6 research outputs found

    Fixed Point Theorem Result in Vector Metric Spaces.

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    In this paper we give prove some fixed point theorems for contractive conditions in vector metric space, our results are generalized form of some well known results. Our results are motivated by Ishak Altun and Cuneyt Cevik [10]   Keywords: - fixed point, vector metric space

    Results with Tripled Common Random Fixed points

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    In this paper, we present tripled coincidence point theorems for F...............

    Some fixed Point Results for cone metric space

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    In the Present paper we prove some fixed point theorems in cone metric space our result generalizes the previous result of mathematicians. Keywords:- fixed point cone, metric space, Altering function

    On Fixed Point theorems in Fuzzy 2-Metric Spaces and Fuzzy 3-Metric Spaces

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    In this paper, we give some new definitions of compatible mappings of types (I) and  (II) in fuzzy-2 metric space and fuzzy-3 metric space prove some common  fixed point theorems  for mappings under the condition of compatible mappings of types (I) and (II) in complete fuzzy-2 metric space and fuzzy-3 metric space. Our results extend, generalize and improve the corresponding results given by many authors. Keywords: Fuzzy metric space, Fuzzy 2-metric space, fuzzy-3 metric space ,Compatible mappings, Common fixed point

    On Fixed Point theorems in Fuzzy Metric Spaces

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    Abstract: This paper presents some common fixed point theorems for occasionally weakly compatible mappings in fuzzy metric spaces. Keywords: Occasionally weakly compatible mappings,fuzzy metric space