50 research outputs found

    Assistive technology for memory support in dementia

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    BACKGROUND: The sustained interest in electronic assistive technology in dementia care has been fuelled by the urgent need to develop useful approaches to help support people with dementia at home. Also the low costs and wide availability of electronic devices make it more feasible to use electronic devices for the benefit of disabled persons. Information Communication Technology (ICT) devices designed to support people with dementia are usually referred to as Assistive Technology (AT) or Electronic Assistive Technology (EAT). By using AT in this review we refer to electronic assistive devices. A range of AT devices has been developed to support people with dementia and their carers to manage their daily activities and to enhance safety, for example electronic pill boxes, picture phones, or mobile tracking devices. Many are commercially available. However, the usefulness and user-friendliness of these devices are often poorly evaluated. Although reviews of (electronic) memory aids do exist, a systematic review of studies focusing on the efficacy of AT for memory support in people with dementia is lacking. Such a review would guide people with dementia and their informal and professional carers in selecting appropriate AT devices. Objectives PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of AT for memory support in people with dementia in terms of daily performance of personal and instrumental activities of daily living (ADL), level of dependency, and admission to long-term care. SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of AT on: users (autonomy, usefulness and user-friendliness, adoption of AT); cognitive function and neuropsychiatric symptoms; need for informal and formal care; perceived quality of life; informal carer burden, self-esteem and feelings of competence; formal carer work satisfaction, workload and feelings of competence; and adverse events. SEARCH METHODS: We searched ALOIS, the Specialised Register of the Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group (CDCIG), on 10 November 2016. ALOIS is maintained by the Information Specialists of the CDCIG and contains studies in the areas of dementia prevention, dementia treatment and cognitive enhancement in healthy people. We also searched the following list of databases, adapting the search strategy as necessary: Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) Databases, up to May 2016; The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies; DBLP Computer Science Bibliography; HCI Bibliography: Human-Computer Interaction Resources; and AgeInfo, all to June 2016; PiCarta; Inspec; Springer Link Lecture Notes; Social Care Online; and IEEE Computer Society Digital Library, all to October 2016; J-STAGE: Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic; and Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library (NCSTRL), both to November 2016; Computing Research Repository (CoRR) up to December 2016; and OT seeker; and ADEAR, both to February 2017. In addition, we searched Google Scholar and OpenSIGLE for grey literature. SELECTION CRITERIA: We intended to review randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and clustered randomised trials with blinded assessment of outcomes that evaluated an electronic assistive device used with the single aim of supporting memory function in people diagnosed with dementia. The control interventions could either be 'care (or treatment) as usual' or non-technological psychosocial interventions (including interventions that use non-electronic assistive devices) also specifically aimed at supporting memory. Outcome measures included activities of daily living, level of dependency, clinical and care-related outcomes (for example admission to long-term care), perceived quality of life and well-being, and adverse events resulting from the use of AT; as well as the effects of AT on carers. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two review authors independently screened all titles and abstracts identified by the search. MAIN RESULTS: We identified no studies which met the inclusion criteria. Authors' conclusions This review highlights the current lack of high-quality evidence to determine whether AT is effective in supporting people with dementia to manage their memory problems

    The Drosophila Melanogaster RAD54 Homolog, DmRAD54, Is Involved in the Repair of Radiation Damage and Recombination

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    The RAD54 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae plays a crucial role in recombinational repair of double-strand breaks in DNA. Here the isolation and functional characterization of the RAD54 homolog of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, DmRAD54, are described. The putative Dmrad54 protein displays 46 to 57% identity to its homologs from yeast and mammals. DmRAD54 RNA was detected at all stages of fly development, but an increased level was observed in early embryos and ovarian tissue. To determine the function of DmRAD54, a null mutant was isolated by random mutagenesis. DmRAD54-deficient flies develop normally, but the females are sterile. Early development appears normal, but the eggs do not hatch, indicating an essential role for DmRAD54 in development. The larvae of mutant flies are highly sensitive to X rays and methyl methanesulfonate. Moreover, this mutant is defective in X- ray-induced mitotic recombination as measured by a somatic mutation and recombination test. These phenotypes are consistent with a defect in the repair of double-strand breaks and imply that the RAD54 gene is crucial in repair and recombination in a multicellular organism. The results also indicate that the recombinational repair pathway is functionally conserved in evolution

