87 research outputs found

    Comportamento saudável entre adultos jovens no Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia de características asociadas a comportamientos saludables en jóvenes. MÉTODOS: Fueron analizados datos de 14.193 individuos con edades entre 18 y 29 años, referentes al Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo y Protección para Enfermedades Crónicas por Pesquisa Telefónica (VIGITEL), realizado en las 27 capitales brasileras en 2006. Fue considerado saludable quien no fuma, practica actividad física regular y consumo frutas/hortalizas cinco o más días en la semana. Fue analizada asociación entre comportamiento saludable con variables sociodemográficas e indicadores de salud. El análisis de los datos se basó en la razón de prevalencia obtenida por regresión de Poisson. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de jóvenes saludables fue de 8,0%; 39,6% relataron dos comportamientos saludables, 45,3% relataron un, y 7,0% ningún. En el análisis multivariado, el comportamiento saludable fue más frecuente entre participantes con 25-29 años, escolaridad mayor que nueve años de estudio y que relataron haber local para practicar deportes próximo a la residencia. La frecuencia de comportamiento saludable fue significativamente menor entre participantes que relataron color de piel parda o negra, consumo de leche integral y de carne roja o pollo con grasa, estar haciendo dieta y autopercepción de la salud como mala. CONCLUSIONES: Individuos con menos comportamientos saludables perciben su salud como mala, sugiriendo que estos comportamientos influencian negativamente la percepción de la propia salud. El hecho de jóvenes más saludables tener mayor escolaridad, ser de color blanco y vivir próximo al local para practicar deportes sugiere desigualdades en el acceso a prácticas saludables.OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de características associadas a comportamentos saudáveis em jovens. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados dados de 14.193 indivíduos com idades entre 18 e 29 anos, referentes ao sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL), realizado nas 27 capitais brasileiras em 2006. Foi considerado saudável quem não fuma, pratica atividade física regular e consome frutas/hortaliças cinco ou mais dias na semana. Foi analisada associação entre comportamento saudável com variáveis sociodemográficas e indicadores de saúde. A análise dos dados baseou-se na razão de prevalência obtida por regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de jovens saudáveis foi de 8,0%; 39,6% relataram dois comportamentos saudáveis, 45,3% relataram um, e 7,0% nenhum. Na análise multivariada, o comportamento saudável foi mais freqüente entre participantes com 25-29 anos, escolaridade maior que nove anos de estudo e que relataram haver local para praticar esportes próximo à residência. A freqüência de comportamento saudável foi significativamente menor entre participantes que relataram cor de pele parda ou preta, consumo de leite integral e de carne vermelha ou frango com gordura, estar em dieta e autopercepção da saúde como ruim. CONCLUSÕES: Indivíduos com menos comportamentos saudáveis percebem sua saúde como ruim, sugerindo que estes comportamentos influenciam negativamente a percepção da própria saúde. O fato de jovens mais saudáveis terem maior escolaridade, serem de cor branca e morarem próximo a local para praticar esportes sugere desigualdades no acesso a práticas saudáveis.OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and factors associated to healthy behavior among young adults. METHODS: A total of 14,193 respondents aged 18-29 years who participated in the system Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL - Telephone-Based Surveillance of Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Diseases) carried out in 27 Brazilian capitals in 2006 were studied. Healthy behavior was defined as non-smoking, reported regular physical activity and intake of fruits and vegetables five days or more a week. Data analysis was based on prevalence ratios estimated using Poisson regression. RESULTS: The prevalence of healthy young adults was 8.0%; 39.6% reported two healthy behaviors, 45.3% one; and 7.0% none. In the multivariate analysis, healthy behavior was more commonly seen among those aged 25-29 years with 9 or more years of schooling and who reported engaging in physical activities near home. Inverse associations were found with non-white skin color, consumption of whole milk and fatty meat or poultry, being on a diet, and poor self-perception of health status. CONCLUSIONS: Young adults who show fewer healthy behaviors perceive their health as poor, which suggests that these behaviors negatively affect their own health perception. Positive associations with higher schooling, white skin color, and living near physical activity facilities indicate social inequalities in access to healthy behaviors

    The burden of disease among Brazilian older adults and the challenge for health policies : results of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

