17 research outputs found

    Modelling waving crops using large-eddy simulation: Comparison with experiments and a linear stability analysis

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    International audienceIn order to investigate the possibility of modelling plant motion at the landscape scale, an equation for crop plant motion, forced by an instantaneous velocity field, is introduced in a large-eddy simulation (LES) airflow model, previously validated over homogeneous and heterogeneous canopies. The canopy is simply represented as a poroelastic continuous medium, which is similar in its discrete form to an infinite row of identical oscillating stems. Only one linear mode of plant vibration is considered. Two-way coupling between plant motion and the wind flow is insured through the drag force term. The coupled model is validated on the basis of a comparison with measured movements of an alfalfa crop canopy. It is also compared with the outputs of a linear stability analysis. The model is shown to reproduce the well-known phenomenon of honami which is typical of wave-like crop motions on windy days. The wavelength of the main coherent waving patches, extracted using a bi-orthogonal decomposition (BOD) of the crop velocity fields, is in agreement with that deduced from video recordings. The main spatial and temporal characteristics of these waving patches exhibit the same variation with mean wind velocity as that observed with the measurements. However they differ from the coherent eddy structures of the wind flow at canopy top, so that coherent waving patches cannot be seen as direct signatures of coherent eddy structures. Finally, it is shown that the impact of crop motion on the wind dynamics is negligible for current wind speed values. No lock-in mechanism of coherent eddy structures on plant motion is observed, in contradiction with the linear stability analysis. This discrepancy may be attributed to the presence of a nonlinear saturation mechanism in LES. © 2010 Cambridge University Press

    Grey and harbour seals in France : distribution at sea, connectivity and trends in abundance at haulout sites

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    Grey (Halichoerus grypus) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) are sympatric seal species, but they display distinct strategies of habitat use and connectivity between haulout sites. The distribution patterns and variations in relative abundance of both species were investigated along the French coast of the English Channel, at the southern limit of their range where seal numbers are increasing. Regular censuses conducted at all main haulout sites in mainland France showed significant seasonal variations at most sites, with more harbour seals counted during summer (breeding and moulting seasons), and more grey seals during summer only in the eastern English Channel. Trends in maximum haulout numbers at haulout sites showed a significant increase over the last five years, ranging from 9.7 to 30.9% per year for harbour seals, and from 5.8% (in the western English Channel) to 49.2% (in the eastern English Channel) per year for grey seals. These rates of increase in grey seal numbers are not linked to local pup production and most probably result from seal movements from the southwest British Isles and the North Sea, respectively. Aerial surveys conducted across the English Channel showed that most seal observations at sea were concentrated in the north-eastern English Channel. Telemetry showed that the 28 harbour seals tracked remained highly coastal, within a radius of 100 km from their haulout sites, and did not move to other known colonies. Grey seals moved much greater distances, reaching up to 1200 km from their capture site. More than half of the 45 grey seals tracked crossed the English Channel, especially during the breeding season, moving to known colonies in the southwest British Isles and the North Sea. Combining individual tracks and long-term surveys of the seal populations allowed a better understanding of the dynamics of these populations and their connectivity at a larger regional scale. The findings provide direct information for the management of grey and harbour seals within the frame of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, and highlight focus areas where potential interactions between the two species should be monitored.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Revisiting the Effects of Gender Diversity in Small Groups on Divergent Thinking: A Large-Scale Study Using Synchronous Electronic Brainstorming

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    Numerous studies have examined the effects of gender diversity in groups on creative performance, and no clear effect has been identified. Findings depend on situational cues making gender diversity more or less salient in groups. A large-scale study on two cohorts (N = 2,261) was conducted among business students to examine the impact of the gender diversity in small groups on divergent thinking in an idea-generation task performed by synchronous electronic brainstorming. Participants were automatically randomized in three- or four-member groups to generate ideas during 10 min on a gendered or neutral task. Then, five categories of groups where the proportion of men/women in groups varied from three/four men to three/four women were compared to examine creative performance on three divergent thinking measures (fluency, flexibility, and originality). A Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Model (mGLMM) showed greater fluency in all-women groups than in other groups (except mixed-gender groups composed of two men and two women), and more specifically “solo” groups composed of a single woman/man among a majority of men/women. For flexibility and originality, the superiority of all-women groups was found only in comparison to “solo” groups composed of a single woman. As gender differences are more salient in “solo” groups than in other groups faultlines may appear in groups, leading to a deleterious impact on creative performance

