25 research outputs found

    Social Image of the Ural Region Mining Workers at the Post-Reform Time Period

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    The article dwells upon a transition character of the Ural proletariat at the post-reform time period. Both domestic and foreign historiography define the social image of the Russian worker of the 20th century second part as either proletarian or referring to a “half-worker and half-peasant” type, combining traditional pre-capitalist features with newer ones, characteristic of industrial manufacture. A manufacturer’s being connected to the land as well as forming a certain mentality combined with the professional skills are considered the main criteria while defining the Russian workers’ typology. Taking into consideration the Urals old tradition of industrial manufacture, the process of forming an independent class at the area progressed rather vigorously. Despite of land allotments availability, workers in the Urals got under influence of modernization. Treating scornfully peasant work, industrial workers purposefully separated themselves from peasants. Nevertheless, it will be wrong to speak about complete disappearance of traditional peasant psychology among the Ural proletariat of the said time period. The working class at the region used to belong to a transition type, therefore we can speak about its incomplete establishment as a bourgeois society class

    Prospects for digitalization of sustainable development projects in the Russian Federation

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    Green bonds have become the most notable innovations in the field of sustainable financing over the past 10 years. The article discusses the problems of issuing and circulation of such financial market instruments, examines the opportunities that modern financial technologies provide for the development of this market segment. Technologies for investing in green bonds and sustainable development bonds remain burdensome and technologically complex, as they involve going through many stages and attracting a significant number of participants. In addition, to date, there has not been a liquid and transparent market for retail investors, and economic sanctions against Russia cut off the country from the financial markets of other countries for an indefinite time. However, the tools of sustainable development can now be successfully applied if innovative technologies such as blockchain technologies, smart contracts, the Internet of things and digital assets are used. The purpose of the study is to formulate recommendations for the progress of the sustainable development system in Russia, as well as to propose a mechanism for the tokenization of sustainable development bonds to attract and place funds from small investors in order to solve social and environmental problems of the Russian economy


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    In this paper, we present the efficiency estimations of active breathing control with usage ABC system to ensure accuracy and reproducibility of patient positioning for hypofractionated or radiosurgery treatment of solitary lung tumors. The treatment procedures were holding on Elekta Axesse linac. Patients were positioning as for CT pretreatment scanning in supine position with hands behind their head and with using additional fixation (usually, knee and head support cushions). Patient’s position corrections were done with usage 3D imaging system XVI (Elekta AB) and robotic couch HexaPod to match isocenters the treatment plan and linac. It’s considered the interfraction patients’ offsets due to inaccurate setup and respiratory movements. It’s developed a protocol of choosing CTV-PTV margins for use in clinical practice, which is 5-9 mm, depending on anatomical directions. The margins have the greatest value in vertical (SI) and much lesser in transverse (LR) and longitudinal (AP) directions.В данной работе проведена оценка эффективности активного контроля дыхания пациента при помощи системы ABC в обеспечении точности и воспроизводимости укладки пациента при проведении гипофракционного или радиохирургического лечения больных с солитарными опухолями легкого. Сеанс облучения пациентов на медицинском ускорителе Elekta Axesse проводился в положении лежа с заведенными за голову руками и с использованием дополнительных фиксирующих устройств (чаще всего фиксация для ног и головы), как при выполнении референсных КТ-снимков. Положение пациента корректировалось средствами системы трехмерной рентгеновской визуализации XVI (Elekta AB) при помощи роботизированного стола HexaPod для совмещения изоцентра лечебного плана и изоцентра ускорителя. Рассмотрены интерфракционные смещения пациента, вызванные неточной укладкой и респираторными движениями. Разработан протокол выбора отступов CTV-PTV рекомендуемых для использования в клинической практике, которые составляют 5-9 мм, в зависимости от анатомического направления. Они имеют наибольшую величину в вертикальном (SI) и значительно меньшую в поперечном (LR) и продольном направлениях (AP)


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    The results of the study of metabolic and clinical-radiological changes in patients of two groups with and without symptomatic epilepsy on the background of hemorrhages from ruptured arterial aneurysms are shown. The findings suggest that there is the development of hypoxic nature of violations with the activation of prooxidant reactions in both groups, however, in patients with symptomatic epilepsy was found a significant decrease in antioxidant activity of enzymatic and non-enzymatic cell protection systems with increasing the production of the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha in contrast to the group of patients without epilepsy.Приведены результаты исследования метаболических и клинико-радиологических изменений у пациентов двух групп с симптоматической эпилепсией или без эпиприступов при кровоизлияниях из разорвавшихся артериальных аневризм. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о развитии нарушений гипоксического характера с активацией прооксидантных реакций в обеих группах, однако у пациентов с симптоматической эпилепсией установлено значительное снижение антиоксидантной активности ферментативных и неферментативных систем защиты клеток при повышении продукции провоспалительного цитокина ФНО-альфа в отличие от группы пациентов без эписиндрома

