97 research outputs found

    Foreign bodies in the ears causing complications and requiring hospitalization in children 0-14 age: results from the ESFBI study

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    The occurrence of foreign bodies (FBs) in otorhinolaryngological practice is a common and serious problem among patients in paediatric age. The aim of this work is to characterize the risk of complications and prolonged hospitalization due to foreign bodies in ears in terms of the characteristics of the injured patients (age, gender), typology and features of the foreign bodies, the circumstances of the accident and the hospitalization's details

    Salivary biomarkers and proteomics: future diagnostic and clinical utilities

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    Lo studio della proteomica salivare, test economico e non invasivo, rappresenta una fonte di numerose informazioni, ed Ăš utile per la diagnosi di svariate malattie. Da quando siamo entrati nellera della tecnologia genomica e delle scienze omiche, la raccolta di campioni salivari Ăš aumentata esponenzialmente. Recenti piattaforme proteomiche hanno analizzato il proteoma salivare umano, caratterizzando circa 3000 peptidi e proteine, espressi in maniera differente: piĂč del 90% in peso deriva dalla secrezione delle tre ghiandole salivari maggiori, mentre la restante parte proviene dalle ghiandole salivari minori, dal fluido crevicolare gengivale, da essudati mucosi e dalla microflora orale. Lobiettivo principale dellanalisi proteomica Ăš discriminare tra condizioni fisiologiche e patologiche. Ad oggi, tuttavia, non esiste un preciso protocollo che permetta di analizzare lintero proteoma salivare, pertanto sono state realizzate svariate strategie. Innanzitutto, Ăš possibile distinguere due tipologie di piattaforme proteomiche: lapproccio top-down prevede lanalisi delle proteine sotto esame come entitĂ  intatte; nellapproccio bottom-up la caratterizzazione della proteina avviene mediante lo studio dei peptidi ottenuti dopo digestione enzimatica (con tripsina tipicamente). A causa di questa eterogeneitĂ , per una stessa patologia sono stati proposti differenti biomarkers. Il proteoma salivare Ăš stato caratterizzato in numerose malattie: carcinoma squamoso e leucoplachie orali, malattia del trapianto contro lospite (GVHD) cronica, sindrome di Sjögren e altri disordini autoimmuni come la sindrome SAPHO (sinovite, acne, pustolosi, iperostosi e osteite), schizofrenia e disordine bipolare, malattie genetiche come la sindrome di Down o la malattia di Wilson. In conclusione, i risultati delle ricerche riportate in questa review suggeriscono che nel prossimo futuro la saliva diverrĂ  un fluido di indubbia rilevanza diagnostica utile per fini clinici, sia diagnostici, sia prognostici

    Position Paper on Olfactory Dysfunction

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    Background: Olfactory dysfunction is an increasingly recognised condition, associated with reduced quality of life and major health outcomes such as neurodegeneration and death. However, translational research in this field is limited by heterogeneity in methodological approach, including definitions of impairment, improvement and appropriate assessment techniques. Accordingly, effective treatments are limited. In an effort to encourage high quality and comparable work in this field, among others, we propose the following ideas and recommendations. Whilst full recommendations are outlined in the main document, key points include: -Patients with suspected olfactory loss should undergo a full examination of the head and neck, including rigid nasal endoscopy. -Subjective olfactory assessment should not be undertaken in isolation, given its poor reliability. -Psychophysical assessment tools used in clinical and research settings should include reliable and validated tests of odour threshold, and/or one of odour identification or discrimination. -Comprehensive chemosensory assessment should include gustatory screening. -Smell training can be helpful in patients with olfactory loss of several aetiologies. Conclusions: We hope the current manuscript will encourage clinicians and researchers to adopt a common language, and in so doing, increase the methodological quality, consistency and generalisability of work in this field

    An international survey on the pragmatic management of epistaxis

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    Epistaxis is one of the most common ear, nose and throat emergencies. The management of epistaxis has evolved significantly in recent years, including the use of nasal cautery and packs. However, a correct treatment requires the knowledge of nasal anatomy, potential risks, and complications of treatment. Epistaxis is often a simple and readily treatable condition, even though a significant bleed may have potentially severe consequences. At present, there are very few guidelines concerning this topic. The current Survey explored the pragmatic approach in managing epistaxis. A questionnaire, including 7 practical questions has been used. The current International Survey on epistaxis management reported a relevant prevalence (21.7%), mainly during childhood and senescence, an important hospitalization rate (11.8%), the common use of anterior packing and electrocoagulation, and the popular prescription of a vitamin supplement and intranasal creams

    International Consensus Statement on Rhinology and Allergy: Rhinosinusitis

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    Background: The 5 years since the publication of the first International Consensus Statement on Allergy and Rhinology: Rhinosinusitis (ICAR‐RS) has witnessed foundational progress in our understanding and treatment of rhinologic disease. These advances are reflected within the more than 40 new topics covered within the ICAR‐RS‐2021 as well as updates to the original 140 topics. This executive summary consolidates the evidence‐based findings of the document. Methods: ICAR‐RS presents over 180 topics in the forms of evidence‐based reviews with recommendations (EBRRs), evidence‐based reviews, and literature reviews. The highest grade structured recommendations of the EBRR sections are summarized in this executive summary. Results: ICAR‐RS‐2021 covers 22 topics regarding the medical management of RS, which are grade A/B and are presented in the executive summary. Additionally, 4 topics regarding the surgical management of RS are grade A/B and are presented in the executive summary. Finally, a comprehensive evidence‐based management algorithm is provided. Conclusion: This ICAR‐RS‐2021 executive summary provides a compilation of the evidence‐based recommendations for medical and surgical treatment of the most common forms of RS

    LARD: Large-scale Artificial Disfluency Generation

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    Disfluency detection is a critical task in real-time dialogue systems. However, despite its importance, it remains a relatively unexplored field, mainly due to the lack of appropriate datasets. At the same time, existing datasets suffer from various issues, including class imbalance issues, which can significantly affect the performance of the model on rare classes, as it is demonstrated in this paper. To this end, we propose LARD, a method for generating complex and realistic artificial disfluencies with little effort. The proposed method can handle three of the most common types of disfluencies: repetitions, replacements and restarts. In addition, we release a new large-scale dataset with disfluencies that can be used on four different tasks: disfluency detection, classification, extraction and correction. Experimental results on the LARD dataset demonstrate that the data produced by the proposed method can be effectively used for detecting and removing disfluencies, while also addressing limitations of existing datasets.Comment: Accepted at LREC 202
