819 research outputs found

    The Study of boundary layer control in a turbopump diffuser with fluid injection

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    Future Space Transfer Vehicles (STV) will be required to perform missions (orbital transfer, Lunar/Mars transfer and descents) for which deep engine throttling is needed. In order to do this the turbopumps that propel the Space Transfer Vehicles need to be able to operate at different flow rates. The current state of the art cryogenic fuel and oxidizer turbopump designs do not operate well at off-design flow rates mainly due to stall and flow separation in the diffuser section. The purpose of this Thesis is to analyze the behavior of the fluid in the diffuser and the vaneless and vaned region of the MK49-F turbopump at different flow rates and to use fluid injection as a way to reduce the flow separation present in the vaned diffuser. To meet this objective a finite element based code, FIDAP, was used to build a three-dimensional model based on previous works done on the vaned diffuser. Previous works studied the behavior of the fluid in the vaned diffuser without taking into consideration the vaneless diffuser. From the results obtained, it was observed that flow separation has occurred at the bottom plane of the vaned diffuser, when the flow rate was reduced to 60% of the design flow, and in the top plane of the vaneless region. These results are different from the ones obtained in previous works where the flow separation was found in the top plane of the vaned diffuser. This shows that with the addition of the vaneless section, the flow behavior changes significantly. Fluid injection was applied at the bottom plane of the vaned diffuser through six different slits at 20% and 60% of the design flow. Various rates of fluid injection were tested for their effectiveness in suppressing or eliminating the flow separation. Results showed that at off-design flow conditions fluid injection is an effective way to eliminate separation

    "Thou Hast Murdered Thyself": An Analysis of Crime in Poe's Tales

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Estudios Ingleses. Curso académico 2021-2022Este ensayo analiza el significado del crimen en los cuentos de Edgar Allan Poe. Para ello, el trabajo primero presenta una descripción del concepto de “sustancia” de Baruch Spinoza, que expresa una unidad que conecta todo con Dios. Posteriormente, explica la manera en que sus criminales son construidos a partir de esta noción, y examina tres cuentos (con sus respectivos protagonistas) en los que se observa su influencia: “El Corazón Delator”, “William Wilson” y “La Caída de la Casa Usher”. En ellos, los criminales, además de asesinar o encerrar a personas vivas, cometen el crimen máximo, que es rechazar la unidad fundamental del mundo, la unidad de lo humano y lo divino.This essay analyzes the meaning of crime in Edgar Allan Poe's short stories. It advances a description of Baruch Spinoza's concept of "substance", which implies a unity that comprises and connects everything to God. Subsequently, it explains the way in which Poe's criminals are shaped resembling Spinoza's principle, and it considers three short stories (with their respective protagonists) in which his influence can be observed: "The Tell-Tale Heart", "William Wilson" and " The Fall of the House of Usher". In them, criminals, apart from murdering or locking up people alive, commit the ultimate crime, which is rejecting the fundamental unity of the world, the unity of the human and the divine

    Osteometry and camelid bone identification in archaeological sites of the sierras Centrales, Argentina:. trends, problems, and perspectives

