507 research outputs found

    Dense molecular clouds in the SN2008fp host galaxy

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    (abridged) We use observations of interstellar absorption features, such as atomic and molecular lines as well as diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs), towards SN2008fp to study the physical properties of extra-galactic diffuse interstellar clouds in the host galaxy, ESO428-G14. The properties of the intervening dust are investigated via spectropolarimetry. The spectra of SN2008fp reveal a complex of diffuse atomic clouds at radial velocities in line with the systematic velocities of the host galaxy (~1700 km/s). A translucent (A_V ~ 1.5 mag) cloud is detected at a heliocentric velocity of 1770 km/s This cold dense cloud is rich in dense atomic gas tracers, molecules, as well as diffuse interstellar bands. We have detected both C2 and C3 for the first time in a galaxy beyond the Local Group. The CN (0,0) band line ratios are used to derive an in-situ measurement of the cosmic background radiation temperature in an external galaxy; this gives an excitation temperature of T = 2.9 +- 0.3 K. The interstellar polarization law deviates significantly from what is observed in the Galaxy, indicating substantial differences in the composition or size distribution of dust grains in the SN2008fp host galaxy. C2 is used to probe the cold diffuse ISM density and temperature. The lack of variability in the extra-galactic absorption line profiles over a period of one month implies that the absorbing material is not circumstellar and thus not affected directly by the SN event. Also it shows that there are no significant density variation in the small-scale structure of the molecular cloud down to 100 AU.Comment: 10 pages. Accepted for publication in A&A. Revisions include several small correction

    Studying the small scale ISM structure with supernovae

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    AIMS. In this work we explore the possibility of using the fast expansion of a Type Ia supernova photosphere to detect extra-galactic ISM column density variations on spatial scales of ~100 AU on time scales of a few months. METHODS. We constructed a simple model which describes the expansion of the photodisk and the effects of a patchy interstellar cloud on the observed equivalent width of Na I D lines. Using this model we derived the behavior of the equivalent width as a function of time, spatial scale and amplitude of the column density fluctuations. RESULTS. The calculations show that isolated, small (<100 AU) clouds with Na I column densities exceeding a few 10^11 cm^-2 would be easily detected. In contrast, the effects of a more realistic, patchy ISM become measurable in a fraction of cases, and for peak-to-peak variations larger than ~10^12 cm^-2 on a scale of 1000 AU. CONCLUSIONS. The proposed technique provides a unique way to probe the extra-galactic small scale structure, which is out of reach for any of the methods used so far. The same tool can also be applied to study the sub-AU Galactic ISM structure.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    High Redshift Supernovae in the Hubble Deep Field

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    Two supernovae detected in the Hubble Deep Field using the original December 1995 epoch and data from a shorter (63000 s in F814W) December 1997 visit with HST are discussed. The supernovae (SNe) are both associated with distinct galaxies at redshifts of 0.95 (spectroscopic) from Cohen etal. (1996) and 1.32 (photometric) from the work of Fernandez-Soto, Lanzetta, and Yahil (1998). These redshifts are near, in the case of 0.95, and well beyond for 1.32 the greatest distance reported previously for SNe. We show that our observations are sensitive to SNe to z < 1.8 in either epoch for an event near peak brightness. Detailed simulations are discussed that quantify the level at which false events from our search phase would start to to arise, and the completeness of our search as a function of both SN brightness and host galaxy redshift. The number of Type Ia and Type II SNe expected as a function of redshift in the two HDF epochs are discussed in relation to several published predictions and our own detailed calculations. A mean detection frequency of one SN per epoch for the small HDF area is consistent with expectations from current theory.Comment: 62 pages, 17 figures, ApJ 1999 in pres

    Spectral Signatures of Gravitationally Confined Thermonuclear Supernova Explosions

