53 research outputs found

    Discard sampling of the Dutch pelagic freezer fishery in 2004

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    Dit rapport bevat de resultaten van het discards bemonsteringsprogramma van de Nederlandse pelagische visserij in het noordoost Atlantisch gebied in 2004, dat is opgezet als invulling van EC regelingen 1543/2000 en 1639/2001 voor gegevensverzameling in Europese visserijen. Zes reizen aan boord van pelagische schepen werden bemonsterd, waarvan één schip pelagische spanvisserij beoefende. Gedurende de zes reizen werden in totaal 212 trekken bemonsterd. De samenstelling en de hoeveelheid van doelsoorten en bijsoorten verschilde tussen de reizen. Gemiddeld 6% van de vangst in gewicht werd gediscar

    Effecten van maatregelen met betrekking tot stuurvariabelen die van invloed zijn op de doelvariabelen in de deelmaatlatten voor vis in rivieren

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    In het kader van het DGW-project 'Beleidstools KRW' en het stuurboordproject 'Maatregelen Kaderrichtlijn Water' onderzoekt RIZA welke maatregelen mogelijk zijn voor het realiseren van de ecologische doelstellingen van de KRW. In dit specifieke onderdeel van het project wordt gestreefd naar een overzichtelijke set van stuurvariabelen die van invloed zijn op de doelvariabelen in de deelmaatlatten voor vis. Doel van het project is een overzicht te genereren van stuurvariabelen, die in verband kunnen worden gebracht met de doelvariabelen van de deelmaatlatten vis in riviersystemen en het verband tussen stuurvariabelen en doelvariabelen zoveel mogelijk kwantitatief te onderbouwen. Onder doelvariabelen worden specifiek de ontwikkelde (deel)maalatten t.b.v. de KRW bedoeld, waarbij het achterliggende perspectief van het ecologisch functioneren van een systeem voor vis eveneens kan worden betrokken, als blijkt dat de maatlatten hierin nog niet dekkend zijn

    Overcoming establishment thresholds for peat mosses in human-made bog pools

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    Globally, peatlands have been affected by drainage and peat extraction, with adverse effects on their functioning and services. To restore peat‐forming vegetation, drained bogs are being rewetted on a large scale. Although this practice results in higher groundwater levels, unfortunately it often creates deep lakes in parts where peat was extracted to greater depths than the surroundings. Revegetation of these deeper waters by peat mosses appears to be challenging due to strong abiotic feedbacks that keep these systems in an undesired bare state. In this study, we theoretically explore if a floating peat mat and an open human‐made bog lake can be considered two alternative stable states using a simple model, and experimentally test in the field whether stable states are present, and whether a state shift can be accomplished using floating biodegradable structures that mimic buoyant peat. We transplanted two peat moss species into these structures (pioneer sp. Sphagnum cuspidatum and later‐successional sp. S. palustre) with and without additional organic substrate. Our model suggests that these open human‐made bog lakes and floating peat mats can indeed be regarded as alternative stable states. Natural recovery by spontaneous peat moss growth, i.e., a state shift from open water to floating mats, is only possible when the water table is sufficiently shallow to avoid light limitation (<0.29 m at our site). Our experiment revealed that alternative stable states are present and that the floating structures facilitated the growth of pioneer S. cuspidatum and vascular plants. Organic substrate addition particularly facilitated vascular plant growth, which correlated to higher moss height. The structures remained too wet for the late‐successional species S. palustre. We conclude that open water and floating peat mats in human‐made bog lakes can be considered two alternative stable states, and that temporary floating establishment structures can induce a state shift from the open water state to peat‐forming vegetation state. These findings imply that for successful restoration, there is a clear water depth threshold to enable peat moss growth and there is no need for addition of large amounts of donor‐peat substrate. Correct species selection for restoration is crucial for success

    Long-Term Weight Changes After Starting Anti-IL-5/5Ra Biologics in Severe Asthma: The Role of Oral Corticosteroids

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    BACKGROUND Many patients with severe asthma are overweight or obese, often attributed to unintentional weight gain as a side effect of oral corticosteroids (OCSs). Anti-IL-5/5Ra biologics significantly reduce OCS use, but their long-term effects on weight are unknown. OBJECTIVES To examine (1) weight change up to 2 years after anti-IL-5/5Ra initiation in subgroups on the basis of maintenance OCS use at start of treatment and (2) whether cumulative OCS exposure before or changes in OCS exposure during treatment are related to weight change. METHODS Real-world data on weight and cumulative OCS dose from adults included in the Dutch Registry of Adult Patients with Severe asthma for Optimal DIsease management before and at least 2 years after starting anti-IL-5/5Ra were analyzed using linear mixed models and linear regression analyses. RESULTS For the included 389 patients (55% female; mean body mass index, 28 ± 5 kg/m2^{2}; 58% maintenance OCS), mean weight decreased -0.27 kg/y (95% CI, -0.51 to -0.03; P = .03), with more weight loss in patients with maintenance OCS use than in those without maintenance OCS use (-0.87 kg/y [95% CI, -1.21 to -0.52; P < .001] vs +0.54 kg/y [0.26 to 0.82; P < .001]). Greater weight loss at 2 years was associated with higher cumulative OCS dose in the 2 years before anti-IL-5/5Ra initiation (β = -0.24 kg/g; 95% CI, -0.38 to -0.10; P < .001) and, independently, greater reduction in cumulative OCS dose during follow-up (β = 0.27 kg/g; 95% CI, 0.11 to 0.43; P < .001). CONCLUSIONS Anti-IL-5/5Ra therapy is associated with long-term weight reduction, especially in patients with higher OCS exposure before treatment and those able to reduce OCS use during treatment. However, the effect is small and does not apply to all patients, and so additional interventions seem necessary if weight change is desired

    Three-Nucleon Force Effects in Nucleon Induced Deuteron Breakup: Comparison to Data (II)

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    Selected Nd breakup data over a wide energy range are compared to solutions of Faddeev equations based on modern high precision NN interactions alone and adding current three-nucleon force models. Unfortunately currently available data probe phase space regions for the final three nucleon momenta which are rather insensitive to 3NF effects as predicted by current models. Overall there is good to fair agreement between present day theory and experiment but also some cases exist with striking discrepancies. Regions in the phase space are suggested where large 3NF effects can be expected.Comment: 33 pages, 24 ps figures, 9 gif figure