4,456 research outputs found

    A graphic/photographic arthroscopy simulator

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    Thesis (M.S.V.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1988.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 44-46).by Pascal Roger Chesnais.M.S.V.S

    Trust, distrust and co-production : the relationship between research, biobanks and donors

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    This chapter addresses one so-called ethical aspect of biobanking, namely the relationship between biobanks for research and donors of human biological samples and personal health information. Central to bioethical theory and practice is the institution of informed consent and its potential to create trust. We present results from an observational study of the consent process during the recruitment to a local population DNA bank in Southern France as well as subsequent interviews with donors. Three types of donors were identified: (1) Persons holding a “natural trust” and who were quite uninterested in the information and consent procedure; (2) persons who expressed distrust, but nevertheless participated as donors; and (3) persons who appreciated the consent procedure as a sign of a well-organised institution. While informed consent may appear partly irrelevant to the issue of trust for a large group of donors, we proceed to discuss the status and desirability of a strong focus on donors' trust in biobank experts. Indeed, more symmetry and distrust may be a creative potential in the co-production of science and society in the biobank era

    Mine Action in Myanmar

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    In two Myanmar states, Danish Demining Group and Danish Refugee Council recently conducted a landmine victims survey that helped to document the epidemiology of landmine accidents and the situation of landmine victims more efficiently as well as recommend improved services to landmine survivors and persons with disabilities

    Collection of passenger travel data in Sub-Saharan African cities: Towards improving survey instruments and procedures

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    This paper compares experiences in the application of different approaches to passenger travel data collection in francophone and anglophone cities of West, Central and Southern Africa. Its aim is to identify possible improvements through which common problems might be addressed. The paper draws from the available French and English literature on survey methods applied in Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as from the authors' experiences in designing and administering surveys in this context. Problems are discussed in terms of survey design and administration. Recommendations to address these problems relate to survey preparation, comparative instrument and cognitive testing, hierarchical multi-modal methods, interviewer selection and training methods, and survey administration and monitoring.African cities ; Passenger travel surveys ; Household surveys ; Methods

    Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor: Gene Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Inflammatory Diseases

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    The cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a constitutive element of the host antimicrobial defenses and stress response that promotes proinflammatory function of the innate and acquired immune systems. MIF plays an important role in the pathogenesis of acute and chronic inflammatory or autoimmune disorders, such as sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel diseases. Polymorphisms of the humanMIF gene (that is, guanine-to-cytosine transition at position -173 or CATT-tetranucleotide repeat at position -794) have been associated with increased susceptibility to or severity of juvenile idiopathic and adult rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, atopy, or sarcoidosis. Whether theseMIF polymorphisms affect the susceptibility to and outcome of sepsis has not yet been examined. Analyses ofMIF genotypes in patients with sepsis may help to classify patients into risk categories and to identify those patients who may benefit from anti-MIF therapeutic strategie

    Commentary on Over (2021): Well-taken Points About Dehumanization, But Exaggerated Challenges

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    We offer a critical appraisal of Over's (2020) seven challenges for dehumanization research in social psychology. While the challenges mainly attack an exaggerated version of the claims that dehumanization research actually makes, the positive suggestions that follow them open up some much-needed questions. By seeing humanity as a prototype-based category, we can address more sensitively how various departures from prototypical humanity relate to each other. We can also ask whether all of these departures are equally necessary or sufficient explanations for the effects of dehumanizing treatment and metaphors in degrading moral consideration of other groups of people

    L'économie du silex au Paléolithique supérieur dans le Bassin d'Aquitaine.: Le cas des silex à lépidorbitoïdes des Pyrénées centrales - caractérisation et implications méthodologiques.