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    La probable presencia de camélidos domésticos en el Holoceno tardío de las Sierras Centrales (Argentina) -y su probable significado económico- define problemas poco desarrollados por la arqueología regional. Estudios osteométricos previos, efectuados sobre huesos provenientes de contextos arqueológicos de distintos momentos del Holoceno, han permitido: 1) establecer el rango de variación morfométrica durante el Holoceno temprano y medio, interpretado como representativo de la población local de guanacos (Lama guanicoe), actualmente extinta; y 2) constatar la ampliación de dicho rango durante el Holoceno tardío, fenómeno oportunamente relacionado con la introducción de camélidos domésticos (i.e., llamas, Lama glama). En esta oportunidad evaluamos nuevamente dicha propuesta luego de incrementar los restos óseos de camélidos sujetos a mediciones, sobre todo del Holoceno temprano y medio. El estudio se focalizó en el análisis univariado y bivariado de la porción proximal de falanges primeras, un hueso que es frecuentemente recuperado en los contextos arqueológicos y que se considera discriminativo para diferenciar especies de camélidos. Los resultados señalan la amplia variabilidad en el tamaño de los camélidos del Holoceno de las Sierras Centrales, información que permite precisar las tendencias observadas anteriormente y especificar las limitaciones de la técnica osteométrica para discriminar entre L. glama y L. guanicoe en conjuntos arqueofaunísticos del centro de Argentina.The probable presence of domestic camelids in the Late Holocene of the Sierras Centrales, Argentina, and their probable economic significance is poorly developed in regional archaeology. Osteometric studies carried out on Lama sp. bone assemblages from Holocene archaeological deposits have resulted in: 1) the establishment of the morphometrical range variation of local Early and Middle Holocene Lama guanicoe populations, now extinct; and 2) the verification of a sudden range increase during Late Holocene, which was related to the introduction of L. glama. These proposals are evaluated here in the light of new osteometrical measurements of camelid bones, mainly from Early and Middle Holocene deposits. The study focuses on univariate and bivariate analyses of the proximal first phalanx, a bone recovered at high frequency in the archaeological record and seen to be particularly effective in discriminating between species of camelids. The results show a high metric variation in Holocene camelid bones from the Sierras Centrales. This information was used to specify previously observed trends as well as test the effectiveness of the osteometric technique in making distinctions between L. glama and L. guanicoe from central Argentinean archaeofaunal assemblages.Fil: Medina, Matias Eduardo. Centro de Estudios Históricos ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pastor, Sebastián. Centro de Estudios Históricos ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rivero, Diego Eduardo. Centro de Estudios Históricos ; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Initial orbit determination methods for track-to-track association

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    The detection and identification of Resident Space Objects (RSOs) from survey tracks requires robust and efficient orbit determination methods for the association of observations of the same RSO. Both Initial Orbit Determination (IOD) and Orbit Determination (OD) methods perform the orbital estimation in which the association of tracks relies. The choice of proper IOD and OD methods is essential for the whole data association, since they are in charge of providing the estimation required to evaluate the figure of merit of the association. In this paper, we review the state of the art and propose a novel method that does not require initialisation, accounts for measurement noise and provides a full estimation (i.e., state vector and covariance) from an arbitrary number of optical observations. To do so, a boundary value problem is formulated to find a pair of ranges leading to a minimum residuals of the observations. The proposed methods are compared against classical alternatives simulated in scenarios representative of the current space debris environment.This project has received funding from the "Comunidad de Madrid" under "Ayudas destinadas a la realización de doctorados industriales" program (project IND2017/TIC7700). Besides, the authors would like to acknowledge the contributions from Alfredo Miguel Antón Sácnchez, Pablo García Sánchez and Adrián Díez Martín from GMV for their support, review and advice

    Track-to-track association methodology for operational surveillance scenarios with radar observations

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    This paper proposes a novel track-to-track association methodology able to detect and catalogue resident space objects (RSOs) from associations of uncorrelated tracks (UCTs) obtained by radar survey sensors. It is a multi-target multi-sensor algorithm approach able to associate data from surveillance sensors to detect and catalogue objects. The association methodology contains a series of steps, each of which reduces the complexity of the combinational problem. The main focus are real operational environments, in which brute-force approaches are computationally unaffordable. The hypotheses are scored in the measurement space by evaluating a figure of merit based on the residuals of the observations. This allows us to filter out most of the false hypotheses that would be present in brute-force approaches, as well as to distinguish between true and false hypotheses. The suitability of the proposed track-to-track association has been assessed with a simulated scenario representative of a real operational environment, corresponding to 2 weeks of radar survey data obtained by a single survey radar. The distribution and evolution of the hypotheses along the association process is analysed and typical association performance metrics are included. Most of the RSOs are detected and catalogued and only one false positive is obtained. Besides, the rate of false positives is kept low, most of them corresponding to particular cases or objects with high eccentricity or limited observability.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This project has received funding from the “Comunidad de Madrid” under “Ayudas destinadas a la realizacion doctorados industriales” program (project IND2017/TIC7700

    Nuevo portal de Servicios, Dirección General de Tecnologías de la Información de la GVA