    WWP2 ubiquitylates RNA polymerase II for DNA-PK-dependent transcription arrest and repair at DNA breaks

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    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) at RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) transcribed genes lead to inhibition of transcription. The DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) complex plays a pivotal role in transcription inhibition at DSBs by stimulating proteasome-dependent eviction of RNAPII at these lesions. How DNA-PK triggers RNAPII eviction to inhibit transcription at DSBs remains unclear. Here we show that the HECT E3 ubiquitin ligase WWP2 associates with components of the DNA-PK and RNAPII complexes and is recruited to DSBs at RNAPII transcribed genes. In response to DSBs, WWP2 targets the RNAPII subunit RPB1 for K48-linked ubiquitylation, thereby driving DNA-PK- and proteasome-dependent eviction of RNAPII. The lack of WWP2 or expression of nonubiquitylatable RPB1 abrogates the binding of nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) factors, including DNA-PK and XRCC4/DNA ligase IV, and impairs DSB repair. These findings suggest that WWP2 operates in a DNA-PK-dependent shutoff circuitry for RNAPII clearance that promotes DSB repair by protecting the NHEJ machinery from collision with the transcription machinery

    Optimal flux spaces of genome-scale stoichiometric models are determined by a few subnetworks

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    The metabolism of organisms can be studied with comprehensive stoichiometric models of their metabolic networks. Flux balance analysis (FBA) calculates optimal metabolic performance of stoichiometric models. However, detailed biological interpretation of FBA is limited because, in general, a huge number of flux patterns give rise to the same optimal performance. The complete description of the resulting optimal solution spaces was thus far a computationally intractable problem. Here we present CoPE-FBA: Comprehensive Polyhedra Enumeration Flux Balance Analysis, a computational method that solves this problem. CoPE-FBA indicates that the thousands to millions of optimal flux patterns result from a combinatorial explosion of flux patterns in just a few metabolic sub-networks. The entire optimal solution space can now be compactly described in terms of the topology of these sub-networks. CoPE-FBA simplifies the biological interpretation of stoichiometric models of metabolism, and provides a profound understanding of metabolic flexibility in optimal states

    Alkalizing Reactions Streamline Cellular Metabolism in Acidogenic Microorganisms

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    An understanding of the integrated relationships among the principal cellular functions that govern the bioenergetic reactions of an organism is necessary to determine how cells remain viable and optimise their fitness in the environment. Urease is a complex enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea to ammonia and carbonic acid. While the induction of urease activity by several microorganisms has been predominantly considered a stress-response that is initiated to generate a nitrogen source in response to a low environmental pH, here we demonstrate a new role of urease in the optimisation of cellular bioenergetics. We show that urea hydrolysis increases the catabolic efficiency of Streptococcus thermophilus, a lactic acid bacterium that is widely used in the industrial manufacture of dairy products. By modulating the intracellular pH and thereby increasing the activity of β-galactosidase, glycolytic enzymes and lactate dehydrogenase, urease increases the overall change in enthalpy generated by the bioenergetic reactions. A cooperative altruistic behaviour of urease-positive microorganisms on the urease-negative microorganisms within the same environment was also observed. The physiological role of a single enzymatic activity demonstrates a novel and unexpected view of the non-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms that govern the bioenergetics of a bacterial cell, highlighting a new role for cytosol-alkalizing biochemical pathways in acidogenic microorganisms

    Cornelia-de Lange syndrome-associated mutations cause a DNA damage signalling and repair defect

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    Cornelia de Lange syndrome is a multisystem developmental disorder typically caused by mutations in the gene encoding the cohesin loader NIPBL. The associated phenotype is generally assumed to be the consequence of aberrant transcriptional regulation. Recently, we identified a missense mutation in BRD4 associated with a Cornelia de Lange-like syndrome that reduces BRD4 binding to acetylated histones. Here we show that, although this mutation reduces BRD4-occupancy at enhancers it does not affect transcription of the pluripotency network in mouse embryonic stem cells. Rather, it delays the cell cycle, increases DNA damage signalling, and perturbs regulation of DNA repair in mutant cells. This uncovers a role for BRD4 in DNA repair pathway choice. Furthermore, we find evidence of a similar increase in DNA damage signalling in cells derived from NIPBL-deficient individuals, suggesting that defective DNA damage signalling and repair is also a feature of typical Cornelia de Lange syndrome

