67 research outputs found

    All Work and No Play: A Call for a Movement Toward Requiring Extracurricular Involvement

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    Many school districts across New York State have been severely impacted by budget cuts, and extracurricular activities are normally the first programs eliminated in order to save money. This senior thesis paper seeks to prove the benefits of keeping extracurricular activities at schools, as well as the added benefits of making extracurricular activities a student requirement. This thesis explores several schools within different demographics that have strong extracurricular programs, and explains how that correlates to improved academic achievement, social skills, community involvement, and desirability to potential colleges and employers. In addition, it addresses the potential argument of there being no proven causal relationship between extracurricular activities and academic outcomes, and gives a valid counterargument. This thesis also proposes possible amended block schedules for schools that wish to include mandatory extracurricular activities within their school day, including one schedule with an extracurricular block at the end of the day, one with that block at the beginning of the day, and one with that block in the middle of the day, and explains the benefits, disadvantages, and practicality of each. Conclusions from the evidence in this thesis suggest that the benefits of requiring extracurricular activities outweigh the potential difficulty in practicality and funding that a school district may face

    The Effect Earning a GED While Incarcerated has on Recidivism Rates: A Research Synthesis

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    The purpose of this research synthesis was to determine the effect that academic education programs have on recidivism rates. The purpose of American correctional facilities is to correct the behavior of convicted felons so that they do not return to criminal activities after they are released. Billions of dollars are spent by state and federal correction departments each year to do this. Academic and vocational education, religious, counseling, substance abuse and drug treatment, anger management, and parenting skills are just some of the prominent programs offered to offenders to help them return to society as responsible citizens. Twenty-one peer-reviewed journal articles from the existing literature were analyzed in this study. They included pre-admission statistics, in-prison programming, and post-release outcomes. This research synthesis confirms that not only does academic education reduce recidivism, but it does so more effectively than all other programs. Academic education has the most significant effect on younger, less educated, first time offenders convicted of property or drug related crimes. Therefore, such programs should be designed to give these offenders every opportunity to earn their GED

    Projecte constructiu de pont sobre el riu Congost al municipi de Granollers

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    PolygonSouls : Un joc d'acció amb vista zenital i esperit souls-like

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    Aquest projecte consisteix en la creació d'un joc 2D amb vista aéria mitjançant el motor gràfic Godot. Els nivells es generaran procedimentalment de manera aleatòria, així com el seu contingut. Hi haurà enemics de diferents nivells; els més alts tindran una intel·ligència artificial que els hi permetrà contrarestar els atacs del jugador seguint el sistema de combat basat en Pedra-Paper-Tisora. En aquest treball s'ha creat un joc capaç de generar procedimental un nivell així com s'han implementat diverses intel·ligències artificials amb scripting dinàmic capaces de contrarestar els atacs del jugador donant-li així un repte a superar.This project consist in the creation of a 2D game with aerial view using the Godot Engine. The levels will be procedural generated randomly, as well as their content. There will be enemies of diferent levels, the highest ones will have an artificial intelligence that will allow them to counter the player's attacks following the combat system based on Rock-Paper-Scissors. In this project, a game has been created capable of procedurally generating a level as well as artificial intelligence with dynamic scripting capable of countering the player's attacks has been integrated, thus giving the player a challenge to overcome.Este proyecto consiste en la creación de un juego 2D con vista aérea mediante el motor gráfico Godot. Los niveles se generarán procedimentalmente de manera aleatoria, así como su contenido. Habrá enemigos de diferentes niveles; los más altos tendrán una inteligencia artificial que les permitirá contrarrestar los ataques del jugador siguiendo el sistema de combate basado en Piedra-Papel-Tijera. En este trabajo se ha creado un juego capaz de generar procedimental un nivel así como se han implementado diversas inteligencias artificiales con scripting dinámico capaces de contrarrestar los ataques del jugador dándole así un reto a superar

    Efficacy, safety, tolerability and population pharmacokinetics of tedizolid, a novel antibiotic, in Latino patients with acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections

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    AbstractAcute bacterial skin and skin structure infections are caused mainly by Gram-positive bacteria which are often treated with intravenous vancomycin, daptomycin, or linezolid, with potential step down to oral linezolid for outpatients. Tedizolid phosphate 200mg once daily treatment for six days demonstrated non-inferior efficacy, with a favourable safety profile, compared with linezolid 600mg twice daily treatment for 10 days in the Phase 3 ESTABLISH-1 and -2 trials. The objective of the current post-hoc analysis of the integrated dataset of ESTABLISH-1 and -2 was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of tedizolid (N=182) vs linezolid (N=171) in patients of Latino origin enrolled into these trials. The baseline demographic characteristics of Latino patients were similar between the two treatment groups. Tedizolid demonstrated comparable efficacy to linezolid at 48–72h in the intent-to-treat population (tedizolid: 80.2% vs linezolid: 81.9%). Sustained clinical success rates were comparable between tedizolid- and linezolid-treated Latino patients at end-of-therapy (tedizolid: 86.8% vs linezolid: 88.9%). Tedizolid phosphate treatment was well tolerated by Latino patients in the safety population with lower abnormal platelet counts at end-of-therapy (tedizolid: 3.4% vs linezolid: 11.3%, p=0.0120) and lower incidence of gastrointestinal adverse events (tedizolid: 16.5% vs linezolid: 23.5%). Population pharmacokinetic analysis suggested that estimated tedizolid exposure measures in Latino patients vs non-Latino patients were similar. These findings demonstrate that tedizolid phosphate 200mg, once daily treatment for six days was efficacious and well tolerated by patients of Latino origin, without warranting dose adjustment

    Nonclinical and pharmacokinetic assessments to evaluate the potential of tedizolid and linezolid to affect mitochondrial function

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    Prolonged treatment with the oxazolidinone linezolid is associated with myelosuppression, lactic acidosis, and neuropathies, toxicities likely caused by impairment of mitochondrial protein synthesis (MPS). To evaluate the potential of the novel oxazolidinone tedizolid to cause similar side effects, nonclinical and pharmacokinetic assessments were conducted. In isolated rat heart mitochondria, tedizolid inhibited MPS more potently than did linezolid (average [± standard error of the mean] 50% inhibitory concentration [IC50] for MPS of 0.31 ± 0.02 μM versus 6.4 ± 1.2 μM). However, a rigorous 9-month rat study comparing placebo and high-dose tedizolid (resulting in steady-state area under the plasma concentration-time curve values about 8-fold greater than those with the standard therapeutic dose in humans) showed no evidence of neuropathy. Additional studies explored why prolonged, high-dose tedizolid did not cause these mitochondriopathic side effects despite potent MPS inhibition by tedizolid. Murine macrophage (J774) cell fractionation studies found no evidence of a stable association of tedizolid with eukaryotic mitochondria. Monte Carlo simulations based on population pharmacokinetic models showed that over the course of a dosing interval using standard therapeutic doses, free plasma concentrations fell below the respective MPS IC50 in 84% of tedizolid-treated patients (for a median duration of 7.94 h) and 38% of linezolid-treated patients (for a median duration of 0 h). Therapeutic doses of tedizolid, but not linezolid, may therefore allow for mitochondrial recovery during antibacterial therapy. The overall results suggest that tedizolid has less potential to cause myelosuppression and neuropathy than that of linezolid during prolonged treatment courses. This, however, remains a hypothesis that must be confirmed in clinical studies

    Projecte constructiu de pont sobre el riu Congost al municipi de Granollers

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    Projecte constructiu de pont sobre el riu Congost al municipi de Granollers

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