7 research outputs found

    Short-term assessment of pain and discomfort during rapid maxillary expansion with tooth-bone-borne and tooth-borne appliances: randomized clinical trial

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    ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to evaluate and compare, during the first week of rapid maxillary expansion (RME), the impact caused by two types of appliances: Hyrax and Hybrid Hyrax. Methods: Forty-two patients who met the eligibility criteria (aged 11-14 years, with transverse maxillary deficiency, posterior crossbite, and presence of maxillary first premolars and first permanent molars) were selected and randomly divided into two groups: TBB GROUP (tooth-bone-borne expander), treated with Hybrid Hyrax (12 females and 9 males, mean age 13.3 ± 1.3 years), and TB GROUP (tooth-borne expander), treated with Hyrax (5 females and 16 males, mean age 13.3 ± 1.4 years). Pain and discomfort were assessed in two times: after the first day of activation (T1) and four days after, by means of the numerical rate scale and the instrument MFIQ (Mandibular Functional Impairment Questionnaire). Descriptive statistics and the Mann-Whitney test were used for comparison between groups and between sexes. A 5% significance level was adopted. Results: Both appliances had a negative impact, generating pain and discomfort, and reducing functional capacity. However, the scores obtained were of low intensity and no significant differences were observed between the groups. Considering sexes, there were statistically significant differences, with the female sex presenting higher scores for pain and functional limitation. Conclusions: Despite causing impact in pain and increase in the functional limitation, these changes were of low intensity, with no statistical difference between the groups. Females were more sensitive to the impact caused by the RME

    Atendimento à parada cardiorrespiratória: Experiência de estágio supervisionado em medicina / Cardiorespiratory arrest care: Supervised internship experience in medicine

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    Objetivo: descrever experiência vivenciada no atendimento à parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR) durante estágio supervisionado em medicina. Método: relato de experiência, em formato descritivo, das ações de reanimação cardiopulmonar (RCP) em pacientes vítimas de parada cardiorrespiratória na área vermelha trauma do Hospital Geral do Estado de Alagoas no período de 2020 a 2021. Resultado: foram desenvolvidas atividades no setor de urgência e emergência do Hospital Geral do Estado de Alagoas (HGE-AL), onde os internos são responsáveis, entre outras atividades,  pela realização de cuidados intensivos gerais, como reanimação cardiorrespiratória. Durante as práticas ficou evidente que a não formação de uma equipe pré-estabelecida e treinada, como preconiza a American Heart Association (AHA)1, acarreta na lentificação do atendimento. Conclusão: a PCR é um evento grave, com morbidade e mortalidade elevadas2, por esse motivo as manobras de RCP devem ser realizadas o mais brevemente possível a fim de garantir o restabelecimento da função cardiorrespiratória. A fim disso, foi elaborado um protocolo de organização dos internos para atuação na equipe de atendimento a PCR no serviço de urgência e emergência do HGE-AL

    Hierarchical Classification of Financial Transactions Through Context-Fusion of Transformer-based Embeddings and Taxonomy-aware Attention Layer

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    This work proposes the Two-headed DragoNet, a Transformer-based model for hierarchical multi-label classification of financial transactions. Our model is based on a stack of Transformers encoder layers that generate contextual embeddings from two short textual descriptors (merchant name and business activity), followed by a Context Fusion layer and two output heads that classify transactions according to a hierarchical two-level taxonomy (macro and micro categories). Finally, our proposed Taxonomy-aware Attention Layer corrects predictions that break categorical hierarchy rules defined in the given taxonomy. Our proposal outperforms classical machine learning methods in experiments of macro-category classification by achieving an F1-score of 93\% on a card dataset and 95% on a current account dataset

    El protagonismo de la estructura en la arquitectura del edificio Vilanova Artigas - FAU-USP