    BRIT1/MCPH1 Is Essential for Mitotic and Meiotic Recombination DNA Repair and Maintaining Genomic Stability in Mice

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    BRIT1 protein (also known as MCPH1) contains 3 BRCT domains which are conserved in BRCA1, BRCA2, and other important molecules involved in DNA damage signaling, DNA repair, and tumor suppression. BRIT1 mutations or aberrant expression are found in primary microcephaly patients as well as in cancer patients. Recent in vitro studies suggest that BRIT1/MCPH1 functions as a novel key regulator in the DNA damage response pathways. To investigate its physiological role and dissect the underlying mechanisms, we generated BRIT1−/− mice and identified its essential roles in mitotic and meiotic recombination DNA repair and in maintaining genomic stability. Both BRIT1−/− mice and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) were hypersensitive to γ-irradiation. BRIT1−/− MEFs and T lymphocytes exhibited severe chromatid breaks and reduced RAD51 foci formation after irradiation. Notably, BRIT1−/− mice were infertile and meiotic homologous recombination was impaired. BRIT1-deficient spermatocytes exhibited a failure of chromosomal synapsis, and meiosis was arrested at late zygotene of prophase I accompanied by apoptosis. In mutant spermatocytes, DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) were formed, but localization of RAD51 or BRCA2 to meiotic chromosomes was severely impaired. In addition, we found that BRIT1 could bind to RAD51/BRCA2 complexes and that, in the absence of BRIT1, recruitment of RAD51 and BRCA2 to chromatin was reduced while their protein levels were not altered, indicating that BRIT1 is involved in mediating recruitment of RAD51/BRCA2 to the damage site. Collectively, our BRIT1-null mouse model demonstrates that BRIT1 is essential for maintaining genomic stability in vivo to protect the hosts from both programmed and irradiation-induced DNA damages, and its depletion causes a failure in both mitotic and meiotic recombination DNA repair via impairing RAD51/BRCA2's function and as a result leads to infertility and genomic instability in mice

    Sequence Analysis of N-Ethyl-N-Nitrosourea-Induced Vermilion Mutations in Drosophila Melanogaster

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    The mutational specificity of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) was determined in Drosophila melanogaster using the vermilion locus as a target gene. 25 mutants (16 F(1) and 9 F(2) mutants) were cloned and sequenced. Only base-pair changes were observed; three of the mutants represented double base substitutions. Transition mutations were the most prominent sequence change: 61% were GC->AT and 18% AT->GC substitutions. Both sequence changes can be explained by the miscoding properties of the modified guanine and thymine bases. A strong bias of neighboring bases on the occurrence of the GC->AT transitions or a strand preference of both types of transition mutations was not observed. The spectrum of ENU mutations in D. melanogaster includes a significant fraction (21%) of transversion mutations. Our data indicate that like in other prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems also in D. melanogaster the O(6)-ethylguanine adduct is the most prominent premutational lesion after ENU treatment. The strong contribution of the O(6)-ethylguanine adduct to the mutagenicity of ENU possibly explains the absence of distinct differences between the type of mutations observed in the F(1) and F(2) mutants. Although the latter arise later during development, the spectrum of mosaic mutations is also dominated by GC->AT transition mutations

    CTG repeat instability and size variation timing in DNA repair-deficient mice

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    Type 1 myotonic dystrophy is caused by the expansion of an unstable CTG repeat in the DMPK gene. We have investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying the CTG repeat instability by crossing transgenic mice carrying >300 unstable CTG repeats in their human chromatin environment with mice knockout for genes involved in various DNA repair pathways: Msh2 (mismatch repair), Rad52 and Rad54 (homologous recombination) and DNA-PKcs (non-homologous end-joining). Genes of the non-homologous end-joining and homologous recombination pathways did not seem to affect repeat instability. Only lack of Rad52 led to a slight decrease in expansion range. Unexpectedly, the absence of Msh2 did not result in stabilization of the CTG repeats in our model. Instead, it shifted the instability towards contractions rather than expansions, both in tissues and through generations. Furthermore, we carefully analyzed repeat transmissions with different Msh2 genotypes to determine the timing of intergenerational instability. We found that instability over generations depends not only on parental germinal instability, but also on a second event taking place after fertilization