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    [ES] En la constante evolución de las tecnologías de la información existe una necesidad casi obligada de actualizar el software y la infraestructura, con el objetivo de reducir los tiempos de espera, las vulnerabilidades y los costes, así como la mejora del mantenimiento y la experiencia de usuario en nuestras aplicaciones. El objetivo del Trabajo Final de Grado es diseñar un nuevo portal web para la dirección general de tecnologías de la información de la GVA (GVATIC) que recopile diversos formularios para la administración de tareas, seguimiento de errores e incidencias, y gestión operativa de proyectos. Este portal sustituye al actual, añadiendo nuevas funcionalidades y tecnologías que mejoran las actuales (obsoletas e ineficientes). De este modo se ha realizado un análisis específico comparando las distintas tecnologías que más se adaptan al proyecto y eligiendo las idóneas para su implementación. Por otra parte, como el portal existente no ofrece una buena experiencia de usuario, se han realizado estudios de usabilidad con usuarios reales, con el objetivo de identificar elementos que puedan ser mejorados, y así, realizar un nuevo diseño que ofrezca una experiencia de usuario más sencilla e intuitiva (sin que se vea modificada su funcionalidad actual). El sitio web va a ser desarrollado a través de Liferay 7.2, herramienta de código abierto que se encarga de la administración de contenidos y JIRA que facilita una gestión ágil de las peticiones de los clientes. Con el fin de unificar ambas herramientas se ha empleado un servidor local Wildfly y un servidor de automatización JENKINS para el despliegue final de los módulos. Por otra parte se ha utilizado SQL como sistema gestor de base de datos, Alloy-UI, SCSS y JavaScript para la capa de presentación y Java 8 para la capa de acceso a datos. Por último, se utiliza la herramienta Subversion para el control de versiones.[EN] In the constant evolution of information technologies there is an almost obligatory need to update software and infrastructure, with the aim of reducing wait times, vulnerabilities and costs, as well as improving maintenance and user experience in our applications. The objective of the Final Work of Degree is to design a new web portal for the General Direction of Information and Communications of the GVA (GVATIC), that collects various forms for task administration, error monitoring and operational management of projects. This portal replaces the current one, adding new functionalities and technologies that improve the current ones (obsolete and inefficient). In this way, a specific analysis has been carried out by comparing the different technologies that best suit the project and choosing the ones suitable for its implementation. On the other hand, since the existing portal does not offer a good user experience, usability studies have been carried out with real users, with the aim of identifying elements that can be improved, and thus, design a new exclusive style that offers a simpler and more intuitive user experience (without having modified its current functionality). The website will be developed through Liferay 7.2, an open source tool responsible of content management and Jira that facilitates an agile management of customer requests. In order to unify both tools, a Wildfly local server and a Jenkins automation server have been used for the final deployment of the modules. On the other hand, SQL has been used as a database manager system, Alloy-UI, SCSS, and JavaScript for the presentation layer, and Java 8 has been used for the data access layer. Also noteworthy is the Subversion tool for version control.[CA] En la constant evolució de les tecnologies de la informació existeix una necessitat quasi obligada de actualitzar el software i la infraestructura, en l’objectiu de reduir els temps de espera, les vulnerabilitats i els costos, així com la millora del manteniment i l’experiència d’usuari en les nostres aplicacions. El objectiu del Treball Final de Grau es idear un nou portal web per a la Direcció General de Tecnologies de la Informació de la GVA (GVATIC) que recopile diversos formularis per a l’administració de tasques, seguiment de errors e incidències i gestió operativa de projectes. Aquest portal substitueix a l’actual, afegint noves funcionalitats i tecnologies que milloren les actuals (obsoletes i ineficients). D’aquesta manera s’ha realitzat un anàlisi específic comparant les distintes tecnologies que més s’adapten al projecte i elegint les idònies per la seva implementació. D’altra banda, com el portal existent no ofereix una bona experiència d’usuari, s’han realitzat estudis d’usabilitat en usuaris reals, amb l’objectiu d’identificar elements que puguen ser millorats, i així, dissenyar un nou estil exclusiu que oferisca una experiència d’usuari més senzilla i intuïtiva (sense que siga modifica la seva funcionalitat actual). El lloc web va ser desenvolupat en Liferay 7.2, ferramenta de codi obert que s’encarrega de l’administració de continguts i JIRA que facilita una gestió àgil de les peticions dels clients. Per unificar ambdues ferramentes s’ha empleat un servidor local Wildfly i un servidor de automatització Jenkins per al desplegament final dels mòduls. D’altra banda, s’ha utilitzat SQL com a sistema gestor de base de dades, Alloy-UI, SCSS y JavaScript per a la capa de presentació i Java 8 per a la capa de accés a dades. També cal destacar la ferramenta Subversion per al control de versions.Herrero Pastor, D. (2020). Nuevo portal de Servicios, Dirección General de Tecnologías de la Información de la GVA. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/150532TFG

