3,439 research outputs found

    The Effect of Regional Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Development Expenditure on Employment in the District Luwu

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    This study aims to assess the economic growth and the factors that influence the economic growth in the local government system by increasing the production of goods and services measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the policy of government expenditure (development) that can directly drive growth to finance economic development in the field of social economy and the public, both the development of physical and non-physical. This study uses multiple regression analysis by the least squares method (Method of Ordinary Least Square) OLS. These results indicate that the budget Revenue Expenditure Luwu, particularly in development spending has been a major contribution to regional development Luwu. With increasing economic growth and rising Luwu regency Regional Budget Builders Luwu district each year, then it will affect the employment opportunities for local people Luwu

    Analysis of Social Responsibility Implementation Plan to Profitability Companies in Bank Syariah Mandiri

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    This paper aims to describe Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one of concern for a company on the environment. Currently CSR aims to maximize profits but are also required to better accommodate the needs of the community and its stakeholders. This study was conducted to provide empirical evidence of the influence of CSR to the company's profitability. Research was conducted on PT Bank SyariahMandiri. The Data used are the financial statements issued by the company each year during the period 2002-2013. This study uses a simple regression analysis results showed that during the period 2002-2013 cooperated with LAZNAS BSM BSM/organization partners in the distribution of alms fund companies and the implementation of programs that are Humanity. The program routine that has been Carried out Independently of Islamic banks is synergy Together LAZNAS, who consistently implement the People Partner program, Micro Development, development and economic empowerment of the people through the capital assistance, training and mentoring of individual businesses, educational assistance (scholarships) to Reviews those in need, help is Also included learning facilities, Community Development Program, Religious, Public Facility etc. Moreover in this study indicate that the implementation of CSR

    Proton-electron mass ratio from HD+^+ revisited

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    We present a new derivation of the proton-electron mass ratio from the hydrogen molecular ion, HD+^+. The derivation entails the adjustment of the mass ratio in highly precise theory so as to reproduce accurately measured ro-vibrational frequencies. This work is motivated by recent improvements of the theory, as well as the more accurate value of the electron mass in the recently published CODATA-14 set of fundamental constants, which justifies using it as input data in the adjustment, rather than the proton mass value as done in previous works. This leads to significantly different sensitivity coefficients and, consequently, a different value and larger uncertainty margin of the proton-electron mass ratio as obtained from HD+^+


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    ABSTRAKPandemi Covid 19 berdampak pada perubahan tatanan bersosialisasi, berbisnis dan bermasyarakat. Kelompok masyarakat yang lebih kecil seperti pelaku UKM juga mengalami dampak perubahan tersebut; sehingga memerlukan bimbingan khusus untuk beradaptasi dengan kondisi yang baru. Beberapa kendala dan masalah yang muncul diantaranya adalah berkurangnya omset pelaku UKM yang disebabkan karena keterbatasan dalam melakukan inovasi dan manajemen produksi. Tujuan dari program pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan daya saing UKM. Terselenggaranya program ini merupakan bagian dari tridharma perguruan tinggi yaitu pengabdian kepada masyarakat dan bentuk tindak kerjasama yang dilakukan universitas dengan Sentra UKM Barambing Kabupaten Luwu yang bertindak sebagai mitra. Beberapa kegiatan yang dilakukan dalam program ini diantaranya;  pelatihan digital marketing, pelatihan Pembuatan laporan keuangan dalam bentuk modul /format praktis serta pelatihan diversifikasi dan inovasi produk (desain produk). Luaran yang dihasilkan dalam program ini, adalah terlaksananya kegiatan pelatihan  yang berdampak terbukanya peluang pasar online sehingga pemasaran produk UKM meningkat; pemahaman dan kemampuan peserta pelatihan dalam menyusun laporan keuangan; pengembangan luaran produksi dengan tampilan yang lebih menarik. Penguatan pada tiga komponen ini dapat meningkatkan omset UKM Barambing Kabupaten Luwu dalam jangka Panjang.  Kata Kunci : UKM; covid-19; inovasi; pengabdian. ABSTRACTThe Covid-19 pandemic has impacted changes in socializing, doing business, and socializing. Smaller community groups such as SMEs are also affected by these changes, requiring exceptional guidance to adapt to new conditions. Some of the obstacles and problems that arise include SMEs' reduced turnover due to limitations in innovation and production management. The purpose of this service program is to increase the competitiveness of SMEs. The implementation of this program is part of the tri dharma of higher education, namely community service and a form of cooperation carried out by the university with the Barambing SMEs Center, Luwu Regency, which acts as a partner. Some of the activities carried out in this program include; digital marketing training, training on making financial reports in the form of practical modules/formats, and training on product diversification and innovation (product design). The outputs produced in this program are the implementation of training activities that impact opening online market opportunities so that SME product marketing increases; understanding and ability of training participants in preparing financial reports; production output development with a more attractive appearance. Strengthening these three components can increase the turnover of Barambing SMEs in Luwu Regency in the long term. Keywords: SMEs; covid-19, innovation; devotion.