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    Background: Brazil is the world’s fifth most populous nation, and is currently experimenting a fast demographic aging process in a context of scarce resources and social inequalities. To understand the health profile of older adults in Brazil is fundamental for planning public policies. Methods: The estimates were derived from data obtained through the collaboration between the Brazilian Ministry of Health and the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation of the University of Washington. The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics provided the population estimates. Data on causes of death came from the Mortality Information System. To calculate morbidity, population-based studies on the prevalence of diseases in Brazil were comprehensively searched, in addition to information obtained from national databases such as the Hospital Information System, the Outpatient Information System, and the Injury Information System. We presented the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2017 estimates among Brazilian older adults (60+ years old) for life expectancy at birth (LE), healthy life expectancy (HALE), cause-specific mortality, years of life lost (YLLs), years lived with disability (YLDs), and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), from 2000 to 2017. Results: LE at birth significantly increased from 71.3 years (95% UI to 70.9-71.8) to 75.2 years (95% UI 74.7-75.7). There was a trend of increasing HALE, from 62.2 years (95% UI 59.54-64.5) to 65.5 years (95% UI 62.6-68.0). The proportion of DALYs among older adults increased from 7.3 to 10.3%. Chronic noncommunicable diseases are the leading cause of death among middle aged and older adults, while Alzheimer’s disease is a leading cause only among older adults. Mood disorders, musculoskeletal pain, and hearing or vision losses are among the leading causes of disability. Conclusions: The increase in LE and the decrease of the DALYs rates are probably results of the improvement of social conditions and health policies. However, the smaller increase of HALE than LE means that despite living more, people spend a substantial time of their old age with disability and illness. Preventable or potentially controllable diseases are responsible for most of the burden of disease among Brazilian older adults. Health investments are necessary to obtain longevity with quality of life in Brazil

    The burden of diabetes and hyperglycemia in Brazil-past and present : findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015

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    Background: Diabetes, hyperglycemia, and their complications are a growing problem in Brazil. However, no comprehensive picture of this disease burden has yet been presented to date. Methods: We used Global Burden of Disease 2015 data to characterize diabetes prevalence, incidence and risk factors from 1990 to 2015 in Brazil. Additionally, we provide mortality, years of life lost prematurely (YLL), years of life lived with disability (YLD) and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost due to diabetes, as well as similar data for chronic kidney disease (CKD) due to diabetes and, as an overall summary measure, for hyperglycemia, the latter expressed as high fasting plasma glucose (HFPG). Results: From 1990 to 2015 diabetes prevalence rose from around 3.6 to 6.1%, and YLLs, YLDs, and DALYs attributable to diabetes increased steadily. The crude diabetes death rate increased 90% while that of CKD due to diabetes more than doubled. In 2015, HFPG became Brazil’s 4th leading cause of disability, responsible for 65% of CKD, for 7.0% of all disability and for the staggering annual loss of 4,049,510 DALYs. Diabetes DALYs increased by 118.6% during the period, increasing 42% due to growth in Brazil´s population, 72.1% due to population ageing, and 4.6% due to the change in the underlying, age-standardized rate of DALY due to diabetes. Main risk factors for diabetes were high body mass index; a series of dietary factors, most notably low intake of whole grains and of nuts and seeds, and high intake of processed meats; low physical activity and tobacco use, in that order. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that diabetes, CKD due to diabetes, and hyperglycemia produce a large and increasing burden in Brazil. These findings call for renewed efforts to control the joint epidemics of obesity and diabetes, and to develop strategies to deal with the ever-increasing burden resulting from these diseases

    Analysis of the global strategy on diet, physical activity and health of the World Health Organization

