8 research outputs found

    Role of Anopheles (Cellia) rufipes (Gough, 1910) and other local anophelines in human malaria transmission in the northern savannah of Cameroon: a crosssectional survey

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    Background As part of a study to determine the impact of insecticide resistance on the effectiveness of longlasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) in the north of Cameroon, the unexpectedly high density and anthropophilic behaviour of Anopheles rufipes lead us to investigate this species bionomics and role in human malaria parasite transmission. Methods For four consecutive years (2011–2014), annual cross-sectional sampling of adult mosquitoes was conducted during the peak malaria season (September-October) in three health districts in northern Cameroon. Mosquitoes sampled by human landing catch and pyrethrum spray catch methods were morphologically identified, their ovaries dissected for parity determination and Anopheles gambiae siblings were identified by molecular assay. Infection with P. falciparum and blood meal source in residual fauna of indoor resting anopheline mosquitoes were determined by enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assays. Results Anopheles gambiae (sensu lato) (s.l.) comprised 18.4% of mosquitoes collected with An. arabiensis representing 66.27% of the sibling species. The proportion of An. rufipes (2.7%) collected was high with a humanbiting rate ranging between 0.441 and 11.083 bites/person/night (b/p/n) and an anthropophagic rate of 15.36%. Although overall the members of An. gambiae complex were responsible for most of the transmission with entomological inoculation rates (EIR) reaching 1.221 infective bites/person/night (ib/p/n), An. arabiensis and An.coluzzii were the most implicated. The roles of An. funestus, An. pharoensis and An. paludis were minor. Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein rate in Anopheles rufipes varied from 0.6 to 5.7% with EIR values between 0.010 and 0.481 ib/p/n Conclusions The study highlights the epidemiological role of An. rufipes alongside the members of the An.gambiae complex, and several other sympatric species in human malaria transmission during the wet season in northern Cameroon. For the first time in Cameroon, An. rufipes has been shown to be an important local malaria vector, emphasising the need to review the malaria entomological profile across the country as pre-requisite to effective vector management strategies

    Role of Anopheles (Cellia) rufipes (Gough, 1910) and other local anophelines in human malaria transmission in the northern savannah of Cameroon: a crosssectional survey

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    Background As part of a study to determine the impact of insecticide resistance on the effectiveness of longlasting insecticide treated nets (LLINs) in the north of Cameroon, the unexpectedly high density and anthropophilic behaviour of Anopheles rufipes lead us to investigate this species bionomics and role in human malaria parasite transmission. Methods For four consecutive years (2011–2014), annual cross-sectional sampling of adult mosquitoes was conducted during the peak malaria season (September-October) in three health districts in northern Cameroon. Mosquitoes sampled by human landing catch and pyrethrum spray catch methods were morphologically identified, their ovaries dissected for parity determination and Anopheles gambiae siblings were identified by molecular assay. Infection with P. falciparum and blood meal source in residual fauna of indoor resting anopheline mosquitoes were determined by enzyme-linked-immunosorbent assays. Results Anopheles gambiae (sensu lato) (s.l.) comprised 18.4% of mosquitoes collected with An. arabiensis representing 66.27% of the sibling species. The proportion of An. rufipes (2.7%) collected was high with a humanbiting rate ranging between 0.441 and 11.083 bites/person/night (b/p/n) and an anthropophagic rate of 15.36%. Although overall the members of An. gambiae complex were responsible for most of the transmission with entomological inoculation rates (EIR) reaching 1.221 infective bites/person/night (ib/p/n), An. arabiensis and An.coluzzii were the most implicated. The roles of An. funestus, An. pharoensis and An. paludis were minor. Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein rate in Anopheles rufipes varied from 0.6 to 5.7% with EIR values between 0.010 and 0.481 ib/p/n Conclusions The study highlights the epidemiological role of An. rufipes alongside the members of the An.gambiae complex, and several other sympatric species in human malaria transmission during the wet season in northern Cameroon. For the first time in Cameroon, An. rufipes has been shown to be an important local malaria vector, emphasising the need to review the malaria entomological profile across the country as pre-requisite to effective vector management strategies

    Patterns of anopheline feeding/resting behaviour and Plasmodium infections in North Cameroon, 2011-2014: implications for malaria control.

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    BACKGROUND: Effective malaria control relies on evidence-based interventions. Anopheline behaviour and Plasmodium infections were investigated in North Cameroon, following long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) distribution in 2010. METHODS: During four consecutive years from 2011 to 2014, adult mosquitoes were collected indoors, outdoors and in exit traps across 38 locations in the Garoua, Pitoa and Mayo-Oulo health districts. Anophelines were morphologically and molecularly identified, then analysed for blood meal origins and Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (Pf-CSP). Blood from children under 5 years-old using LLINs was examined for Plasmodium infections. RESULTS: Overall, 9376 anophelines belonging to 14 species/sibling species were recorded. Anopheles gambiae (s.l.) [An. arabiensis (73.3%), An. coluzzii (17.6%) and An. gambiae (s.s.) (9.1%)] was predominant (72%), followed by An. funestus (s.l.) (20.5%) and An. rufipes (6.5%). The recorded blood meals were mainly from humans (28%), cattle (15.6%) and sheep (11.6%) or mixed (45%). Pf-CSP rates were higher indoors (3.2-5.4%) versus outdoors (0.8-2.0%), and increased yearly (χ2 < 18, df = 10, P < 0.03). Malaria prevalence in children under 5 years-old, in households using LLINs was 30% (924/3088). CONCLUSIONS: The present study revealed the variability of malaria vector resting and feeding behaviour, and the persistence of Plasmodium infections regardless the use of LLINs. Supplementary interventions to LLINs are therefore needed to sustain malaria prevention in North Cameroon

