476 research outputs found


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    Cooperative learning with numbered head together strategy is interest because the teacher can control the group also each member of group. The objective of this study is to find out the implementation of cooperative learning with Numbered Head Together strategy in teaching speaking at Grade VII of SMPN 3 Poso. The type of the research was a qualitative research. The finding of research obtained that the implementation of  Numbered head together strategy itself: first, teacher explained the material to the students. Second, teacher divided the students in to groups and gave serial number of groups. Third, students sat with the member of group and discussed and answered the task or questions. Fourth, the English teacher called one number from each group to answer or to do the task in front of the class, and the last, the other member gave support to their friends who answered or did the task. Students highest score was 93,3 and the lowest scored was 53,3. Most of the student score category was good

    Mean magnitude variations of earthquakes as a function of depth: Different crustal stress distribution depending on tectonic setting

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    International audienceThe mean magnitude of earthquakes in the Gulf of Corinth is found to increase strongly with depth (b-value decreases), whereas the dip of fault planes decreases. The b-value difference of 0.25, between shallow and deep earthquake distributions, is based on about 7,000 events and therefore is statistically highly significant. The same is true in California, but opposite patterns are observed in southern Iceland and in western Nagano, Japan. Because large mean magnitudes (low b-values) are indicative of relatively high stress levels, we propose that in the detachment layer at about 9 ± 2 km depth, earthquakes are generated at higher stresses than in the shallower parts of the crust. The correlation of low b-values with low faulting dips can be taken as line of evidence that low b-values map high stress regimes

    New constraints on the rupture process of the 1999 August 17 Izmit earthquake deduced from estimates of stress glut rate moments

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    International audienceThis paper illustrates the use of integral estimates given by the stress glut rate moments of total degree 2 for constraining the rupture scenario of a large earthquake in the particular case of the 1999 Izmit mainshock. We determine the integral estimates of the geometry, source duration and rupture propagation given by the stress glut rate moments of total degree 2 by inverting long-period surface wave (LPSW) amplitude spectra. Kinematic and static models of the Izmit earthquake published in the literature are quite different from one another. In order to extract the characteristic features of this event, we calculate the same integral estimates directly from those models and compare them with those deduced from our inversion. While the equivalent rupture zone and the eastward directivity are consistent among all models, the LPSW solution displays a strong unilateral character of the rupture associated with a short rupture duration that is not compatible with the solutions deduced from the published models. With the aim of understand this discrepancy, we use simple equivalent kinematic models to reproduce the integral estimates of the considered rupture processes (including ours) by adjusting a few free parameters controlling the western and eastern parts of the rupture. We show that the joint analysis of the LPSW solution and source tomographies allows us to elucidate the scattering of source processes published for this earthquake and to discriminate between the models. Our results strongly suggest that (1) there was significant moment released on the eastern segment of the activated fault system during the Izmit earthquake; (2) the apparent rupture velocity decreases on this segment

    Diagnosis of the domino effect in bankruptcy situations through positioning maps and their evolution 10 years later

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    This work aims to describe how the insolvency of a firm affects other business creditors. Through a sample of small and medium entities in Catalonia for the biennium 2004-2005, the situation of creditors before and after the legal event (insolvency proceedings) has been studied. The results confirm the existence of a substantial change in the composition of the financial structure of these firms (substitution of long-term debt by short-term debt; decrease in solvency and profitability, increase in financial charge, among others) and, therefore, the contagion of liquidity problems. The study covers 2 years before and after the insolvency and is dynamic in the sense that it highlights how the creditors change their source of finance and the ending situation. The main contributions of the object are the effect of insolvency on other companies closely related and also the technique usedÂżmultidimensional scaling

    Efisiensi Usahatani Padi Sawah: Studi Kasus di Desa Kamba Kecamatan Pamona Timur Kabupaten Poso Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Kabupaten Poso merupakan salah satu daerah sektor pertanian dengan penghasil komoditi padi yang berada di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Sektor pertanian memiliki kontribusi terbesar terhadap PDRB di Kabupaten Poso melalui subsektor tanaman pangan dari usahatani padi sawah. Daerah sentra usahatani padi sawah di Kabupaten Poso berada pada beberapa kecamatan yang sebagian besar penduduknya mengeluti usaha tani padi sawah. Penulis memilih salah satu daerah untuk meneliti masalah mengenai Efisiensi Faktor Produksi Usahatani Padi Sawah di Desa Kamba Kecamatan Pamona Timur Kabupaten Poso. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan faktor produksi usahatani padi sawah, skala hasil atau skala produksi, dan menganalisis efisiensi harga. Dengan menggunakan regresi dengan model fungsi produksi CobbDouglas menunjukan melalui faktor produksi variabel luas lahan (X1), bibit (X2), pupuk (X3), pestisida (X4) dan tenaga kerja (X5) hasil uji f menunjukan bahwa secara bersamaan faktor produksi dari variabel diatas mempengaruhi produksi usahatani padi sawah, sedangkan dengan analisis uji t faktor produksi dari variabel benih dan pupuk yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi produksi usahatani padi sawah, sedangkan luas lahan, pestisida dan tenaga kerja secara signifikan tidak mempengaruhi produksi. Kondisi usahatani padi sawah menunjukkan skala hasil yang meningkat atau increasing return to scale (IRS). Selanjutnya Indek efisiensi harga menunjukan rasio antara nilai produk marginal dari faktor produksi benih, pupuk, pestisida, dan tenaga kerja bernilai lebih besar dari satu (belum efisien), sedangkan faktor produksi luas lahan lebih kecil dari satu (tidak efisien)

    The Perugia (Italy) earthquake of April 29,1984: a seismic survey

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    International audienceA field study after the Perugia earthquake of 29 April 1984 provided more than 300 well-recorded events concentrated within two parallel clusters separated by 2 km and trending along the Apenninic direction. The length of the aftershock area is 14 km, focal depths being shallower than 8 km. Relocation of the main event places the epicenter at the southern end of the aftershock zone, suggesting a rupture propagation from SE to NW. Most focal mechanisms are consistent with normal faulting. The spatial distribution of seismicity suggests that the Gubbio normal fault was activated during the main shock. This earthquake, together with the Norcia 1979 and the Abruzzi 1984 shocks, is typical of the extension in the high Apennines generated by the flexure of the mountain chain in response to regional compression. The Parma 1983 event, a thrust, belongs to the compres- sion zone at the eastern flank of the chain. These results are consistent with the EW continental collision along the Apennines

    Kleeblattschadel anomaly and partial trisomy for chromosome 13 (47,XY,+der(13),t(3,13)(q24;

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/65214/1/j.1399-0004.1980.tb00171.x.pd

    Computation of microdosimetric distributions for small sites

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    Object of this study is the computation of microdosimetric functions for sites which are too small to permit experimental determination of the distributions by Rossi-counters. The calculations are performed on simulated tracks generated by Monte-Carlo techniques. The first part of the article deals with the computational procedure. The second part presents numerical results for protons of energies 0.5, 5, 20 MeV and for site diameters of 5, 10, 100 nm
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