1,887 research outputs found

    Obsidian in the Late-Inka Period of Antofagasta de la Sierra (Southern Argentinean Puna): basin bottom versus intermediate sectors?

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    Este trabajo pretende aportar información acerca de la circulación de distintas variedades de obsidiana en la microrregión de Antofagasta de la Sierra con el objetivo de comenzar a evaluar algunas propuestas sobre aspectos de la organización político-social de las sociedades que la habitaron durante el Tardío-Inka. Para ello se recurrió a análisis geoquímicos sobre muestras de obsidiana procedentes de sitios arqueológicos emplazados en distintos microambientes de la cuenca, específicamente, fondo de cuenca y sectores intermedios. Los resultados alcanzados no son concluyentes acerca de la existencia o no de un posible control en la circulación de este recurso por parte de las elites emplazadas en el fondo de cuenca. Sin embargo, a la luz de numerosos antecedentes, es posible sugerir que las sociedades antofagasteñas tardías, incluidas las unidades familiares pastoriles de los sectores intermedios, hayan mantenido vigentes mecanismos y criterios de intercambio de larga distancia los que tenían ya una larga trayectoria histórica. Este primer abordaje plantea la necesidad de seguir profundizando no sólo en los aspectos geoquímicos, sino también en los tecnológicos, a los fines de avanzar en la comprensión de las diversas prácticas implicadas en la circulación de obsidianas en el entramado político-social de la cuenca posterior a ca. 1100 años AP.This paper provides information about the circulation of different varieties of obsidian in the Antofagasta de la Sierra micro-region in order to begin to evaluate some proposals about Late-Inka societies social and political organization aspects. In order to do this, geochemical analysis on obsidian samples from archaeological sites located in different microenvironments of the basin, specifically its bottom and intermediate sectors, were carried out. The results obtained are not conclusive about the existence or not of any control over the circulation of this resource by the elites located on the bottom of basin. However, in light of numerous precedents, it is possible to suggest that late local societies of Antofagasta, including the pastoral families of the intermediate sectors, kept in use long distance trade mechanisms and criteria that had a long historical trajectory. This first approach raises the need to further deepen not only in the geochemical aspects, but also in the technological ones, in order to advance in the understanding of the various practices involved in obsidian circulation in the basin’s socio-political network post ca. 1100 years BP.Fil: Escola, Patricia Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Catamarca. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Catamarca; ArgentinaFil: Elias, Alejandra Mercedes. Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación. Dirección Nacional de Cultura y Museos. Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Cohen, Maria Lorena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto Superior de Estudios Sociales; Argentin

    De mãe para filha, histórias que se trançam: uma análise das narrativas sobre cabelo e feminilidades negras na literatura infanto-juvenil

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    This work aims to analyze representations of black feminities presented in children and youth literature books as gender technologies constituted in articulation with racial / ethnic identity markers. For the analysis of the narratives were selected books of children's literature that present black girls as protagonists and who favor the theme "hair". The sample prioritizes the books published after law no. 10.639 / 2003, a period in which the editorial production of African and Afro-Brazilian themes becomes more representative and is characterized by presenting discourses aimed at overcoming the inferiorized representation of black characters. Understood as counter narratives, such works are approached from the conception that the representations conveyed have political qualities and materialize power relations. The narratives are problematized in dialogue with intersectional epistemological conceptions, trying to evidence strategies of subversion to racism.Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar as representações de feminilidades negras presentes nos livros de literatura infanto-juvenil como tecnologias de gênero constituídas em articulação com marcadores identitários de raça/etnia. Para a análise das narrativas, foram selecionados livros de literatura infanto-juvenil que apresentam meninas negras como protagonistas e que privilegiam o tema “cabelo”. A amostra prioriza os livros publicados em data posterior à Lei nº 10.639/2003, período em que a produção editorial de temática africana e afro-brasileira passa a ter maior representatividade e caracteriza-se por apresentar discursos que visam à superação da representação inferiorizada de personagens negras. Entendidos como contranarrativas, os livros são abordados a partir da concepção de que possuem qualidades políticas e materializam relações de poder. As narrativas serão problematizadas em diálogo com concepções epistemológicas interseccionais, procurando evidenciar estratégias de subversão ao racismo

    Arteriovenous Blood Metabolomics: A Readout of Intra-Tissue Metabostasis.

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    The human circulatory system consists of arterial blood that delivers nutrients to tissues, and venous blood that removes the metabolic by-products. Although it is well established that arterial blood generally has higher concentrations of glucose and oxygen relative to venous blood, a comprehensive biochemical characterization of arteriovenous differences has not yet been reported. Here we apply cutting-edge, mass spectrometry-based metabolomic technologies to provide a global characterization of metabolites that vary in concentration between the arterial and venous blood of human patients. Global profiling of paired arterial and venous plasma from 20 healthy individuals, followed up by targeted analysis made it possible to measure subtle (<2 fold), yet highly statistically significant and physiologically important differences in water soluble human plasma metabolome. While we detected changes in lactic acid, alanine, glutamine, and glutamate as expected from skeletal muscle activity, a number of unanticipated metabolites were also determined to be significantly altered including Krebs cycle intermediates, amino acids that have not been previously implicated in transport, and a few oxidized fatty acids. This study provides the most comprehensive assessment of metabolic changes in the blood during circulation to date and suggests that such profiling approach may offer new insights into organ homeostasis and organ specific pathology

