14 research outputs found

    Colonial Metaphors: Symbolic Approaches to the Chaco Tierra Adentro

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    La expresión tierra adentro pertenece al vocabulario de las fuentes coloniales y es también utilizada en el ámbito académico para los estudios de frontera; sin embargo, aún no hemos reflexionado sobre sus usos y sentidos. En este trabajo adopto una perspectiva etnográfica orientada a las fronteras del Chaco durante el siglo XVIII, con la intención de abordar la dimensión simbólica de tierra adentro, atendiendo a los distintos sentidos adheridos a ella durante la Colonia y a las prácticas de dominación asociadas a esas significaciones. Considero, también, su incorporación como categoría de análisis a los estudios académicos sobre los espacios de frontera. Los datos provienen de un gran número de documentos escritos durante la Colonia y fueron examinados desde la propuesta de la antropología histórica: la crítica textual y contextual, la lectura transversal y la interpretación de las situaciones sociales del pasado, entre otras. Tierra adentro condensa un amplio abanico de significados arraigados en el imaginario colonial, que condicionaron la percepción de los grupos indígenas no sometidos y de sus territorios; esos significados ?que se expresan en términos metafóricos? promovieron y habilitaron políticas de sometimiento; el uso de esta expresión en el ámbito académico va de la mano de cierta conceptualización sobre la tierra adentro sobre la que recién se ha comenzado a reflexionar. Este trabajo aporta a la desnaturalización de una expresión habitualmente utilizada, pero sobre cuyos significados intrínsecos aún no se han formulado definiciones ni debates. De esta manera, contribuye a la discusión crítica en cuanto al uso y los alcances teóricos del vocabulario heredado de las fuentes documentales para la investigación histórico-antropológica y propone algunos aspectos comunes que podrían aplicarse a otros espacios concebidos como tierra adentro durante la experiencia colonial.The expression tierra adentro belongs to the language of colonial sources and although it is also used in academia in border studies, we are yet to reflect on its uses and meanings. In this work, I adopt an ethnographic perspective focusing on the frontiers of the Chaco province during the 18th century, in order to address the symbolic dimension of the tierra adentro, paying attention to the different meanings attached to it during the colonial period and the practices of domination associated with those meanings. I also consider its incorporation as a category of analysis in academic border studies. The data come from a large number of documents written during the colonial period, which I examined based on historical anthropology approach: Textual and contextual criticism, transversal reading, and interpretation of past social situations, among others. Tierra adentro condenses a wide range of meanings rooted in the colonial imaginary, which conditioned the perception of non-submissive indigenous groups and their territories; these meanings —expressed in metaphorical terms— promoted and enabled policies of submission. The use of this expression in the academic sphere goes hand in hand with a certain conceptualization of tierra adentro which has only recently begun to be addressed. This work supports the denaturalization of an expression that is commonly used but whose intrinsic meanings have not yet been properly defined or debated. Accordingly, it adds to the critical discussion regarding the use and theoretical scope of the vocabulary acquired from documentary sources for historical-anthropological research and it proposes some common aspects that could be applied to other spaces that were conceived as tierra adentro during the colonial experience.Fil: Lucaioli, Carina Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Centro de Investigaciones Sociales. Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social. Centro de Investigaciones Sociales; Argentin

    El descubrimiento del Estrecho de Magallanes : en conmemoración del IV Centenario

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    Contén: Parte primera (451 p., [21] f. de grav.) -- Parte segunda (410 p., [6] f. de lám., [1] f. de lám. preg.

    Historia de Mindanao y Joló /

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    With facsimile of original t.-p."De la presente obra ... tiráronse quinientos ejemplares, á costa de W. E. Retana."Prologue includes bibliography.Mode of access: Internet

    Two photon versus one photon fluorescence excitation in whispering gallery mode microresonators

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    none14siWe investigate the feasibility of both one photon and two photon fluorescence excitation using whispering gallery mode microresonators. We report the linear and non linear fluorescence real-time detection of labeled IgG covalently bonded to the surface of a silica whispering gallery mode resonator (WGMR). The immunoreagents have been immobilized onto the surface of the WGMR sensor after being activated with an epoxy silane and an orienting layer. The developed immunosensor presents great potential as a robust sensing device for fast and early detection of immunoreactions. We also investigate the potential of microbubbles as nonlinear enhancement platform. The dyes used in these studies are dylight800, tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate, rhodamine 6G and fluorescein. All measurements were performed in a modified confocal microscope.Carme Pastells ; M.-Pilar Marco; David Merino ;Pablo Loza-Alvarez; Laura Pasquardini; Lorenzo Lunelli; Cecilia Pederzolli; Nicola Daldosso; Daniele Farnesi; Simone Berneschi; Giancarlo C. Righini; Franco Quercioli; Gualtiero Nunzi Conti; Silvia SoriaCarme, Pastells; M., Pilar Marco; David, Merino; Pablo Loza, Alvarez; Pasquardini, Laura; Lunelli, Lorenzo; Pederzolli, Cecilia; Nicola, Daldosso; Daniele, Farnesi; Simone, Berneschi; Giancarlo C., Righini; Franco, Quercioli; Gualtiero Nunzi, Conti; Silvia, Sori

    Two photon versus one photon fluorescence excitation in whispering gallery mode microresonators

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    We investigate the feasibility of both one photon and two photon fluorescence excitation using whispering gallery mode microresonators. We report the linear and non linear fluorescence real-time detection of labeled IgG covalently bonded to the surface of a silica whispering gallery mode resonator (WGMR). The immunoreagents have been immobilized onto the surface of the WGMR sensor after being activated with an epoxy silane and an orienting layer. The developed immunosensor presents great potential as a robust sensing device for fast and early detection of immunoreactions. We also investigate the potential of microbubbles as nonlinear enhancement platform. The dyes used in these studies are dylight800, tetramethyl rhodamine isothiocyanate, rhodamine 6G and fluorescein. All measurements were performed in a modified confocal microscope

    Nursing interventions of choice for the prevention and treatment of suicidal behaviour: The umbrella review protocol

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    AIM: To determine which interventions, from a nursing perspective, can be considered as the interventions of choice for the prevention and treatment of suicidal behaviour. In this way, the umbrella review attempts to identify nursing interventions from the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) taxonomy with evidence for this purpose. DESIGN: Descriptive study protocol. METHODS: This umbrella review will consist of an extensive, systematic search of published systematic reviews and meta‐analyses of studies examining interventions of choice for the prevention and treatment of suicidal behaviour. A systematic search of papers indexed in PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge and the Joanna Briggs Institute databases will be carried out; the results will be evaluated for inclusion by two independent reviewers. In addition, the bibliographic references of the included reviews will be searched. The assessment of the methodological quality of the included systematic reviews and meta‐analyses, and data extraction, will be performed by two independent reviewers. Conflicts between reviewers will be resolved by an independent third reviewer. Research Ethics Committee approval is not required for this umbrella review. RESULTS: We will determine which of the interventions identified as being of choice in the review are included in the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC); they may be an effective therapeutic tool for nurses in the prevention and treatment of suicidal behaviour