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    O presente documento analisa a Estratégia Global para Alimentação, Atividade Física e Saúde da Organização Mundial da Saúde (EG/OMS), em resposta à demanda da Portaria no 596/GM, de 8 de abril de 2004, do Ministério da Saúde. A análise das evidências científicas que apóiam cada recomendação feita pela EG/OMS foi realizada tendo como referência os critérios definidos pelo Grupo de Peritos do Relatório 916 da OMS, o qual determina a classificação das evidências em convincente, provável, possível e insuficiente. Realizou-se reunião com os componentes do grupo responsável por este documento, para analisar as evidências científicas que apóiam a iniciativa da OMS e classificá-las por consenso, segundo os critérios utilizados na sua elaboração. Projeções para as próximas décadas indicam um crescimento epidêmico das doenças não transmissíveis - particularmente das doenças cardiovasculares, neoplasias e diabetes tipo 2 - na maioria dos países em desenvolvimento. A transição nutricional em curso nesses países, com o aumento expressivo da obesidade, é um dos fatores mais importantes para explicar essa tendência. As recomendações da EG/OMS baseiam-se em evidências científicas convincentes e criam oportunidades para promover a saúde e prevenir o crescimento da obesidade e das doenças não transmissíveis no país e no mundo. A EG/OMS é parte de um grande esforço em prol da alimentação, atividade física e Saúde Pública. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe current document analyzes the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health of the World Health Organization (GS/WHO), and is a response to the Brazilian Ministry of Health Directive nº 596/GM, of 8th April 2004. The criteria proposed by the WHO Report 916 were adopted to analyze the scientific evidence supporting each recommendation made by the GS/WHO, which are categorized based on a classification system of: convincing, probable, possible, and insufficient. The technical group analyzed the published evidence supporting GS/WHO recommendations and classified them by consensus, as proposed by WHO Report 916 criteria. Projections for the next decades point to an epidemic of non-transmissible diseases - particularly cardiovascular diseases, cancer and type 2 diabetes - in most developing countries. The dietary transition, due to the observed increases in obesity, is one of the most important reasons for this tendency. Recomendations by GS/WHO are based on convincing scientific evidence and create opportunities for health promotion, and for preventing of obesity and non-communicable diseases in the country and worldwilde. The GS/WHO is part of a greater effort to realize the benefits of diet, physical activity and public health

    Association between diabetes and cognitive function at baseline in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA- Brasil)

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    Diabetes has been associated with cognitive changes and an increased risk of vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, but it is unclear whether there are associations between diabetes and early alterations in cognitive performance. The present study consisted of a cross-section analysis of 14,444 participants aged 35–74 years and from a developing country at baseline in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA–Brasil); these participants were recruited between 2008 and 2010. We investigated whether there was an association between diabetes and early changes in the cognitive performance of this Brazilian population. To assess cognitive domains, we used the word-list learning, word-list delayed recall and word recognition tests along. Phonemic verbal fuency tests included semantic phonemic test (animals) and a phonemic test (words beginning with the letter F). Executive functions associated with attention, concentration and psychomotor speed were evaluated using the Trail Making Test B. The exposure variable in the study was defned as diabetes. Multiple linear regression was used to estimate the association between diabetes and cognitive performance. The results were adjusted for age, sex, education, hypertension, coronary disease, depression, physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption, and the cholesterol/HDL-C ratio. We found a signifcant association between diabetes and decreased memory, language and executive function (attention, concentration and psychomotor speed) performance in this population from a country with a distinct epidemiological profle, even after adjusting for the main intervening variables

    A carga de doença devido ao diabetes e à hiperglicemia no Brasil e seus estados : achados do Global Burden of Disease Study 2015

