441 research outputs found

    Etimología y diccionario

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    En esta conferencia se plantea la necesidad de incluir, o no, la etimología como información en los diccionarios de uso general.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Observaciones sobre la publicación del Diccionario crítico etimológico de la lengua castellana de Joan Coromines

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    [Resumen] El examen de la correspondencia de Joan Coromines con un buen número de corresponsales (entre los que destacan filólogos de la talla de Ramón Menéndez Pidal, Tomás Navarro, Américo Castro, Julio Casares, Rafael Lapesa, Dámaso Alonso…) nos ofrece valiosa información acerca de la última fase de elaboración del Diccionario crítico etimológico de la lengua castellana. Casi finalizada la redacción, todavía hubo de afrontar el filólogo catalán muchos problemas a la hora de conseguir editarlo: podemos conocer algunas de las propuestas que recibe, examinar las dudas y vacilaciones que le embargan y sus causas, descubrir algunas zancadillas que Coromines cree sufrir por parte de algunos colegas, etc

    FPGA implementation of post-quantum DME cryptosystem

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    The rapid development of quantum computing constitutes a significant threat to modern Public-Key Cryptography (PKC). The use of Shor's algorithm with potential powerful quantum computers could easily break the two most widely used public key cryptosystems, namely, RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), based on integer factorization and discrete logarithm problems. For this reason, Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) based on alternative mathematical features has become a fundamental research topic due to its resistance against quantum computers. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has even opened a call for proposals of quantum-resistant PKC algorithms in order to standardize one or more PQC algorithms. Cryptographic systems that appear to be extremely difficult to break with large quantum computers are hash -based cryptography, lattice -based cryptography, code -based cryptography, and multivariate -quadratic cryptography. Furthermore, efficient hardware implementations are highly required for these alternative quantum -resistant cryptosystems

    Bringing together research, geoconservation and reaching a broad public in the form of a geotourism project: the Ichnite Route of Soria (Spain)

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    A detailed evaluation of the palaeoichnological work carried out in the Highlands (“Tierras Altas”) of Soria (Spain) over the last 35 years is provided. The scientific research performed by different teams on the vertebrate tracksites of the Early Cretaceous deposits of the Huérteles Fm. has engendered and fostered the “Ruta de las icnitas de Soria” (Ichnite Route of Soria) project, which consists both of geoconservation work on the main vertebrate tracksites and of drawing public attention to their existence. The ichnite route represents a good example of how scientific research may help to promote projects based on geotourism. Further, the research has also led to the recovery of a significant collection of vertebrate footprints that are currently housed in the Numantine Museum (“Museo Numantino”) in Soria. This collection is one of the finest from the beginning of the Early Cretaceous both in terms of the number and quality of the tracks and in terms of their ichnodiversity (footprint types). Drawing increased attention to this collection by putting it on public display would be an exceptional complement to the ichnite route, as it would mean that visitors could also see other tracks. 2018, Volume 10, Issue 3, pp 393–403 | Cite a

