2,304 research outputs found
Geographic expansion of the Common House Gecko, Hemidactylus frenatus (Squamata, Gekkonidae), in Baja California Sur, Mexico
The effect of hexose ratios on metabolite production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains obtained from the spontaneous fermentation of mezcal
Mezcal from Tamaulipas (Me´xico) is produced by spontaneous alcoholic fermentation using Agave spp. musts, which are rich in fructose. In this study eight Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates obtained at the final stage of fermentation from a traditional mezcal winery were analysed in three semisynthetic media. Medium M1 had a sugar content of 100 g l-1 and a glucose/fructose (G/F) of 9:1. Medium M2 had a sugar content of 100 g l-1 and a G/F of 1:9. Medium M3 had a sugar content of 200 g l-1 and a G/F of 1:1. In the three types of media tested, the highest ethanol yield was obtained from the glucophilic strain LCBG-3Y5, while strain LCBG-3Y8 was highly resistant to ethanol and the most fructophilic of the mezcal strains. Strain LCBG-3Y5 produced more glycerol (4.4 g l-1) and acetic acid (1 g l-1) in M2 than in M1 (1.7 and 0.5 g l-1, respectively), and the ethanol yields were higher for all strains in M1 except for LCBG-3Y5, -3Y8 and the Fermichamp strain. In medium M3, only the Fermichamp strain was able to fully consume the 100 g of fructose l-1 but left a residual 32 g of glucose l-1.
Regarding the hexose transporters, a high number of amino acid polymorphisms were found in the Hxt1p sequences. Strain LCBG-3Y8 exhibited eight unique amino acid changes, followed by the Fermichamp strain with three changes. In Hxt3p, we observed nine amino acid polymorphisms unique for the Fermichamp strain and five unique changes for the mezcal strains
Web-based system for the traceability of cultivated Nile Tilapia based on ISO 12877: 2011
Objective: Present the systematization of the nilotic tilapia cultivation process, using a computer system for traceability of production and marketing based on the ISO 12877: 2011 standard.
Design/methodology/approach: A documentary and field investigation was carried out to learn about the Nile tilapia production process currently applied; Traceability monitoring was evaluated based on the case study of the Double T and María del Carmen aquaculture farms located in the municipalities of Manzanillo and Armería belonging to the state of Colima; The process was contrasted with the ISO standard and the system was developed and implemented.
Results: There is a system that systematizes the registration of backward, internal and forward traceability activities in the cultivation and marketing of tilapia. The system favors food safety by registering care by lot based on the aforementioned ISO standard, thus evidencing the traceability in the cultivation and commercialization of the species.
Limitations on study/implications: The results presented concern the development and implementation of the system, still requiring an evaluation of its impact on the production and commercialization of cultivated tilapia, as well as the efficiency of traceability.
Findings/conclusions: The system was made, taking into account the necessary indicators for an ISO certification. In this way, apart from facilitating the registration and consultation of information, the producer company has the advantage of obtaining a certification for the aquaculture production process, generating added value to its products.Objective: To describe the systematization of the Nile tilapia cultivation process using a computer system for production and marketing traceability based on ISO 12877:2011 standard and web technologies.
Design/methodology/approach: A documentary and field investigation were conducted to learn about the Nile tilapia production process currently applied; traceability was evaluated based on Double T and María del Carmen study cases, aquaculture farms located in the municipalities of Manzanillo and Armería located in the state of Colima, México; the process was contrasted with the ISO standard and the system was developed and implemented.
Results: A Traceability System that records backward, internal, and forward procedural activities in the cultivation and marketing of tilapia. The system improves food safety control by registering lot care based on the ISO standard, resulting in well-defined traceable processes in the production and commercialization of the Nilotic tilapia.
Limitations on study/implications: The results shown are related to the development and implementation of the system; however future work is yet to be carried out to assess its effect on the production and commercialization of farmed tilapia, as well as the efficiency of traceability.
