4,106 research outputs found

    Color identification testing device

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    Testing device, which determines ability of a technician to identify color-coded electric wires, is superior to standard color blindness tests. It tests speed of wire selection, detects partial color blindness, allows rapid testing, and may be administered by a color blind person


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    International Relations/Trade, Marketing,

    Statistical Signal Analysis for Systems with Interferenced Inputs

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    A new approach is introduced, based on statistical signal analysis, which overcomes the error due to input signal interference. The model analyzed is given. The input signals u sub 1 (t) and u sub 2 (t) are assumed to be unknown. The measurable signals x sub 1 (t) and x sub 2 (t) are interferened according to the frequency response functions, H sub 12 (f) and H sub 21 (f). The goal of the analysis was to evaluate the power output due to each input, u sub 1 (t) and u sub 2 (t), for the case where both are applied to the same time. In addition, all frequency response functions are calculated. The interferenced system is described by a set of five equations with six unknown functions. An IBM XT Personal Computer, which was interfaced with the FFT, was used to solve the set of equations. The software was tested on an electrical two-input, one-output system. The results were excellent. The research presented includes the analysis of the acoustic radiation from a rectangular plate with two force inputs and the sound pressure as an output signal

    Comparison of Suicidality Among Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Individuals

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    Previous research suggests that sexual minority individuals have a higher risk of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts than do heterosexual individuals. Little research has been done to determine what may cause these differences and how living in a conservative region may contribute to it. This study sought to compare risk factors for suicidal ideation among heterosexual and sexual minority college students in southern Mississippi. To do so, suicidal ideation was examined, as well as thwarted belongingness (TB) and perceived burdensomeness (PB) – two robust predictors of suicidal ideation. It was hypothesized that sexual minorities would have elevated TB, PB, and suicidal ideation levels compared to heterosexual individuals. Feelings of actual and expected rejection were also examined in terms of their impact on TB, PB, and suicidal ideation. It was hypothesized that feelings of actual and expected rejection would serve as predictors of TB, PB, and ideation. Participants were 1199 undergraduate college students, 141 of whom identified as a sexual minority. It was found that PB was significantly higher among sexual minorities than heterosexual individuals (F=19.59, p\u3c.001, pη2=.016), TB was not significantly different (F=.500, p=.480, pη2\u3c.001), and suicidal ideation was not significantly different when controlling for depression (F=.017, p=.897, pη2\u3c.001), but was significant when depression was not added as a covariate (F=21.42, p\u3c.001, pη2=.018). It was also found that feelings of actual and expected rejection by important others did not predict TB, PB, or ideation. However, when rejection by a parent and rejection by a heterosexual friend were isolated, it was found that actual rejection by a heterosexual friend predicted TB and that actual rejection by a parent predicted suicidal ideation with depression as a covariate. These results indicate that sexual minorities, when compared to heterosexual individuals, do not have higher TB, but do have higher rates of PB and suicidal ideation

    Present and Future Venezuelan Technology Policies: Implementation and Implica ions for Technology Suppliers and Foreign Investors

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    Group-based physical activity trajectories in children transitioning from elementary to high school

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    Background: Physical activity has been observed repeatedly to decline as children transition into adolescence; however, few studies have explored the possibility that sub-groups of children experience unique patterns of change during this transition. The purpose of this longitudinal study was to examine the physical activity trajectories in clusters of youth transitioning from 5th to 11th grade. Methods: Participants (n = 652) were recruited as 5th graders (ages 10–12 years) from elementary schools (n = 21) in two school districts. Demographic, anthropometric, and physical activity data were collected once per year when children were in 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, and 11th grades. Children wore accelerometers for 7 consecutive days. Groupbased trajectory modeling statistical techniques were applied to identify patterns of physical activity trajectories. Posterior probabilities confirmed participants’ membership in their respective group. Results: Three distinct physical activity trajectories were identified. Group 1 (n = 27) remained highly active over time, and physical activity increased from ages 14 to 16 years. Group 2 (n = 365) was active at baseline, but activity declined and remained low as group members aged. Group 3 (n = 260) had the lowest levels of physical activity at all ages, and activity declined from ages 10 to 16 years. Conclusions: While most children experienced a decline in physical activity as they transitioned into high school, some remained highly active and increased their level of physical activity. Future studies should test physical activity interventions for youth that are tailored for age-related trajectory groups

    Challenges of an established amateur sport: Exploring how wheelchair basketball grows and thrives through a sport development lense

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    Wheelchair basketball has been played in the United States for more than 70 years, and the National Wheelchair Basketball Association (NWBA) governing body has professionalized the sport to some extent with a league and culminating annual championship for its eight divisions. However, teams continue to face challenges that characteristically align with those of amateur sport in addressing recruiting and retaining athletes. The purpose of this study was to examine the challenges elite, competitive wheelchair basketball programs face and to understand their approach to recruiting and retaining athletes with disabilities to play the sport. Green’s (2005) theory of sport development was chosen as the lens for this study because of its focus on establishment of a sport for sustainability through athlete participation. An online open-ended questionnaire was sent to all 139 NWBA team contacts, with 28 responses representing multiple divisions within the league. Findings revealed that teams were primarily formed through unstable means of personal interest and community needs as well as stable means of university and rehabilitation hospital systems. Participants identified funding as the biggest challenge as they offered little support for tournament travel or financial rewards for athletes. Teams recruited athletes through social connections and community presence, but offered little structure for their means of retaining athletes. These findings show the NWBA teams operate with challenges akin to amateur sport due to uncertainty of funding and athlete sustainability
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