177 research outputs found

    Bauhaus: métodos de ensino em Weimar, Dessau e Berlim

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    O legado da Bauhaus ao ensino do design connua sendo amplamente discudo nos dias de hoje.Com suas bases, fundamentos e pedagogia, é possível idenficar influências no ensino do design contemporâneo. Sua metodologia de ensino tornou-se o principal paradigma ao ensino do design no século XX. Este trabalho expõe métodos de ensino nas diversas fases da vigência da Bauhaus, relacionando-os ao design do século XXI.ABSTRACT: The legacy of the Bauhaus school of design with methods and ideals in schools around the world today still widely discutido.Com bases, foundaons and pedagogy, it is possible to identify influences on design educaon and its contemporary mtodologia teaching, has become the main paradigm for teaching design in the twentieth century. This work presents methods of teaching the various stages of the life of the Bauhaus, relating them to the design of the XXIinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Affective Perception of Disposable Razors: A Kansei Engineering Approach

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    AbstractIn recent decades, the market of consumer products has changed from the production-oriented point of view to a more market-focused, i.e. aiming to attend consumers’ expectations. Today, consumers turn their attention not only to the logical and rational aspects of the product, but increasingly symbolic and emotional factors have gained an important role in buying decision. Some methods have already been used to design emotional meaning in the products, such as the Kansei Engineering with reported results in literature. This study had as a goal to investigate affective aspects of disposable razors perceived by the users and how they relate to product features using Kansei Engineering. Thus, 40 disposable razors commonly found in the international market were evaluated in a virtual system through a variety of pictures (photographic representation) of the products. In order to identify the most relevant product features Morphological Analysis was performed. To evaluate the disposable razors, 321 male adults volunteered in this study. Semantic differential with 17 pairs of bipolar adjectives were employed to construct the semantic space in Kansei Engineering. The results showed no high correlation in the sample. Moderate correlations, however were found in 12 pairs of bipolar adjectives with 13 product features. Thus, it can be assumed that affective responses can be mildly related to product feature, considering limitation of statistic treatment

    Evaluation of discomfort in manual activities using hand mapping: the influence of age

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    This study analyzes the method of hand mapping to assess the perceived discomfort during the use of hand tools by different age groups. The aim was to determine the influence of age and how it affects the perception of discomfort. Considering that, this was a study that involves subjective aspects, it seeks to analyze results by means of a comparative assessment among different areas of the hand. Hence, the hand palm was divided by both anatomical and interface criteria for the task. The manual activity consisted in a simulation of opening procedure for PET packaging of soft drinks. The results show differences in perception of discomfort among the ages analyzed. The adopted method contributes to the ergonomic design, as the perception of discomfort is an important parameter in the product design, providing more efficient and accessible products

    As cores e a sua influência no processo projetual

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    Nos dias atuais, a tecnologia em materiais e compostos viabiliza a aplicação de uma grande gama de cores em qualquer processo de produção seja este gráfico ou produto. Antigamente, as limitações da produção em série permitiam uma pequena variedade de cores e motivos, e o consumidor tinha acesso a poucas opções na hora da compra. Hoje, as empresas fazem uso incessante das cores em produtos, a fim de os diferenciar dos concorrentes, o que desperta um alerta durante o processo criativo dos designer: Como aplicar adequadamente as cores aos produtos? Este artigo objetiva auxiliar estes profissionais a entenderem como funciona o espectro cromático na sua fisiologia e psicologia, de maneira a demonstrar um método de criar uma paleta de cores direcionada para o usuário que se pretende atingir. Essa sugestão métodologica, entre outras possíveis, deve facilitar o processo de escolha das cores pelo profissional durante o processo criativo e projetua

    Inovação, design e sustentabilidade social: novas tendencias para o desenvolvimento local na contemporaneidade

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    This paper takes as its point of departure the “counter-currents” envisioned by Gui Bonsiepe in 1978 regarding the practice of design. The development of these ideas is reviewed based on the evolution of the concept of sustainability, as well as its social approach and relationship with innovation and design. In line with Bonsiepe’s ideas, the paper identifies changes in the role of design in order to meet new social needs; as examples, it presents interventions based on participatory design and social innovation, which generate alternatives for local development in the contemporary city. Due to new realities, the ability to construct intangible products is ever more important. The political action of design is more and more urgent; designers are called to play a leading role in the critical construction of new citizenship identities. A new field of action: social design.Toma-se como ponto de partida as “contracorrentes” que Gui Bonsiepe visionava em 1978 sobre a prática do design. Revisa-se o aperfeiçoamento dessas ideias a partir da evolução do conceito de sustentabilidade, seu enfoque social e sua relação com a inovação e o design. Em correspondência com as proposições de Bonsiepe, identificam-se mudanças no papel do design para atender a novas necessidades sociais; como exemplos, apresentam-se intervenções de design participativo e inovação social, que geram alternativas de desenvolvimento local na cidade contemporânea. Novas realidades tornam mais importantes as capacidades de construção de produtos intangíveis. A ação política do design é cada vez mais urgente; os designers são convocados a cumprir um papel protagonista na construção crítica da nova cidadania. Um novo campo de ação, o design social.Se toman como punto de partida las “contracorrientes” que visionaba Gui Bonsiepe en 1978, sobre la práctica del design. Se revisa el perfeccionamiento de esas ideas a partir de la evolución del concepto de sostenibilidad, su enfoque social y su relación con la innovación y el design. En correspondencia con los planteamientos de Bonsiepe, se identifican cambios en el papel del design para atender nuevas necesidades sociales; como ejemplos se presentan intervenciones de design participativo e innovación social, que generan alternativas de desarrollo local en la ciudad contemporánea. Nuevas realidades hacen más importantes las capacidades de construcción de productos intangibles. La acción política del design es cada vez más urgente; los designers están llamados a cumplir un papel protagónico en la construcción crítica de la nueva ciudadanía. Un nuevo campo de acción, el design socia