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    International audienceIn 1988, for the first time, the occurrence of Upper Maastrichtian flint bearing Lepidorbitoides Foraminiferae was noticed in the Nort h e rn Aquitaine Basin. It is obvious, from regional geological data that those rocks must have been displaced from the Pyrenean foothills where 1 - HISTORIQUE DE LA RECONNAISSANCE D'UN TYPE PARTICULIER DE SILEX AQUITAIN : LE SILEX MAASTRICHTIEN A LEPIDORBITOIDES. C'est au cours de l'étude pétrographique et paléontologique des silex du gisement de Pégourié (Caniac-du- Causse, Lot), fouillé de 1967 à 1988, que nous a été révélée la présence d'un fossile réputé inexistant dans la partie septentrionale du Bassin d'Aquitaine. Il s'agissait de Lepidorbitoides genre ne s'étant développé que pendant la phase terminale du Maastrichtien. A la même époque, en 1988, nous avions retrouvé le même foraminifère dans une collection de silex provenant du gisement de Beauregard (Mazères, Gironde). Dans ce site de plein air attribué au Badegoulien (Lenoir et al. 1991, 1997), 174 pièces lithiques furent étudiées et 122 d'entre elles furent classées dans la catégorie des silex à Lepidorbitoides. 194 this type of flint crops out. A potential source having the same appearance has been known since 1984 in the so-called “Chalosse area “(Landes) in the southwestern part of the Aquitaine basin. Several stratigraphic and paleontological studies of the southern part of this sedimentary basin mentioned geological formations which may be bearing similar siliceous rocks all along the Pyrenean foothills, from the “Chalosse” outcrops to the “Petites Pyrénées” located in the central par of the Pyrenean orogenic belt. In spite of the fact that, so far, no outcrop of this flint type has been localized, it would be reasonable to keep in mind the possible extension of this kind of raw material supply zone. Recent studies have been devoted to petrographic and paleontological analysis of 186 flint samples gathered in several Chalosse and Petites Pyrénées locations. The purpose of this work was first to search for possible sites bearing Upper Maastrichtian flint bearing Lepidorbitoides in the Petites Pyrénées area. Another target was to provide more accurate petrographic descriptions of the different uppermost maastrichtian flint types collected in the Chalosse area. The goal of the latter work was to set up a particular diagnosis for each flint variety. Th approach will serve as a guide to point out the geographic origin of allochtonous artefacts.Un type particulier de silex, le silex maastrichtien à lepidorbitoides, a été individualisé dès 1988 parmi des artefacts provenant du nord de l'Aquitaine. La géologie régionale indique que cette roche ne peut provenir que de la partie méridionale du bassin d'Aquitaine, le piémont pyrénéen. Une provenance possible de ces matières premières se localise en Chalosse (sud du département des Landes) où des silex pouvant être assimilés à ce type avaient été signalés dès 1984. Leur appartenance à ce type lithologique a été confirmée. Parallèlement, une approche géologique régionale conduisait à ne pas restreindre à cette zone l'aire potentielle dans laquelle ces silex avaient pu se former. On connaît, en effet, dans les Pyrénées centrales, les chaînons des “ Petites Pyrénées ” dans lesquels affleurent des calcaires maastrichtiens à orbitoïdidés. Il eut été raisonnable de garder ces possibilités en mémoire et non point de les nier et ainsi de les intégrer dans les reconstitutions palethnologiques récentes. Des travaux récents ont porté sur 186 échantillons de silex provenant de la région des Petites Pyrénées et de la Chalosse. L'objectif de cette étude était de mettre en évidence la présence de niveaux à silex à lepidorbitoides dans les Pyrénées centrales et d'établir des critères objectifs utilisables pour différencier les différentes zones géographiques de provenance. Nous avons pu : - dans les Pyrénées centrales, donner la diagnose d'un type de silex, le “ silex de Tarté ” contenant un cortège paléontologique du Maastrichtien supérieur avec des lépidorbitoïdés, ainsi qu'un autre type de matière première siliceuse, le silex de Montsaunès- Carrière ”, ayant des caractéristiques très particulières rendant sa reconnaissance facile ; - mettre en évidence le “ silex de Tarté ”, ce qui confirme l'hypothèse formulée depuis longtemps de l'existence de matières premières siliceuses à lépidorbitoïdes dans cette partie des Pyrénées ; - à partir des échantillons provenant d'Audignon et de Bastennes-Gaujacq (Chalosse), montrer des différences notables entre ces différentes sources ce qui permettra de les distinguer entre elles ainsi que de les séparer des “ silex de Tarté ”. Les éléments analytiques apportés devraient conduire à plus de précisions dans les déterminations d'origine de ces diverses catégories de silex et, par voie de conséquence, à plus de vraisemblance dans les recherches sur les provenances de ces matériaux pendant le Paléolithique
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