17 research outputs found

    Cap Go Meh Festival as a multicultural event in tourism policy at Singkawang City, Indonesia

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    Research in this study was conducted in Singkawang city, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia which embraces a harmonious multicultural society with three major ethnicities, namely TIDAYU (Chinese, Dayak and Malay). The rich cultural diversities give positive advantages for tourism development and bode well for significant local economic growth. Among others, the Cap Go Meh (Chinese religious tradition) is considered to the biggest event in the region that involves the TIDAYU. Even though the Cap Go Meh is annually celebrated in many different parts of the world, the Singkawang Cap Go Meh Festival has unique features that attract Chinese diasporas from other regions in Indonesia and neighboring countries. For that reason, the actors involved in this event constitute various social, economic, and political backgrounds. This research focused on how Singkawang local government can develop a distinctive tourism strategy to address the specific multi stakeholder interactions using a qualitative approach. The research found that in the context of tourism policy development, the interaction and dynamic patterns among policy actors are developed through linear individual cooperation. Within this pattern, the interaction amongst policy actors tend to involve certain individuals who have authority in controlling resources regardless of their origin or organizations. In fact, this pattern is very strongly based on family relationships or friendships found in both public and private domains. The research has shown that the strategies used in developing tourism policy in Singkawang city should be developed based on network management and good stakeholder engagement

    Program of Improving Quality of Village Residential Environment in Ngabang District

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    Management of the Environmental Quality Improvement Program for Village Settlements in Ngabang District, Landak Regency. The increase in population in Landak Regency is also accompanied by an increase in the number of poor people, this is an existing reality. Its government, which holds the power, should try to overcome this problem. This program aims to help poor people who live in poor environments. This Rural Settlement Program is carried out in Ngabang District, Landak Regency. This study aimed to find out the implementation of the program to improve the quality of the village residential environment in Ngabang District, and about community initiatives and participation in the program to improve the quality of the village residential environment in Ngabang District, Landak Regency. Research methods and data analysis were done using descriptive qualitative techniques. The results of this research indicate that in order for the program to improve the quality of the village residential environment to achieve its targets, coordination between the agencies involved is needed. Before it is implemented, the government needs to socialize the program with the community. Transparency is needed in the program to avoid intervention by groups who do not understand and require participation from the community, so that the implementation gets the expected results. Keywords: culture, progress, regional strategy, Border Dayak Communit

    Disfungsi Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) dalam Pengembangan Otonomi di Wilayah Perbatasan

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    The stagnation experienced by BUMDes has not received serious attention from the government, even though BUMDes as a support for people's lives in rural areas need to be empowered to build village autonomy, especially in border areas. This paper aims to explain the complexity and dysfunction of BUMDes in achieving the goals of village autonomy. The data of this study were based on qualitative research collected through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of the study showed that the limited space for community participation in planning and implementing policies is a factor that causes BUMDes to stagnate. In addition, the dysfunction of BUMDes occurs because the orientation of activities is more economic and political than community interests. Government policies that are not accommodating to the interests of villages in border areas further hamper the development of BUMDes. The solution that can be done is the cooperation of all parties in carrying out policies and a joint commitment to support village autonomy starting from the central, regional, and rural governments. Thus, the government's target to present a prosperous and empowered village face can be realized

    Pemberdayaan Keluarga dalam Rehabilitasi Medik Paru pada Penderita Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronik di Balai Pengobatan Penyakit Paru-Paru YOGYAKARTA

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    Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of the main causes of morbidity, a leading cause of death and disability in worldwide. In addition COPD imposes a significant burden in terms of disability and impaired quality of life. COPD is projected to increase in much of the world as smoking frequencies rise, the population ages and the contribution in door and out door air pollution. Pulmonary rehabilitation program has been shown in improving quality of life patients with COPD. The success of pulmonary rehabilitation program was influenced by patient's motivation and support by family members. The family empowerment through training on pulmonary rehabilitation was expected could improve knowledge and skill of the family members of COPD patients and in turn could improve the development of pulmonary function to COPD patients.Objectives: Assess the influence of family empowerment through training on pulmonary rehabilitation in improving the knowledge and skill of family members on pulmonary rehabilitation.Methods: This research was quasi-experimental study by pre and post test with control group design. Subject of the research were 63 family members that was selected randomly. The subject divided into experimental groups (31) and control groups (32). Data collected was conducted by using questionnaires of knowledge and check lists of skill. Data analysis used paired t-test and independent sample t-test with significant level of p=0,05.Results: Level of education, age, knowledge and skill about pulmonary rehabilitation before intervention were not significantly different. After get training on pulmonary rehabilitation, improvement of knowledge and skill in the intervention group was significantly (p<0,05). There was significant difference on knowledge and skill between intervention group with control group. Module has function to resist the family knowledge and skill one month after training.Conclusions: Training pulmonary rehabilitation on family members to COPD patient can improve knowledge and skill about COPD and pulmonary rehabilitation


