542 research outputs found

    Quality of Life Lost Due to Non-Fatal Road Crashes

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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effect of a nonfatal road crash on the health-related quality of life of injured people. A new approach is suggested, based on the cardinalization of categorical Self-Assessed Health valuations. Health losses have been estimated by using different Time Tradeoff and Visual Analogue Scale tariffs, in order to assess the robustness of the results. The methodology is based on the existing literature about treatment effects. Our main contribution focuses on evaluating the loss of health up to one year after the non-fatal accident, for those who are noninstitutionalized, which aids the appropriate estimation of the aggregated health losses in quality-of-life terms.Health-related quality of life, health measurement, road crashes, scaling methods

    Circular economy: application in the textile industry

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    Treball Final de Grau en Finances i Comptabilitat. Codi: FC1049. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017Circular economics is a recent economic model that has emerged as a response to the new needs of society and our planet. These needs have arisen because of the continuous use of a linear economic model, which has been developing since the industrial revolution, with which it has reached a point where there are no longer enough resources to extract, and throught wich we are contaminating the planet more and more. Circular economics, as a solution to these problems, proposes a series of changes, such as the reuse of waste to manufacture new products or the manufacture of products that are long lasting in time so as to generate the least possible residues in the slower and more moderate way. Increasingly, more and more industries are getting involved with the cause and are beginning to be involved in this change. Specifically, the textile industry is beginning to take serious measures in this regard and starting to implement in its production processes the characteristics of the aforementioned circular economy. It is true that a company that pursues social and environmental objectives, in addition to economic ones, is not as profitable today as a company that focuses simply on its economic results without following criteria of respect for the environment and society. But we are facing a change, where more and more entrepreneurs and consumers are more aware of environmental and social importance. And where companies are increasingly acquiring value for their good practices and not just for the profits they get whatever the price to pay

    School libraries as teaching support centers. The case of the secondary schools of Leon city

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    Se presenta un estudio sobre las bibliotecas escolares, como centros de apoyo a la docencia, en los IES de la ciudad de León

    The Heroine Who Felt Too Much: The Transition from Neoclassicism to Romanticism as Reflected in the Figure of Marianne Dashwood

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    This study intends to provide further insight and depth into the figure of Marianne Dashwood in the novel Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen. It will focus on how Romantic ideology is portrayed as a trap and severe danger for the heroine in the society of her time. In order to do that, this analysis will first consider the aim of the novel as regards Marianne’s evolution, to then study her in relation to her sister Elinor and the Romantic ideology that she so wonderfully seems to embody. Moreover, the use of language to express feelings and emotions will also be taken into account, as well as the environment in which Marianne has been brought up and the figure of Mrs. Dashwood, her mother. The conclusion that can be reached is that, in this novel, excessive feelings are shown as being rather dangerous, even life-threatening, in this transitional period (from Neoclassicism to Romanticism). On the whole, this is a didactic novel that strives to make it clear that some Neoclassical elements, such as endurance and decorum, are always to be preserved at all costs

    Respuestas de los consumidores a los hoteles certificados medioambientalmente: el efecto moderador de la conciencia medioambiental sobre la formación de intenciones comportamentales

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    Este estudio desarrolla un modelo que explora la relación entre las prácticas verdes, la imagen verde, la conciencia medioambiental y las intenciones comportamentales de los clientes en un contexto hotelero certificado. Para testar empíricamente el modelo propuesto se realizaron 502 encuestas personales a clientes hoteleros en España. Los resultados muestran como las percepciones de los clientes sobre las prácticas verdes tienen un efecto directo y positivo en la imagen verde de las compañías hoteleras. Al mismo tiempo, esta imagen influye directa y positivamente sobre las intenciones de comportamiento de los clientes hacia los hoteles certificados medioambientalmente. También se demuestra que cuanto mayor sea la conciencia medioambiental de los consumidores, mayor será su intención de hospedarse, realizar comentarios positivos y pagar una prima por alojarse en hoteles certificados. Por último, la conciencia medioambiental ejerce un efecto moderador sobre la relación causal entre la imagen verde y las intenciones comportamentales.This study develops a model that investigates the relationship among green practices, green image, environmental consciousness and the behavioral intentions of customers in a certified hotel context. The study examines the direct and the moderating role of environmental consciousness in the formation of behavioral intentions based on green initiatives. To test the proposed model empirically, 502 personal surveys of hotel customers were conducted in Spain. The findings show that customer perceptions of green practices have a positive direct effect on a hotel´s green image. At the same time, this environmental image has positive direct effects on customer behavioral intentions towards certified hotels. The authors also found that the higher the environmental consciousness of consumers, the greater their intention to stay, to spread positive word-of-mouth and pay a premium for environmentally-certified hotels. Finally, consumer environmental consciousness also exerts a moderating effect on the causal relationship between green image and behavioral intentions

    Do Family Televisions Series Travel Well? A Spanish Case: Médico de Familia

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    In this article, we study the economic foundations of television series as audiovisual products, and from there, the case of the Spanish dramedy Médico de Familia and its Latin American commercialization. The starting point is the consideration of television series as entertainment audiovisual products. Fiction series belong to the category of audiovisual products, and thus comprise cultural products that draw on the potential afforded by the art of communication. Moreover, these series are entertainment products. The features which define them as both audiovisual and entertainment products enable the development of adaptations and direct sales on a speculative and practical basis. The study focuses on family series, which are defined as such regarding its content and audience. Special attention is paid to the main characteristics that make television series travel beyond local frontiers, especially to regions with cultural and language similarities

    Communicative interaction in the process of teaching-learning

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    Tomando como referencia el proceso de interacción comunicativa, que alude al sistema de transmisión de mensajes o información entre personas, y teniendo en cuenta los tipos de lenguajes implicados en el proceso comunicativo, en este trabajo se abordarán las diferentes formas de interacción comunicativa -formal y espontáneo- que pueden llegar a darse en el aula entre profesorado y alumnado, tanto de forma interpersonal como grupal, así como sus implicaciones didácticas. De igual modo, se realizará un breve recorrido sobre los estilos de profesorado y por consiguiente, los estilos de comunicación didáctica que favorecen un tipo u otro de interacción entre el profesorado y el alumnado.Taking as a reference the process of communicative interaction, which alludes to the system of transmission of messages or information between people, and taking into account the types of languages involved in the communicative process, this article will address the different forms of communicative interaction - formal and spontaneous - which may take place in the classroom between students and professors, both interpersonal and group form. The educational implications of these forms will also be considered as well as the different styles of professor and the communication styles they favor in student-professor interaction. Key words: Communication, interaction, teaching, learning.Departamento de Psicología Socia

    Educación socioemocional en el autismo: una propuesta psicoeducativa basada en las TIC

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    El presente trabajo se basa en el diseño de una propuesta de intervención psicopedagógica para la mejora del alumnado con autismo en la etapa de Educación Primaria en el ámbito social y emocional. Este programa se ha fundamentado en el desarrollo de la competencia socioemocional y en el reconocimiento y expresión de las emociones, la gestión de las mismas, así como la mejora del autoconocimiento, la autorregulación, la autonomía, la empatía y la gestión de relaciones. Todo ello en un contexto lo más integrador y normalizado posible, buscando lograr la máxima transferencia de las adquisiciones.Grado en Educación Primari