    A preliminary investigation of the relationship between water quality and Anopheles gambiae larval habitats in western Cameroon

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    Abstract Background Water quality and anopheline habitat have received increasing attention due to the possibility that challenges during larval life may translate into adult susceptibility to malaria parasite infection and/or insecticide resistance. Methods A preliminary study of Anopheles gambiae s.s. larval habitats in the north-west and south-west regions of Cameroon was conducted in order to detect associations between An. gambiae s.s. molecular form and 2La inversion distributions with basic water quality parameters. Water quality was measured by temperature, pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS) at seven sites in Cameroon and one site in Selinkenyi, Mali. Results Principal components and correlation analyses indicated a complex relationship between 2La polymorphism, temperature, conductivity and TDS. Cooler water sites at more inland locations yielded more S form larvae with higher 2La inversion polymorphism while warmer water sites yielded more M form larvae with rare observations of the 2La inversion. Discussion More detailed studies that take into account the population genetics but also multiple life stages, environmental data relative to these life stages and interactions with both humans and the malaria parasite may help us to understand more about how and why this successful mosquito is able to adapt and diverge, and how it can be successfully managed

    The bionomics of the malaria vector Anopheles rufipes Gough, 1910 and its susceptibility to deltamethrin insecticide in North Cameroon.

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    Following the recent discovery of the role of Anopheles rufipes Gough, 1910 in human malaria transmission in the northern savannah of Cameroon, we report here additional information on its feeding and resting habits and its susceptibility to the pyrethroid insecticide deltamethrin. From 2011 to 2015, mosquito samples were collected in 38 locations across Garoua, Mayo Oulo and Pitoa health districts in North Cameroon. Adult anophelines collected using outdoor clay pots, window exit traps and indoor spray catches were checked for feeding status, blood meal origin and Plasmodium circumsporozoite protein. The susceptibility of field-collected An. rufipes to deltamethrin was assessed using WHO standard procedures. Of 9327 adult Anopheles collected in the 38 study sites, An. rufipes (6.5%) was overall the fifth most abundant malaria vector species following An. arabiensis (52.4%), An. funestus (s.l.) (20.8%), An. coluzzii (12.6%) and An. gambiae (6.8%). This species was found outdoors (51.2%) or entering houses (48.8%) in 35 suburban and rural locations, together with main vector species. Apart from human blood with index of 37%, An. rufipes also fed on animals including cows (52%), sheep (49%), pigs (16%), chickens (2%) and horses (1%). The overall parasite infection rate of this species was 0.4% based on the detection of P. falciparum circumsporozoite proteins in two of 517 specimens tested. Among the 21 An. rufipes populations assessed for deltamethrin susceptibility, seven populations were classified as "susceptible" (mortality ≥ 98%) , ten as "probable resistant" with a mortality range of 90-97% and four as "resistant" with a mortality range of 80-89%. This study revealed changeable resting and feeding behaviour of An. rufipes, as well as further evidence on its ability to carry human malaria parasites in North Cameroon. Besides, this species is developing physiological resistance to deltamethrin insecticide which is used in treated nets and agriculture throughout the country, and should be regarded as one of potential targets for the control of residual malaria parasite transmission in Africa

    Assessing the performance of five adult mosquito sampling methods for malaria vector surveillance in various ecosystems in Cameroon

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    IntroductionMany sampling methods are used for entomological surveillance of vector borne diseases. This paper, evaluated the performance of five methods with regard to various ecosystems encountered in Cameroon. Material and methodsTwo entomological databases generated during two study periods were examined: 2011-2014 in the North Region, and 2018-2019 in the Centre Region. Mosquitoes were collected using the (Human Landing Catches) (HLC) and four alternative methods including Clay Pots (CPs), Pyrethroid Spray Catches (PSCs), Window Exit Traps (WETs) and Centers for Disease Control-Light Traps (CDC-LTs) for which the performance was assessed in this study.ResultsA total of 29 anopheline species were identified from samples collected during the two study periods. All these anopheline species were found in North Region, with 5 species being the most abundant and prévalent, i.e. An. gambiae s.l, An. funestus, An. rufipes, An. paludis and An. pharoensis. In the Centre Region, only five species including An. gambiae s.l, An. funestus, An. coustani, An. ziemanni and An. paludis were recorded. Among these, An. gambiae s.l was the most abundant and prevalent species. Data confirmed HLC as the best in sampling outdoor and indoor mosquitoes in the surveyed HDs. The alternative methods showed variable records regarding the species richness. Based on the number of mosquitoes collected, CP was an alternative to HLC for outdoor collections in Garoua and Pitoa HDs, while WET was an alternative in Mayo Oulo HD. In the Centre Region, CDC-LT was an alternative to HLC for indoor collections in Ekié and Nkolbisson HDs, while PSC proved to be the best alternative in Nkolondom HD. Regarding the species richness WET appeared as an alternative to HLC in sampling outdoor mosquitoes in Garoua and Mayo Oulo HDs, while CP was the best alternative in Pitoa HD. In the Centre Region, CDC-LT was an alternative for outdoor and indoor collections in Nkolbisson HD, and the best alternative for outdoor collections in Ekie HD. Conclusion The current study revealed variable performance of the five tested adult mosquito collection methods across the prospected HDs in North and Centre Regions of Cameroon. Further investigations will be conducted on other collection methods, e.g., aspiration, mosquito electrocuting grid trap, ovitraps and human-baited double net trap