126 research outputs found

    Nickel-Titanium peripheral stents: can fracture mechanics shed light on their fatigue failure?

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    The major concern about Nickel-Titanium (Ni-Ti) stents, which are the gold standard in the treatment of occlusive peripheral disease, is fatigue and the consequent fracture in vivo. Indeed, their failure might be responsible for severe drawbacks, among which is the re-occlusion of the treated artery. Although many phenomenological approaches have been proposed to study this topic, the current literature lacks extensive knowledge on the Ni-Ti local damage mechanisms produced by the cyclic loads that promote crack nucleation and lead to the failure of thin struts, such as those of stents. Moreover, due to the super-elastic property of the alloy, the standard approach for interpreting the fracture of metals might be not accurate for this case. This work aims at increasing awareness of fatigue failure in superelastic Ni-Ti thin struts, such as those of stents. To do so, multi-wire specimens, sharing the same dimensions and thermo-mechanical treatment of the stent struts, were fatigue tested under different strain levels and the number of cycles to failure was recorded for each sample. Numerical simulations corroborated the experimental results to gain information on the local stress and strain fields during the fatigue cycles. A fracture mechanics-based fatigue model adopting the cyclic J-integral was here proposed, giving promising results for the interpretation of such failures

    Crystal elasto-plasticity on the Poincar\'e half-plane

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    We explore the nonlinear variational modelling of two-dimensional (2D) crystal plasticity based on strain energies which are invariant under the full symmetry group of 2D lattices. We use a natural parameterization of strain space via the upper complex Poincar\'e half-plane. This transparently displays the constraints imposed by lattice symmetry on the energy landscape. Quasi-static energy minimization naturally induces bursty plastic flow and shape change in the crystal due to the underlying coordinated basin-hopping local strain activity. This is mediated by the nucleation, interaction, and annihilation of lattice defects occurring with no need for auxiliary hypotheses. Numerical simulations highlight the marked effect of symmetry on all these processes. The kinematical atlas induced by symmetry on strain space elucidates how the arrangement of the energy extremals and the possible bifurcations of the strain-jump paths affect the plastification mechanisms and defect-pattern complexity in the lattice.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Economic Convergence with Divergence in Environmental Quality? Desertification Risk and the Economic Structure of a Mediterranean Country (1960-2010)

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    The present study investigates the relationship between land vulnerability to desertification and the evolution of the productive structure in Italy during the last fifty years (1960-2010). The objectives of the study are two-fold: (i) to present and discuss an original analysis of the income-environment relationship in an economic-convergent and environmental-divergent country and (ii) to evaluate the impact of the (changing) productive structure and selected socio-demographic characteristics on the level of land vulnerability. The econometric analysis indicates that the relationship between per capita GDP and land vulnerability across Italian provinces is completely reverted once we move from a cross section analysis to panel estimates. While economic and environmental disparities between provinces go in the same direction, with richer provinces having a better land, over time the growth process increases the desertification risk, with the economic structure acting as a significant variable

    The perverse effects of hiring credits as a place-based policy: Evidence from Southern Italy

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    This paper evaluates the wage effects of a tax credit policy on new hirings in Southern Italy. We use high-quality administrative data and propose a latent class inverse probability weighting method as a strategy to account for workers' unobserved heterogeneity. We find an unexpected negative effect of the tax cut on the wages of treated workers, which is more marked for women. Our results also provide new insights on the job-segregation dimension of the gender gap. We provide a theoretical model with worker and firm fixed effects to analyse the impact of employer tax cuts as a place-based policy in lagging regions

    Exploring forest infrastructures equipment through multivariate analysis: complementarities, gaps and overlaps in the Mediterranean basin

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    The countries of the Mediterranean basin face several challenges regarding the sustainability of forest ecosystems and the delivery of crucial goods and services that they provide in a context of rapid global changes. Advancing scientific knowledge and foresting innovation is essential to ensure the sustainable management of Mediterranean forests and maximize the potential role of their unique goods and services in building a knowledge-based bioeconomy in the region. In this context, the European project FORESTERRA ("Enhancing FOrest RESearch in the MediTERRAnean through improved coordination and integration”) aims at reinforcing the scientific cooperation on Mediterranean forests through an ambitious transnational framework in order to reduce the existing research fragmentation and maximize the effectiveness of forest research activities. Within the FORESTERRA project framework, this work analyzed the infrastructures equipment of the Mediterranean countries belonging to the project Consortium. According to the European Commission, research infrastructures are facilities, resources and services that are used by the scientific communities to conduct research and foster innovation. To the best of our knowledge, the equipment and availability of infrastructures, in terms of experimental sites, research facilities and databases, have only rarely been explored. The aim of this paper was hence to identify complementarities, gaps and overlaps among the different forest research institutes in order to create a scientific network, optimize the resources and trigger collaborations

    New Roll‐to‐Roll Processable PEDOT‐Based Polymer with Colorless Bleached State for Flexible Electrochromic Devices

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    Conjugated electrochromic (EC) polymers for flexible EC devices (ECDs) generally lack a fully colorless bleached state. A strategy to overcome this drawback is the implementation of a new sidechain-modified poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene) derivative that can be deposited in thin-film form in a customized high-throughput and large-area roll-to-roll polymerization process. The sidechain modification provides enhanced EC properties in terms of visible light transmittance change, Δτv = 59% (ΔL* = 54.1), contrast ratio (CR = 15.8), coloration efficiency (η = 530 cmÂČ C−1), and color neutrality (L* = 83.8, a* = −4.3, b* = −4.1) in the bleached state. The intense blue-colored polymer thin films exhibit high cycle stability (10 000 cycles) and fast response times. The design, synthesis, and polymerization of the modified 3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene derivative are discussed along with a detailed optical, electrochemical, and spectroelectrochemical characterization of the resulting EC thin films. Finally, a flexible see-through ECD with a visible light transmittance change of Δτv = 47% (ΔL* = 51.9) and a neutral-colored bleached state is developed

    Prognostic or predictive value of circulating cytokines and angiogenic factors for initial treatment of multiple myeloma in the GIMEMA MM0305 randomized controlled trial

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    Abstract Background Several new drugs are approved for treatment of patients with multiple myeloma (MM), but no validated biomarkers are available for the prediction of a clinical outcome. We aimed to establish whether pretreatment blood and bone marrow plasma concentrations of major cytokines and angiogenic factors (CAFs) of patients from a phase 3 trial of a MM treatment could have a prognostic and predictive value in terms of response to therapy and progression-free and overall survival and whether these patients could be stratified for their prognosis. Methods Blood and bone marrow plasma levels of Ang-2, FGF-2, HGF, VEGF, PDGF-ÎČ, IL-8, TNF-α, TIMP-1, and TIMP-2 were determined at diagnosis in MM patients enrolled in the GIMEMA MM0305 randomized controlled trial by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). These levels were correlated both reciprocally and with the type of therapy and patients’ characteristics and with a group of non-MM patients as controls. Results No significant differences were detected between the blood and bone marrow plasma levels of angiogenic cytokines. A cutoff for each CAF was established. The therapeutic response of patients with blood plasma levels of CAFs lower than the cutoff was better than the response of those with higher levels in terms of percentage of responding patients and quality of response. Conclusion FGF-2, HGF, VEGF, and PDGF-ÎČ plasma levels at diagnosis have predictive significance for response to treatment. The stratification of patients based on the levels of CAFs at diagnosis and their variations after therapy is useful to characterize different risk groups concerning outcome and response to therapy. Trial registration Clinical trial information can be found at the following link: NCT0106317