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    This paper discusses the network management process (interaction, dynamic, strategy) of tourism policy in decentralised Indonesia. The study was conducted at Singkawang Municipality, West Kalimantan, Indonesia as a resource rich region in the border of Indonesia and Malaysia. In understanding the interaction, dynamic and strategy of the development in the tourism sector, it is important to identify the patterns of network management. This research primarily utilizedthe network management strategy of Kickert, Klijn and Koppenjan (1999) who put emphasize on the interactions between development policy actors. By using a qualitative approach, the research found that in the context of tourism development, the interaction and dynamic patterns among policy actors are developed through linear individual cooperation. Within this pattern, the interaction amongst policy actors tend to involve certain individuals who have authority in controlling resources regardless ofwhich organizations they belonged to. In fact, this pattern is strongly based on family relationships or friendships found in both public and private domains. The research concludes that the strategies used in developing the tourism sector in Singkawang municipality should be developed based on facilitating strategic interaction, preventing the exclusion of strategic ideas, introduction of new strategic ideas, and furthering strategic reflections

    Pemberdayaan Keluarga dalam Rehabilitasi Medik Paru pada Penderita Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronik di Balai Pengobatan Penyakit Paru-Paru Yogyakarta

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    Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of the main causes of morbidity, a leading cause of death and disability in worldwide. In addition COPD imposes a significant burden in terms of disability and impaired quality of life. COPD is projected to increase in much of the world as smoking frequencies rise, the population ages and the contribution in door and out door air pollution. Pulmonary rehabilitation program has been shown in improving quality of life patients with COPD. The success of pulmonary rehabilitation program was influenced by patient’s motivation and support by family members. The family empowerment through training on pulmonary rehabilitation was expected could improve knowledge and skill of the family members of COPD patients and in turn could improve the development of pulmonary function to COPD patients.Objectives: Assess the influence of family empowerment through training on pulmonary rehabilitation in improving the knowledge and skill of family members on pulmonary rehabilitation.Methods: This research was quasi-experimental study by pre and post test with control group design. Subject of the research were 63 family members that was selected randomly. The subject divided into experimental groups (31) and  control groups (32). Data collected was conducted by using questionnaires of knowledge and check lists of skill. Data analysis used paired t-test and independent  sample t-test with significant level of p=0,05.Results: Level of education, age, knowledge and skill about pulmonary rehabilitation before intervention were not significantly different.  After get training on pulmonary rehabilitation, improvement of knowledge and skill in the intervention group was significantly (p<0,05). There was significant difference on knowledge and skill between intervention group with control group.  Module has function to resist the family knowledge and skill one month after training.Conclusions: Training pulmonary rehabilitation on family members to COPD patient can improve knowledge and skill about COPD and pulmonary rehabilitation.Keywords: COPD, pulmonary rehabilitation, family empowermen


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    Abstrak: BUMDES yang berada di wilayah perbatasan Negara menghadapi permasalahan lingkungan yang kompleks. Demikian juga permasalahan terkait dengan BUMDES itu sendiri yaitu kapasitas lembaga yang lemah. Pelaksanaan program pengabdian ini bertujuan meningkatkan wawasan pengelola BUMDES dengan harapan mendorong pengelola dalam mengembangkan kapasitas kelembagaan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan melalui tiga tahap yaitu orientasi dan sosialisasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan, serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Mitra atau peserta terdiri dari pengelola inti BUMDES berjumlah 8 orang, serta operasionalisasi berjumlah 2 orang. Capaian hasil sosialisasi yang dilakukan baik dengan penyuluhan ataupun melalui tatap muka melalui 6 (enam) item indikator penilaian. Berdasarkan 6 (enam) item indicator penilaian terjadi peningkatan wawasan pengetahuan terkait dengan pengembagan kelembagaan yaitu dari 65% menjadi 95%. Hal penting lain adalah dengan sosialisasi terkait peningkatan kapasitas terdapat motivasi yang kuat dari pengelola BUMDES dalam pengembangan lembaga dengan merencanakan menjalin kerjasama dengan pihak luar, baik itu dengan Perguruan Tinggi (PT), Pemerintah Daerah, ataupun pihak swasta. Mitra juga berinisiasi dan mengusulkan kepada Tim untuk mengadakan program pengabdian lanjutan melalui Workshop untuk memacu pengembangan BUMDES di masa yang akan datang.Abstract: BUMDES located at the national border area faces the complexity ot the environment. Besides, the problems related to BUMDES itself are the weaknesses of the capacity building, The implementation of this service program aims to increase the insight of BUMDES managers in the hope of encouraging managers to develop institutional capacity. There are three stages of the program implementation namely orientation and socialization, implementation of program activities, and monitoring and evaluation. Partners or participants consist of BUMDES managerial level, and 2 operational officers. The results of the socialization carried out either through counseling or face-to-face through 6 (six) indicators of assessment items. Based on 6 (six) indicators of assessment items, there is an increase in knowledge insight related to institutional development, from 65% to 95%. Another important thing is that with socialization related to capacity building, there is a strong motivation from BUMDES managers in institutional development by planning to collaborate with outside parties, be it with universities (PT), local governments, or private parties. Partners also initiate and propose to the Team to hold a follow-up service program through a Workshop to spur the development of BUMDES in the future