    Pedro de Mugica’s criticism of the academic lexicography

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    No es posible desconocer la importancia para la lexicografía del Diccionario de la lengua española (DRAE) de la Academia, pero tampoco puede ignorarse que esta obra fundamental ha sido objeto de fuertes críticas a lo largo de la historia. Enrique Jiménez Ríos nos ha ofrecido un amplio panorama de la recepción crítica de la obra académica (La crítica lexicográfica y el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española. Obras y autores contra el Diccionario, A Coruña, 2013; Divulgación y especialización lexicográfica: el DRAE a la luz de sus reseñas, Vigo, 2013), pero, aunque se ocupa con detalle de los trabajos de Pedro de Mugica acerca de la 12.a edición del DRAE, pasa por alto algunas otras aportaciones del estudioso bilbaíno, entre ellas su breve examen crítico acerca de la 14.a edición, publicado con un título tan provocador como «Nuevo» Diccionario (14.a edición) del Club de los Inútiles (Academia de la «Legua»). Pretendemos dar a conocer en estas páginas datos olvidados, cuando no desconocidos, acerca de la labor crítica de este singular filólogo, asentado en la universidad alemana y conocedor de los avances científicos de su tiempo.It is impossible to ignore the importance of the Spanish Academy’s Diccionario de la lengua española for the lexicography, but neither can it be ignored that this fundamental lexicographical work has been the object of harsh criticism throughout the history of linguistics. Enrique Jiménez Ríos has given us an overview of the critical reception of this academic dictionary (La crítica lexicográfica y el Diccionario de la Real Academia Española. Obras y autores contra el Diccionario, A Coruña, 2013; Divulgación y especialización lexicográfica: el DRAE a la luz de sus reseñas, Vigo, 2013), but although he deals in detail with the works of Pedro de Mugica about the 12th edition of the DRAE, he is unaware of some other contributions of the Bilbao scholar, among others, his brief critical examination on the 14th edition, published with the significant title of «Nuevo» Diccionario (14.a edición) del Club de los Inútiles. We aim to publish in these pages some forgotten or unknown information about the critical work of this singular philologist, located in the German university and with a wide knowledge of the scientific advances of his time

    Variación léxica en algunos textos de procedencia leonesa

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    Obra completa disponible en: http://hdl.handle.net/2183/2796

    Los estudios de dialectología en el Centro de Estudios Históricos. La realización del Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica

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    José Ignacio PÉREZ PASCUAL: Dialectology Studies in the Centro de Estudios Históricos. The Making of the Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica. At the Centro de Estudios Históricos, and under the responsibility of Tomás Navarro Tomás, the Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica was designed based on the models elaborated in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. In this article, we will take a look into this ambitious scientific project, examining the complex process of preparation and realization of the surveys by part of a group of promising specialists in the different linguistic domains of the peninsula, who had trained to do so along with Navarro. Between 1931 and 1936 most of the points set out by ALPI were covered, but the conclusions were delayed various decades because of the Civil War

    El inicio de las encuestas del Atlas lingüístico de la península Ibérica

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    This work studies the initial phase of the surveys of the Linguistic Atlas of the Iberian Peninsula (ALPI); the work pays attention to the selection of the interviewers, the exact dates in which the task began and, especially, to the figure of the first of the collaborators, Aurelio M. Espinosa junior. It also follows his first excursions through the lands of Extremadura.El presente trabajo estudia la fase inicial de la realización de las encuestas del Atlas Lingüístico de la Península Ibérica (ALPI); presta atención a la selección de los encuestadores, a las fechas exactas en que comenzó la tarea y, muy especialmente, a la figura del primero de los colaboradores, Aurelio M. Espinosa (hijo), y sus primeras excursiones por tierras extremeñas

    Epistasis between cultural traits causes paradigm shifts in cultural evolution

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    Every now and then the cultural paradigm of a society changes. While current models of cultural shifts usually require a major exogenous or endogenous change, we propose that the mechanism underlying many paradigm shifts may just be an emergent feature of the inherent congruence among different cultural traits. We implement this idea through a population dynamics model in which individuals are defined by a vector of cultural traits that changes mainly through cultural contagion, biased by a 'cultural fitness' landscape, between contemporary individuals. Cultural traits reinforce or hinder each other (through a form of cultural epistasis) to prevent cognitive dissonance. Our main result is that abrupt paradigm shifts occur, in response to weak changes in the landscape, only in the presence of epistasis between cultural traits, and regardless of whether horizontal transmission is biased by homophily. A relevant consequence of this dynamics is the irreversible nature of paradigm shifts: the old paradigm cannot be restored even if the external changes are undone. Our model puts the phenomenon of paradigm shifts in cultural evolution in the same category as catastrophic shifts in ecology or phase transitions in physics, where minute causes lead to major collective changes.This work was supported by the Spanish projects VARIANCE (FIS2015-64349-P, MINECO/FEDER, UE), BASIC (FIS2018-098186-B-100, MICINN/FEDER, UE), MiMevo (FIS2017-89773-P, MINECO/FEDER, UE) and SEV-2013-0347 (MINECO).Publicad