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    We consider some of the spectral and polarimetric signatures of the gravitational confined detonation scenario for Type Ia supernova explosions. In this model, material produced by an off-center deflagration (which itself fails to produce the explosion) forms a metal-rich atmosphere above the white dwarf surface. Using hydrodynamical simulations, we show that this atmosphere is compressed and accelerated during the subsequent interaction with the supernova ejecta. This leads ultimately to the formation of a high-velocity pancake of metal-rich material that is geometrically detached from the bulk of the ejecta. When observed at the epochs near maximum light, this absorbing pancake produces a highly blueshifted and polarized calcium IR triplet absorption feature similar to that observed in several Type~Ia supernovae. We discuss the orientation effects present in our model and contrast them to those expected in other supernova explosion models. We propose that a large sample of spectropolarimetric observations can be used to critically evaluate the different theoretical scenarios.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in ApJ Letters. For higher resolution images and movies see http://panisse.lbl.gov/~dnkasen/gcd.htm

    Pre-Maximum Spectropolarimetry of the Type Ia SN 2004dt

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    We report observations of SN 2004dt obtained with the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory on August 13.30, 2004 when the supernova was more than a week before optical maximum. SN 2004dt showed strong lines of \ion{O}{1}, \ion{Mg}{2}, \ion{Si}{2}, and \ion{Ca}{2} with typical velocities of absorption minimum around 17,000 \kms. The line profiles show material moving at velocities as high as 25,000 \kms in these lines. The observations also reveal absorption lines from \ion{S}{2} and \ion{Si}{3} with a velocity of only 11,000 \kms. The highest velocity in the \ion{S}{2} features can be traced no higher than 15,000 \kms, much lower than those of O, Mg, Si, and Ca. SN 2004dt has a polarization spectrum unlike any previously observed. The variation of the polarization across some \ion{Si}{2} lines approaches 2%, making SN 2004dt the most highly polarized SN Ia ever observed. In contrast, the strong line of O I at 777.4 nm shows little or no polarization signature. The degree of polarization points to a richly-structured partially burned silicon layer with substantial departure from spherical symmetry. A geometry that would account for the observations is one in which the distribution of oxygen is essentially spherically symmetric, but with bubbles of intermediate-mass elements with significant opacity within the oxygen substrate.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    VLT Spectropolarimetry of the fast expanding Type Ia SN2006X

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    Using VLT-FORS1 we performed optical spectropolarimetric observations of the Type Ia SN2006X on 7 pre-maximum epochs (day -10 to day -1) and one post-maximum epoch (+39 days). The SN shows strong continuum interstellar polarization reaching about 8% at 4000A, characterized by a wavelength dependency that is substantially different from that of the Milky-Way dust mixture. Several SN features, like SiII 6355A and the CaII IR triplet, present a marked evolution. The CaII near-IR triplet shows a pronounced polarization (~1.4%) already on day -10 in correspondence with a strong high-velocity feature (HVF). The SiII polarization peaks on day -6 at about 1.1% and decreases to 0.8% on day -1. By day +39 no polarization signal is detected for the SiII line, while the CaII IR triplet shows a marked re-polarization at the level of 1.2%. As in the case of another strongly polarized SN (2004dt), no polarization was detected across the OI 7774A absorption. The fast-expanding SN2006X lies on the upper edge of the relation between peak polarization and decline rate, and it confirms previous speculations about a correlation between degree of polarization, expansion velocity, and HVF strength. The polarization of CaII detected in our last epoch, the most advanced ever obtained for a Type Ia SN, coincides in velocity with the outer boundary of the Ca synthesized during the explosion (15,000-17,000 km/s) in delayed-detonation models. This suggests a large scale chemical inhomogeneity as produced by off-center detonations, a rather small amount of mixing, or a combination of both effects. In contrast, the absence of polarization at the inner edge of the Ca-rich layer (8000-10,000 km/s) implies a substantial amount of mixing in these deeper regions.Comment: 28 pages, 39 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A spectropolarimetric view on the nature of the peculiar Type I SN 2005hk