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    Introduction and objective: The global burden of disease (GBD) 2015 project, extends GBD analyses to include Brazilian federative units separately. We take advantage of GBD methodological advances to describe the current burden of diabetes and hyperglycemia in Brazil. Methods: Using standard GBD 2015 methods, we analyzed the burden of diabetes, chronic kidney disease due to diabetes and high fasting plasma glucose in Brazil and its states. Results: The age-standardized rate of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) which was lost to high fasting plasma glucose, a category which encompasses burdens of diabetes and of lesser hyperglycemia, were 2448.85 (95% UI 2165.96-2778.69) /100000 for males, and 1863.90 (95% UI 1648.18- 2123.47) /100000 for females in 2015. This rate was more than twice as great in states with highest burden, these being overwhelmingly in the northeast and north, compared with those with lowest rates. The rate of crude DALYs for high fasting plasma glucose, increased by 35% since 1990, while DALYs due to all noncommunicable diseases increased only by 12.7%, and DALYs from all causes declined by 20.5%. Discussion: The worldwide pandemic of diabetes and hyperglycemia now causes a major and growing disease burden in Brazil, especially in states with greater poverty and a lesser educational level. Conclusion: Diabetes and chronic kidney disease due to diabetes, as well as high fasting plasma glucose in general, currently constitute a major and growing public health problem in Brazil. Actions to date for their prevention and control have been slow considering the magnitude of this burden.Introdução e objetivo: O projeto Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2015 estendeu suas análises para incluir unidades federativas brasileiras de maneira separada. Aproveitamos os avanços metodológicos do GBD para descrever a carga atual de diabetes e hiperglicemia no Brasil. Métodos: Utilizando os métodos padrão GBD 2015, analisamos a carga de diabetes, de doença renal crônica por diabetes e de glicemia de jejum elevada no Brasil e seus estados. Resultados: A taxa padronizada por idade de anos de vida ajustados por morte ou incapacidade (DALYs) perdidos devido à glicemia de jejum elevadafoi de 2448,85 (95% IU 2165,96-2778,69)/100000 para homens e 1863,90 (95% IU 1648,18-2123,47)/100.000 para as mulheres em 2015. Esta taxa foi mais do que o dobro em estados com maior carga, quase sempre no Nordeste e Norte, em comparação com aqueles com as taxas mais baixas. A taxa bruta de DALYs devido à glicose de jejum elevada aumentou 35% desde 1990, enquanto que a dos DALYs devido a todas as doenças não transmissíveis aumentou apenas 12,7% e a taxa dos DALYs devido a todas as causas diminuiu 20,5%. Discussão: A pandemia mundial de diabetes e hiperglicemia atualmente causa uma grande e crescente carga de doenças no Brasil, especialmente em estados com maior pobreza e menor escolaridade. Conclusão: O diabetes e a doença renal crônica por diabetes, bem como a glicemia de jejum elevada constituem atualmente um grande e crescente problema de saúde pública no Brasil. As ações até o momento para sua prevenção e controle tem sido tímidas considerando a magnitude dessa carga

    Education plays a greater role than age in cognitive test performance among participants of the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil)

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    Background: Brazil has gone through fast demographic, epidemiologic and nutritional transitions and, despite recent improvements in wealth distribution, continues to present a high level of social and economic inequality. The ELSA-Brasil, a cohort study, aimed at investigating cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, offers a great opportunity to assess cognitive decline in this aging population through time-sequential analyses drawn from the same battery of tests over time. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of sex, age and education on cognitive tests performance of the participants at baseline. Methods: Analyses pertain to 14,594 participants with aged 35 to 74 years, who were functionally independent and had no history of stroke or use of neuroleptics, anticonvulsants, cholinesterase inhibitors or antiparkinsonian agents. Mean age was 52.0 ± 9.0 years and 54.2 % of participants were women. Cognitive tests included the word memory tests (retention, recall and recognition), verbal fluency tests (VFT, animals and letter F) and Trail Making Test B. Multivariable linear regression analysis was used to determine the influence of sociodemographic characteristics on the distribution of the final score of each test. Results: Women had significant and slightly higher scores than men in all memory tests and VFT, but took more time to perform Trail B. Reduced performance in all tests was seen with an increase age and, more importantly, with decrease level of education. The word list and VFT scores decreased at about one word for every 10 years of age whereas higher-educated participants scored four words more on the word list test, and six or seven more correct words on VFT, when compared to lower-educated participants. Additionally, the oldest and less educated participants showed significant lower response rates in all tests. Conclusions: The higher influence of education than age in this Brazilian population reinforce the need for caution in analyzing and diagnosing cognitive impairments based on traditional cognitive tests and the importance of searching for education-free cognitive tests, especially in low and middle-income countries

    The burden of low back pain in Brazil : estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2017 Study

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    Background: The prevalence and burden of musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are growing around the world, and low back pain (LBP) is the most significant of the five defined MSK disorders in the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study. LBP has been the leading cause of non-fatal health loss for the last three decades. The objective of this study is to describe the current status and trends of the burden due to LBP in Brazil based on information drawn from the GBD 2017 study. Methods: We estimated prevalence and years lived with disability (YLDs) for LBP by Brazilian federative units, sex, age group, and age-standardized between 1990 and 2017 and conducted a decomposition analysis of changes in age- and sex-specific YLD rates attributable to total population growth and population ageing for the purpose of understanding the drivers of changes in LBP YLDs rates in Brazil. Furthermore, we analyzed the changes in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) rankings for this disease over the period. Results: The results show high prevalence and burden of LBP in Brazil. LBP prevalence increased 26.83% (95% UI 23.08 to 30.41) from 1990 to 2017. This MSK condition represents the most important cause of YLDs in Brazil, where the increase in burden is mainly related to increase in population size and ageing. The LBP age-standardized YLDs rate are similar among Brazilian federative units. LBP ranks in the top three causes of DALYs in Brazil, even though it does not contribute to mortality. Conclusions: Findings from this study show LBP to be the most important cause of YLDs and the 3rd leading cause of DALYs in Brazil. The Brazilian population is ageing, and the country has been experiencing a rapid epidemiological transition, which generates an increasing number of people who need chronic care. In this scenario, more attention should be paid to the burden of non-fatal health conditions.Telemedicin