    Novel Photosensitizers Trigger Rapid Death of Malignant Human Cells and Rodent Tumor Transplants via Lipid Photodamage and Membrane Permeabilization

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    BACKGROUND: Apoptotic cascades may frequently be impaired in tumor cells; therefore, the approaches to circumvent these obstacles emerge as important therapeutic modalities. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Our novel derivatives of chlorin e(6), that is, its amide (compound 2) and boronated amide (compound 5) evoked no dark toxicity and demonstrated a significantly higher photosensitizing efficacy than chlorin e(6) against transplanted aggressive tumors such as B16 melanoma and M-1 sarcoma. Compound 5 showed superior therapeutic potency. Illumination with red light of mammalian tumor cells loaded with 0.1 µM of 5 caused rapid (within the initial minutes) necrosis as determined by propidium iodide staining. The laser confocal microscopy-assisted analysis of cell death revealed the following order of events: prior to illumination, 5 accumulated in Golgi cysternae, endoplasmic reticulum and in some (but not all) lysosomes. In response to light, the reactive oxygen species burst was concomitant with the drop of mitochondrial transmembrane electric potential, the dramatic changes of mitochondrial shape and the loss of integrity of mitochondria and lysosomes. Within 3-4 min post illumination, the plasma membrane became permeable for propidium iodide. Compounds 2 and 5 were one order of magnitude more potent than chlorin e(6) in photodamage of artificial liposomes monitored in a dye release assay. The latter effect depended on the content of non-saturated lipids; in liposomes consisting of saturated lipids no photodamage was detectable. The increased therapeutic efficacy of 5 compared with 2 was attributed to a striking difference in the ability of these photosensitizers to permeate through hydrophobic membrane interior as evidenced by measurements of voltage jump-induced relaxation of transmembrane current on planar lipid bilayers. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The multimembrane photodestruction and cell necrosis induced by photoactivation of 2 and 5 are directly associated with membrane permeabilization caused by lipid photodamage

    Social Image of the Ural Region Mining Workers at the Post-Reform Time Period

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    The article dwells upon a transition character of the Ural proletariat at the post-reform time period. Both domestic and foreign historiography define the social image of the Russian worker of the 20th century second part as either proletarian or referring to a “half-worker and half-peasant” type, combining traditional pre-capitalist features with newer ones, characteristic of industrial manufacture. A manufacturer’s being connected to the land as well as forming a certain mentality combined with the professional skills are considered the main criteria while defining the Russian workers’ typology. Taking into consideration the Urals old tradition of industrial manufacture, the process of forming an independent class at the area progressed rather vigorously. Despite of land allotments availability, workers in the Urals got under influence of modernization. Treating scornfully peasant work, industrial workers purposefully separated themselves from peasants. Nevertheless, it will be wrong to speak about complete disappearance of traditional peasant psychology among the Ural proletariat of the said time period. The working class at the region used to belong to a transition type, therefore we can speak about its incomplete establishment as a bourgeois society class.El artículo se centra en un carácter de transición del proletariado de los Urales en el período posterior a la reforma. Tanto la historiografía doméstica como la extranjera definen la imagen social del trabajador ruso de la segunda parte del siglo XX como proletario o refiriéndose a un tipo “mitad trabajador y mitad campesino”, combinando rasgos precapitalistas tradicionales con otros más nuevos, propios de la industria. fabricar. La conexión de un fabricante con la tierra, así como la formación de una cierta mentalidad combinada con las habilidades profesionales, se consideran los criterios principales al definir la tipología de los trabajadores rusos. Teniendo en cuenta la antigua tradición de fabricación industrial de los Urales, el proceso de formación de una clase independiente en la zona avanzó bastante vigorosamente. A pesar de la disponibilidad de asignaciones de tierra, los trabajadores de los Urales se vieron afectados por la modernización. Al tratar con desprecio el trabajo campesino, los trabajadores industriales se separaron deliberadamente de los campesinos. Sin embargo, sería erróneo hablar de la desaparición total de la psicología campesina tradicional entre el proletariado Ural de dicho período. La clase obrera en la región solía pertenecer a un tipo de transición, por lo que podemos hablar de su establecimiento incompleto como clase de sociedad burguesa


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    The results of the study of metabolic and clinical-radiological changes in patients of two groups with and without symptomatic epilepsy on the background of hemorrhages from ruptured arterial aneurysms are shown. The findings suggest that there is the development of hypoxic nature of violations with the activation of prooxidant reactions in both groups, however, in patients with symptomatic epilepsy was found a significant decrease in antioxidant activity of enzymatic and non-enzymatic cell protection systems with increasing the production of the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha in contrast to the group of patients without epilepsy