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    O projeto do edifício da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo (FAU / USP) é de autoria do arquiteto Vilanovas Artigas, e recebe também seu nome. O projeto se destaca pela racionalidade construtiva, pela riqueza espacial e pelo aspecto didático com o qual os elementos construtivos são mostrados aos usuários do edifício, predominantemente estudantes de arquitetura. O projeto de 1961, foi executado entre 1966 a 1969. O concreto é usado em quase todo o edifício, fundações, vigas e pilares, e também no telhado e nas paredes. Destacam-se pilares externos que, posicionados fora da modulação estrutural, têm forma escultural, distinguindo-se dos demais pilares internos. Externamente, o edifício se apresenta como um volume retangular, suspenso no chão, sustentado pelos pilares esculturais, marcando as características do Brutalismo Paulista. Em contraste com a sobriedade e singularidade da forma externa, a espacialidade interna é muito dinâmica, resultado do jogo grandes balanços das lajes no vazio central, da alternância de aberturas e fechamentos e da generosidade dos espaços de circulação. Essa relação entre a arquitetura moderna e a concepção estrutural é explorada nesses estudos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é compreender os esforços a que a estrutura está sujeita por meio de ferramentas computacionais, como o software SAP 2000, verificar as justificativas construtivas, estéticas e didáticas da solução estrutural e destacar o protagonismo do sistema estrutural no resultado arquitetural.The building design for the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo (FAU / USP) was designed by the architect Vilanovas Artigas, and is also named after him. The project stands out for its constructive rationality, spatial richness and the didactic aspect with which the building elements are shown to users of the building, predominantly students of architecture. The 1961 project was carried out between 1966 and 1969. Concrete is used in almost the entire building, foundations, beams and pillars, as well as on the roof and walls. There are external pillars which, positioned outside the structural modulation, have a sculptural shape, distinguishing themselves from the other internal pillars. Externally, the building is characterized by presenting itself as a rectangular volume, suspended on the floor, supported by sculptural pillars, marking the characteristics of Brutalism Paulista. In contrast to the sobriety and uniqueness of the external form, the internal spatiality is very dynamic, the result of the game of advances and retreats in the central void, the alternation of openings and closings and the generosity of the circulation spaces. This relationship between modern architecture and structural design is explored in these studies. The objective of the present work is to understand the efforts to which the structure is subjected by means of computational tools, such as the SAP 2000 software, to verify the constructive, aesthetic and didactic justifications of the structural solution and to highlight the protagonism of the structural system for the architectural result.El diseño del edificio FAU / USP fue diseñado por el arquitecto Vilanovas Artigas y lleva su nombre. El proyecto es destacado por su racionalidad constructiva, riqueza espacial y el aspecto didáctico con el que se muestran los elementos a los usuarios del edificio. El proyecto de 1961 se llevó a cabo entre 1966 y 1969. El hormigón se utiliza en casi todo el edificio, incluidos los techos y las paredes. Destacamos pilares externos que, fuera de la modulación estructural, tienen una forma escultórica, distinguiéndose de los otros pilares. Externamente, el edificio se presenta como un volumen rectangular, suspendido en el piso, sostenido por pilares escultóricos, que marcan las características del brutalismo paulista. En contraste con la sobriedad y la singularidad de la forma externa, la espacialidad interna es muy dinámica, resultado de los grandes equilibrios de las losas en el vacío central, la alternancia de aberturas y cierres y la generosidad de los espacios de circulación. Esta relación entre la arquitectura moderna y el diseño estructural se explora en estos estudios. El objetivo del presente trabajo es comprender los esfuerzos a los que se somete la estructura mediante herramientas computacionales, como el software SAP 2000, verificar las justificaciones constructivas, estéticas y didácticas de la solución estructural y resaltar el papel del sistema estructural en el resultado arquitectónico

    Proton/Hydrogen Transfer Mechanisms in the Guanine-\u80\u93Cytosine Base Pair : Photostability and Tautomerism

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    Proton/hydrogen-transfer processes have been broadly studied in the past 50 years to explain the photostability and the spontaneous tautomerism in the DNA base pairs. In the present study, the CASSCF/CASPT2 methodology is used to map the two-dimensional potential energy surfaces along the stretched NH reaction coordinates of the guanine–cytosine (GC) base pair. Concerted and stepwise pathways are explored initially in vacuo, and three mechanisms are studied: the stepwise double proton transfer, the stepwise double hydrogen transfer, and the concerted double proton transfer. The results are consistent with previous findings related to the photostability of the GC base pair, and a new contribution to tautomerism is provided. The C-based imino-oxo and imino-enol GC tautomers, which can be generated during the UV irradiation of the Watson–Crick base pair, have analogous radiationless energy-decay channels to those of the canonical base pair. In addition, the C-based imino-enol GC tautomer is thermally less stable. A study of the GC base pair is carried out subsequently taking into account the DNA surroundings in the biological environment. The most important stationary points are computed using the quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approach, suggesting a similar scenario for the proton/hydrogen-transfer phenomena in vacuo and in DNA. Finally, the static model is complemented by ab initio dynamic simulations, which show that vibrations at the hydrogen bonds can indeed originate hydrogen-transfer processes in the GC base pair. The relevance of the present findings for the rationalization of the preservation of the genetic code and mutagenesis is discussed

    Proton/Hydrogen Transfer Mechanisms in the Guanine–Cytosine Base Pair: Photostability and Tautomerism

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