    Caracterização de sinais utilizando-se transformadas em algoritmos adaptativos baseados no LMS

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    Orientador : Yuzo IanoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoDoutorad

    Inclusive clothing design: workshops based on case studies

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    Inclusive clothing design emerges from users’ need to use products to their fullest. Despite being a segment with a wide variety of models, the great dysfunctionality of uses for people with movement restrictions still shows. Discussing this situation with designers is necessary to change perspectives toward inclusion when approaching unconventional scenarios in product development. For a preliminary approach to the subject, workshops can generate reflections for inclusive product development from the perspective of dressing-related problems. For this purpose, workshops were held at IDEGUI in Guimarães (Portugal) on practical approaches to discuss ideas and create inclusive alternatives. The results of the discussion were proposals like alternatives for the clothing market. These proposals can already be found in the clothing market, but still, the results are not entirely obsolete since they were not presented as an option from the beginning. The participants’ interest, added to previous experiences, brought exciting complements to the discussion and dissemination of inclusive clothing design through a systemic perception of product development

    Biomechanics and Fashion: Contributions for the Design of Clothing for the Elderly

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    AbstractThe aging population is a growing reality in many societies and is leading to significant changes in public health policies and the strengthening of the economic sector of these countries. This scenario intensified discussions about ageing and its determinants within several areas and thus substantially reflected on the design and the projective aspects of certain objects. It is due to cognitive and physical constraints of this group, which imply the need for differentiated products that are designed properly in favor of psychological, emotional, cognitive and physical well-being of the elderly. Once the clothing remains integrated with the body, its design and constructive aspects become essential in promoting positive experience in product usage. Understanding the factors present in the acquisition and use of clothing by the elderly are relevant to the design actions of these products. Therefore, considerations about their anatomical, biomechanical and psychological characteristics must be worked in order to ensure the integrity of the movements, as well as comfort, safety and inclusion of these individuals

    The timeless character in design of graphic brands - redesign case study of the project "TAMAR"

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    O mercado atual de marcas gráficas tem passado por grandes atualizações nas linguagem a cerca do redesign de grandes marcas, para torna-las mais modernas e duradouras. Porem as mudanças por sua vez são sempre simples e pontuais para que não se perca a identidade já desenvolvida e criada pelo tempo de uso da marca. Neste caso o caráter atemporal se torna importante para o novo desenvolvimento fazendo com que as características dessas linguagens visuais se mantenham e continuem perdurando os adjetivos e mensagens visuais que elas passam. O presente estudo busca um exemplo de como realizar este redesign mantendo a atemporalidade, utilizando de parâmetros do caráter atemporal da marca e fazendo com que ela continue com seus atributos nas futuras aplicações, para este objetivo foi utilizado a marca do projeto “Tamar”. Obtendo um resultado que mantem os caráter atemporal no caso, sendo que este estudo resultou em uma marca gráfica ficticia e sem uso comercial.ABSTRACT: The current market for graphic brands has undergone major updates in language around the redesign of major brands, to make them more modern and durable. But the changes in turn are always simple and punctual so that the identity already developed and created by the time of use of the mark is not lost. In this case, the timeless character becomes important for the new development, causing the characteristics of these visual languages to remain and connue to endure the adjectives and visual messages that they pass. The present study seeks an example of how to accomplish this redesign while maintaining timelessness, using parameters of the timeless character of the brand and making it continue with its ainfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Design e ergonomia: aspectos tecnológicos

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    Nesta coletânea são apresentadas diferentes questões, métodos de abordagem e demandas para a aplicação da Ergonomia no Design. A evolução tecnológica observada nas últimas décadas proporcionou inúmeros benefícios para o aumento na qualidade de vida das pessoas, mas também resultou em vários problemas de interface tecnológica, os quais geram constrangimentos, acidentes, e frustração aos consumidores. Tais questões são analisadas no livro, no qual se destacam temas de grande atualidade, como por exemplo: o uso de equipamentos médico-hospitalares por indivíduos obesos e de cadeiras de rodas por indivíduos idosos; as avaliações ergonômicas de espaços e equipamentos escolares; as dificuldades de leitura em rótulos e bulas de embalagens; o uso de colete de proteção nas atividades policiais, de calçados femininos com salto alto ou da poltrona do motorista de ônibus urbano, entre outros. Os artigos relatam pesquisas desenvolvidas no Programa de Pós-graduação em Design da UNESP, Campus Bauru, e ressaltam a importância da aplicação da ergonomia no design de produtos e sistemas, com a finalidade de se desenvolver tecnologias para melhorar a qualidade de vida humana