    Trends in mortality due to noncommunicable diseases in the Brazilian adult population : national and subnational estimates and projections for 2030

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    Background: Monitoring and reducing premature mortality due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is a global priority of Agenda 2030. This study aimed to describe the mortality trends and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost due to NCDs between 1990 and 2017 for Brazil and to project those for 2030 as well as the risk factors (RFs) attributed deaths according to estimates of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Methods: We analyzed cardiovascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, neoplasms, and diabetes, and compared the mortality rates in 1990 and 2017 for all of Brazil and states. The study used the definition of premature mortality (30–69 years) that is used by the World Health Organization. The number of deaths, mortality rates, DALYs, and years of life lost (YLL) were used to compare 1990 and 2017. We analyzed the YLL for NCDs attributable to RFs. Results: There was a reduction of 35.3% from 509.1 deaths/100,000 inhabitants (1990) to 329.6 deaths/100,000 inhabitants due to NCDs in 2017. The DALY rate decreased by 33.6%, and the YLL rate decreased by 36.0%. There were reductions in NCDs rates in all 27 states. The main RFs related to premature deaths by NCDs in 2017 among women were high body mass index (BMI), dietary risks, high systolic blood pressure, and among men, dietary risks, high systolic blood pressure, tobacco, and high BMI. Trends in mortality rates due to NCDs declined during the study period; however, after 2015, the curve reversed, and rates fluctuated and tended to increase. Conclusion: Our findings highlighted a decline in premature mortality rates from NCDs nationwide and in all states. There was a greater reduction in deaths from cardiovascular diseases, followed by respiratory diseases, and we observed a minor reduction for those from diabetes and neoplasms. The observed fluctuations in mortality rates over the last 3 years indicate that if no further action is taken, we may not achieve the NCD Sustainable Development Goals. These findings draw attention to the consequences of austerity measures in a socially unequal setting with great regional disparities in which the majority of the population is dependent on state social policies

    A pandemia da COVID-19 no Brasil: a série de projeções do Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation e a evolução observada, maio – agosto de 2020

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    Objective: To describe the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation projections for the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil and its states, present their accuracy and discuss their implications. Methods: We describe projections from May to August, 2020 for Brazil and selected states, comparing them with the ensuing reported number of cumulative deaths. Results: The pandemic is projected to cause 182,809 deaths by December 1, 2020 in Brazil. An increase in mask use could reduce the projected death toll by ~17,000. The average error in projections of the cumulative number of deaths in 2, 4 and 6 weeks was 13%, 18% and 22%. Conclusion: IHME short, and medium term projections provide important and sufficiently accurate information to inform health planners, elected officials, and society. After presenting a very troublesome course to August, the pandemic is projected to decline steadily and slowly, with ~400 deaths/day still occurring in early December.Objetivo: Descrever as projeções do Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) para a COVID-19 no Brasil e seus estados, apresentar sua acurácia e discutir suas implicações. Métodos: As previsões do IHME de maio a agosto de 2020, para o Brasil e alguns estados, foram comparadas ao número de mortes cumulativas observadas. Resultados: A projeção prevê 182.809 mortes causadas pela pandemia até 1o de dezembro de 2020 no Brasil. O aumento no uso de máscara poderia poupar ~17.000 óbitos. O erro médio no número acumulado de óbitos em duas, quatro e seis semanas das projeções foi de 13%, 18% e 22% respectivamente. Conclusão: Projeções de curto e médio prazo dispõem dados importantes e acurácia suficiente para informar os gestores de saúde, autoridades eleitas e sociedade geral. Após trajeto difícil até agosto, a pandemia, conforme as projeções, terá declínio sustentado, embora demorado, causando em média 400 óbitos/dia no início de dezembro