    Mécanismes transitoires d'instabilités par confusion de fréquence dans des systèmes fluides structures

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    PALAISEAU-Polytechnique (914772301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    On the pressure oscillations inside a deep cavity excited by a grazing airflow

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    International audienceAn experimental and theoretical study of the pressure oscillations generated by the flow over a deep cavity is presented. Such a configuration, which is akin to a Helmholtz resonator, arises in many applications, for instance when a window or the sunroof of an automobile remains open. The linear resonator model is fully validated by experiments. The linear stability characteristics of the free shear layer in the neck of the cavity are retrieved from neck wall pressure measurements. An efficient sound reduction scheme is proposed, which is based on the use of piezo-electric actuators placed upstream of the neck. These elements act as small discrete flaps which force the shear layer in the neck to oscillate at a frequency distinct from the cavity resonance frequency. A quasi complete attenuation of the peak pressure may then be achieved. The classical linear stability analysis of the free shear layer is successful in accounting for the experimental observations and it leads to the identification of the physical mechanism responsible for the efficiency of the sound reduction scheme. Moreover linear stability theory yields limitations to the efficiency of the technique in the form of an energy criterion involving the Strouhal number. (C) 2003 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved

    Fluttering flags: An experimental study of fluid forces

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    International audienceUnsteady fluid forces are measured at the onset of flutter and during the post-critical flutter of flags placed in a wind tunnel, focusing on the drag force and the moment around the flagpole. The evolution of these forces during flutter mode switches, induced by varying either the mass ratio or the wind velocity, is discussed by using additional highspeed imaging. For the highest wind velocities, losses of periodicity and snapping events are reported. Time-averaged and unsteady drag coefficients are reported and compared to previous works. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Chaotic Dynamics of Flags from Recurring Values of Flapping Moment

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    International audienceThe performance of recently proposed flag-based energy harvesters is strongly limited by the chaotic response of flags to strong winds. From an experimental point of view, the detection of flag chaotic dynamics were scarce, based on the flapping amplitude and the maximal Lya-punov exponent. In practice, tracking the flapping amplitude is difficult and flawed in the large oscillation limit. Also, computing the maximal Lyapunov exponent from time series of limited size requires strong assumptions on the attractor geometry, without getting insurance of their reliability. For bypassing these issues, (1) we use a time series which takes into account the whole dynamics of the flag, by using the flapping moment which integrates its displacements, and (2) we apply an algorithm of detection of chaos based on recurring values in time series

    Foliage motion under wind, from leaf flutter to branch buffeting

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    The wind-induced motion of the foliage in a tree is an important phenomenon both for biological issues (photosynthesis, pathogens development or herbivory) and for more subtle effects such as on wi-fi transmission or animal communication. Such foliage motion results from a combination of the motion of the branches that support the leaves, and of the motion of the leaves relative to the branches. Individual leaf dynamics relative to the branch, and branch dynamics have usually been studied separately. Here, in an experimental study on a whole tree in a large-scale wind tunnel, we present the first empirical evidence that foliage motion is actually dominated by individual leaf flutter at low wind velocities, and by branch turbulence buffeting responses at higher velocities. The transition between the two regimes is related to a weak dependence of leaf flutter on wind velocity, while branch turbulent buffeting is strongly dependent on it. Quantitative comparisons with existing engineering-based models of leaf and branch motion confirm the prevalence of these two mechanisms. Simultaneous measurements of the wind-induced drag on the tree and of the light interception by the foliage show the role of an additional mechanism, reconfiguration, whereby leaves bend and overlap, limiting individual leaf flutter. We then discuss the consequences of these findings on the role of wind-mediated phenomena