250 research outputs found

    Systemic analysis of metabolome reconfiguration in Arabidopsis after abiotic stressors uncovers metabolites that modulate defense against pathogens

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    Understanding plant immune responses is complex because of the high interdependence among biological processes in homeostatic networks. Hence, the integration of environmental cues causes network rewiring that interferes with defense responses. Similarly, plants retain molecular signatures configured under abiotic stress periods to rapidly respond to recurrent stress, and these can alter immunity. Metabolome changes imposed by abiotic stressors are persistent, although their impact on defense remains to be clarified. In this study, we profiled metabolomes of Arabidopsis plants under several abiotic stress treatments applied individually or simultaneously to capture temporal trajectories in metabolite composition during adverse conditions and recovery. Further systemic analysis was performed to address the relevance of metabolome changes and extract central features to be tested in planta. Our results demonstrate irreversibility in major fractions of metabolome changes as a general pattern in response to abiotic stress periods. Functional analysis of metabolomes and co-abundance networks points to convergence in the reconfiguration of organic acid and secondary metabolite metabolism. Arabidopsis mutant lines for components related to these metabolic pathways showed altered defense capacities against different pathogens. Collectively, our data suggest that sustained metabolome changes configured in adverse environments can act as modulators of immune responses and provide evidence for a new layer of regulation in plant defense

    Promoting the Integration and Use of an Industry IOIS: an Action-Oriented Perspective

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    The main reason for the failure of an industry inter-organizational information system (IOIS) is the low rate of adoption and use of the IOIS. Literature on IOIS has proposed primarily factor-based models to explain the adoption decision or the extent of use. In this paper we argue that a processual view is lacking for IOIS literature. We conduct a case study of an industry IOIS at the Seaport of Barcelona, which supports the message exchanges among the port agents operating in the Seaport. Using grounded theory research approach, we conceptualize the strategies adopted by managers of the IOIS in order to promote the integration of port agents’ systems with the IOIS and its further use. We then use action-oriented diagrams to structure and report on those strategies. Finally, drawing on mutual adaptation literature, we regard those strategies as adaptations to conform to three types of misalignments: technical, delivery system and value

    Postoperatorio del paciente pediátrico trasplantado renal

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    El trasplante renal es la modalidad de tratamiento sustitutivo que mejores resultados proporciona a niños afectos de insuficiencia renal crónica terminal, aunque no está exenta de una importante morbilidad y mortalidad. Se describen el protocolo para el postoperatorio adoptado en nuestro centro: monitorazación y soporte, variantes inmunopresoras, exploraciones complementarias, y las diversas complicaciones que pueden aparecer después del trasplante

    Nota sobre la presència de Serranus atricauda Günther, 1874 (Osteichthyes: Serranidae) en aigües de Balears (Mediterrània Occidental)

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    Es comuniquen noves captures i observacions de Serranus atricauda Günther, 1874 en aigües de Mallorca, Cabrera i Formentera (Illes Balears, Mediterrània Occidental). Es donen els principals caràcters biomètrics i merístics i es comenten observacions biogeogràfiques i ecològiques

    Trasplantament renal pediàtric: experiència a l'Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

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    Resum Introducció. Amb la introducció de la ciclosporina A, el pronòstic dels trasplantaments d'òrgans ha variat radicalment. En aquest estudi es revisa el trasplantament renal pediàtrica des del punt de vista d'una UCIP centrada en la problemática postoperatória i en els resultats finals. Material i mètodes. Es revisen 27 trasplantaments renals que es van fer entre el 1986 i el 1994, la gran majoria entre els 10 i els 14 anys, amb un rang de 4 a 20 anys. Resultats. Quant a l'etiologia de la IRC: 8 casos de malformació quística, 6 de quadres amb patologia intersticial, 4 heredofamiliars i glomerulars i els 5 restants sistèmics o congènits. Tres quartes parts deis pacients (el 78%) ja estaven en diàlisi. Es va detectar risc immunológic elevat (presència l'anticossos limfocitotóxics o retrasplantacions) en el 38%. En l'evolució postoperatória immediata destaquen com a complicacions: un cas de trombosi renal i dos esclats renals; a curt termini es va detectar un rebuig en 16 casos i necrosi tubular aguda en 5, i van necessitar diàlisi el 18% del total. Als 5 anys la supervivència de l'empelt va ser del 78% i la del pacient del 100%. Conclusions. Comparant aquestes darreres dades amb registres similars nacionals, europeus i americans, s'han obtingut uns resultats equiparables