    Lithic technical practices among the inhabitants of miriguaca ravine within the late sociopolitical context of Antofagasta de la Sierra (southern argentine puna)

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    Durante el Tardío (ca. 1100-550 años AP) coexistieron diversos grupos sociales en Antofagasta de la Sierra (Puna meridional argentina), unos en el fondo de cuenca del río Punilla y otros en los sectores intermedios de sus afluentes. Tendencias en conjuntos artefactuales líticos de diversos sitios acompañan esta propuesta. En este aporte nos centramos en los resultados generados a partir de análisis técnico-morfológicos y morfológicos-funcionales de la evidencia lítica de Corral Alto, sitio tardío en el curso medio del río Miriguaca, y los discutimos en el marco del escenario sociopolítico tardío microrregional, considerando la tecnología como un conjunto de prácticas cotidianas realizadas por sujetos imbricados en relaciones sociales, económicas y materiales específicas. Las tendencias obtenidas permiten proponer la continuidad de ciertas prácticas tecnológicas líticas formativas entre los habitantes de los sectores intermedios de Las Pitas y Miriguaca, y diferencias entre estas y las de los habitantes del fondo de cuenca.During the Late Period (ca. 1100-550 years BP), different social groups coexisted in Antofagasta de la Sierra (Southern Argentine Puna), some at the bottom basin of the micro-region and others at the ravines of the Punilla river’s tributaries. Some tendencies in lithic artefactual assemblages from various sites support this proposal. In this instance, we focus on tendencies obtained from the technical-morphological and morphological-functional analysis of lithic evidence from Corral Alto, a late site at the Miriguaca river’s middle course. These tendencies are discussed within the micro-regional late sociopolitical context, considering technology as a set of daily practices carried out by subjects imbricated in specific social, economic and material relationships. They allow pointing out the continuity of some formative lithic technical practices among Las Pitas and Miriguaca ravines’ inhabitants, and differences between these and those of the basin bottom groups.Fil: Elias, Alejandra Mercedes. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Escola, Patricia Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Old and New Horizons: Obsidians Between Agricultural-Pastoralist Societies of Late Period in Antofagasta de la Sierra (Province of Catamarca, Southern Argentine Pune)

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    El presente trabajo indaga en la problemática del tráfico de obsidianas entre las poblaciones tardías de Antofagasta de Sierra (Provincia de Catamarca, Puna Meridional Argentina) y su variación respecto a las formativas que las precedieron. Busca aproximarse a los espacios y localidades a los que estos grupos habrían accedido a través de estudios geoquímicos de procedencia de artefactos arqueológicos. Los resultados son discutidos a la luz de las tendencias ambientales, políticas y sociales que, de acuerdo a diversos autores, caracterizan el período ca. 1000-500 AP en los Andes circumpuneños.This paper looks to investigate the obsidians traffic between the Late Period groups of Antofagasta de la Sierra (Province of Catamarca, Southern Argentine Pune) and its variation with respect to the previous Formative ones. It looks to approach to the spaces and localities these groups would have acceded, by means of geochemical sourcing studies of archaeological artifacts. The results are discussed at the light of the environmental, political and social tendencies that, according to diverse authors, characterize the period ca. 1000-500 BP in the Circumpune Andes.Fil: Elias, Alejandra Mercedes. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación. Dirección Nacional de Cultura y Museos. Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano; ArgentinaFil: Escola, Patricia Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca; Argentin


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    O presente artigo faz uma análise da proteção integral dos direitos infanto-juvenis nas organizações internacionais, perpassando a ONU como ferramenta indispensáveis a defesa dos direitos humanos. Verifica através da história a positivação dos direitos infanto-juvenis nas constituições brasileiras e a doutrina da proteção integral da criança e do adolescente, abordando a CRFB/1988 como possibilidade de efetivação democrática

    A small molecule ApoE4-targeted therapeutic candidate that normalizes sirtuin 1 levels and improves cognition in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model.

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    We describe here the results from the testing of a small molecule first-in-class apolipoprotein E4 (ApoE4)-targeted sirtuin1 (SirT1) enhancer, A03, that increases the levels of the neuroprotective enzyme SirT1 while not affecting levels of neurotoxic sirtuin 2 (SirT2) in vitro in ApoE4-transfected cells. A03 was identified by high-throughput screening (HTS) and found to be orally bioavailable and brain penetrant. In vivo, A03 treatment increased SirT1 levels in the hippocampus of 5XFAD-ApoE4 (E4FAD) Alzheimer's disease (AD) model mice and elicited cognitive improvement while inducing no observed toxicity. We were able to resolve the enantiomers of A03 and show using in vitro models that the L-enantiomer was more potent than the corresponding D-enantiomer in increasing SirT1 levels. ApoE4 expression has been shown to decrease the level of the NAD-dependent deacetylase and major longevity determinant SirT1 in brain tissue and serum of AD patients as compared to normal controls. A deficiency in SirT1 level has been recently implicated in increased tau acetylation, a dominant post-translational modification and key pathological event in AD and tauopathies. Therefore, as a novel approach to therapeutic development for AD, we targeted identification of compounds that enhance and normalize brain SirT1 levels