Findings/conclusions: The system was developed taking into consideration the necessary indicators for an ISO certification. Hence, aside from simplifying the registration and consultation of information, the producing company has the benefit of earning a certification for the aquaculture production process, creating additional value to its products
Neurocysticercosis, a Persisting Health Problem in Mexico
Human neurocysticercosis is a severe parasitic disease caused by the installation of Taenia solium larvae in the central nervous system. Neurocysticercosis is still deeply rooted in Latin-America, Africa and Asia, where it develops its complete life cycle promoted by poor sanitary conditions. It is also emerging in developed countries due to human migration. Although hard data on the evolution of the disease incidence in endemic countries are lacking, its presence is being obscured by the growth of degenerative and metabolic diseases, creating the illusion of having disappeared
In Vitro Cell Culture Infectivity Assay for Human Noroviruses
A 3-dimensional organoid human small intestinal epithelium model was used
Factors associated with oral health relatedquality of life in preschoolers from an Andean community
Objetivo: Analizar el estado de salud bucal y su relación con la calidad de vida de los preescolares de una comunidad andina y vulnerable del Perú. Material y Métodos: El estudio observacional, correlacional y transversal se realizó en una muestra de 120 niños de 3 a 5 años. La caries de la primera infancia se determinó mediante el índice ceod. También se consideró la presencia y el tipo de maloclusión. El cuestionario Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) midió la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud bucal. Los factores y variables orales se analizaron de manera univariada y bivariada. Se realizó un análisis de correlación de Spearman y regresión lineal para identificar los factores y en qué medida explicaban la puntuación del cuestionario. Resultados: El análisis de regresión lineal múltiple por el método de mínimos cuadrados solo incluyó como significativa (p <0,05) la contribución de ceod para explicar la puntuación del cuestionario, dejando de lado variables como el sexo, la edad, la maloclusión y el índice de higiene bucal simplificado. El modelo de regresión estimado fue Puntuación del Cuestionario = 11,67 + 0,79*ceod, donde la puntuación del cuestionario aumentó en 0,79 por cada unidad ganada de ceod, y la variabilidad de las puntuaciones obtenidas se explica por el ceod en un R2 = 30% (p<0,001). Conclusiones: Existe un impacto de la caries dental en la calidad de vida de los preescolares de uma comunidade andina del Perú y sus familias
The Tree Biodiversity Network (BIOTREE-NET): prospects for biodiversity research and conservation in the Neotropics
Biodiversity research and conservation efforts in the tropics are hindered by the lack of knowledge of the assemblages found there, with many species undescribed or poorly known. Our initiative, the Tree Biodiversity Network (BIOTREE-NET), aims to address this problem by assembling georeferenced data from a wide range of sources, making these data easily accessible and easily queried, and promoting data sharing. The database (GIVD ID NA-00-002) currently comprises ca. 50,000 tree records of ca. 5,000 species (230 in the IUCN Red List) from \u3e2,000 forest plots in 11 countries. The focus is on trees because of their pivotal role in tropical forest ecosystems (which contain most of the world\u27s biodiversity) in terms of ecosystem function, carbon storage and effects on other species. BIOTREE-NET currently focuses on southern Mexico and Central America, but we aim to expand coverage to other parts of tropical America. The database is relational, comprising 12 linked data tables. We summarise its structure and contents. Key tables contain data on forest plots (including size, location and date(s) sampled), individual trees (including diameter, when available, and both recorded and standardised species name), species (including biological traits of each species) and the researchers who collected the data. Many types of queries are facilitated and species distribution modelling is enabled. Examining the data in BIOTREE-NET to date, we found an uneven distribution of data in space and across biomes, reflecting the general state of knowledge of the tropics. More than 90% of the data were collected since 1990 and plot size varies widely, but with most less than one hectare in size. A wide range of minimum sizes is used to define a \u27tree\u27. The database helps to identify gaps that need filling by further data collection and collation. The data can be publicly accessed through a web application at http://portal.biotreenet.com. Researchers are invited and encouraged to contribute data to BIOTREE-NET
The Human Nucleolar Protein FTSJ3 Associates with NIP7 and Functions in Pre-rRNA Processing
NIP7 is one of the many trans-acting factors required for eukaryotic ribosome biogenesis, which interacts with nascent pre-ribosomal particles and dissociates as they complete maturation and are exported to the cytoplasm. By using conditional knockdown, we have shown previously that yeast Nip7p is required primarily for 60S subunit synthesis while human NIP7 is involved in the biogenesis of 40S subunit. This raised the possibility that human NIP7 interacts with a different set of proteins as compared to the yeast protein. By using the yeast two-hybrid system we identified FTSJ3, a putative ortholog of yeast Spb1p, as a human NIP7-interacting protein. A functional association between NIP7 and FTSJ3 is further supported by colocalization and coimmunoprecipitation analyses. Conditional knockdown revealed that depletion of FTSJ3 affects cell proliferation and causes pre-rRNA processing defects. The major pre-rRNA processing defect involves accumulation of the 34S pre-rRNA encompassing from site A′ to site 2b. Accumulation of this pre-rRNA indicates that processing of sites A0, 1 and 2 are slower in cells depleted of FTSJ3 and implicates FTSJ3 in the pathway leading to 18S rRNA maturation as observed previously for NIP7. The results presented in this work indicate a close functional interaction between NIP7 and FTSJ3 during pre-rRNA processing and show that FTSJ3 participates in ribosome synthesis in human cells
The RSPO–LGR4/5–ZNRF3/RNF43 module controls liver zonation and size
LGR4/5 receptors and their cognate RSPO ligands potentiate Wnt/β-catenin signalling and promote proliferation and tissue homeostasis in epithelial stem cell compartments. In the liver, metabolic zonation requires a Wnt/β-catenin signalling gradient, but the instructive mechanism controlling its spatiotemporal regulation is not known. We have now identified the RSPO-LGR4/5-ZNRF3/RNF43 module as a master regulator of Wnt/β-catenin-mediated metabolic liver zonation. Liver-specific LGR4/5 loss of function (LOF) or RSPO blockade disrupted hepatic Wnt/β-catenin signalling and zonation. Conversely, pathway activation in ZNRF3/RNF43 LOF mice or with recombinant RSPO1 protein expanded the hepatic Wnt/β-catenin signalling gradient in a reversible and LGR4/5-dependent manner. Recombinant RSPO1 protein increased liver size and improved liver regeneration, whereas LGR4/5 LOF caused the opposite effects, resulting in hypoplastic livers. Furthermore, we show that LGR4(+) hepatocytes throughout the lobule contribute to liver homeostasis without zonal dominance. Taken together, our results indicate that the RSPO-LGR4/5-ZNRF3/RNF43 module controls metabolic liver zonation and is a hepatic growth/size rheostat during development, homeostasis and regeneration
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