156 research outputs found

    Conversation as an Ecology of Learning. An analysis of asynchronous discussions within an online professional community working to develop a democratic practice in education

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    Teachers learn important things together through talking. Conversationbased continued professional development (CPD) for teachers has been insufficiently researched. In the context of current policy and practice - that remains top-down and controlling in terms of educators’ autonomy and self-direction - more agile and transformative means of professional learning are key. The research is a case study aiming to investigate the characteristics of the participation of education professionals (teachers, teacher educators, school heads…) from 50 European countries in an online professional learning community (OPLC) developed under the umbrella of Council of Europe’s Pestalozzi Programme (PP). The study is also interested in how online asynchronous conversation can be a sustainable mode of CPD helpful for the creation of democratic spaces for learning. It directs attention to the nature of the conversation, taking place in the online interaction, the details of which turn out to be of crucial importance. The study is based on activities and data, neither of which was planned or collected for research purposes. The data is composed of the transcripts of participants postings between 2012 and 2017, and the interactions that are contained in the dialogic space that is the PP platform. Therefore, the design of the study deals with the complexity and scope of the context and data, that brings in the international, intercultural composition of participants who arrive with different histories and perhaps engrained assumptions and norms; the professional development context that is unusual; the online set up that is also particular due to the conversational nature of its activities; and lastly the complexity of the issue of democracy in education which may not fit so easily in the school curricula, or the culture of school, or institution and their education aims. To address this complexity, the framework of ecology was chosen to cater to the many parts of the context and the relationships these entertain to form the environment of the OPLC. The framework of ecology and its analysis may inform on what affordances are observed for an OPLC to reach its full transformative potential for participating educators. It is helpful to consider these and to conceptualize conversation as an ecology of learning that is conducive to engagement in online professional learning and development. 6 Transcripts of asynchronous discussion threads were analyzed, through thematic analysis and statistical treatment, to capture the structure and affordances of conversation-based online professional learning communities that foster the establishment of an ecology of learning that is conducive to the development of democratic practices in educational settings. To answer this overall concern, three main research questions were identified and chosen to form the core of the investigation. The first question concerns the features of the collaboration to identify elements that support – or impede – co-construction of knowledge among participants. The second research question focuses on the discernible factors and conditions that foster participants’ motivation to engage and uses Self-Determination Theory (SDT) as a basis to investigate the data. The third research question is centered on participants’ mental models of what constitutes a democratic teaching practice, and how educators’ engagement in the conversation may support transformative action in the classroom. The results highlight enabling behaviors that help regulate pace, cohesion, topical persistence, strong ties, and congeniality in the conversation to enhance the potential for meaning making and coconstruction of knowledge. Two moderator-presences, ‘teaching presence ‘and ‘peer presence’, were found, thus the study enhances previous research on online presences (RQ1). Furthermore, eight factors were found to contribute to participants’ motivation to engage and remain active in the conversation, specifically: self-confidence in one’s practice, persistence towards attaining goals, sprightliness, inclusion, ethos, control, accountability, and curiosity. The SDT positing the need for competence, relatedness and autonomy was completed with a fourth need that is curiosity (RQ2). Finally, discursive alignments and tensions were found, that provoke a cognitive dissonance having the effect of helping participants to agree on objectives and seek ways to achieve more democracy in educational environments, which are not fundamentally democratic. As educators develop democratic dimensions, an ‘activist presence’ was found to be a response to these tensions (RQ3). Finally, concerning the overall question of affordances, the studied ecology, and the responses to the RQs suggest a development leading to the establishment of five structures in the OPLC. An ethos structure, an affect and identity structure, a communication structure, and a power structure are revealed as shaping the relations between members. All participate in forming an ensemble of affordances of conversation based OPLCs fostering an ecology of learning for the development of democratic practices in educational settings.Samræða kennara getur verið mjög lærdómsrík. Samt sem áður er ekki digur sá sjóður rannsókna sem beinist að starfsþróun og samræðu