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    We report two spectropolarimetric observations of SN 2005hk, which is a close copy of the "very peculiar" SN 2002cx, showing low peak luminosity, slow decline, high ionization near peak and an unusually low expansion velocity of only about 7,000 km s^-1. Further to the data presented by Chornock et al., (2006), at -4 days before maximum, we present data of this object taken on 9 November 2005 (near maximum) and 23 November (+ two weeks) that show the continuum and most of the spectral lines to be polarized at levels of about 0.2-0.3%. At both epochs the data corresponds to the Spectropolarimetric Type D1. The general low level of line polarization suggests that the line forming regions for most species observed in the spectrum have a similar shape to that of the photosphere, which deviates from a spherical symmetry by <10%. In comparison with spectropolarimetry of Type Ia and Core-collapse SNe at similar epochs, we find that the properties of SN 2005hk are most similar to those of Type Ia SNe. In particular, we find the low levels of continuum and line polarization to indicate that the explosion mechanism is approximately spherical, with homogeneous ejecta (unlike the chemically segregated ejecta of CCSNe). We discuss the possibility that SN 2005hk was the result of the pure deflagration of a white dwarf and note the issues concerning this interpretation.Comment: ApJ accepted, uses emulateapj, 16 pages, 10 figures, figures 3 and 4 update

    Spectropolarimetry of the Type Ia SN 2007sr Two Months After Maximum Light

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    We present late time spectropolarimetric observations of SN 2007sr, obtained with the VLT telescope at ESO Paranal Observatory when the object was 63 days after maximum light. The late time spectrum displays strong line polarization in the CaII absorption features. SN 2007sr adds to the case of some normal Type Ia SNe that show high line polarization or repolarization at late times, a fact that might be connected with the presence of high velocity features at early times

    The Luminous and Carbon-Rich Supernova 2006gz: A Double Degenerate Merger?

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    Spectra and light curves of SN 2006gz show the strongest signature of unburned carbon and one of the slowest fading light curves ever seen in a type Ia event (Delta m_15 = 0.69 +/- 0.04). The early-time Si II velocity is low, implying it was slowed by an envelope of unburned material. Our best estimate of the luminosity implies M_V = -19.74 and the production of ~ 1.2 M_sun of 56Ni. This suggests a super-Chandrasekhar mass progenitor. A double degenerate merger is consistent with these observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL (5 pages, 4 figures). UBVr'i' light curves, UVOIR light curves, and spectra available at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/supernova/SN2006g

    Connecting RS OPh to [some] Type Ia Supernovae

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    Aims: Recurrent nova systems like RS Oph have been proposed as a possible channel to Type Ia Supernova explosions, based on the high mass of the accreting white dwarf. Additional support to this hypothesis has been recently provided by the detection of circumstellar material around SN2006X and SN2007le, showing a structure compatible with that expected for recurrent nova outbursts.In this paper we investigate the circumstellar environment of RS Oph and its structure, with the aim of establishing a firmer and independent link between this class of objects and Type Ia SN progenitors. Methods: We study the time evolution of CaII, NaI and KI absorption features in RS Oph, before, during, and after the last outburst, using multi-epoch, high-resolution spectroscopy, and applying the same method adopted for SN2006X and SN2007le. Results: A number of components, blue-shifted with respect to the systemic velocity of RS Oph, are detected. In particular, one feature strongly weakens in the first two weeks after the outburst, simultaneously with the disappearance of very narrow P-Cyg profiles overimposed on the much wider nova emission lines of H, He, FeII and other elements. Conclusions: We interpret these facts as the signature of density enhancements in the circumstellar material, suggesting that the recurrent eruptions might indeed create complex structures within the material lost by the donor star. This establishes a strong link between RS Oph and the progenitor system of the Type Ia SN2006X, for which similar features have been detected.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
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