    Sum Rule Approach to the Isoscalar Giant Monopole Resonance in Drip Line Nuclei

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    Using the density-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation and Skyrme forces together with the scaling method and constrained Hartree-Fock calculations, we obtain the average energies of the isoscalar giant monopole resonance. The calculations are done along several isotopic chains from the proton to the neutron drip lines. It is found that while approaching the neutron drip line, the scaled and the constrained energies decrease and the resonance width increases. Similar but smaller effects arise near the proton drip line, although only for the lighter isotopic chains. A qualitatively good agreement is found between our sum rule description and the presently existing random phase approximation results. The ability of the semiclassical approximations of the Thomas-Fermi type, which properly describe the average energy of the isoscalar giant monopole resonance for stable nuclei, to predict average properties for nuclei near the drip lines is also analyzed. We show that when hbar corrections are included, the semiclassical estimates reproduce, on average, the quantal excitation energies of the giant monopole resonance for nuclei with extreme isospin values.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, revtex4; some changes in text and figure

    The {\alpha}-Decay Chains of the 287,288115^{287, 288}115 Isotopes using Relativistic Mean Field Theory

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    We study the binding energy, root-mean-square radius and quadrupole deformation parameter for the synthesized superheavy element Z = 115, within the formalism of relativistic mean field theory. The calculation is dones for various isotopes of Z = 115 element, starting from A = 272 to A = 292. A systematic comparison between the binding energies and experimental data is made.The calculated binding energies are in good agreement with experimental result. The results show the prolate deformation for the ground state of these nuclei. The most stable isotope is found to be 282115 nucleus (N = 167) in the isotopic chain. We have also studied Q{\alpha} and T{\alpha} for the {\alpha}-decay chains of 287,288^{287, 288}115.Comment: 12 Pages 6 Figures 3 Table

    Relativistic mean field study of the properties of Z=117 nucleus and the decay chains of 293,294^{293,294}117 isotopes

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    We have calculated the binding energy, root-mean-square radius and quadrupole deformation parameter for the recently synthesized superheavy element Z=117, using the axially deformed relativistic mean field (RMF) model. The calculation is extended to various isotopes of Z=117 element, strarting from A=286 till A=310. We predict almost spherical structures in the ground state for almost all the isotopes. A shape transition appears at about A=292 from prolate to a oblate shape structures of Z=117 nucleus in our mean field approach. The most stable isotope (largest binding energy per nucleon) is found to be the 288^{288}117 nucleus. Also, the Q-value of α\alpha-decay QαQ_\alpha and the half-lives TαT_{\alpha} are calculated for the α\alpha-decay chains of 293^{293}117 and 294^{294}117, supporting the magic numbers at N=172 and/ or 184.Comment: 6 Pages and 8 Figure


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    Abstrak: Lakon ini berbicara tentang dampak modernisasi sebuah masyarakat yang membuat orang-orang menderita keterasingan pada kehidupan yang mereka miliki. Tujuan penciptaan tokoh atau karya pemeranan naskah The Zoo Story karya Edward Albee utamanya adalah sebagai media eksplorasi aplikasikan metode pelatihan Stanislavsky dalam tokoh Jerry dalam naskah. Naskah dan karakter tokoh dibahas menggunakan psikoanalisis Freud dan teori struktur dan tekstur. Proses penciptaan tokoh atau pemeranan ini telah terlaksana dengan baik meski terdapat sedikit kendala. Kata kunci : Modernisasi, Optimisme Amerika, Stanislavsky  Abstract: This playscript talks about the impact of the modernization of a society that makes people suffer from alienation to their lives. The purpose of character creation on this "The Zoo" playscript by Edward Albee is primarily as an exploration medium to apply Stanislavsky's training methods in Jerry's character. The playscript and characters are discussed using Freud's psychoanalysis and theories of structure and texture. The character creation process has been carried out well despite a few obstacles. Key words: modernization, American Optimism, Stanislavsk