á vettvangi menntunar. Nútíma stefnumótun í menntun hættir til að vera stýrt að ofan og vantar fyrir bragðið ákveðinn sveigjanleika og sjálfræði sem laðar fram mikilvægar breytingar í starfinu og gefur faglegu námi kennara dýpri merkingu. Þessi rannsókn er tilviksrannsókn sem beinist að athugun á því sem einkennir þátttöku fagfólks í menntageiranum (sem eru einkum kennarar, skólastjórar og kennaramenntendur) frá fimmtíu Evrópulöndum í rafrænu lærdómssamfélagi sem var þróað á vegum Pestalozzi starfsþróunarverkefnis Evrópuráðsins. Mikilvægt áhersluatriði var að kanna hvernig samræða á netinu sem ekki er samstillt í tíma getur verið varanleg leið í starfsþróun á vettvangi fagfólksins. Sérstaklega þar sem markmiðið var að styðja við lýðræðislegt fyrirkomulag slíkrar menntunar. Í rannsókninni er sjónum beint eðli samræðunnar sem fer fram á netinu og bent er á fjölmörg einstök atriði sem þar skipta máli. Gögnin sem rannsóknin byggir á eru skrifleg samskipti fagfólks innan menntakerfa á svæði Pestalozzi starfsþróunarverkefnisins sem fram fóru á árunum 2012–2017. Hvorki val þátttakenda, útfærsla samskiptanna né gögnin voru skipulögð með rannsókn í huga. Skipulag rannsóknarinnar sjálfrar þarf því að taka tillit til fjölmargra flækja. Þær tengjast ekki síst fjölþjóða samsetningu þátttakenda og þeirri margmenningu sem í henni felst. Þeir höfðu afar ólíkan bakgrunn og ólíkar hugmyndir um viðmið og gildi. Starfsþróunarumhverfið var að ýmsu leyti framandi, m.a. vegna þess hve mikil áhersla var lögð á samræðuþáttinn á netinu. Við þetta bættist viðfangsefni námsins, þ.e. ýmsar hliðar lýðræðis í skólastarfi sem féll iðulega hvorki inn í það námsefni sem skólarnir glímdu við, né inn í menningu skólanna, eða annara stofnana, né almennt inn í höfuðmarkmið þeirra menntunar sem margir þátttakenda fengust við. Til þess að glíma við þetta flækjustig var hugmyndin um vistfræði menntunar notuð til þess að ná utan um ólíka þætti aðstæðna og tengsla á milli þeirra í rafrænu lærdómssamfélagi. Sá rammi og jafnframt greining sem vistræðihugtakið leggur til, bendir til ólíkra möguleika sem hið rafræna netsamfélag býður þáttakendum upp á. Það er því rökstutt að gagnlegt sé að greina samræðu sem beinist að þeirri flóknu starfsþróun sem um ræðir frá sjónarhorni vistfræði menntunar. Texti ofangreindra samræðna var þemagreindur og ákveðinni tölfræðilegri athugun beitt til þess að fá hugmynd um uppbyggingu hans og þá möguleika sem rafrænt samfélag, sem beinist að starfsþróun, felur í sér. Í þessu tilviki beindist samræðan að mótun og þróun lýðræðislegra hugmynda í skólastarfi. Til þess að svara þessari áskorun voru þrjár rannsóknarspurningar mótaðar og eru þær kjarni rannsóknarinnar. Fyrsta spurningin spyr um einkenni samstarfsins og leitast við að bera kennsl á þá þætti samvinnu þátttakenda sem styðja, eða hindra mótun sameiginlegrar þekkingar. Næsta spurning beinist að aðstæðum, í ljósi sjálfsákvörðunakenningar (SDT), sem laða þátttakendur til þátttöku. Þriðja spurningin beinir sjónum að hugmyndum þátttakenda um þeirra upplifun af lýðræðislegum kennsluháttum og menntun og hvernig framlag þeirra í umræðunni geti stutt við umbætur í kennslustofunni að þessu leyti. Niðurstöðurnar sýna hvað það er í samskiptunum sem stýrir hraða, samheldni, tryggð við umræðuefnið, tengsl þátttakenda og þægilegu viðmóti í samskiptunum sem allt stuðlar jafnframt að skilningi og mótun frekari þekkingar hjá hópnum. Það mátti auk þess sjá tvenns konar áhrif þeirra sem stýrðu umræðunni, annars vegar það sem kalla mætti kennaraáhrif og hins vegar áhrif sem eiga frekar skylt við jafningjaáhrif (RSP1). Átta þætti mátti greina sem stuðla að áhuga þátttakenda til virkrar þátttöku í þeirri samræðu sem boðið var upp á og skipta máli til að halda henni áfram (sjá Töflu 18). Þeir eru, sjálfstraust í faglegu starfi, ásetningur að ná settu markmiði, lifandi áhugi á verkefninu, ásetningur um að virða sjónarmið annarra og hafa jafnræði í samræðu, svipuð gildi og siðferði þátttakenda, tilfinning fyrir að hafa stjórn á aðstæðum, ábyrgð á þátttöku öxluð og forvitni um efni verkefnisins. Innviðir sjálfsákvörðunarkenningarinnar komu fram, þ.e. þörfin fyrir hæfni, tengsl og sjálfræði, en nauðsynlegt var að bæta við þættinum forvitni (RSP2). Hugrænt misræmi birtist í samstöðu annars vegar og togstreitu hins vegar þegar þátttakendur glímdu við markmið sem stefndu að auknu lýðræði í skólastarfi sem var fyrir, í grundvallaratriðum, ólýðræðislegt. Í glímu við þá togstreitu sem fram kom mátti greina að þátttakendur sýndu merki um aktífisma (RSP3). Þegar skyggnst er heildrænt eftir þeim möguleikum sem fólust í skipulagi Pestalozzi- starfsþróunarverkefnisins í ljósi þeirrar umgjarðar sem vistfræði menntunar leggur til ásamt svörum við rannsóknarspurningunum, þá eru dregnir fram í dagsljósið fimm þættir (sjá t.d. Mynd 31), eða kerfi sem saman mynda ákveðna heild. Þau eru nefnd gildiskerfi (sem snýst um að huga að megin markmiðum hins sameiginlega verkefnis), ímyndarkerfi (þar sem viðkomandi þróa faglega ímynd sína), samskiptakerfi (þar sem þátttakendur þróa samskipti í leit að sameiginlegum skilningi), netkerfi (þar sem þátttakendur stilla strengi til að virða og notfæra sér samskiptin) og valdakerfi (þar sem leitað er jafnvægis á milli stýringar og jafnræðis). Þessir þættir ofnir saman mynda hið margslungna vistkerfi menntunar sem er gagnlegt til þess að lýsa starfsþróun í netheimum og það sem þeir bjóða upp á þegar fengist er við þróun lýðræðislegra starfshátta og hugmynda í skólastarfi.Doctoral grant Number RSJ-PhD-2020 - University of Iceland's Eimskip Fun

