cytotoxic at higher doses has broad antiviral activity, reducing viral titer following infection with either SARS-CoV-2 or, to a lesser extent, MERS-CoV. Accordingly, these preliminary findings suggest that the oridonin molecular scaffold may have the potential to be developed into an antiviral compound to inhibit the function of Nsp9 during coronaviral replication

    The cellular redox environment alters antigen presentation

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    Cysteine-containing peptides represent an important class of T cell epitopes, yet their prevalence remains underestimated. We have established and interrogated a database of around 70,000 naturally processed MHC-bound peptides and demonstrate that cysteine-containing peptides are presented on the surface of cells in an MHC allomorph-dependent manner and comprise on average 5-10% of the immunopeptidome. A significant proportion of these peptides are oxidatively modified, most commonly through covalent linkage with the antioxidant glutathione. Unlike some of the previously reported cysteine-based modifications, this represents a true physiological alteration of cysteine residues. Furthermore, our results suggest that alterations in the cellular redox state induced by viral infection are communicated to the immune system through the presentation of S-glutathionylated viral peptides, resulting in altered T cell recognition. Our data provide a structural basis for how the glutathione modification alters recognition by virus-specific T cells. Collectively, these results suggest that oxidative stress represents a mechanism for modulating the virus-specific T cell response.This work was supported, in whole or in part, by National Institutes of Health Grant R01 NS036592. This work was also supported by an infrastructure grant (Grant LE100100036) from the Australian Research Council (ARC) and a project grant from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (17-2012-134)

    HLA-A*11:01-restricted CD8+ T cell immunity against influenza A and influenza B viruses in Indigenous and non-Indigenous people

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    HLA-A*11:01 is one of the most prevalent human leukocyte antigens (HLAs), especially in East Asian and Oceanian populations. It is also highly expressed in Indigenous people who are at high risk of severe influenza disease. As CD8+ T cells can provide broadly cross-reactive immunity to distinct influenza strains and subtypes, including influenza A, B and C viruses, understanding CD8+ T cell immunity to influenza viruses across prominent HLA types is needed to rationally design a universal influenza vaccine and generate protective immunity especially for high-risk populations. As only a handful of HLA-A*11:01-restricted CD8+ T cell epitopes have been described for influenza A viruses (IAVs) and epitopes for influenza B viruses (IBVs) were still unknown, we embarked on an epitope discovery study to define a CD8+ T cell landscape for HLA-A*11:01-expressing Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian people. Using mass-spectrometry, we identified IAV- and IBV-derived peptides presented by HLA-A*11:01 during infection. 79 IAV and 57 IBV peptides were subsequently screened for immunogenicity in vitro with peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HLA-A*11:01-expressing Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian donors. CD8+ T cell immunogenicity screening revealed two immunogenic IAV epitopes (A11/PB2320-331 and A11/PB2323-331) and the first HLA-A*11:01-restricted IBV epitopes (A11/M41-49, A11/NS1186-195 and A11/NP511-520). The immunogenic IAV- and IBV-derived peptides were >90% conserved among their respective influenza viruses. Identification of novel immunogenic HLA-A*11:01-restricted CD8+ T cell epitopes has implications for understanding how CD8+ T cell immunity is generated towards IAVs and IBVs. These findings can inform the development of rationally designed, broadly cross-reactive influenza vaccines to ensure protection from severe influenza disease in HLA-A*11:01-expressing individuals

    Downregulation of MHC class I expression by influenza A and B viruses

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    Manipulation of the MHC-I presentation pathway, and thus limiting MHC-I cell surface expression, is used by many viruses to evade immune recognition. In particular, downregulation of MHC-I molecules at the cell surface can reduce the ability of CD8+ T cells to recognize viral peptides presented by MHC-I molecules and thereby delay viral clearance by CD8+ T cells. To date, MHC-I downregulation by influenza viruses has not been reported. Given that influenza virus infections are a global health concern and that CD8+ T cells play an important role in promoting influenza virus clearance and recovery from influenza disease, we investigated whether influenza A and B viruses (IAV, IBV) downregulated MHC-I as a novel mechanism to evade cellular immunity. Here, we showed that infection of several cell types, including epithelial A549 cells, with a panel of IAV and IBV viruses downregulated the surface MHC-I expression on IAV/IBV-infected cells during the late stages of influenza virus infection in vitro. This observation was consistent across a panel of class I-reduced (C1R) cell lines expressing 14 different HLA-A or -B alleles and a panel of 721.221 cell lines expressing 11 HLA-C alleles. Interestingly, IBV infection caused more pronounced reduction in surface MHC-I expression compared to IAV. Importantly, the two viruses utilized two distinct mechanisms for MHC-I downregulation. Our data demonstrated that while IAV caused a global loss of MHC-I within influenza-infected cells, IBV infection resulted in the preferential loss of MHC-I molecules from the cell surface, consequent of delayed MHC-I trafficking to the cell surface, resulting from retaining MHC-I intracellularly during IBV infection. Overall, our study suggests that influenza viruses across both IAV and IBV subtypes have the potential to downregulate MHC-I surface expression levels. Our findings provide new insights into the host-pathogen interaction of influenza A and B viruses and inform the design of novel vaccine strategies against influenza viruses

    Human CD8+ T cell cross-reactivity across influenza A, B and C viruses

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    Influenza A, B and C viruses (IAV, IBV and ICV, respectively) circulate globally and infect humans, with IAV and IBV causing the most severe disease. CD8+ T cells confer cross-protection against IAV strains, however the responses of CD8+ T cells to IBV and ICV are understudied. We investigated the breadth of CD8+ T cell cross-recognition and provide evidence of CD8+ T cell cross-reactivity across IAV, IBV and ICV. We identified immunodominant CD8+ T cell epitopes from IBVs that were protective in mice and found memory CD8+ T cells directed against universal and influenza-virus-type-specific epitopes in the blood and lungs of healthy humans. Lung-derived CD8+ T cells displayed tissue-resident memory phenotypes. Notably, CD38+Ki67+CD8+ effector T cells directed against novel epitopes were readily detected in IAV- or IBV-infected pediatric and adult subjects. Our study introduces a new paradigm whereby CD8+ T cells confer unprecedented cross-reactivity across all influenza viruses, a key finding for the design of universal vaccines