    Complex Networks and Symmetry I: A Review

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    In this review we establish various connections between complex networks and symmetry. While special types of symmetries (e.g., automorphisms) are studied in detail within discrete mathematics for particular classes of deterministic graphs, the analysis of more general symmetries in real complex networks is far less developed. We argue that real networks, as any entity characterized by imperfections or errors, necessarily require a stochastic notion of invariance. We therefore propose a definition of stochastic symmetry based on graph ensembles and use it to review the main results of network theory from an unusual perspective. The results discussed here and in a companion paper show that stochastic symmetry highlights the most informative topological properties of real networks, even in noisy situations unaccessible to exact techniques.Comment: Final accepted versio

    Jamming during the discharge of granular matter from a silo

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    In this work we present an experimental study of the jamming that stops the free flow of grains from a silo discharging by gravity. When the outlet size is not much bigger than the beads, granular material jams the outlet of the container due to the formation of an arch. Statistical data from the number of grains fallen between consecutive jams are presented. The information that they provide can help to understand the jamming phenomenon. As the ratio between the size of the orifice and the size of the beads is increased, the probability that an arch blocks the outlet decreases. We show here that there is a power law divergence of the mean avalanche size for a finite critical radius. Beyond this critical radius no jamming can occur and the flow is never stopped. The dependence of the arch formation on the shape and the material of the grains has been explored. It has been found that the material properties of the grains do not affect the arch formation probability. On the contrary, the shape of the grains deeply influences it. A simple model to interpret the results is also discussed.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    La medicalización de la infancia como optimización de la fuerza laboral en España. Higienismo, población infantil y biopolítica (1800-1850)

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    La intención de este trabajo es analizar las dinastías recurrentes de ciertos discursos (la mayor parte de ellos de inspiración médica y legal, aunque no solo) que comenzaron a irrumpir en el escenario político de nuestro país desde el último cuarto del siglo XVIII. Desde entonces, la atención por el estado de salud de la población fue aumentando: el elevado número de mortalidad infantil, el aumento en la propagación de enfermedades contagiosas, el alto índice de criminalidad, provocaron el fenómeno de lo que fue denominado como la “degradación de la población”. En este caso nos vamos a centrar en el análisis de un conjunto de estas propuestas de reforma dirigidas al cuidado de la población infantil, planteadas por el polo más liberal del marco sociopolítico español de la época. Aplicando un examen arqueogenealógico, pretendemos mostrar cómo la atención hacia la “población débil” (mujeres y menores) facilitó la transformación del viejo modelo disciplinar en un nuevo modelo de organización biopolítica que colonizó el espacio privado de las familias de manera absoluta. Con el “lucro por las anomalías” emergió un discurso sobre la economía familiar inédito hasta entonces, que consiguió rápidamente introducir reformas en los códigos civil y penal. Hasta entonces no se habían contemplado medidas orientadas hacia la población infantil en estos campos.

    A Method Using GIS Integrated Voronoi Diagrams for Commuter Rail Station Identification: A Case Study from Brasilia (Brazil)

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    AbstractThis article describes a station location method for a commuter rail system applying a GIS integrated Voronoi diagrams. The method comes from a previously defined track line and considers the stations area coverage. As parameters to define area coverage we first used the point density representing the maximum concentrated activity area. We also use the trip generating rate weights for point density. The method was applied to Brasilia Metropolitan Area, and the final product was a “T” Trunk-Feeder framework that allows an integrated transportation system planning considering others existing transit systems. The stations were classified according to their degree of activities density and its importance for integration. The “T” Trunk-Feeder is a representation of the commuter rail network and the Trunk-Distribution is the transport network responsible for distributing the passengers in central business district - CDB. The proposed model features 69km extension, with the estimated total travel time of 62minutes, and 17 stations being integrated into 2 metro, 4 integrated into LRT stations and 3 integrated into the bus stops