    Edukacja obywatelska i edukacja na rzecz praw czlowieka jako zadanie wszystkich nauczycieli

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    Poradnik dla nauczycieli i dyrektorów gimnazjów dot. stosowania metody projektów na III etapie edukacj

    Environmental risk factors in puppies and kittens for developing chronic disorders in adulthood: A call for research on developmental programming

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    Many dogs and cats are affected by chronic diseases that significantly impact their health and welfare and relationships with humans. Some of these diseases can be challenging to treat, and a better understanding of early-life risk factors for diseases occurring in adulthood is key to improving preventive veterinary care and husbandry practices. This article reviews early-life risk factors for obesity and chronic enteropathy, and for chronic behavioral problems, which can also be intractable with life-changing consequences. Aspects of early life in puppies and kittens that can impact the risk of adult disorders include maternal nutrition, establishment of the gut microbiome, maternal behavior, weaning, nutrition during growth, growth rate, socialization with conspecifics and humans, rehoming and neutering. Despite evidence in some species that the disorders reviewed here reflect the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD), developmental programming has rarely been studied in dogs and cats. Priorities and strategies to increase knowledge of early-life risk factors and DOHaD in dogs and cats are discussed. Critical windows of development are proposed: preconception, gestation, the suckling period, early growth pre-neutering or pre-puberty, and growth post-neutering or post-puberty to adult size, the durations of which depend upon species and breed. Challenges to DOHaD research in these species include a large number of breeds with wide genetic and phenotypic variability, and the existence of many mixed-breed individuals. Moreover, difficulties in conducting prospective lifelong cohort studies are exacerbated by discontinuity in pet husbandry between breeders and subsequent owners, and by the dispersed nature of pet ownership

    Syntenin-ALIX exosome biogenesis and budding into multivesicular bodies are controlled by ARF6 and PLD2.

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    Exosomes are small vesicles that are secreted by cells and act as mediators of cell to cell communication. Because of their potential therapeutic significance, important efforts are being made towards characterizing exosomal contents. However, little is known about the mechanisms that govern exosome biogenesis. We have recently shown that the exosomal protein syntenin supports exosome production. Here we identify the small GTPase ADP ribosylation factor 6 (ARF6) and its effector phospholipase D2 (PLD2) as regulators of syntenin exosomes. ARF6 and PLD2 affect exosomes by controlling the budding of intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) into multivesicular bodies (MVBs). ARF6 also controls epidermal growth factor receptor degradation, suggesting a role in degradative MVBs. Yet ARF6 does not affect HIV-1 budding, excluding general effects on Endosomal Sorting Complexes Required for Transport. Our study highlights a novel pathway controlling ILV budding and exosome biogenesis and identifies an unexpected role for ARF6 in late endosomal trafficking.journal article2014 Mar 182014 03 18importe

    Molecular cloning and expression of internalin in Listeria

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    International audienceThis chapter discusses the molecular cloning and expression of internalin in Listeria. Listeria monocytogenes is a ubiquitous gram-positive bacterium that causes severe infections in humans and in a variety of warm-blooded animals. This pathogen has emerged as an important agent of foodborne disease in the last decade. The majority of human infection affects pregnant women and result in stillbirths or neonatal sepsis. Meningitis, meningoencephalitis, and bacteremia account for most cases in nonpregnant adults occurring in the setting of immunosuppression or aging. The internalin (inl) region contains three open reading frames (ORFs): ORFA, inlA, and inlB. ORFA is 744 bp long and encodes a polypeptide of 248 amino acids that has 30% identity with the ribitol dehydrogenase from Klebsiella aerogenes, the protein encoded by the nodG gene of Rhizobium meliloti, and the actIII gene from Streptomyces coelicolor. inlA starts at 681 bp downstream from the end of ORFA, which is 2400 bp long. Two-thirds of inlA is made up of intragenic repeats that form two regions, region A and region B. These regions are independently formed by internal tandem duplications of ancestral sequences inlB starts 85 bp after the end of inlA and the two are separated by a putative transcription terminator, inlB is 1890 bp long and resembles inlA