    Asymmetric friction: Modelling and experiments

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    International audienceThe effect of asymmetry with respect to sliding direction has been recently proved to be important in the analysis of static contact interactions of some automotive mechanical structures. In the present paper, we consider a nonclassical friction law, based on a dissymmetry of friction in a given sliding direction. A simple analytical micro-model has been adopted to derive the macroscopic model via averaging. Not only does it allow the law macroscopic characteristics to be determined but it also theoretically proves the existence of such dissymmetry of friction. The thermodynamic admissibility of the law is then shown from the derivation of a generalized standard model including friction. To complete the analysis, the existence of asymmetric friction conditions is confirmed from an experimental point of view. We then compare theoretical computations resulting from the analytical model with experimental results

    A class of polynomial planar vector fields with polynomial first integral

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    We give an algorithm for deciding whether a planar polynomial differential system has a first integral which factorizes as a product of defining polynomials of curves with only one place at infinity. In the affirmative case, our algorithm computes a minimal first integral. In addition, we solve the Poincaré problem for the class of systems which admit a polynomial first integral as above in the sense that the degree of the minimal first integral can be computed from the reduction of singularities of the corresponding vector field.The first author is partially supported by the MINECO/FEDER grant MTM2013-40998-P. The second and third authors are partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy MTM2012-36917-C03-03 and Universitat Jaume I P1-1B2012-04 grants.Ferragut, A.; Galindo Pastor, C.; Monserrat Delpalillo, FJ. (2015). A class of polynomial planar vector fields with polynomial first integral. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 430(1):354-380. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2015.04.062S354380430

    Former students’ perception of improvement potential of requirements engineering in practice

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    Several authors have pointed out a significant gap between Requirements Engineering (RE) theory and practice. It is then natural that we try to find answers to questions such as: What is the nature of the gap? Which is the magnitude of the gap? Why does the gap exist? and What could be done to narrow the gap? In this paper, we try to answer those questions from the point of view of the former students of a RE course that have been involved in projects with a significant RE activity. We have surveyed over 70 former students to know how they perceive the degree to which a set of six RE artifacts are created in practice, and how they perceive the improvement potential of the creation of those artifacts in practice. For each artifact, we asked a question on the use of the artifact, and one on the recommendation of use of the artifact. The usage question aimed at knowing the degree to which the artifact is explicitly created in practice. The recommendation question aimed at knowing whether or not the respondent would have recommended the creation of the artifact when it was not created. We believe that there may be an improvement opportunity of the RE practice when a significant number of respondents would have recommended the creation of an artifact in the cases in which it was not created. In the paper, we report the results of the survey. We try to identify the reasons why the artifacts were not created, and what would be needed to convince stakeholders and developers to create the artifact, when it is recommended to do it. Finally, we point out a few implications for RE practice and research that are suggested by the results of the surveyPreprin

    Analysis of ECs and related compounds in plasma: artifactual isomerization and ex vivo enzymatic generation of 2-MGs

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    The analysis of peripheral endocannabinoids (ECs) is a good biomarker of the EC system. Their concentrations, from clinical studies, strongly depend on sample collection and time processing conditions taking place in clinical and laboratory settings. The analysis of 2-monoacylglycerols (MGs) (i.e., 2-arachidonoylglycerol or 2-oleoylglycerol) is a particularly challenging issue because of their ex vivo formation and chemical isomerization that occur after blood sample collection. We provide evidence that their ex vivo formation can be minimized by adding Orlistat, an enzymatic lipase inhibitor, to plasma. Taking into consideration the low cost of Orlistat, we recommend its addition to plasma collecting tubes while maintaining sample cold chain until storage. We have validated a method for the determination of the EC profile of a range of MGs and N-acylethanolamides in plasma that preserves the original isomer ratio of MGs. Nevertheless, the chemical isomerization of 2-MGs can only be avoided by an immediate processing and analysis of samples due to their instability during conservation. We believe that this new methodology can aid in the harmonization of the measurement of ECs and related compounds in clinical samples
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