    Triple helix synergy: Segregation of household hazardous and toxic waste in the Banjar Serasan community

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    As the human population increases, the need for daily living also increases. This has an impact on increasing the amount of waste produced, including hazardous and toxic waste. However, public awareness of managing hazardous and toxic waste is still low. Many people do not separate hazardous and toxic waste from other waste due to a lack of awareness and knowledge about hazardous and toxic waste management. Based on this background, this Community Service activity was carried out to socialize the segregation of household hazardous and toxic waste in the Banjar Serasan community. The method used in this activity is using a case study approach, pre-test, lecture, discussion, and post-test. Before the presentation of material from the resource persons, there were still participants who did not know what household hazardous and toxic waste was, its types, and how to manage it, namely 8 out of 18 participants. After the material was given, all participants managed to understand what hazardous and toxic waste was and ways to apply the management and application of reduce, reuse, and recycle in handling it. Through this activity, it is hoped that it can support increased education for the public regarding the issue of hazardous and toxic waste that is relevant to the SDGs points including point 13, namely climate action

    Perilaku Pemilih Pada Pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Provinsi Kalimantan Barat (Studi pada Anggota Dewan Adat Dayak)

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    This study examines the form of voting behavior of the Dayak community in the election of Governor and Deputy Governor of West Kalimantan in 2018. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The data collection technique is through interviews and documentation at the Dayak Customary Council. The research findings show that the voting behavior of the Dayak community tends to lead to primordial voters.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengenai perilaku pemilih yang ada pada pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Kalimantan Barat pada tahun 2018 dalam menentukan pilihan serta mendeskripsikan mengenai bentuk perilaku yang terbentuk didalam keanggotaan Dewan Adat Dayak. Pemilihan kepala daerah serentak tahun 2018 diwarnai dengan meningkatnya isu-isu SARA, peran DAD sangat penting guna untuk mencegah dan dapat menjadi sarana mediasi antar suku di daerah Kalimantan Barat dalam menghadapi pemilukada serentak. Teori perilaku politik yang digunakan adalah teori perilaku pemilih menurut Ramlan Surbakti, perilaku pemilih berdasarkan ikatan &nbsp; primordialisme dan perilaku pemilih rasional. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif pendekatan kualitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara serta dokumentasi. Lokasi penelitian masyarakat Dayak dilakukan di desa Parit Baru Kabupaten Kubu Raya, dan anggota Dewan Adat Dayak ditempat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat cenderung memilih berdasarkan ikatan primordialisme, namun juga disisi lain mereka memilih tetap melalui pertimbangan secara rasional, dalam hal ini rekam jejak maupun kualitas dari pasangan calon yang akan dipilih. Pemilih ikatan primordialisme ini cenderung memilih berdasarkan adanya kesamaan, unsur-unsur kesamaan tersebut ialah, kesamaan agama, suku, budaya, ras, status sosial, maupun ideologi. Sedangkan pada masyarakat pemilih yang rasional cenderung terdapat di daerah masyrakat yang heterogen, pemilih tipe rasional tidak mudah dipengaruhi dan kritis serta menilai dari rekam jejak maupun timbal balik pada pemerintahan terpilih

    Analisis Faktor Komunikasi Dan Sumberdaya dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Standar Pelayananadministrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (Paten) di Kantor Camat Sekadau Hilir, Sekadau

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    Penelitian ini menganalisis faktor komunikasi dan sumberdaya dalam teori Edward III yang menyebabkan belum berhasilnya Implementasi Kebijakan Standar Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (PATEN) di Kantor Camat Sekadau Hilir, Sekadau. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (PATEN)&nbsp; di Kecamatan Sekadau Hilir belum terealisasi dengan maksimal. Faktor yang menyebabkan belum teralisasinya kebijakan standar pelayanan dalam pelaksanaan tersebut adalah karena kurangnya informasi kepada masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (PATEN) di Kantor Camat Sekadau Hilir. Selain itu kurang tanggapnya sumber daya manusia yang mengakibatkan belum optimalnya pelaksanaan tugas serta fungsi pelayanan yang ada serta sarana dan prasarana dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan yang belum memadai. Adapun saran bagi Kantor Camat Sekadau Hilir terkait pelaksanaan Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (PATEN) agar dapat mengadakan evaluasi rutin baik dari factor komunikasinya dan sumberdaya yang ada dalam perkembangan Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (PATEN) di Kantor Camat Sekadau Hilir, sekadau